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[Rynmere] Development Thread

Hey guys! I put a bunch of notes on things. Please check your submissions to see your notes. Thank you!
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[Rynmere] Development Thread

Update to Alliance lore: The Alliance's previous leader, a priest called Gilwyn, was killed mysteriously in Ashan 717 in a fire. It is assumed by the Alliance that the fire was set as an attempt at sabotage by one of their members, and they have looked into several persons of interest on the matter. While they make a decision as to a new leader, rulership has fallen to several of their most trusted agents.


Name: Joan.
Alias(es): Enid (a false name), Hook (her Alliance "codename").
Created by: Hart.
Race: Human.
DOB: 12th Ashan 693.
Title: Vying for leader of the Alliance.
Profession: Prostitute (independent from the House of Roses; in Andaris).
Blessings/Curses: (Delete if not applicable)
Skills: Acting 30, Deception 30, Persuasion 30, Intelligence 10.

Other Information: Born the bastard daughter of a noble, Hook grew up not knowing either her father nor her mother. Raised an orphan by house slaves, Hook, then called Joan, was made to grow up quickly in a tough world. Like many orphans, she learned early on that despite a thirst for recognition, even a thirst for power, she was too small, poor, and unfortunate to find someone to teach her the things she wanted to know: in this case, to properly fight. Because of this Hook learned in her early years to charm and sweettalk to get what she wanted.

For a stint in her teens she worked in the Rynmere Theatre as a bit-part actress before she fell on hard times and had to turn to selling her body in order to pay for rent and food. Not an experienced prostitute, however, she was not accepted at the House of Roses, and because of this she found her new profession a very, very risky endeavor which ended up seeing her hurt by those who hired her more often than not. During this time her pain only served to further toughen her.

In early adulthood Hook's sweet words talked her into work as a waitress/entertainer at a modest noble gathering, where she met an older man who she persuaded into making a long-lasting contract. After meeting with the man several times, Hook realized he was connected to the nobleman she suspected to be her father; working her way through her client's circle of peers she eventually met and seduced her father in order to use his desire for her as blackmail.

Though they beat her bloody for her audacity, Hook turned up on the streets richer for her effort, as the man she claimed as her father agreed to pay her a seasonal sum to keep her mouth shut on the matter. However, in 710 the man was killed and Hook was once more left to her own money-making devices.

When the Alliance branched off from the ever-growing RCA, Hook was, as a off-and-on sex worker for the nobility and in acknowledgement of her skill in acting, deception, and persuasion, one of the first people recruited to the cause, though she herself was not religious. Many of her followers, though not as fanatically ardent as some, believe Hook to be one of the central members of the Alliance despite her seeming low standing; others believe she is even one of the founders. As of yet Hook hasn't seen fit to confirm this rumor... but neither has she flat-out denied it.


Name: Elikah.
Alias(es): Pierce (his Alliance "codename").
Created by: Hart.
Race: Mixed blood (mostly human, some aukari, some other).
DOB: 3rd Saun 685.
Title: Vying for leader of the Alliance.
Profession: Butcher (in Andaris).
Blessings/Curses: (Delete if not applicable)
Skills: Torture 50, Blades: Daggers 50.

Other Information: A man of moderate intelligence and great hatred, Pierce is a religious fanatic of Rynlism intent on becoming the Alliance's newest leader. Bloodthirsty, ruthless, and brutal, Pierce takes adverse pleasure in harming those who he sees as most deserving of punishment: the nobility and their allies. Not much is known about Pierce's life before he joined the Alliance, only that after the civil war and the attack of shadows he was introduced to the group through Gilwyn. Pierce has taken Gilwyn's death as a personal affront to both himself and the Alliance, despite using the man's martyrdom to further his own aims.

Despite his blunt manner of speaking, Pierce can be quite good at riling people up, able to easily tap into others' hatred and anger to inspire great and terrible acts in those who might not otherwise commit them. Perhaps through a combination of fear and reputation, he has won the favor of those members of the Alliance who most thirst not only for the nobles' downfall but also for their destruction. To his most fervent followers Pierce is considered the one chosen by Gilwyn and the Sacred Seven themselves to rid the kingdom of the class system and lead Rynmere to a nirvana of equality.

However, his naysayers doubt his ability to run a large organization successfully and find his unsubtle methods of attack a distinct disadvantage.


Name: Hana.
Alias(es): None.
Created by: Hart.
Race: Mixed blood (mostly human, some sev'ryn, some avriel).
DOB: 80th Vhalar 698.
Title: Auxiliary member.
Profession: Prostitute (call girl at the House of Roses; in Andaris).
Skills: Linguistics 55 (speaking Common (fluent), Draketh (fluent), Rakahi (conversational), Vauni (broken), Lorien (broken)), Seduction 30, Stealth 15.

Other Information: The disowned youngest daughter of a family of knights, Hana grew up immersed in languages of many types thanks to her mother's travel and study; because of this she eventually ended up studying linguistics in the Rynmere University in order to earn a Letter. Her closest brother, much older in age, taught her Draketh as she grew and learned, and continued to teach her even after she had been kicked from the family house for getting involved with "unsavory sorts" and prostitution.

A pleasant girl with a mind much sharper than people give her credit for, Hana is a devout follower of Rynlism, though as of yet not a fanatic. Interested in causing trouble for her family, especially her parents, and having been promised a high reward, she became an informant to the Alliance when she acquainted herself with Hook due to their common profession. As a prostitute Hana is privy to many of the secrets of the men and women who visit her, and as a worker at the House of Roses she is plugged into the brothel's social network which stretches throughout Andaris and beyond. Ever watchful, Hana's place in the Alliance is to seek out and gather relevant information of any type, especially related to matters of the military and the nobles' goings-ons.
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[Rynmere] Development Thread

I just realized I forgot to post this. This is Tristan's new residence. The description is based on what King Cassander told Tristan in this thread.

Oakleigh Estate is the residence of the newly appointed first Duke of Oakleigh, Tristan, a man of only twenty-two arcs who received his position due to saving the king’s life. It is not as grand as the palace of Tristan’s grandmother in Sabaissant where he grew up. It is far more modern, but it is beautiful all the same and almost as large. It is situated some distance away from the center of Oakleigh so that the vineyard of the Raglan family, the biggest vineyard in the area, is visible in the distance.

The walls are white and shimmer in the sunlight, and a lot of glass and metal have been used in the construction of the estate. There is a stable, and there is a garden with a fountain that is surrounded by high walls so that nobody can just enter it. Inside the house there is a distinct lack of old-fashioned paintings, dusty carpets and statues of people that died a long time ago and that nobody really cares about it. The decorations too are modern and, at least for the most part, tasteful which will likely come as a surprise to those that knew the duke before.

Okaleigh Estate contains the usual rooms one expects to find in a ducal residence. There are a couple of bedrooms, the largest of which belongs to the duke of course, bathrooms, a sitting room, a library, a dining room, a kitchen, quarters for the servants and even a ballroom. One special room has been reserved for the duke’s cat, Mistral, once the leader of an infamous cat gang in Andaris and now, perhaps, the ruler of all the cats in Rynmere – or a depressed hermit, depending on how you look at it. Of course there’s also a big wine cellar.
Credit: Tristan Venora

Picture: Chateau Margaux by Megan Cole, available under CC BY 2.0.
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[Rynmere] Development Thread

Burhan: Lapis Manor

Owned by Lord and Lady, Unn and Naoko Burhan this establishment is unique in its design. The walls are made of blue and black marble, etched with silver lines of maps Unn Burhan has copied and charted through the years. Unmatched in its intricacy the stairwell curved like the waves in the sea, a whirlpool of gold drifting down into the foyer, vibrantly decorated by the light emanating from the earth domed chandelier that shines in brilliant colours of blue and green in in the reflection of the floor. At each side of the entrance, there are drapes of white and gold that all bare the family crest. Beautiful and wonderfully ornate, there is no corner of the household that didn't hold some kind of hidden treasure and the place was littered with secrets doorways and fun contraptions.

Due to the random and inventive and creative nature of Unn Burhan, and Naoko's love for adventure and fine things, each room has a different theme each taken to one extreme after another. Both explorers and people of taste it can be sometimes quite easy to get lost in everything in the household to outsiders who don't know what is going on and occasionally difficult for the residents due to the general clutter.

General customs in the house hold are as bizarre as the house it self, Unn and Naoko don't always work to convention and enjoy living in a positive environment. Therefore, some of the holidays celebrated in the Burhan house (including the staff birthdays) are close occasions only involved immediately with one another and the house staff, the bonds of this family are strong and although everyone can become busy, these holidays are paramount to family time.

Random Celebrations of Culture:
Cylus 1 - Bonfire Night - A day of endless night where the family gather and roast chestnuts over a large bonfire lit in the mansion grounds. Together they tell stories of old, tell jokes and sings songs while wrapped in warm comfy blankets and drink to their good health.
Ashan 35 - Boat Racing - On Ashan 35 the family will go together to race boats on the lake, and the winner of the race gets to choose the venue of a large family gathering.
Ashan 113 - Art Famille - A family gathering fully focused on the arts and encourage creativity. Clearing one of the rooms, they get several squares of cloth and dye them with different designs. Working together to make pieces of a patchwork quilt to be given to a specific cause they decide on the day. If not patchwork, working on a mural or a painting together. The subject of art is often decided the day before.
Ymiden 18 - TYT (Tag Your It) - A day they celebrate each year where there is an obstacle race course with a series of trials that a pair has to overcome. Each member of the family and staff can pick one person to help them overcome these obstacles from among their family or friends. This event has often been used for match making and introducing girlfriends or other halves and is supposed to be a bit of fun. As a result of winning the event, the pair that wins receive a prize given to them by the Burhan family as a gathered collective. Anybody in the Burhan family is invited, this is not limited to immediate family.
Saun 23 - Water Trial - Water sports, swimming, waterfalls, the beach, the rivers, dive bombs and drinking. Whatever feels right. On this day they spend the evening wherever there is water; wining, dining, playing games and enjoying the water.
Vhalar 47 - Alcohol Testing - A night in doors, the Burhan family gather with a selection of different wines old an new (depending on whether they like them) and invite a few guests to join. Cheese is heavily involved in this occasion along with silly games that given the nature of the family can often end in a bizarre way.

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Race: Human
Age: 63
Title: Head Butler
Skills: Etiquette (80), Deception (40), Writing (27), Politics (63), Discipline (30), Leadership (57), Intelligence (71), Care-giving (55)

A man that has served the Burhan for many years, Alfred is a trusted friend to Naoko and Unn Burhan and has always been treated fairly as their counsel in difficult times. He a meticulous individual with a love for his job, and the family. During the early years of the children's live he was often the one to sit them when their parents were away and has become almost a grandfather figure, albeit still being a butler. Alfred has very old Victorian values and is pleasant to everyone on a face value. It is only behind closed doors and to people he cares greatly for that he will submit to handing over the truth.


Race: Biqaj
Age: 37
Title: Head Maid
Skills: Etiquette (60), Care-giving (53), Linguistics (43), Cooking (35), Leadership(67), Medicine (46), Pick Pocketing (23), Blades: Daggers (31), Seduction (51), Sewing (26)

Graceful in her demeanor and dangerous in her authority, Leia acts as bad cop when things start going wrong. She is stern and point with her instructions, although not unfair and rewards those who deserve it. Leia has only worked in the mansion for a short time, but she has quickly adjusted to the calm and generally serene atmosphere the mansions provides. Under pressure Leia goes into crack down mode where she becomes very serious, however when everything is calm and the house isn't running around there is a very soft and nurturing side to blonde.


Race: Human
Age: 26
Title: The Care-Taker
Skills: Strength (32), Gardening (51), Agriculture (43), Animal Handling (25), Construction (49), Endurance (27), Seduction (15), Acrobatics (29)

One of the younger of the staff, Jacob spends a lot of his time around the gardens tending to the several flowerbeds around the grounds and mending any pipes that go awry or get blocked. His job isn't always the cleanest, but he's ever the optimist. New to the employ, Jacob has been working in the grounds for just over three arcs. Ever the joker, he tries to bring light to conversations and enjoys the talks he has with Unn Burhan and sometimes like to stir a bit of trouble up with their children to make life interesting. Albeit, nothing that he could get fired for. Behind the facade Jacob is a responsible man that helps look after his poor mother and younger siblings. This is very private information however that very few of the family know about.


Race: Human
Age: 53
Title: Head Chef
Skills: Cooking (76), Psychology (47), Baking (53), Singing (34), Intelligence (41), Socialization (30)

Cheerful, friendly and known for her steak and cheese pie, Tori is the cook of the house. She is a lively lady with a warm heart and a lot of love to go around. Having served the Burhan family for almost a decade, she is a well trusted friend of the family whom they try to look out for. With a gentler temperament than many of the other household staff, Tori is the easiest to talk to and is a keeper of many secrets. Whether they be of the other staff, or a member of the Burhan family. Occasionally Tori can be a bit clumsy, this however is often made up for with her love and passion for food.


Race: Sev'ryn
Age: 29
Title: Stable Keeper
Skills: Animal Handling (57), Agriculture (41), Storytelling (30), Socialization (35), Dancing (21), Mount (43), Whips (20), Field-Craft (24), Medicine (31), Music: Bongos (34)

Closer to animals sometimes than humans, Yula is a bright, optimistic young woman with a warm heart and a great way with animals. She is a dreamer, a party woman and loves to enjoy life. Although she only joined the Burhan estate in the last two arcs, she has proven herself to be a useful member of the team and is well liked among the other household staff. Yula brings a lot of joy to the household and some nights, will gather everyone together - the household even decided to have an annual bonfire night in Zi'da to brighten up the cold winter.
Credit: Lorena Burhan
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[Rynmere] Development Thread

All recent submissions (starting from Hart) are approved! Thanks for your contributions. Please feel free to post these as threads if you so wish, Tristan and Lorena.
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[Rynmere] Development Thread

Westcliff: Fort Warrick
Standing at the foot of the Burning Mountains, Fort Warrick (or Westcliff to the natives) is a small city and the capital holding of House Warrick. Unlike many other Duchies whose capitals act as economic and industrial centers, Westcliff has historically operated as the administrative and military capital of the region, hosting the Faith of Rynlism, the Courts, and a chapter of Warrick's Skyriders within the city. Outside of the city, Westcliff is surrounded by kilometers of farmland, with a thick tall-standing wall protecting its surrounding flanks, several Skyrider fortresses between Westcliff and the outer wall surrounding the city and its settlements.

As one might expect from its unusual placement and surrounding architecture, as well as its Skyrider fortifications, Fort Warrick was built to withstand long sieges without being starved out. The farmland between the wall and the capital hosts enough to food the population of Westcliff and all of its surrounding towns, whilst the Jacadons and Volareons of the Skyriders operate effectively in disposing of any who would lay a durable siege against the surrounding fortifications. For this reason, it is considered Rynmere's impenetrable city, and has few rivals throughout Idalos in pure defensive capability.

House Warrick, especially its primary inheriting line, typically lives in Westcliff in the ducal palace of the city. Known for being modest comparably to the surrounding Houses, the ducal family will often tow the fields and engage in military training exercises with the Skyrider bases surrounding the city. Relations between nobles and commoners in this sub-sect of the Duchy are known to be immensely positive, with all three economic classes cooperating to make for a prosperous and well-fed region.

Within the burning mountains, there is a large mining operation run by a satellite town of Westcliff, where a great deal of ore is processed and smelted into bars. The surrounding towns are renowned for their extensive and skillful weapon production. Keeping in mind their fortifications, weapons production and Skyrider chapters with illustrious military academies within, the region around Fort Warrick is renowned as Rynmere's great military capital.

As a recent venture, they have begun to conceptualize a large military university to extend the effectiveness of their soldiers and those of the Kingdom in entirety, subsidized by attendants and the ducal budget.

Credit: Alistair
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[Rynmere] Development Thread

Fort Tretogar


Fort Tretogar, located along a mountain to the east of Westcliff, is the largest Skyrider hub in Rynmere, hosting several thousand Skyriders at any given time, the far majority of them comprised of Warrick's airborne specialists. The Fort, known to be difficult to scale without flight capabilities, is a massive institution with one of Northern Idalos' greatest academies for mounted combat and ranged weapon wielding.

Considered to be the Gate to Warrick by some, Tretogar is located near the southern coastline of Warrick and acts as an impassible fortification if the region were ever to be invaded by foreign powers, with Jacadons and Volareons capable of springing from the fort's 'aeries' or 'nests' to demolish ships and landing armies.

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Kieran Warrick


Race: Human
Age: 58
Title: General of the Xiur Skyriders, Commander of Fort Tretogar
Skills: Ranged Combat: 90, Animal Training: 80, Animal Husbandry: 80, Mount: 55, Tactics: 50, Leadership: 50, Animal Endurance: 30, Running: 20

Kieran Warrick, youngest sibling of Duke Alston of House Warrick, is renowned as one of the greatest military generals in Rynmere. Considered to be the de facto leader of Warrick's Skyriders, the man leads Fort Tretogar effectively and has maintained incredibly high militant standards since coming into his position. For this reason, Warrick's Skyriders have prospered for tens of arcs, and continue to do so.

Serving as the military leader of House Warrick in general, Kieran operates effectively for the interests of his House, whilst remaining mostly outside of the political sphere. He is respected and admired by nearly all within the region, including by his competitors.

In terms of his personality, the man is firm and stern, and not one for a great deal of words or rhetoric. He is frank, blunt and honest, and will very clearly express disapproval or disappointment in any given individual. He is known for being a great friend of Komodo Enthor, the Lord Commander of the Iron Hand, and an avid supporter of military veterans and the military traditions of Rynmere.

Credit: Alistair
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[Rynmere] Development Thread

An additional NPC to be added to the Rynmere Gazette roster, for printmaking purposes, of course.
Name: Basilius Moad
Created by: Caius Gawyne
Race: Human
DOB: Ymiden 76, 665 (52 years old)
Title: Master Printer of the Rynmere Gazette
Blessings/Curses: N/A
Skills: Printmaking: 50, Smithing (metal type) 25, Bookbinding 25
Other Information: Basil, or Basil or Baz, is a cranky old pressman. He's been printing and maintaining the presses for the Rynmere Gazette since he himself was an apprentice well over 30 arcs ago. He runs a tight print room, is very selective about who he chooses to take on as an apprentice (often University art students), and is able to churn out new editions of the Gazette with blinding speed over night, just in time for morning delivery in the wee breaks before dawn. He drinks a lot of coffee and alcohol, smokes, and curses. He's not afraid to make slurs and derogatory remarks, but underneath the greasy, ink-crusted old shell is a proud man who encourages aspiring craftsmen in his own special way.
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[Rynmere] Development Thread

Names: Euphoria (Euphie, Efer, Blue Blunt, Sparkle Smoke)

Frequency: Common, for a drug!

Appearance: The plant itself is rather innocuous looking, green fern like leaves that have a hint of blue. When dried it turns a rusty brown. New to Ne'haer since Crux's rise to power, Euphoria is a sort of smoked plant that causes spark-like sensations on the tongue of any who smoke it. It produces a rapturous high, with elevated levels of happiness and energy. This leaf is rolled tightly into a piece of robin blue paper, and lit to be smoked like a regular cigarette. When burned swirling pink-and-blue smoke rises from it, with sparkling blinks here and there as the plant burns.

Toxicity & Hazards: Produces a rapturous high, with elevated levels of happiness and energy. Come down is gentle. Great beginners drug.

Properties: Euphoria plant itself is relatively easy to cultivate, appearing across all of Idalos as a mere weed for those not in the know

Other Information: When smoked effects last 3 breaks. Can be used in cooking, effects lasting 6-10 breaks and giving a more ‘bodily’ high.

Cost 50GN for a plant, 25GN for three ready to smoke cigarettes or for a quarter ounce bag loose leaf.

Credit: Lucy van Dahl
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[Rynmere] Development Thread

All of these are approved.

Darcy, wonderful writeup. You just write up the descriptions for all my drugs.
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