An Athart adventure, anyone?

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An Athart adventure, anyone?

Hello, hello!

I would like to extend a standing invitation for anyone that would drop by the birbtown. As of now, Ari is the only active PC there. While I won’t be running out of ideas for solo threads anytime soon, I would also like to eventually try my hand at collaborative writing.

I am aware that visiting Athart would mean missing many other interaction opportunities for your character, as I can only offer the lil’ Ari to interact with. Therefore, I would like this topic to serve as a show of hands - please drop a post if you consider visiting Athart at some point. If there is any interest, we can then come up with a time window that would maximize the number of characters present at the same time.

As for Ari, I am currently trying to get a Dominion/Guardrel thing going. However, I am up for pretty much anything. Whatever your occupation may be, there is probably a place for it in Athart. Military aspects aside, Athart is a trading hub, with all the associated services and industry: protection, tutoring, entertainment, etc. The trade itself can be of any moral or legal color - from slave traders, the usual merchants and craftsmen, to smugglers slinging contraband or simply avoiding taxes.

So, would anyone be interested?
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An Athart adventure, anyone?

As Athart's mod, I feel compelled to add...

The avriel have only a bare minimum of personnel there right now, due to the honoring of their treaty with Nashaki.
As a result, there is a greater possibility of "getting away with stuff" there right now.
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An Athart adventure, anyone?

I think that city needs more transportation options to get to it. Anyone from one of the active cities will have to miss an entire season of play just to play with you.

Saun is 40 trials long

To get from Rharne to Athart it takes 46 trials, from Andaris its 62, from Etzos it takes 82 trials, from Scalvoris it's 106 trials. If someone wanted to play with you they would have to give up playing for a season or more and I don't think anyone is gonna do that.

I would work with your local storyteller to set up some cool means of travel that shortens the travel time by a lot.
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An Athart adventure, anyone?



I also mod the Orm'del Sea, which means I can provide you a horrible dea...uhh....let me rephrase that.

I can provide you an exciting trip there on a ship of doomed sou...

You will have fun getting there.
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An Athart adventure, anyone?

Maltruism wrote:Ahhh...


I also mod the Orm'del Sea, which means I can provide you a horrible dea...uhh....let me rephrase that.

I can provide you an exciting trip there on a ship of doomed sou...

You will have fun getting there.
I'm sorry. This is awesome.

Also, yeah ... if I could get there, I would visit. But, from Scalvoris? See you next year! :)
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An Athart adventure, anyone?

I would offer since I could get there much faster than the average traveler (legendary flight and all) , but I don't think I'd necessarily be welcome. Pretty sure I'd be killed the moment I stepped foot near the place, so unfortunately I won't be visiting until I can save up enough points in my point bank for a change stone (it's the Rynmere problem all over again!).

If you ever stop by Etzos though, hit me up. I'm sure the interaction won't end badly :mrgreen:
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An Athart adventure, anyone?

I must admit that I didn't consider the travel times at all, just the time spent in Athart - my noob mistake :) . Thank you, Niv, for bringing it to my attention. The travel time really makes it unfeasible for most. Though, the scenic route via the Orm'del Sea proposed by Maltruism sounds very pleasant and safe indeed :D

Well, there is no rush at all. The show of hands was intended as a very long-term poll: Vhalar, Zi’da, next arc Ashan, or possibly even later. I completely agree that the travel isn’t worth it to meet just one PC. That’s why I proposed getting more people that might have already been interested in visiting Athart to coordinate here and visit it at the same time, so that they can interact with each other instead of just the environment and Ari. The additional interaction possibilities might partially justify the lost time.

I will bump this thread seasonally. Perhaps one day, the needed critical mass of interested players will be reached.
Pash Vy'Ryn wrote:... See you next year! :)
I will take that as a promise :P
Nightshade Eld wrote:I would offer since I could get there much faster than the average traveler (legendary flight and all) , but I don't think I'd necessarily be welcome. Pretty sure I'd be killed the moment I stepped foot near the place, so unfortunately I won't be visiting until I can save up enough points in my point bank for a change stone (it's the Rynmere problem all over again!).

If you ever stop by Etzos though, hit me up. I'm sure the interaction won't end badly :mrgreen:
Yeah, an Avriel in Etzos, what could possibly go wrong? I imagine Ari would meet one blade too many (and possibly a scimitar one, eh? ;) ) Anyway, I am definitely filing this offer for future consideration, it might get interesting... As for now, I will keep Ari in Athart, as a part of the whole failed-artist-in-uniform spiel. Unless there are any unexpected changes, it’s either Athart for Ari, or any place he gets deployed to by the Dominion command (subject to the whims of Maltruism the Merciful :P ). I am imagining a little Nashaki trip in Vhalar or so, but that's beyond the scope of this thread...

I would like to thank everyone here for the insight and offers. Much appreciated!
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An Athart adventure, anyone?

An avriel in Etzos is not as big a deal as a half-avriel in Athart. :evil:
Night's legendary flying and sword skill would be what would allow her life to last in terms of hours, as opposed to minutes.

But all bluster's really only these short seasons that would make an entire season be lost to travel.
Most of the time, one could keep their threads for a season kept to the first half, and then pop up next season in a new city, having sacrificed the second half to an assumed voyage.

Depending on the destination, this would allow quite a good deal of distance to be covered.

For myself, I enjoy travel threads in the deadly wilds of Idalos, land or sea. NPCs come and go with great convenience in the wild. Create an entire caravan and have yourself be the only survivor. Bandits, Monsters, renegade mages, natural disasters, UNnatural disasters...
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An Athart adventure, anyone?

At the moment Niv doesn't have any reason to be there and would likely be made into a spy/slave against her will if she did go. I might still send her there in the future however, provided that Niv is a little stronger.

Also sorry didn't mean to say it was never gonna happen cause people would always miss out on a season because of travel times. I just wanted to explain why you might not be getting a lot of offers. I hope you do get some people to join you in your city soon.
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An Athart adventure, anyone?

Niv wrote:At the moment Niv doesn't have any reason to be there and would likely be made into a spy/slave against her will if she did go. I might still send her there in the future however, provided that Niv is a little stronger.

Also sorry didn't mean to say it was never gonna happen cause people would always miss out on a season because of travel times. I just wanted to explain why you might not be getting a lot of offers. I hope you do get some people to join you in your city soon.
Thank you for the info and no worries, I knew what I was signing up for when I decided to start alone in the city... but I like the setting a lot :P

There is really no rush, I was just assessing interest. I will bump this topic again next season, we shall see how it goes then. :)
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