• Closed • The Curse of Freedom (Faith, Tristan)

Rafael goes looking for Faith and meets her new master.

8th of Saun 716

The capital city of the of Rynmere, here is seated the only King in Idalos.
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Faith Augustin Champion
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The Curse of Freedom (Faith, Tristan)

Faith's not for sale, Master told him and then changed that to Faith's not for sale unless Lord Warrick paid him a hundred thousand nels and a castle. She sat with her hands folded in her lap, not speaking nor looking at the two noble men who were discussing her ownership. When Master asked her if she agreed that she was worth at least that much, she lifted her head and looked at him with a small smile. "My worth is determined by those who would purchase or sell me, Master. I am not qualified to judge." It was a bit of a stupid idea, she supposed, the idea that a slave might know their own worth. Like a table or a plate doing the same. Still, he had asked her a question and so, she had answered it.

However, Lord Warrick was quick to be clear that he had no interest in owning her. Master assured him that she was fine and Lord Warrick seemed to agree. That must mean, Faith thought with a carefully neutral expression, that she was fine. It was good of them both to be so sure, all things considered. Especially considering the bloody great brand on her shoulder of the Venora rose which had been burnt into her skin literally two trials before, which still felt like it was burning, it was good to know that she was fine. It was not what they meant, she knew, and even the thought itself was inappropriate. So, she pushed it down, lowering her gaze to her hands, clasped together in her lap still and it was there, into them, that she put the emotions and inappropriate thoughts about the way that free folks behaved.

Lord Warrick spoke of the noble lord, Peake Andaris and Faith stored the information away, not speaking and not moving until both Master and Lord Warrick seemed to have almost finished their drinks at which point, whilst they were looking elsewhere, she set about refilling them. As always she did her best to be unseen and unheard by them. Whatever this strange meeting was with Lord Warrick, Faith did not entirely understand it and, when he had gone, she would ask Master what she should do if someone hugged her.

They continued to speak, of what it was that Lord Warrick might be in one of Master's plays. At least she now understood what they were, she thought, thanks to the conversation they were having just before the knock on the door. Lord Warrick had best be careful what he wished for, the young slave considered, he might just end up with a role to end all roles. However, she said nothing and merely stood, out of the way and ready to move as needed or commanded.
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I'm so sorry! I loaded up the thread to link in my "nudge" pm to Tristan and it's my turn! So so sorry!
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            Life, Death and the In-Between .
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            Tristan Venora
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            The Curse of Freedom (Faith, Tristan)

            “Oh“, Tristan made and let out a deep sigh as Rafael informed him that he didn’t have a castle and only wanted to know how Faith was doing anyway, although he was in truth quite relieved to hear that. He wanted to say more, but it was just then that his guest finally turned to admire his masterful painting. “It is indeed very modern!” Tristan agreed and smiled brightly as if he hadn’t noticed Rafael’s confusion at all. “And what more, you can hang it upside down, and it will still look the same. It’s really versatile!”

            “As for my Peake sculpture”,
            he continued. “It is daring, but you will never get anywhere if you aren’t brave every once in a while!” He turned to Faith who hadn’t been saying much so far and asked her, “Can you get Peake and show him to Rafael? He seems to be quite interested in him.” Of course he had neglected to tell the young noble that the sculpture that he had made of the infamous tax collector was naked, apart from a cloak and a helmet. Rafael was definitely in for a surprise!

            As Rafael proceeded to talk about his work as a playwright, Tristan furrowed his brow for a moment. He hadn’t thought that the young man would be interested in the theatre. He looked him over appraisingly and finally nodded. “If I ever need somebody to play a prince, I’ll let you know. You look like you’d be a good fit for such a role. You look very noble. You can act though, right?” he asked, to make sure.

            He’d occasionally hired people because they were friends or rich and powerful, and nepotism was a lot of fun, but he realized that it would be a good idea to fill at least some of the parts with actors that actually knew how to do their job, otherwise people would quickly stop coming to watch his plays, and he’d have to look for a new way to earn money before too long.

            While he waited for Rafael to say something, he turned to Faith again. “You are very quiet”, he observed. “You know, you can say something as well, if you want and contribute to our conversation!”
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                      The Curse of Freedom (Faith, Tristan)



                      Loot: N/A
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                      Devotion: +1 Famula, Prayer

                      Points: 15


                      Etiquette: Offer your guests a chair
                      Politics: Don't tell your fellow nobles how little you know about politics
                      Psychology: You won't get anywhere without being brave every once in a while
                      Rafael Warrick: Son of Ned Warrick
                      Rafael Warrick: Faith's friend

                      Loot: N/A
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                      Devotion: N/A

                      Points: 15

                      Comments: If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please let me know.
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