The Ivorian Empire is a bubbling pot filled with different cultures. Because of its prime location, it is a regular stopping point on the way to other destinations across the Orm'del Ocean, and therefore attracts travellers from all over the world.
Yithiral feels the largest part of this, since all visitors must inevitably pass through its gates at some point. The most frequently used language is Common, which is considered the native tongue of the region. Rakahi is also a fairly common language given the large populations of Biqaj travellers adding to the current permanent population, and the slightly less-common Pailtic, which often is spoken as a second language, if any second language is spoken at all, by the general permanent population.
Ethelanum speaks Common in a vast majority of cases, seeing as it is considered one of the best languages to speak for trade. However, it is more common to find speakers of multiple languages here, since language can play a very important role in trade and bartering. Rakahi is spoken by a large population of Ethelanum, in order to get on the best side with Biqaj traders. Umaya is a very desirable tongue to learn, in order to get on the best trading deals with Qi'ora, though its use has waned with the recent conflicts in the area that prevent a good deal of trade.
Talonir speaks Common the most frequently, though there is a significant gap between those of the Old Blood and the remaining population, as the second most-used language is Ku'aric, spoken almost exclusively by the Old Blood. They have adopted the language almost entirely as their own in order to use it against others, writing all of their important information in it and speaking solely to one-another in Ku'aric. Besides these two languages, fair few other tongues can be found, apart from a small smattering of Haltunga in some groups.
Cathirus is a city filled with Common to its core, though the second most-frequent language is Yjik, which for some reason is the language that has been chosen to write all of the old texts relating to Ethelynda in. Nobody is quite sure why this is, but in order to read the old texts, it is slowly becoming a necessity to learn it, and so its use is becoming more frequent. Common is still used for everyday conversation however.
Lygurite Urates is the youngest of the Ivorian Empire Venerakis Clans; its formal acknowledgement marks the last known meeting between all Venerakis Clans on both sides of the great conflict. While its rise to fame and power can be pointed to a number of individuals, it is mostly attributed to the work of Patriam Ersalm during the Reformation, rising his name to that of the Crest Families.
Regularly touted as one of the stronger Ivorian Empire clans due to its heavy influence in the military over generations, the bloodlines of Chrysova Mirate have a rich tapestry of honours behind them.
The primary holders of Talonir and representing a majority of the group labelling themselves the Old Blood. While many Venerakis Clans claim to hold many secrets, Ranculos takes this to an absolute extreme.
One of the few Venerakis Clans with no official place of residence, Ancarth Tximite is an anomalous clan eschewing conventional laws and ideals. Its influence, while significantly reduced, is spread evenly across almost the entirety of the Ivorian Empire, including smaller towns, outposts, and other territories. Unlike other Venerakis Clans, it reportedly also has a good relationship with many of the Outer Clans. To what end they do this is unknown.