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The capital city of the of Rynmere, here is seated the only King in Idalos.
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Tristan Venora
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Tristan and the King

The Eastern Settlement? Tristan raised an eyebrow as he heard that and tried to remember what he knew about that part of the kingdom – which wasn’t much. It had a couple of really rich merchant families, a few more or less nice towns – and rebels. From what he knew the Qe’dreki had fled there after the rebellion had failed. He hoped that he wouldn’t have to deal with them. He had no idea what he should do if they came visiting!

It made sense that Cassander wanted to exert more control over Berwick, Oakleigh and Welles though, and what better way was there to do it than to put somebody he could trust there?

As the servant brought the map, he came closer so that he could take a better look and furrowed his brow. Berwick looked as if it would be difficult to travel to. He didn’t want to have to traverse a couple of mountain passes every time he wanted to travel somewhere, and flying was unfortunately out of the question since he didn’t own a dragon and probably never would. Oakleigh looked interesting, despite the mountains and the rocks. He remembered that he had once drunk wine that had come from there, and it hadn’t been too bad!

Welles on the other hand had beaches, it was the most densely populated of the three regions, and the people there would probably cause him the least trouble since they were closest to the kingdom. Besides, didn’t the Luther family come from there, and hadn’t one of Cassander’s parents been a Luther? He looked at the king for a moment, and then he turned back to the map. What should he pick? Beaches or wine?

He heard the king tell him that he didn’t have to choose right away, but he really wanted to!

Beaches or wine? He thought of the night he had spent with Ilaren. Ilaren was the Immortal of Alcohol. Perhaps she would visit him again if he had one of the biggest, if not the biggest vineyard in the entire area on his land. Besides, it looked as if Oakleigh had a lot of empty room. Maybe he could eventually have a castle built there. He’d always wanted to own a castle!

“I’ve made up my mind”, he informed the king and took a deep breath. “I’m most interested in Oakleigh. I’m familiar with some of the business ventures that the families that live there engage in, besides Oakleigh has a lot of room for development in my opinion.”

He realized that Cassander’s decision to make him a Duke would probably be pretty unpopular with some people, but perhaps the residents of Oakleigh would at least accept him once they realized that he knew more about alcohol (and drugs) than most other nobles in Rynmere and might be able to even teach them a few things.

“I see”, he murmured. Cassander’s thinly veiled directive to get married and produce heirs put a damper on his mood. He didn’t want to get married to some boring, stuck-up noble woman! He realized then that being Duke wasn’t fun all the time, but that you actually had to make a few sacrifices – unless he could somehow get Ilaren to marry him?

He wouldn’t mind marrying her! She was great in bed, she drank more alcohol than he did, and she could fight!

“I know”, he replied as Cassander told him that being Duke was nothing like holding the title of Lord. “I think I should move there though, at least for a while. I want to show my people that I care about them. A Duke that lives in a house in Andaris and only comes to visit every once in a while probably won’t leave a good impression. I assure you that I won’t shun my duties. You won’t regret your decision!”

he asked and raised his glass again because the situation seemed to call for it (you didn’t become Duke every trial!). “What do I do now, apart from thinking about who’ll become my Barons?” He briefly (very briefly!) considered elevating his favourite prostitutes because he would at least have something nice to look at in that case, but then he realized that he would probably lose his job and, maybe, his life if he did that. He needed somebody that would by loyal to him and actually knew something about politics if he didn’t want to become known as the worst Duke in the history of Rynmere.

He also couldn’t help but wonder who would get the other two thirds of the Eastern Settlement. Maybe he knew them?
word count: 801
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Tristan and the King

The King of Rynmere was still learning about Tristan, even as he took this gamble. He was pleasantly surprised to see how easily the new Duke rose to the challenge. Though minimal words and pointed looks, Cassander knew that the meaning of his words were not lost on his well-educated friend. It made life easier for him, when he didn't have to explain the obvious. He was keen to remain friends with his newly raised Duke… something that wouldn't be possible if they could not observe the hidden meanings behind politeness.

Oakleigh,” the King repeated, the corners of his lips turning up into a smile, “Region of wine, is it not? Perhaps Ilaren has had more of an influence over you that you initially suggested. In mere seasons, I will no doubt be filling my cellars with your wines, no doubt.” And just like that, the jovial atmosphere returned. He returned to his seat and downed the rest of his wine, signalling for more to be brought over.

Any further details about the specifics of Tristan’s new role would be provided in formal documentation following this meeting. after a few goblets of wine, Cassander was in no position to talk of formalities now. “Will you take the name, too? I cannot force you to, as the Venoran name is a powerful one and will help you to settle into our position. But, when you speak of ‘good impressions’, taking the name of your new Duchy would be… standard practice. It is why husbands will take the names of their wives, if marrying into the line of Dukes and Duchesses.

When Tristan asked if there was anything in particular that needed to be accomplished, the King shook his head, “No, no… not immediately. I would suggest you give yourself a good few trials to set your affairs in order here. Perhaps until the end of the season? There is a house for you in Oakleigh. It is not grand like the abode you visit your grandmother in. Far more modern, but beautiful, and just as large. There is nothing for you to prepare there. The stewards and servants will prepare appropriately, as per requests you forward to them.

I would suggest, if you need true advice, family would be a good start; it is something I wish I had had the option of, when I first became King.” Cassander stood, and clapped his hand against his thigh. Instantly, Harley was at heel beside him, tongue out and tail wagging furiously. She was energetic, but maybe there was hope yet. “It is not unheard of for a Lord from a junior line to rise rapidly, but it is exceedingly rare. People will be watching you. They will be waiting for you to fail. Just as they are watching and waiting for me to do the same.

Cassander, with the puppy at his side, stepped closer to shake Tristan's hand. If the man accepted the offer, he would also clap the man on the back - slightly more personal. Then he turned away, towards a door which would lead him through the castle to his private quarters. As he went, he said over his shoulder, “We’ll prove them wrong together.
word count: 542
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Tristan and the King

Tristan Venora

Awarded Points

Story: 5/5
Collaboration: 5/5
Structure: 5/5
These points can/cannot be spent in magic

Awarded Knowledge

Burhan: Makes Good Cheese
Cassander: Expects Me to Marry
Cassander’s Pet: “Harley”
Location: Berwick
Location: Eastern Settlement
Location: Oakleigh
Location: Welles
Oakleigh: Creates Wine
Rharne: Has Good Wine
Self: Duke of Oakleigh

Awarded Extras

Loot & Losses Injuries
+1 Duchy! None
Fame Devotion
Rising to Duke: +30 None


This was a really fun thread! It was more than just a social, but at the same time I love the dialogue most of all! Loved how easy it was to write with you!
I wish you the best of luck with your new responsibility! Don't let me down, buddy!! <3

If you have any questions, comments or criticism about your review, feel free to send me a PM and we can discuss it.
Thank ye.
word count: 150
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