71st of Ashan, Arc 707
It was cold. The sort of drenching, seeping could that found its way past any barrier that one set up against it. It crept through any crack or gap in the walls, filling a room slowly yet persistantly until it became like a cloud or fog that hung in the air and covered those that sat exposed within it. It made Felicia shiver and clutch at the thin blanket around her shoulders, pulling it tighter as she huddled against a far corner of the cellar as far from the door to the outside as she could possibly get. Yet still it reached her, sucking the warmth from her body with fridged fingers of frost and drew out her breath in a fine white mist that disipated slowly before her eyes.
Victor wasn't happy with her again, though that wasn't uncommon. He was rarely happy at all let alone with his charges. Felicia never could understand the man's intent in keeping her and Robin. He was neither exceptionally cruel nor very kind to them, but he did provide them with food and shelter and taught them things. That was odd too, but Felicia did not think about it too deeply. She had broken the rules and gone out out on her own without his permission. Her punishment? A night in the cellar without food or fire. It was a harsh punishment even if the weather was warming up.
Grimacing Felicia adjusted her position, her muscels cramping from the cold and too long staying in one spot. Her eyes danced around the mostly dark enclosure. It wasn't very big, perhaps a little more than 14 square feet though the walls were not all the same length and the floor was more dirt than stone, uneven and filled with holes that she herself had dug on more than one occassion. It was the place where Felicia had first been initiated into Necromancy 2 years before. She still remembered the feeling that had quickened her pulse. The bitter taste of bile and fear on her tongue was all that remained of that night before the darkness took her. Then it was over, the husk Victor had left in the Cellar with her had become her's and her initiation into Necromancy was over. Felicia did not really like the Cellar for that very reason.
A thin sliver of light came through a crack in the Cellar door that lead up and out of the darkness. It cast a thin, wavering line of silver on the dirty floor. A faint scratching sound came from that area, and a brief flash of fur told Felicity that a rat had somehow found its way into the place and was scowering in vain for a scrap of food to saitiate its hunger. Absently Felicia watched it scuttle then stop, digging for a few bits before continuing its efforts to find a crum of food in this barren dungeon.
It was cold. The sort of drenching, seeping could that found its way past any barrier that one set up against it. It crept through any crack or gap in the walls, filling a room slowly yet persistantly until it became like a cloud or fog that hung in the air and covered those that sat exposed within it. It made Felicia shiver and clutch at the thin blanket around her shoulders, pulling it tighter as she huddled against a far corner of the cellar as far from the door to the outside as she could possibly get. Yet still it reached her, sucking the warmth from her body with fridged fingers of frost and drew out her breath in a fine white mist that disipated slowly before her eyes.
Victor wasn't happy with her again, though that wasn't uncommon. He was rarely happy at all let alone with his charges. Felicia never could understand the man's intent in keeping her and Robin. He was neither exceptionally cruel nor very kind to them, but he did provide them with food and shelter and taught them things. That was odd too, but Felicia did not think about it too deeply. She had broken the rules and gone out out on her own without his permission. Her punishment? A night in the cellar without food or fire. It was a harsh punishment even if the weather was warming up.
Grimacing Felicia adjusted her position, her muscels cramping from the cold and too long staying in one spot. Her eyes danced around the mostly dark enclosure. It wasn't very big, perhaps a little more than 14 square feet though the walls were not all the same length and the floor was more dirt than stone, uneven and filled with holes that she herself had dug on more than one occassion. It was the place where Felicia had first been initiated into Necromancy 2 years before. She still remembered the feeling that had quickened her pulse. The bitter taste of bile and fear on her tongue was all that remained of that night before the darkness took her. Then it was over, the husk Victor had left in the Cellar with her had become her's and her initiation into Necromancy was over. Felicia did not really like the Cellar for that very reason.
A thin sliver of light came through a crack in the Cellar door that lead up and out of the darkness. It cast a thin, wavering line of silver on the dirty floor. A faint scratching sound came from that area, and a brief flash of fur told Felicity that a rat had somehow found its way into the place and was scowering in vain for a scrap of food to saitiate its hunger. Absently Felicia watched it scuttle then stop, digging for a few bits before continuing its efforts to find a crum of food in this barren dungeon.