"Speaking in Rakahi"
"Speaking in Common"
Heya. I would like to reach out and see if anyone wants to get up to any shenanigans with the RCA in Rynmere, specifically a radical offshoot of the group simply called the Alliance. The Alliance is like the RCA only angrier, less patient, and more prone to violence. They're intent on removing the people in power (ie the nobility) through any means necessary, including murder and other unsavory acts."Speaking in Common"
Hart, due to being half-Venora, has been targeted by the Alliance to become one of their members, and I was hoping to set up plots. Want to go after the king or any other specific noble, have a noble-run business you want to undermine or attack, want to destabilize the current political system, or just have some good ol' anarchy in mind? Please PM! Want your PC to be kidnapped, questioned, harassed, stalked, injured or frightened, framed for crimes they didn't commit, framed for crimes they did commit, blackmailed, or forced to enlist in the group? Or do have your own ideas about how the Alliance might further or deliciously hinder your PC's plots? PM me and we can set something up.
Hart himself is determined to act as a double-agent within the radical group in favor of the crown, and eventually wants the group disbanded and the members held accountable for their crimes. If this is something you're interested in feel free to contact me as well. The possibilities for choas (and danger) are endless. ^_^