Forever and Always (Memory, Leech)

Rey'na tells Morana a story

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Forever and Always (Memory, Leech)

23rd Vhalar, 703

"I mean it" Rey'na giggled, standing up from where she had been kneeling. Her father was out, so she could afford to make as much noise as she wanted. People rarely complained about it unless he was the one complaining. She raised her hands as high as she could.
"The monster was THIS big, and it was big and scary and had big teeth and everything. Then the hero slayed it with one swing!" she exclaimed, acting out the creatures death and sitting back down opposite her sister. She chuckled, her features filled with life and energy.

Catching her breath for a second, Rey then came over to her sister on all fours. She put her hand on her sisters chin, as she always would, and lifted her head so their eyes would meet. She gave a warm smile, her gaze welcoming her sister in. Rey'na loved Morana, more than anything. She gave Rey'na a purpose, when not even her own father would.
"That will be me one day" she said, matter of factly. "When big monsters come to hurt you I'll be there, and I'll take them out in one swing like the hero did, I promise. No matter how big or scary they are, I'll be scarier!"

Rey'na then hugged her sister, before sitting back down. "So if I'm gonna be a hero when I grow bigger, what are you gonna be? Because I think you should be...a princess!" she said, her eyes lighting up. She ignored the dull, dark room around them. After years of it, this was as homely to her as anywhere could be. So long as her father wasn't home, she felt safe.

"What do you think, Princess Morana?" Rey asked, grinning.

word count: 301

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