Guess Who's Back (back), Back Again ('gain)

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Duncan Oisin
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Guess Who's Back (back), Back Again ('gain)

So after a bit of a hiatus, I'm back to play! Duncan's got a pretty new face and some changes to his history and personality. He's primarily based in Andaris, though I'm not opposed to him travelling around Ryn, and actually I'm considering relocating him entirely, so if you have any cool ideas or suggestions elsewhere in Idalos, let me know!

Basically I'm looking for a whole heap of everything, as usual, so I'm gonna quote my old matcher!

If anyone has any plots or jobs that they need a (ex)mercenary in, let me know! Threads where Duncan can do his job, or even just extort/threaten/intimidate/beat up/fight people would be bomb.

Friends and Enemies
We all need 'em, especially with such hard time making their way down on Rynmere, some allies and enemies would be much appreciated!

Duncan would describe himself as an equal opportunist, which pretty much means he will bang almost anything (case in point; Eda). Ladies and gents, I present to you the not at all sleazy, and entirely lovable, emotionally constipated Duncan Oisin!

But seriously, if you're looking for anything between a romp in the sheets, to a full blown, slow burn complicated relationship, PM me and we can work something out!
word count: 222

"Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night,
and when you move fall like a thunderbolt"
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Kaladis Anar
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Guess Who's Back (back), Back Again ('gain)

If you want to run a thread or two down in Nashaki I am game.

Some ideas for you: Perhaps he could be hired by the council there, one of the secret societies in the plots, or Kaladis's Smith to escort ore.

For the smith - there are roaming undead about in the hotlands caused by Vri to protect against. The smiths name is Alinan. Kaladis is making regular ore runs into the hotlands for him.
For the council - I am about to have Kaladis meet with an associate of the council, and we could do a thread where we were sent after X. You the muscle, me the researcher.
For the societies - I am not sure how big the societies will be, if approved, so assume just a few people hired him for now if you pick that option, till i've heard word back on them - The neutral Qi'ora Makers or a more insidious group the Aurora. - Both are at each others throats, and it lets us play out a tense stand off or negotiation gone wrong etc, always a fun thread. It makes sense they would tell you, and me, as little about themselves as possible whether a group of 10 people or 500 people.
word count: 209
NPCs: Ralari - Alaya| Themes: Social - Dreams - Nightmares
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Daliane Andaris
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Guess Who's Back (back), Back Again ('gain)

He's not the only one that's back, I've been wanting to thread with Duncan for like ever! I would love to do a thread with him, maybe during a seasonal event?
word count: 34
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Guess Who's Back (back), Back Again ('gain)

I'm also interested!
word count: 4
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Duncan Oisin
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Guess Who's Back (back), Back Again ('gain)



Pumpkins in Viden now, PM me if you're interested in all the same junk as my first post!
word count: 21

"Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night,
and when you move fall like a thunderbolt"
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Guess Who's Back (back), Back Again ('gain)

Get. Your. Ass. In. Rharne. :P I kid of course, we do need to thread as well mate! So hit me up when you're in the neighborhood and we'll talk bittersweet nothings of our would be past loves.
word count: 39
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