Fairchild's Resort for the Mentally Ill

A Place to Get Help

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Fairchild's Resort for the Mentally Ill

Fairchild's Resort for the Mentally Ill

"At Fairchild's, we provide a safe and solitary experience to protect our patients from themselves or others, and treat them with care."
An old hostel purchased within Krome now outfitted with the best in equipment used to help the mentally ill, Vera Fairchild's Resort for the Mentally Ill, or Fairchild's as the locals call it, is used to rehabilitate those with mental illnesses related to various traumas, brain injuries, or birth defects. Her expertise and the calm, safe environment provides a place for these poor, sick individuals to get the help they need.

The entrance is marked by a door, a large slab of granite chiseled to bear the name of this facility just above. The eerie, gothic tone of the place gives way to a cool, candle-lit office with tapestries draping from the walls to make it feel secure. The reception doubles as a visitation center, with a set of iron bars blocking the small office, a waiting area of comfy armchairs and a couch just before.

Would one be committed or find themselves employed, only then would they be permitted to see the rest of this facility beyond the holding cell bordering the office. Padded cells with locked doors line a set of long hallways, a kitchen and dining room at the end of one, and after a turning the corner a medical room could be found at the opposite end of the building. A pair of burly orderlies, labor slaves, jingle the keys to these places as they manage the day-to-day functions as outlined by Vera, funneling patients in straitjackets from room to room, one at a time, making sure each patient is fed and cared for properly.

Fairchild's Resort owes its existence to the fear of the public. The fear that these often criminally insane individuals could exact their insanity upon them.


Rynmere offers stipends to doctors that take care of most medical expenses. You must fail an evaluation you yourself attend or be sentenced to a mental institution by a Rynmere authority to be committed.

Psychological Evaluation - Free
Residency - Free
Visitation - Free, If Patient Deemed Fit To Be Seen


PC Employees:
Vera Fairchild (Owner)
NPC Employees

Name: Edmund Valtrude
Created by: Vera
Race: Human
Age: 23
Born: Cylus 14th 693
Job: Orderly, Labor Slave
Skills: Strength 50, Unarmed Combat (Wrestling) 26

Other Information: The brains in a pair of scruffy twins, Vera bought him from a slaver. They were about to be sold separately, but she saw the value in their familial bond and elected to make them her first. Edmund toiled in mines and survived in a rough environment for much of his life alongside his brother Maro. He is loyal to Vera, fearing that he will be separated from his brother if he speaks out against his master's strange behavior.
Name: Maro Valtrude
Created by: Vera
Race: Human
Age: 23
Born: Cylus 14th 693
Job: Orderly, Labor Slave
Skills: Strength 50, Unarmed Combat (Wrestling) 26

Other Information: The brawn in a pair of scruffy twins, Vera bought him from a slaver. They were about to be sold separately, but she saw the value in their familial bond and elected to make them her first. Maro toiled in mines and survived in a rough environment for much of his life alongside his brother Edmund. He too is loyal to Vera for the same reason as his brother, aside from the fact that he's been a slave without issue for most of his life. He actually enjoys the more relaxed atmosphere of Fairchild's.


Business Starting Fee 500 GN
5250 Sq Ft Building Cost 2625 GN
Padded Cell Walls 260 GN
Reinforced, Locked, Padded Cell Doors x 26 650 GN
Single Bed x 26 650 GN
Single Fitted Sheet x26 13 GN
Light Blanket x26 13 GN
Leather Buckled Bed/Table Straps x28 140 GN
Strait Jacket x 8 56 GN
Mask x 8 9.6 GN
Game Table x2 20 GN
Small Padded Chair x24 168 GN
Large Table x4 200 GN
Large Shelves x8 160 GN
Armchair x3 45 GN
Ottoman 30 GN
Brick Oven 70 GN
Metal Brand 5 GN
Secretary Desk 8 GN
Bookshelf Small 10 GN
Syringes x 4 80 GN
Star Fire x 40 Doses 400 GN
Slave (Accomplished) x2 1000 GN
Ink Pen 1 GN
Blank Journal 5 GN
7500 GN[/b][/googlefont]

Floor Plan

word count: 752
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Prophet of Old
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Fairchild's Resort for the Mentally Ill

Hello. I like this submission quite a lot. However, I must ask - how does this business plan to make any money when the services are all considered free or likely to be free? I can't see this generating any income.

I know it says Rynmere stipends doctors, but it says their expenses, and even then only most. I think it would still need to include income. Sabaissmais is a medical business in Rynmere and it needs paid services to generate income.
word count: 82
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