In Character News Rynmere Gazette

This is an Out of Character forum for the players of Rynmere, Andris and all satellite villages In the kingdom, looking for further information about the area.
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Rynmere Gazette

Issue NO. 001Date 1 Ashan 716Editor Kingdom
Current Staff: Sabine & Andráska Venora
How the newspaper works: This thing isn’t going to write itself and as the staff in Rynmere can get very busy working on development, running moderated threads, plotting and scheming or just having their own fun, any contributions you can make are always greatly appreciated!

[columns=3]Topics that will be covered:

News: This can be anything from a law change, spikes in trading prices, PC or NPC promotions (knights and such), reported bandit sightings or attacks, and construction and development around the city. You can send in (PM to Kingdom) ideas for news stories or completed articles to be uploaded to the paper.

Current Issues: Things PC and NPCs believe are wrong with government, systems, cities, regions, world etc, etc.

Exclusive Interviews: Reporter’s interview with a PC or NPC, group, organisation, business, or faction.

Upcoming Events: Closely linked to Seasonal Calendar.

Personal and Business Ads and News: For PC and NPC run companies. Personal ads might also include singles looking for…

Job Vacancies: For PC and NPC run businesses.

Tournament Results: Think of this as the sports section, the outcome of jousting tournaments, sword fights, battles on sea, land, and in the air, or anything in between.

Gossip Column: These are rumours witnessed, heard, started by PCs (in which you must provide a link as to where your PC learnt about or saw this event take place) This can also be gossip an NPC might have witnessed your PC do or say. All gossip will be printed on the paper as submitted by ‘anonymous’ and is usually heavily focused on noble or royal families.

Births and Deaths: Recorded births and deaths of influential PC and NPCs including a short story about their lives, greatest achievements, or claims to fame.

Wanted: Here you will find updates to bounty information, the hunt, capture, escape, and release of wanted criminals, last known sightings, the outcome of prisoner trials through the courts, and sentences for dungeon or jail time.[/columns]

Code: Select all

[align=center][img]/gallery/image.php?album_id=2&image_id=1536[/img][/align][style=max-width: 700px; height: 800px; padding: 15px; margin: auto; margin-top: -830px; color: #3a2727;][googlefont=Oswald][style2=max-width: 650px; margin: auto; margin-top: +50px;][align=justify][font size=100][b]Issue NO.[/b] 001[indent=200][b]Date[/b] Ashan 716[indent=200][b]Editor[/b] Kingdom
[b]Current Staff[/b]: Sabine & Andráska Venora[indent=376][b]Cost[/b]: 1cn


[b]Current Issues[/b]: 

[b]Exclusive Interviews[/b]: 

[b]Upcoming Events[/b]: 

[b]Personal and Business Ads and News[/b]: 

[b]Job Vacancies[/b]: 

[b]Tournament Results[/b]: 

[b]Gossip Column[/b]: 

[b]Births and Deaths[/b]: 

[b]Wanted[/b]:[/columns][/font][/align][/style2][style2=margin-top: -100px; margin-left: 430px;][/style2][/googlefont][/style]
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Rynmere Gazette

Issue NO. 002Date Ashan 716Editor Kingdom
Current Staff: Sabine & Andráska Venora
[columns=3]News: “Doesn’t taste like donkey piss” - Local blacksmith recommends The Blacksmith Arms
By Sabine Qe’azour
1st of Ashan, 716

Yosef Sturgess claims the ale at The Blacksmith Arms is the only ale in Andaris that he will drink.
The ale “doesn’t taste like donkey piss,” says Sturgess. He adds that “it tastes better the more you drink.”
The Blacksmith Arms is one of the city’s oldest businesses. It is run by Rufus Hemlock and has been in his family for generations.
What is Hemlock’s secret to having the “best ale in Andaris”?
Sturgess suggests that it comes from both the tavern’s years of experience and its patrons. Travelers are known to frequent The Blacksmith Arms and share tales of their adventures.
A potent recipe, indeed.
Reader: We want to hear from you! Do you agree with Yosef Sturgess? Please write in with your views.
Current Issues: Talk of faction VII raising their ugly heads again after arcs of silence has raised alarm in the regions of Warrick and Krome where most of the crime seems to be taking place. A steward knight was killed north of The Capital earlier in the season on a routine patrol to the River Zor. Another attack took place recently on the road between Andaris and Venora. A spokesperson for the Moseke Knights warns locals to travel in well-armed groups, and if at all possible, stick to the roads. Report any strange sightings to the local authorities and take care outside of the walls.
Exclusive Interviews:
Mage, Beware!
By Sabine Qe’azour
86th of Ashan, 716

The Iron Hand is adopting a “zero tolerance” policy for illegal use of arcana.
Rynmere law states that all mages must purchase a permit and register their name with the city, or risk a significant fine. A source close to The Iron Hand warns, however, that at least two mages have been arrested and thrown in the Dungeon for using arcana without a permit.
Security forces are on high alert after the recent attack on Lord Quincy Andaris and the mysterious disappearance of a local merchant after the “Conduit of Ruin” painting was discovered at the Rynmere Gazette’s office.
Arcana permits cost 100 gold nel and can be purchased at the Courthouse or through the University.
Upcoming Events:
3 Ashan: The city celebrates Nora’s birthday, remembering the first Queen of Rynmere for her kind, warm nature and dedication to the realm.
20 Ashan: The First Hunt takes place in the region of Warrick with some of Rynmere’s best hunters traveling to the region for the event and apt prizes.
Personal and Business Ads and News: Stone, 400 sq ft one bedroom home with bathroom and fireplace in living space for rent. Located in midtown in a good neighbourhood, close to shops, schools, and marketplace. Price: two silver nel a trail, contact Captain Malcolm Krom of the Moseke Knights if interested.
Job Vacancies: Ray Blackthorn is looking for young blacksmiths to work for his growing business. Pays a fair wage and is happy to train people. Visit the local farrier to apply.
Tournament Results: Gladiator in the Making?
The famous Fighting Arena in Andaris, which boasts of some of the most reputable trainers in the city, may have something else to brag about. Recently, a fighter known as Devon Bloodbringer, has become undefeated, 3-0, and shows promise in bringing the king glory. Bloodbringer, a slave fighting for his right to freedom, shows no mercy to opponents and has become a fan favorite. His endurance and speed in battle has drawn in the attention of spectators, and continues to shake his challengers. Next fight can be viewed 105th of Ashan where he faces off with another, identity yet to be disclosed.
Gossip Column: A Noble Engagement!
Peake Andaris to be Wed
On the 15th of Ashan, a noble wedding was announced by the groom in question, Lord Peake Maxos Andaris. The engagement reveal took place at the noble family's very own venue, Andaris Gala and Winery, where the young lord took a stand and proclaimed his love and passion for a red headed beauty. The bride-to-be's name was kept private, but she is said to be a prominent business woman in the city, who will no doubt make the families proud.
The wedding date has yet to be announced, but Lord Peake Andaris proclaimed it to be happening within the next cycle, as family negotiations go under way. We at the Gazette wish only happiness and prosperity to the Andaris family during such a time of celebration and excitement and aim to bring you the most up to date information on the matter.
Births and Deaths: Simon Kruz, 687 to 716, devoted knight, cherished friend, and remembered with love.
Wanted: .[/columns]
word count: 819
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Rynmere Gazette

Issue NO. 003Date Ashan 716Editor Kingdom
Current Staff: Sabine & Andráska VenoraCost: 1cn

Exclusive: New details released about attack on Lord Quincy Andaris
By Sabine Qe’azour
75th of Ashan, 716

New details have been uncovered about the high-profile assault on Lord Quincy Andaris.
On the 71st of Ashan, the nobleman was attacked while walking home from a night out. The assailant left his Lordship bedridden, with severe bruising around his face, chest, and ribs.
Lord Quincy has now identified his attacker as a woman wearing dark clothing, and claims he was dragged unconscious across town to the Andaris Gala and Winery.
The woman’s identity is still unknown.
There is speculation that the attack was not random. The nobleman may have been targeted because of his powerful bloodline or, perhaps, because of his connection to Lord Peake Andaris. The eldest Andaris brother is said to have had moments of belligerence and surprising violence in the past, which may have attracted enemies.
Could Lord Peake’s reputation for debauchery be causing trouble for his family?
Anyone with more information about the assault is asked to contact The Iron Hand or reach out to the Rynmere Gazette directly.
Current Issues:
Lowtown Filth: Coming out of the rebirth season, the smell in Lowtown has been particularly foul lately and citizens are petitioning for something to be done about it. What are your thoughts? Write in and tell us about your experiences, does the city need a clean up, and if so, who should be expected to get the job done? I know this reporter doesn't want to pay for it.

Exclusive Interviews:
Upcoming Events:
A Noble Wedding: Announced on the 111th trial of Ashan is the engagement of nobles Veljorn Burhan and Lazuli Warrick. They are to be married this arc and House Warrick will be hosting a Jousting Tournament in honour of the engagement early in the season of Ymiden.
Rynmere Theatre: Set to open with a brand new play next season, the Theatre is all locals are talking about! With a great cast and an outstanding history in showbusiness, people are excited to see what's in store for Ymiden's line up. Tickets are already on sale and seats are selling fast!
Personal and Business Ads and News:
Job Vacancies:
Rynmere Gazette: There is room on staff for a friendly, outgoing individual who works well with others and has great organisation skills. We are looking for an in house reporter who isn't afraid to get their hands dirty, doesn't mind travel, and likes following the action to get us the scoop one local and regional events. Apply at our building in Andaris is interested.
The King's Guard: A notice for a new executioner has gone up in the city square this season with the King looking for one more executioner to complete the four man team. Those seeking to apply must have a clean record, be good with a blade, and keep their profession and identity secret. You will be expected to wear a hood and robes supplied by the King's Guard, but will have to purchase and supply your own boots. Contact any member of The Iron Hand on duty at one of the local offices for more details.
Tournament Results:

A Warrior's Death: Fights within the Arena have been heating up lately, with more and more locals willing to test their strength against some of the city’s best gladiators. Cut down to size, old Ser Wendell Conner wasn’t expecting to meet such an untimely end against the King’s newest champion, lasting all of three trills in the arena. We can only assume his wife is a lot better off, if his display today was anything to go by.
Gossip Column:
Marketplace Chatter: A peasant in Lowtown was squawking about a noble from House Krome referring to House Burhan as "Sjor". None of our team are quite sure what this might mean, probably just the rantings of an old man.
Births and Deaths:
Deaths: Ser Wendell Conner, may he rest in peace.
Wanted: A small group of Mer were reported to have attacked a merchant's ship off the shores of Rynmere. Sailors, fishermen, and merchants alike have been warned to take extra care in and around the water. Extra patrols will be working in the east and south to insure that boat traffic is not disturbed.
Shift Worker: The team at the Graveyard are looking for another caretaker to help them maintain the grounds. Contact the team at the Gazette for more details, or stop in at the Graveyard and ask to speak to James.[/columns]
word count: 782
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Rynmere Gazette

Issue NO. 004Date Ymiden 716Editor Kingdom
Current Staff: Sabine & Andráska VenoraCost: 1cn


Current Issues:

Exclusive Interviews:

Upcoming Events:
Warrick Region: 21 Ymiden, House Warrick hosts a Jousting Tournament inviting knights, nobles, and sportsmen from across the country to join in and enjoy their hospitality.

Entertainment: The Circus has moved on from Andaris to the region of Venora and will be open for business from Ymiden 53 for nine trials.

Personal and Business Ads and News:
Talented Tenants: Actors, musicians and singers wanted for a new play that will be performed at Rynmere Theatre. Professional experience is a bonus, but not an absolute necessity. Costumes will be provided, and you will of course be compensated for your time rehearsing for the play. If you are interested, please contact Lord Tristan Venora.

Job Vacancies:

Tournament Results:

Gossip Column:
Gojira Gorgona Godmounter: A prominent Rynmerian businesswoman and literal gold digger, has refused to do business with anyone from House Andaris. Sources say she is still upset about her humiliation at the hands of Lord Peake Andaris during Ashan 716.

War of the Warricks: Do not mess with Lady Vivian Warrick. She was seen knocking out a rowdy partygoer during Quincy Andaris’ eventful gala on the 64th of Ashan. Onlookers say she has quite the temper.

Lord Tristan Venora: Is rumoured to have a predilection for nude portraits and paid women. He was spotted at the House of Roses surrounded by amateur artwork, wine, and a gaggle of willing whores.

Lord Quincy Andaris: Was spotted with a mystery brunette at the Andaris Gala and Winery on the 90th of Ashan. Our source is unsure whether he has lowered his standards or if he is simply blinded by passion.

Desert Beware: The Iron Hand are reportedly looking for a member of House Burhan in connection with the disappearance of a deserter some years ago.

Noble Scandal: Is Malcolm Krome a murderer? The Baron and ex-Captain for the Moseke Knights was arrested at the end of Ashan for the alleged murder of his wife, Baroness Vanessa Krome. A source close to the couple claims that the pair had been experiencing marital problems for some time.

Births and Deaths:
Deaths: Knight Lord Commander Thomas Endor was slain in the final arena battle on Ymiden 13 this season. Sources say he fought well and was honourable to the end, rewarded by the fates with a true warrior’s death.

word count: 408
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Rynmere Gazette

Issue NO. 005Date Saun 716Editor Kingdom
Current Staff: Sabine & Andráska VenoraCost: 1cn

Current Issues:
Exclusive Interviews:
Upcoming Events:
Personal and Business Ads and News:
Job Vacancies: The Iron Hand is urgently recruiting loyal Andaris citizens to fight against the Burhan rebellion. No prior experience required. Visit the Barracks to sign-up and begin training with the Knights.

Tournament Results:
Gossip Column:
Lady Zvezdana Venora is said to be marrying Veljorn Burhan only to domineer her family, even going as far as uninviting her mother, father and older brother from the wedding. Rumors say Willow Venora, her mother, is highly upset about it and rampaged across the dining hall in response to her daughter's behavior, with her family attempting desperately to calm her down. Sabaissant, the Duchy Capital, is in tension in the aftermath of this familial disagreement.
The Baroness of Warrick, 'The Lion's Lamb', lucked out in love this season as rumours about a secret marriage between 'The Dragon King' and the 'The Rose of Venora', Lord Veljorn Burhan and Lady Zvezdana Venora, spread like wildfire. Experts are struggling to understand what the The Dragon King gains from this alliance, having forfeited the backing of one of the top Warring Houses in Rynmere for a pretty rose. A man so fickle in love surely cannot be trusted to rule the kingdom? Our team was unable to interview either party, but whispers from the west tell tale that House Burhan no longer has the backing of House Warrick.
Lady Elyna Burhan is rumoured to be with child out of wedlock to Marcus Krome, first of his name. A friend close to the source has confirmed that Marcus seeks to marry the young noble of Burhan before the season (Saun) is through.
Lord Alistair Venora, the heir to Venora, has been seen repeatedly traveling about with a questionably improper individual, clearly a commoner in appearance. Despite his attire evidently revealing that he is of low birth and thus beneath the future Duke, the nobleman has been said to "follow behind, listen and obey," and "merely respond" to his cues and commands. Some of the ladies of Venora have already begun to claim a crude romantic relationship between the two, though the Great House has claimed these rumors to be shameful, insulting and highly offensive.
Hooded Hoodlum A masked man was seen competing at the recent tournament in Warrick. Who is he? Where did he come from? Why does he hide his identity?
Arty Farty There is no shortage of eccentricity in the Venora family. Lord Tristan Venora was spotted in Warrick selling strange sculptures and proclaiming his competence as an artist. One particularly lewd sculpture allegedly resembled a nude Lord Peake Andaris, though these claims are unconfirmed.
It Girl A journalist at the Gazette was seen consorting with an unknown mercenary throughout Ymiden 716. Our only question for her is: business or pleasure?
Beach Basher House Venora is in the spotlight again after locals in Lamonte reported seeing one of the young heirs to the duchy drinking and partaking in substance abuse on the beach. He was reported to have later verbally assaulted a young woman before wandering down the beach in a drug induced state.

Births and Deaths:
Tiny Twins Congratulations to Captain Benjamin Beaujeu and his beautiful wife Belinda Beaujeu on the birth of their healthy twins Simon and Laura Beaujeu 27 Suan.

Wanted: The small group of Mer who attacked a merchant's ship off the shores of Rynmere during Ashan 716 are still at large. Extra patrols continue to work in the east and south to ensure that boat traffic is not disturbed.

Raynard Cook, a deserter, is wanted by the Iron Hand for questioning in the disappearance of a large number of weapons.

A criminal who goes by the name of Black Barbra is wanted for stealing cattle and livestock along the coasts. She sails a schooner with black sails and a flag depicting a three headed horse. She is said to run with a crew of three others, all males, which investigators have thus far been unable to name. Those interested will need access to a boat in order to take this bounty.[/columns]
word count: 704

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Rynmere Gazette

Issue NO. 006Date Vhalar 716Editor Kingdom
Current Staff: Sabine & Andráska VenoraCost: 1cn

Shocking Allegations on Waterstreet claim that some Qe'Dreki have willingly sold themselves into slavery at the Fighting Pits to avoid the dungeons and the Endor mines. Finn Craig is quietly advertising Qe'Dreki against Qe'Dreki fights every night: skilled warriors who were once brothers in arms pitted against each other in the ring. There's sure to be Qe'Dreki bloodshed, entertainment for all who despise the rebels and their failed war.

Current Issues: Dear Sirs,
As a matter of urgent priority I request that the Iron Hand investigates the presence of Jacadon in the city. On the 26th of Saun I was woken in the early hours of the morning. Imagine my horror at seeing a winged-serpent outside my bedroom window; roaming free! The creature set fire too, and completely obliterated a tree that had been growing for one hundred arcs. My grandfather planted that tree and nursed it from an acorn. I would like to know what is going to be done? Why are Jacadon being allowed to roam free, landing in our streets and damaging property? What will be next? Will they be stealing children from their beds, burning houses to the ground? What if the beast had trampled my vegetable patch? I demand action!

Upcoming Events:
King Cassander hosts an event open to the public where he reassures the citizens of Andaris of the security of his throne and of the city. All drinks are half price in the taverns.

"A Royal Tragedy", the new play by Tristan Venora, premieres at Rynmere Theatre. Rumour has it that King Cassander himself will attend the premiere.

King Cassander leaves the city to travel to Nashaki where he looks to set up stronger trade negotiations. Emerson Sands is left to run the kingdom in his stead.

Job Vacancies:
The Iron Hand are recruiting in all regions, seeking more squires, and airmen. All knights will be paid a bonus for every squire they take on and train this season.

Tournament Results:
Lest We Forget a moment of silence in place of spilled blood in the area today (13 Vhalar) in honour of all of the innocent and brave individuals killed in the civil war of Saun 716. Next season's tournament will run as normal.

Gossip Column:
Scandal in Venora It seems this noble family can't stay out of the papers with rumours circling that Lord Tristan Venora housed --rebel king slayer-- Elyna Burhan after she fled the royal negotiations in Saun on a stolen Jacadon. Some believe the pair have been seeing each other in secret and that Lord Venora is the father of Lady Burhan's bastard.

Baroness Lily Andaris is pleased to announce that her eldest daughter, Lady Odessa Andaris, is in search of a husband! Though she has been eligible to wed the past four arcs, the young artist has been resistant to courtship by those she deems of lowly social stature, therefore the Baroness is redoubling her search for eligible bachelors of significant rank.

Witnessed together quite often last season, Lord Alistair Venora's hired protection has now been identified as the not-so notable mercenary, Duncan Oisin. The two had been rumoured to be romantically involved, however it seems they have parted ways since the Venora-Andaris union, Oisin's contract with the Lord seemingly having come to an end.

Rumours around the Barracks tell that Skyrider Aeon was stripped of his title after a disagreement with authority in late Vhalar on a trek to the Burning Mountains. An eyewitness explains that Aeon was being 'stubborn,' and 'disrespectful' to his betters.

Births and Deaths:
Baby Burhan Congratulations to Elyna Burhan on the birth of her healthy, beautiful daughter Elsie Burhan. Lots of love from the team, Ben, Ron, Kath, Nat, and friends.

Qe'dreki Rebels The Iron Hand are hunting down any believed to be affiliated with the rebel faction. All sightings or run ins with Qe'dreki Rebels are to be reported immediately.[/columns]
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Rynmere Gazette

Issue NO. 007Date Zi'da 716Editor Kingdom
Current Staff: Sabine & Andráska VenoraCost: 1cn

After yet another season of unsuccesful courting attempts, Lady Lily Andaris has redoubled her efforts to find her daughter Lady Odessa Andaris a husband. Though quite attractive, the young woman is somewhat disagreeable in temperment, and therefore a persistent and determined bachelor is requested. Lady Andaris is quite confident that this attempt is to be succesful, as she has provided her daughter with an ultimatum; marry by Saun, or lose all rights to title and inheritence.

Current Issues:

Exclusive Interviews:

Upcoming Events:

Personal and Business Ads and News:

Job Vacancies:
Bakers Wanted for early morning shifts at the Bread Basket. Competitive wage, fair timetables, free bread for all employees.

Tournament Results:
Qe’dreki Captives Freed Before Big Fight. The city was up in arms the morning of the big tournament when it was discovered that many of the prisoners lined up to fight during the trial’s tournament had gone missing. Guards throughout the city and across the countryside are on high alert. There is a reward for an valuable information on the whereabouts of these rebels and the person or party who freed them.

Gossip Column:
Dear Gazette Advice Columnist,

The girl I thought I'd marry left Andaris last season and I don't know when she's coming back.

The trouble is, we weren't engaged. Not exactly. I've known her for eight arcs and we've been seeing each other on and off. We get along really well, and I thought that someday she'd come around to the idea of marriage. But then she left Andaris with another man (a man who she claims is "just a friend"), despite me begging her to stay.

She promised to come back and part of me wants to wait for her, but another part of me wants to cut my losses and move on. I'm twenty-five and ready to find a good woman and settle down.

I need some advice. What do you think I should do?

A Confused Knight
- - -
Confused Knight,

Gazette Advice Columnist? Please, call me Cole.

Now, where do I begin? You're a knight in your very prime, and you're in love with a girl you've known for eight arcs, with no serious courting? Did she even ask you to wait for her? Don't even get me started on this “just friend” stuff. Point of the matter is, you can do better (...unless she's from Sabassaint. Those people defy natural law). Anyway, don't think of this as a loss, but as a gain. Love should be passionate and romantic. It should take your breath away and feel like home after a long day on patrol. If she returned those same feelings, there would be no doubt in your mind as to whether or not she cared for you. There should be no “coming around.” It's time to move on. Get you someone who will love as fiercely and as loyally as you do.

Your friend,
Cole of The Rynmere Gazette

P.s: For future reference, begging is best kept in the bedroom.

Births and Deaths:

Qe’dreki Rebels, Family Members and Associates. There is a twenty-five gold piece reward for every rebel captured and taken to the dungeon this season. Must provide proof of identification and details of capture. Must be brought in alive. Rewards for individuals only, no groups.[/columns]
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Rynmere Gazette

Issue NO. 008Date Ymiden 717Editor Bumblebee
Current Staff: The Bees of Mercy Cost: 1cn

Anti-nobility sentiments are on the rise. With the Eastern Settlement forced to accept a new outside figure of authority, those still opposed to accepting Tristan Venora have looked to blame the King, along with devout followers of the Sacred Seven, who deem his engagement to Empress Sands as a selfish heretical act. Lady Celeste Andaris has had a total of two attempts on her life in the last season alone, and Lord Jersey Krome demands justice to whoever attacked him, although details remain unknown.

Those practicing magic within the city, licensed or not, can expect harsher punishments and stricter laws. Given recent events and the number of rumored hostile mages on the loose, the King will take no chances. Magic users beware.

Current Issues:
The Threat of Jersey Krome!
Found in his own home in a puddle of blood, Lord Jersey Krome was expected to be dead at first sight. After calling for help, a servant ran to check for signs of life when he jolted awake and has since raved about a man who left him for dead. While investigation reveals that it looked as though the Lord slipped and hit his head while stepping out from the bath, he has since locked down Krome Manor, and has been performing a number of interrogations on his staff to ensure the safety of himself and his family.

Exclusive Interviews:

Upcoming Events:
The Sacred Seven - With the 1st of Ymiden arriving, we remind readers of the honoring of the Sacred Seven, a day in Rynmere where we do not speak or eat in honor to pay homage to the founding saints of Rynmere. Businesses are expected to close and children are not required to attend school, however it is encouraged that you stock up on any necessities needed in advance.

The Andaris-Krome Wedding
The joining together of House Andaris and House Krome is expected to occur in Saun 717, and will challenge conventional nobility wedding expectations as it will not be a display of wealth, but a simple ceremony where money shall be used as charity donations. (OOC: Announcement)

Personal and Business Ads and News: Professor Doran from the University of Rynmere has put his apartment up for sale. Interested parties are encouraged to apply.

Job Vacancies:
Thespians Wanted - A new playwright by the name of Gaius Manata is seeking those with skills in the theatrical arts to audition for a musical production. Actors, cosmetologists, seamstresses, and musicians are all encouraged to apply, although the director is very clear that not all will get a role. The story will involve themes of dark and forbidden romance, and while the details are unclear, he aims to have it prepared by the end of Saun - an ambitious task for such a frivolous character.

Tournament Results:

Gossip Column:
Another Venora Betrayal!
Upon returning from the city of Rharne, newly appointed Baron, Andráska Venora, was seen meeting privately with Celeste Andaris on more than one occasion at the home estate of her fiance, Lord Xander Krome without him being present! Previously both House Warrick and House Venora had been in close contact since Cylus 717, aiming to set up a engagement between Lord Andraska and Lady Olivia Warrick, however since his meetings with the Andaris noblewoman, the Venora has since refused any further talk of marriage and continues to make plans to visit Celeste in the future. With Warrick spurned, trade between the two regions has been rumored to have stilled considerably. Could Xander Krome have new competition? After all, women love roses.

Births and Deaths:
A Baby Burhan - Luke Rahiko Burhan was born on the 90th of Ashan, 717, named after the Burhan member of the Sacred Seven. A healthy baby boy, we at the Gazette give congratulations to the parents, Elyna Burhan and her husband Malcolm.

word count: 656
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