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The capital city of the of Rynmere, here is seated the only King in Idalos.
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New Season, New Uniform

Ashan 4 arc 717

It was not the first time Yana had been summoned to her commanding officer’s quarters, though it was not often that there was so little explanation to why exactly they wanted to see her. One time it had been to investigate a claim of vandalism at the hands of the RCA, because there had been no available knights present. Another time she’d been asked to explain her disappearance during Vhalar, with only a note to inform both her peers and her commanders. An important summons of the Immortals, Yana had said, along with a further explanation of the ties to the shadow beast attacks.

Those probably were the only times she’d been asked to meet a commander in their office though, mostly because frankly, she was not important. Apart from her skin color she did not really stand out that much either. She was fairly average as a squire, albeit slower on the uptake of combat skills, hence her stagnation. Her true worth laid elsewhere, she found, but she had trained long and hard to improve nonetheless, managing to achieve a fairly good aim with the bow, and some competence in hand to hand combat.

However, she could not think of a reason why a runner would be dispatched to come get her specifically. She could not remember any outstanding feats she had displayed that may have caught the eye of someone of importance. Hell, the one time she had done something that might be considered extraordinary for a squire, was aiding in the capture of three terrorists, and killing of a fourth. Unfortunately, that had been overshadowed by Andráska Venora saving the King’s life. Not that she had cared all that much. Aeon had defeated the terrorists, really, she’d just pissed them off.

On the other hand, she could not really think of anything she had done wrong to earn her a summons either. She was fairly sure she’d not done anything wrong. No excessive bickering with her peers, no questioning of orders, no sudden absence for an extended amount of time. Nothing.

By the time she had arrived at the door of the office she had still not figured it out, and it annoyed her to no end. Despite it, her curiosity was about to be sated, and she straightened up, made sure she had her face under control, and checked if her uniform and gear were all clean and worn correctly. Of course they were, she’d taken care they were after all. First impressions were important. She knocked briefly, the rapping sound of knuckles announcing her presence.

A voice from inside bade her to enter, which she did immediately after taking a deep, yet unnecessary breath. With the posture and step taught in the different classes Yana stepped inside, closing the door behind her. One hand raised itself in salute, her heels tapping each other as they were brought together. They even made that satisfying sound, even though it was no-where near as enjoyable as hundreds of boots doing it simultaneously. Yet, in the chamber it did have a good enough effect. Only hundreds, no, thousands or hundreds of thousands of times of it being executed could have polished the gesture into perfection. Courtesy of all those drills of course, in her case at least twice as much drills due to her extended squire-hood.

“Saeri LaChasse,” she announced herself, “at your service, ser.”

word count: 580
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New Season, New Uniform

"Saeri LaChasse" The man who stood there and looked at her wore no uniform, but had an air of authority which there was no denying. He was tall with a thick moustache and he looked at her with stern eyes. Alongside him, sitting behind the desk was Saeri's commanding officer, Captain Jacobs. She knew, immediately, that whoever the moustached man was, he was important just by Jacobs' way of being with him.

"Please sit." Captain Jacobs did not talk, the moustached man did. "I have been sent, on behalf of His Royal Majesty, King Cassander." Which would explain why Captain Jacobs was sitting and saying nothing, of course. He probably didn't dare in case he said the wrong thing. "His Royal Majesty wishes to extend his personal thanks to you for your actions in the masquerade ball. I have brought Captain Jacobs up to speed on the events."

The moustached man gestured to Captain Jacobs, who nodded to him. "I had no idea that you had behaved in such a manner. Your actions do you justice, and all of the Iron Hand. We are very proud of you and you have our gratitude. You are to be given a commendation for your actions."

The moustached man looked at her and he asked her, with a very serious expression on his face, "What are your career aims, Saeri LaChasse? How do you see your long term career in the military?" It seemed like a very important question, for reasons as yet undefined.
word count: 253
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New Season, New Uniform


The man who awaited her in the office was not her commanding officer. Well, he was there also, but it was clear he had not summoned her, and would not be the one doing the talking. His sitting position made him seem smaller than the man standing next to him, enhancing the apparent importance of the man. It wasn’t because of his uniform –he wore none. It was just his posture, how he held himself. He had the air of someone important. A feeling of authority emanating from him. It was difficult to describe. It was more a gut feeling than anything else. Something soldiers learned to sense and recognize.

From Captain Jacobs’s body language and somewhat tense expression it seemed obvious this person was not just a higher ranking commander. Not a simple Warden. Higher still. Probably a Lord? Or maybe… That made little sense. She could not recall screwing up so badly, nor having done anything positive to warrant such attention. Or had she? Not in recent trials at least, no.

He told her to sit down, and the false Eídisi reacted without realizing it, almost moving on instinct. She had been drilled to obey commands given by senior officers, yes, but this was different. His ability to lead and speak commands was far greater than her usual officers. It was uncanny how easily her soldier side took charge in response to his words.

Ah, the King had send him. That did solve some mysteries. Not just a Lord, but the Lord Commander himself. Granted, it could have been one of the Ourboro Guard, but she doubted Cassander would send one of them to deal with matters of the Iron Hand. There still was the matter of what exactly she had done though… The ball? Oh, the ball! Of course. The King had said he’d reward both herself and that young Lord –was it Krome?—hadn’t he? She’d assumed he’d have send her some flowers with a card attached to it or something, not an audience with the Lord Commander.

The question now was what version of the events both of them had heard. The truth, or Cassander’s truth? She wasn’t too sure if there was a difference, and the vagueness of Captain Jacobs did not help either. She tried to recall what exactly Emmerson Sands had let the guests know, but failed horribly. The only thing she could remember was that she had chalked Fridgar up as an assassin posing as a fool rather than an actual fool. Other than that? A blank. There had been other things on her mind that evening.

“Ah, I—uh… Thank you?” she managed, not really bothering to hide her confusion. What had she done that evening except piss off the Lothar to the point of him throwing a door at her? Made some pretty good points while defending the Iron Guard. That, yes. And somehow managing to avoid death by door. She hadn’t protected the King at all, he hadn’t needed it. Her rhetoric was being commended then? Possible. Cassander had complemented her wit, if memory served. “It is an honor.”

Sadly, that was not the end of it. Not at all. The Lord Commander wanting to know about her ambitions, her long term goals. It could not be anything but a trick question. Well, it could be psychological profiling too, or a combination of both. Did that mean she had to tread carefully? Or would that be counterproductive? She frowned slightly, pondering the implications of possible answers, and the motive behind the question more than an actual answer. How to reply? Honestly or with a lie? No-one had ever gotten anywhere by being a sheep. The meek without ambition were left at the bottom of the chain of command. Being too ambitious might feel threatening though… then again, she could not advance in rank without the commander’s consent now could she? Yana settled for honesty for once, taking a deep breath to focus her mind.

“I aim for the top, ser,” she replied firmly, her eye fixed on his face. “I take pride in my intelligence, which is wasted if I were to dream of being a knight. I am less of a fighter and more of a thinker.” There was a moment of pause, during which Yana quickly gathered her thoughts. “I believe that I am capable of handling the duties of a commanding officer, ser, and that is exactly what I see myself as a couple arcs. Maybe not a Lord or Warden yet, but on the way there. In other words, my long term career is one of steady promotion. One where I am challenged, and forced to grow as a result. One where I learn. Over and over again. A career I can be satisfied with.”

Certainly not the stagnation she had been forced into for all the arcs she had been in the military, this one and Etzos’s both. She leaned slightly back in her chair, fingers steeped and head slightly cocked to the side, curiously awaiting the reply her words would bring. If there would be a reaction at all. She hoped there would be, as opposed to the Commander simply nodding and then exiting the office, leaving her in the dark. Maybe the reply would come a few trials later then, but if it was all the same to the King and the Commander, she’d rather have the answer now, thank you very much.

word count: 927
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New Season, New Uniform

The Lord Commander (for such it was) looked at her and he smiled. "Ambition. I like it." He needed grunts, of course he did, but he needed people to step up, too. It seemed that the King had made a good recommendation, then. "The King, in recompense for the dress you damaged on the night of the Ball, has placed an amount of money in an account for you with the seamstress here." He handed her a slip of parchment with an address on it ~ of a very good tailor and seamstress shop. "He felt it more appropriate to allow the lady to choose her own attire and so apologises for the impersonal nature of the gesture but assures you of his good wishes."

In truth, of course, the King had done no such thing. It had been handled by the Empress, who had sent a message and it was dealt with. It also did not say how much the account held, but that would be incredibly poor taste if it did.

So, the Lord Commander looked at the woman and he smiled. It wasn't a friendly smile. "I am pleased to hear that you're ambitious. It's good to know that is there and it's good that you've been frank. Let me be equally frank with you." It seemed that they were getting to the point of the conversation, at least. "I think you are a perfect example of right time, right place, nice dress, pretty face." It appeared that he pulled no punches. "However, His Royal Majesty thinks differently. You are to be granted a promotion, effective immediately." He levelled his eyes at her and explained further.

"By decree of Cassander, King of Rynmere, congratulations to you, Steward LaChasse." She had skipped, it seemed, the need to be a knight. Yet, he wasn't finished. "As you are aware, this will involve a level of command. You will command those you were just working with, and the knights too. I am sure that they will be delighted." He seemed fairly sure of just the opposite in fact. "Your areas of patrol have been determined and I will be receiving regular reports on how you do." He motioned to the, until now silent, Captain Jacobs who would be providing the reports.

"Give me a reason, and I will demote you in a trill. Prove me wrong, and that ambition might be fulfilled. Questions?"
word count: 408
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New Season, New Uniform

In anticipation of the Lord Commander’s response, Yana waited with bated breath, unsure how exactly he would react. What did he think of her answer? Was it a good one, or was it the exact opposite of what he was looking for in his personnel? Thankfully, his response seemed to be positive. Her ambition was a good thing. Great, that was exactly what she had hoped for. Tension flowed away from her body –at least partially so—at his words.

She accepted the slip of paper graciously, thanking the man as well as humbly requesting he pass on her thanks to the king as well. After all, she could only assume there was more money in the account than necessary, which was most generous of his majesty. It truly was. The shop’s name was not one she did not recognize; it was quite a famous shop, known for its quality tailoring. It might be one of the best Andaris had to offer. Additionally, it was equally expensive as it was famous, which only added to the King’s generosity. Perhaps others would have been awed by this, but Yana thought of it as one small move in the game of politics. The King had a reputation to uphold, and coming across as greedy was not a good way to go about it. Thus, a whole lot of money in an account, in one of the greatest and best tailor shops of Andaris. One too expensive for anyone other than nobility. He was almost trying to buy her support.

Yet, that was not the end of the meeting, and as the Lord Commander fixed his gaze on her again and drew the corners of his mouth upwards in a fake smile, Yana felt a huge “but” coming. She’d received money, she’d been told she’d been getting a commendation, and the Lord Commander was pleased she was ambitious… but… Her promotion was not earned. The Yludih had felt that way –though she did not mind being promoted, not at all—and so did the Lord Commander. His frank remark was somewhat insulting, though she let it wash over her with a blank face and unblinking eyes. His words could be entirely true. Perhaps it was the timing, her facial features and her dress that had done it. The King –though planning a wedding—was a man, a boy even. A boy going through puberty, hormones running wild. She could not deny that she thought the Lord Commander’s words made perfect sense.

However, she did not think that being the right person on the right time was the only reason this “frank talk” was happening. She knew this military as the back of her hand, she’d flaunted that during the Ball. She understood where the Lord Commander was coming from. His opinion had not been consulted before the decision of promotion was made. He had had no say in this. The King had meddled in affairs that, frankly, he knew nothing about and were none of his business. The Hand was ruled by the Hand, matters that pertained the Hand were dealt with by the Hand. One did not simply interfere. One could make suggestions, yes, but one did not take away the right of decision from the Lord Commander. It was like a noble brat waltzing into the kitchen, presenting him with a dog and telling him this dog was now the sous-chef. The cook had no say in this. Perhaps the dog could indeed cook, but the chef had no idea. They had not been able to assess the dog’s ability. The chef knew that he could not argue this, as the dog had already been hired, and arguing would cost him his job. On top of that, the dog proclaimed they felt they were capable of being a chef, and would one day become the head of the kitchen. It was only natural for the chef to be pissed off.

Still, there was nothing that could be done. She was now promoted, not to the rank of knight, but to that of Steward. Had her wit impressed young Cassander that much? Sure, it was a welcome jump up the ranks, but it brought with it complications. The fact that she’d not earned it was the most prominent one, as that was how people would see this. She was simply a squire who’d managed to impress the King, some layman who knew absolutely nothing of the inner workings of the Hand. Sure, he could deem someone capable, but that did not mean they actually were fit for the job. There was no doubt in Yana’s mind that she would have to deal with a whole lot of opposition and contempt from both her news colleagues and her subordinates. She would have to earn their respect first, which was a royal pain in her butt. The fact that she would be commanding the people she’d been working along with and under only made things worse. Then she had been one of them, but now? Would they see it as treachery, or would they view her as someone they could goad into making decisions that would make their life better? Someone they could put pressure on so they could slack off. Obviously, there should not be any room to question her authority. She’d need to take the helm and hold it in a vice grip. Else her head would roll. It kind of felt like some subtle way for the Lord Commander to demote her as quick as possible, but maybe she was just imagining things.

“Only this; are you aware I signed up for an expedition to Viden, ser? The Academy requested some extra hands to help out. I was due to leave within a couple trials. I had informed my immediate superiors of this quite a while ago. Am I still eligible to participate, or would you rather have me stay for duty?” This was quite possibly a serious hindrance. She had not been expecting promotion, and did not really know what the consequences of it would be. It would be a shame to pass up on the opportunity to see Viden and be allowed access to its library and Academy, but it would be nothing short of a disaster if it were to harm her career. She opened her mouth again once the Commander was done formulating his response. “No further questions, ser,” she spoke in her usual monotones, “I will do my utmost best not to disappoint.” At least if he could be disappointed in her. Did he even see promise in her? Probably not. She would have to earn his respect as well, and rise to his challenge. Show him she could do it, that the dog could indeed cook. An errant thought bubbled up then; did this mean she could take the University’s free classes?
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New Season, New Uniform

She had signed up for an expedition to Viden? No he didn't know and frankly, he didn't care. With a single wave of his hand the Lord Commander dismissed that as utterly unimportant to him. "You may still travel to Viden. It will give your Commanding Officer time to sort out your shifts."

She had no other questions, so the Lord Commander nodded to Captain Jacobs and said "Then I bid you both good trial. Do not disappoint." Save him from boy kings who made rash decisions, he considered as he exited.

Once he had gone, Captain Jacobs turned to Saeri and spoke, having apparently found his voice again now that one of the most important men in Rynmere had left.

"So, we start you after your return from Viden. They won't like it, they won't like you. You'll need to consider this carefully." He didn't want her to fail; she was his people and they would show the higher ups that the Iron Hand were able to work wonders.

"Consider it. Take some time off between now and when you leave. That will give you a break from your squad, allow them to distance from you at least a little." All the good it would do her, but still. "Then, when you get back it will be time to take the bull by the horns, so to speak." He leaned forward in his chair, steepling his hands together as he looked at her. "How are you going to do this?"
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Feel free to do a wrap up post and then we're done! Let me know if you'd like a moderated thread for doing the job etc etc. Once you've wrapped up ~ I'll review! Thanks
word count: 296
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New Season, New Uniform

It was to be expected that the Lord Commander would just simply dismiss the expedition with a wave of his hand. Naturally, it was not something he would concern himself with. Yana would have been surprised if he did, to be honest. There were different ranks in the military for a reason after all, and the top officers did not have to manage the concerns of the lowly squires and knights. That was where Stewards and to an extend Captains came in. Wardens and Lords had more pressing and important matters to discuss, such as the security of the Kingdom, threats coming from its neighbors, and rebel scum hiding out somewhere on the island.

She stood as he strode towards the room, hand raised in salute. As soon as the mustached man was on the other side of the door though, she sank back into her seat, feeling some tension wash away. Though she could hardly say she knew Captain Jacobs, he was easier to be around, and gave of less of a stern and oppressing air. Sure, the man was higher in rank, but he was not an important individual. He was not a political figure. The Lord Commander felt as something else than a member of the Hand. He was the King of the Hand, and acted as such. Captain Jacobs was just a man, and any semblance of intimidating attributes he might have possessed paled in comparison to those of the Commander.

It felt rather strange to be given advice and support by the Captain, but it was appreciated all the same. While she had relished the challenge, and had been absolutely convinced that one trial she might start her ascend of the ranks, she was starting to feel as if she was woefully unprepared for this. Yana cupped her chin in her palm and gave a slight, deflated shrug.
“Honestly, ser, I have no idea. ” The Yludih let a soft sigh escape, a frown creasing her brow. “I am not too worried about the position itself, but it is the people under my command that bother me. I fear that my success as a Steward will largely depend on whether or not they will accept me as their superior.”

That much was obvious, and she was already off to a bad start. Promotion by getting in the King’s good books would be frowned upon if it were to be revealed. Even if it wouldn’t, surely they would not like her jumping from squire to steward.

“I will need to earn their respect and trust, as to hinder any insubordination and boycotts. Not to mention that I will have to make them not hate me as well, which might just be the hardest thing to accomplish.” Yana was not a very social creature after all, and would probably end up making things worse if she tried to defuse the situation. She could try to play the part of a kind and understanding steward, but frankly, that would be a drag, and people would think her soft and try to take advantage of it. She could try intimidation, much like the Lord Commander, but his only worked because of his position, as well as his accomplishments. Yana was nothing more than a no-body. She could try to be hard and stern and no-nonsense, demanding respect, but that would drive people away and make them hate her, which was the opposite of what she wanted to do.

“Perhaps the best way to go about it is just being myself, and see where that gets me. Without thinking too hard on the matter. Sometimes things are less complicated than they seem. Mayhap if they realize I am capable and treat them decently, all will be fine.” Her frown as she spoke betrayed her doubts however. She was not a people-person, and had wrongly predicted actions taken by certain individuals many times in the past. They never followed along like she expected them to. If there was a certain situation where the Yludih thought they would do one thing, they did another. It was never easy, and had as a result led to second-guessing and more failure.

When it became clear that the meeting was over, and she was dismissed, the Yludih saluted Captain Jacobs, telling him she would take his advice to heart. Then she left, her mind still trying to come to terms with what had just happened. Only now that she had exited the room was she starting to feel she might have been hallucinating, but the slip of paper, as well as her common sense told her that, yes, this was real. All of it. She stopped in the middle of the hall, pondering Captain Jacobs’ words. It was sound reasoning, and she choose to act as he had suggested, taking the rest of the trial, as well as the following ones off. She had an expedition to prepare for.
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New Season, New Uniform

Thread Complete!
Story: 5/5
Collaboration: 5/5
Structure: 5/5

Etiquette: Appearance and first meetings with senior officers
Etiquette: Answering questions posed by senior officers.
Investigation: Consider all the reasons for an unusual event.
Leadership: Consider different styles of leadership in different situations
Logistics: Planning ahead.
NPC: Captain Jacobs
NPC: The Lord Commander
Politics: When to show ambition, when not
Politics: The repercussions of overstepping authority
Politics: Consider your leadership style

Loot: +1 promotion ~ you are now a Steward in the Iron Hand!, +500gn in a clothes shop account for you ~ which may only be spent on clothes.
Devotion: None
Fame: +5 (on the up and up!)
These points may not be used for magic.

I had great fun in this thread - well done to Yana for getting her skills to the point for this promotion! I'll be interested to see how she handles the role of Steward. Any questions, feel free to drop me a pm!
word count: 161
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