Death in Disguise [Modded - Pegasus]

Monks are attacked by mysterious masked figures. Who is this new group?

27th of Cylus 717

The capital city of the of Rynmere, here is seated the only King in Idalos.
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Andráska Venora
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Death in Disguise [Modded - Pegasus]

27th of Cylus, 717
There was a lot of truth to what Tina said, and it was also very sad to hear. If her father was dead, and her mother had passed, who was taking care of her now? “Anyone with enough money can own a slave, but you're right, Tina,” he looked at her for a long moment, green eyes steady as he leaned back in his chair and gave a long sigh. He wanted to tell her very badly that nobles might not care, but he did. It was quite obvious she had a bias, and as much as he wanted to change her view on the world, he couldn't risk her denying him information just because of his bloodline. More lives were potentially on the line, and she was very smart. Amazingly so, and he tapped his fingers on the table in thought, pondering over both the murder and the care for the citizen before him, “People should care for other people, not...sear them. The day I helped fixed your door, the slave... I grew up with her master. To this day, I don't know why he allowed that.” he whispered, eyes trailing to where a candle burned on the wall. He had remembered the first night he had met Faith – how fresh her brands were – and how such vulgar markings could illicit such rage and disgust in others. It had been infuriating, he he flexed his hand, remembering the drunken fight.

He had to focus. Back to the situation at hand. Was he asking the right questions? He had descriptions... he tried to find a motive, but it seemed very obvious that this was a set up the more information Tina revealed, “Gold cloak, sigil pinned proud? That is mighty bold, even for a snooty noble and a sloppy one at that.” He smiled slightly then, and thought back to the weapon. Stab wounds – likely a quick knife. But a monk? Monks preached the seven... Weren't the seven ancestors of noble lines? Was it... an anti-noble dressed as a noble? He reviewed his notes and tore off the bottom strip of it. Folded the rest of the parchment up to tuck it away for later, he began to write down two lines of neat script. An address in Mid-town and beneath it a small note.

'If your lord won't care for you, I will. My home is your home. Visit as often as you like, stay as long as you want. Siblings and friends are welcome too.' - Andráska Venora

He rolled it up and the young lord's head was starting to hurt, and rose to his feet, “You've been a wonderful help,” He watched her, his heart beginning to ache just as much. He wanted to help! Did she have any other family? Was she forced to provide for herself? Was it taking away from her education? “Take your time, eat as much as you want... If you have any more information, you can send someone to find me - Here, for your co-operation and honest company.” Reaching into his pocket, he produced a small bag of coins and set it on the surface between them, but when he looked at her, there was no pity in his eyes. His note followed soon after. A small voice in the back of his head told him she could be lying, but it didn't matter. She seemed resourceful to him, capable of seeing an opportunity, and if she needed help or just a way to forget her problems, she could have it. Life had been cruel to both of them in its own ways, and so often he had wished there had been someone to help him, but no one ever came. Perhaps he could find a way to change that for her. Financially, he had more than enough to offer. And so he did. If she were to open the bag, she find much more than expected. Andráska turned hesitantly towards the door and reached for the handle when he stopped and looked over his shoulder.

“Tina,” he caught a glimpse of her sitting beyond the table, “I said at least one person who helped fix your door was tied to House Venora,” He gave a sad smile then, a bit upset at the idea of earning her scorn when he truly wanted to help. His eyes lowered to the pink cloak that was still draped upon her, “Don't lose your hope just yet.”

Andraska Venora was always a bit more of a wild card, and while giving the girl his address in Andaris had been sincere, he realized the risk. She could send someone to kill him, inform the wrong people. But he hardly went there these days – usually sleeping in the barracks or inns... It still felt worth it to him, to chance it if it meant bettering the lives of those in need. He silently debated whether or not he should send a note to Celeste – inform her of what was happening, but then again, he was frustrated. He understood the benefit of political marriage, but what would that show the people? That lavish parties were more important than those starving? Dying? He had to shake away the thoughts; to not be mad at her for simply trying to what was best. Besides, she wouldn't be getting married till Saun.

He rubbed his temples and leaned against the wall. After always running away from his duties... sometimes it felt like he was the only one doing anything.
word count: 937
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Death in Disguise [Modded - Pegasus]

He put the coin purse and the note down and he left the girl with thoughts and thanks from him. Tina watched as Andraska walked out of the door, turning back to the food. But then, there was that coin purse and she wondered if there might be enough coppers in there for her to be able to eat without worry for a while.

So, she opened it.

Which meant that, as Andraska leaned against the wall outside, wondering what to do next and feeling all the things he felt, a small hand slipped into his. Tina, it seemed, had followed him out. She put the piece of parchment into his hand. "I won't forget t'address, but that could get you in trouble round 'ere. You took a big risk. An' .. I can't take this." She handed him the coin pouch with a serious expression. "I mean, I'm grateful, I am. An', I want to. But it could do a lot more for a lot more people than jus' one. An I'm jus' one. If you mean it, 'bout the 'ouse, I'd like that."

She looked at the piece of parchment and then spoke again, having obviously thought about it. "Wen I get big enough, I'm gonna join the guard. Wen I do, can I be your squire?"

Whatever his answer to that question, once he was outside, there were no more witnesses. No one else came forward that trial, one monk died on the steps outside the temple but, thanks to the actions of a few, it was only one.

The attacker? Well, who he was, who he might be... there were no more clues to be had here. Just the testimony of a little girl. It turned out that more men had not turned up as quickly as they could because they were short of people, all the others on duty were on jobs and there were just not enough of them.

Times were hard.
Off Topic
And I'm done - happy to do another thread if you want to investigate further, of course. Do a wrap up post and let me know what Andraska does as far as Tina is concerned etc, than I'll review. Hope you enjoyed it!
word count: 379
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Death in Disguise [Modded - Pegasus]

27th of Cylus, 717
Saving the monk's life and hearing Tina's story had drained him more than he realized and he let out a long sigh, slouching against the stone wall of the temple and leaning his head back. Everything was a mess – a jumble of string and each thread he tugged on seemed to tighten the mess instead of unravel it. It felt like he had very little power to do anything significant; he wanted to fix everything and he had no idea where to begin. How could he save everyone?

Rows of candles flickered in the front of the temple and he watched the flames dance, letting them soothe him as he closed his eyes and tried to come up with a solution that would save Andaris. The selfish part of him said it wasn't his responsibility, that he should worry solely on Venora and his duties as a knight, but... how could he turn a blind eye to all the suffering? He was here, now. And as murderers ran around spilling blood and the testimony of struggling children filled his ears, he felt much older than his twenty two years. It was... overwhelming and he felt the ache in his chest again – the helplessness.

His mind swirled to thoughts of a loving bottle, or the caress of a long slumber. Anything to make him forget... when a small hand slide into his own. His eyes shot open and looked down at the common girl, “Tina.” He was partially surprised to see her and his green gaze settled warmly upon her when she put the coin purse back in his hand.

He looked at the money for a long time and the strip of paper. She truly was smart and considerate, “Right again,” he commended, a bit of pride lighting his eyes, “Very well. But, here.” He plucked only a few coins from the bag, still offering them to her, “For some food, or... books. School supplies,” he insisted, “And, enough to convince a carriage to give you a ride to Venora if you ever need it.”

Andráska watched her, “Save it if you want... If Andaris becomes too unsafe, or you need anything,” he stressed this, “Medical treatment, sanctuary... You can go there and I'll make sure you're treated well.”

He remembered the same promise he had made to Anna and Diana, the mother and toddler who he had found homeless and battered on the streets of Andaris after fleeing an abusive situation. He had offered them sanctuary and a job in his family's estate. He had always thought influence without action was useless, and he would happily extend the same courtesy to the girl before him. One day... he would inherent land... some semblance of power. He had always feared it, but talking to these people... hearing their stories, he realized what kind of an opportunity he would have in front of him. Where is father ruled strictly, with a strong hand and a cruel tongue, Andras would be powerful in a different way. He wouldn't dismiss the poor, desolate, or hungry.

He would save them.

“If I am still capable of accepting a squire,” he placed a hand on the girl's shoulder, knowing just how monumental it could be to receive an apprenticeship, especially a squire hood. It could change a person's entire life, especially if you were low born. “I would be honored to have you by my side.”

He truthfully wasn't sure what would happen in the seasons to come. The King had deemed him kingsguard... what would that entail? None the less, he made a silent vow to use whatever say he had in getting her a good, respectable knight to work under. Andraska nodded and lead them towards the door, talking as they walked, “I'll keep the apartment stocked with food so you and your friends will always have something to eat. If you need anything, supplies, toiletries... Leave a note on the table. I'll check in when I can to go shopping. My only request is that you keep it clean... and make sure you focus on your education.” He grinned, patting her on the back and held the exit open for her.

Finally, the duo left the temple, and Andráska waving to a few monks in respect as they began to leave. It had been a messy day, but somehow, he felt better. He had a renewed sense of purpose.
word count: 754
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Death in Disguise [Modded - Pegasus]

And we're done!
Thanks for the thread ~ enjoy your rewards!

Story: 5/5
Collaboration: 5/5
Structure: 5/5

Acting: Confident, even when you aren't.
Detection: The sounds of nearby conflict
Detection: Spotting details which can tell of social class
Detection: Determining age
Detection: Determining maturity
Etiquette: Don't say no to the king.
Etiquette: Basic rights of death
Etiquette: Basic manners remain important
Interrogation: Asking questions gently
Interrogation: Start with simple
Interrogation: Doesn't have to be intimidation to be effective.
Interrogation: Asking the right questions
Investigation: Determining the direction of conflict.
Investigation: The importance of witnesses
Investigation: Appearance can tell a lot about a person
Investigation: Sigils can be evidence
Investigation: Evidence can also be a ruse
Investigation: Questioning children
Leadership: Taking control in a panic situation
Leadership: Seeing what needs doing and doing it
Leadership: Delegating tasks
Leadership: Addressing a distressed crowd
Leadership: Appearing strong and emotional at the same time
Leadership: Kindness promotes loyalty
Logistics: Managing crime scenes with witnesses
Logistics: Considering all involved
Logistics: Determining how many men you need in a situation
Logistics: Determining space for questioning witnesses
Medicine: Basic first aid on the field
Medicine: Basic identification of what to treat first
NPC: Tina
NPC: Tina: You helped her before
NPC: Tina: Mother has died
NPC: Tina: Wants to be a squire
NPC: Tina: Are all nobles bad?
NPC: Tina: Your friend.
Persuasion: Using doctrine to be more persuasive
Persuasion: Putting forward both sides of an argument
Persuasion: Pointing out the power of words
Rhetoric: Appealing to emotions
Rhetoric: Using doctrine to strengthen arguments
Socialization: Addressing crowds
Socialization: Managing difficult situations
Surgery: Sutures
Surgery: Stitches and types

Devotion: +1 Ethelynda, +1 Pier & Pre
Fame: +10 (good deeds, taking charge etc), +5 (helping Tina and giving her a place to live) = +15
Loot: The loyalty of a young girl called Tina. She would like to be your squire, she lives in Lowtown and is smart and compassionate. Her education is lacking.

Oh, I love Andraska. He's such a lovely person and yet so very human. I love how you play him, he isn't perfect ~ in fact his flaws define him sometimes, but he is at his core a good man and I loved how you wrote him here. A fantastic pc and a great, fun thread to read. Thanks!
word count: 391
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