So here they were, attempting to gather totems for the Lotharen, who had lost them all in his conflict with the Crown. Alistair was doing this solely for the purpose of science, observing Etzori fauna and seeking to learn of their flowers, plants and other particular natural components of their wilderness; the vines, roots, their moss and forestry, so on and so forth. Little did he realize, they'd be encountering a massive... reptilian beast. Couldn't it have been a River Hyx or something? Or were those only in Rharne . . . ?
"I saw something. Scales, maybe?" he questioned, not quite sure either way. To be entirely honest, his focus had been on the rodent he'd seen climbing a tree to his left. It didn't quite look like a squirrel, it... it flew, descending from that same tree! "Oh my god," he gasped. "It's magnificent. A flying furball."
The only things he'd seen fly in his life had been Sohr Khal, Jacadon and Volareon, and they had all been quite the magnificent creatures. Seeing a bloody rodent gliding about was quite the sight for him - if he had an easel, he'd paint the thing. Perhaps there were even flying puppies here, out in the West.
The mage was so distracted that he barely heard his lover declare:
"I'm gonna go punch it." Turning around, he scowled at the man, shaking his head. "No," he stated. "Don't bloody punch the thing, it'll bite your hand off. Haven't you ever heard not to stick your hand near things with such spectacular maws?" The mage shook his head. Of course, Fridgar wasn't going to listen to him. He knew that by now - the man wasn't far from a solid brick in how receptive he was to wise counsel. Instead, he was on the prowl, looking for the thing as if it wouldn't find him first.
And, of course, he found it... and apparently incredibly close to Alistair. As Fridgar had stated, it was indeed behind the dune, stomping its way past the Venora and directly headed towards the large, rowdy Becomer. The creature hissed through its charge, Alistair barely capable of hearing his partner's movements past the loud groaning the crocodile emitted. The mage stepped backward, avoiding contact with the creature, focusing his mind.
As Fridgar came into contact with the beast, Alistair took a breath, an overwhelming sensation resounding throughout his spinal structure. He was utilizing Corpse Molding on himself, a technique of manipulating the bones of the dead, or even the living. While the thing did not need to be re-applied consistently, he had not performed this technique on himself in quite some time, and using Corpse Molding now was something he'd found necessary.
The Crocodile, with its armored scales, would require incredible force to break through. With the fragility of typical human bones, he would not be able to do so, and decided to enhance his durability in preparation for this fight. Fridgar served as his convenient distraction, then, the mage not realizing the damage his lover was dealt as he cleared his mind and rigorously enveloped his skeletal structure with a firm mold. His bones massively grew in strength and durability, the mage empowered to that of his apex state, like before. Necromancy had yet again found its uses, and the mage used it eagerly, drawing his sword from his scabbard as he felt his structure dramatically reinforced. Taking a final breath, he suppressed the voracity of his energy as best he could, before blinking violently at the back of the creature. He attempted to plunge his blade into the crocodile's back, but to no avail, being rejected with mere marks delved into its armored scales.
Alistair leaped down from the beast, finding it difficult with the lack of traction or balance in his legs, yet doing so all the same as his body broke into a roll as he hit the ground. The mage followed the crocodile, attempting to slice through its tail, with only slightly more favorable results.
Looking over to Fridgar, and seeing the man's leg grievously torn, the mage's eyes widened. He had seen his lover mangled, amputated and eviscerated before - yet even in light of those things, he'd not been quite so alarmed as by the wounds he was seeing now. Chunks of his leg were torn off - the man would likely have a difficult time moving, let alone fighting with a beast as powerful as this. Alistair had the strongest instinctual compulsion to get Fridgar to safety, but he knew the man would not appreciate his apparent heroism.
The mage, then, attempted to utilize Wither against the crocodile's back, the creature still distracted by Fridgar. His hand making contact with the beast's armored scales, Alistair found the crocodile's hull rapidly degenerating, its organic matter dissolved within moments. The crocodile turned around and pivoted its body, attempting to snap at Alistair, who blinked away into another barrel roll. His eyes on Fridgar, and then back at the crocodile, the mage bit his lip and attempted to strategize, examining the battlefield and the resources the two had in utilization against this armored fiend. He already had several ideas, and frankly he did not believe this crocodile was ultimately a threat to the two of them. He was far more worried about the Lotharro's wound, which made him quite jittery at the thought of this animal dealing yet more damage to his wounded lover.
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Corpse Molding (Fantasia)
Corpse Molding is the pinacle of a Necromancer's corpse manipulation. At this stage the necromancer can warp a dead body like clay, similar to what a Grafter can do, truly coming into their own as a creative power. Corpse Molding allows a Necromancer to easily manipulate all dead flesh and bone into the shapes and directions he or she desires. Stitchborn and Marrows are the result of Corpse Molding. In addition, a Necromancer becomes capable of Bonecraft, a subset of corpse molding specifically around bones. A Necromancer can use Bonecraft to fashion weapons from any bones they find and even flood their own body with their magic, strengthening their bones beneath their skin against damage. It is said few expert necromancers die from falling, strengthening their bones against breaking or damage even as their flesh tears from the force of their impact. There is lore of a necromancer fist fighter who could dent armor with the power of his blows and the strength of his augmented bones.
Wither (Diminuendo)
While Restore quickly regenerates a corpse to its natural state, Wither does the opposite. After learning this ability, an expert necromancer can focus entropic energy around their hands which swiftly rots away any living matter that comes in contact with it. While primarily an expedited tool from Sap, Wither has become an essential part of a necromancer's arsenal in combat. Wither can only be conducted with skin on skin contact. When touched while a necromancer is using Wither, healthy skin will begin to quickly necrotize and rot wherever the necromancer touches. This ability can be fatal if maintained and becomes ever more dangerous after the encounter, as the wound will swiftly become infected without a physician's aid. The touch of a necromancer leaves craters in the skin, can rot the flesh from bone, and turn muscle into rotting slop. Usually a necromancer must maintain contact to maintain the worst of these effects, but any amount of contact while this ability is being used is inadvisable. Armor of any kind but that made of organic matter is effective against this attack. Paired with Lisirra's rotting touch, this ability can be terrifyingly swift and effective.