Rafael had an undeniable grin on his face as he fled from dogs and guards alike. Symbri seemed excited too. It reminded him of his carefree days back in Warrick, before his father had demanded him to be more serious and drop the tomfoolery. But how could he? This, the wind tossing his hair around, his heart drumming in his chest, this was what it meant to be alive.
Even as the footsteps of their momentary pursuers faded away, Rafael maintained his effort to keep ahead of Symbri. He would not let win, not under any circumstance. Fortunately he could tell she was still behind him, judging by the jingling of her bells.
He lost that advantage however when something whizzed past him. In reflex he slowed down while his eyes darted around, trying to pinpoint the odd, fluttering sound that had buzzed past left his ear.
Nothing could have prepared him for what he saw. She, or it rather, resembled a wooden doll the size of a bird, but this was no bird. He hadn't ever seen a real one before, but he was fairly certain that the odd creature flitting near them was a Tunäwä.
A Tunäwä on the back of a flying squirrel no less. Today was crazy-day by the looks of it...
"It's no game!" he managed to say through his heavy breathing, and he left it at that. If the Tunäwä wanted to tag along, he wouldn't stop her. It hasn't yet ocurred to him that the little creature might know a good hiding place.
Unfortunately, Symbri was now ahead of him. Try though he might, he couldn't catch up to her, even as their destination came into view.
Desperate times called for drastic measures. Just before they passed an alleyway, Rafael reached for Symbri's hand and yanked her to the side and into the narrow street. His purpose was two-fold. First, to be rid of their pursuers, whatever they might be, and second, to avoid defeat under the guise of protecting them both from being caught.
Just in case Symbri had different plans, Rafael pushed her back into the nearest wall to keep her in place. If the Tunäwä was still around, he'd mition for her to come close too, before pressing his index finger to his lips to silence them both.
No sooner than they'd done so, a group of barking dogs ran along the main street in search of their prey, quickly followed by two sweating guardsmen. It wasn't until they'd passed completely that Rafael dared to breathe again. To his own surprise, he hadn't yet let go of Symbri's hand. Well, if she didn't mind, he actually rather liked the feeling of her fingers interlocked into his own...
"Do you have a place to go?" He asked, before turning to face the small Tunäwä on her trusty mount. "And what about you huh? What's your name?" He extended his pinky to the creature, in case she desired to shake it. "I'm Rafael. This here," he motioned his head towards Symbri, "is Ms. Klownstick."
Shall we dance and make merry?
A small party at the crest break tavern.
- Rafael Warrick
- Approved Character
- Posts: 311
- Joined: Wed Jun 08, 2016 3:47 am
- Race: Human
- Profession: Noble, Aspiring Rebel
- Renown: 58
- Character Sheet
- Plot Notes
- Wealth Tier: Tier 1
Shall we dance and make merry?
word count: 534
Life is a dark comedy, only you're not in on the joke.
- Niv
- Approved Character
- Posts: 648
- Joined: Sat May 21, 2016 5:16 pm
- Race: Yludih
- Profession: Tiny Sage
- Renown: 101
- Character Sheet
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- Personal Journal
- Templates
- Wealth Tier: Tier 1
Shall we dance and make merry?
Niv’s eye brows pinched together in confusion at the response Rafael gave her, if it wasn’t a game what exactly were they doing. If they were running from danger why did they seem so full of joy..unless they had pulled a prank on someone.
“Oh I see” Niv nodded with a mischievous grin in the boy direction. It didn’t seem like this was really the time to ask what the prank exactly was but Niv could always ask them after they had escaped their persuers.
Before Niv had even realized it Rafael had took hold of Symbri and pulled her into an alley way. Niv kept flying forward on her mount before she turned and noticed she was alone. She pulled on the reins to stop and looked back at the angry people and their angry dogs running forward. Judging by their pursuers angry faces whatever prank Rafael and Symbri had done must have been good. Not wanting to revive the blame, Niv guided her bird Patcha into a nearby alley way, spotting the two right away.
“Oh dot I lost yews” Niv beamed at them both with a bright smile. “Yews must me great at deh pranks deh..oh”
Raphel quickly gestured for them to be silent and motioned Niv to join them in hiding. “oh sorry.” Niv guided her bird to land on the boys head, since it seemed like a good enough place as any to land.
The small group stayed out of sight until the coast was clear, then they went to symbri’s house where stories were told until they became to tired. Niv was a little disappointed that the two of them hadn’t really done a prank and were only racing one another. it was still nice to have a joyful night with two friendly people, Niv was hopeful that it would happen again.
“Oh I see” Niv nodded with a mischievous grin in the boy direction. It didn’t seem like this was really the time to ask what the prank exactly was but Niv could always ask them after they had escaped their persuers.
Before Niv had even realized it Rafael had took hold of Symbri and pulled her into an alley way. Niv kept flying forward on her mount before she turned and noticed she was alone. She pulled on the reins to stop and looked back at the angry people and their angry dogs running forward. Judging by their pursuers angry faces whatever prank Rafael and Symbri had done must have been good. Not wanting to revive the blame, Niv guided her bird Patcha into a nearby alley way, spotting the two right away.
“Oh dot I lost yews” Niv beamed at them both with a bright smile. “Yews must me great at deh pranks deh..oh”
Raphel quickly gestured for them to be silent and motioned Niv to join them in hiding. “oh sorry.” Niv guided her bird to land on the boys head, since it seemed like a good enough place as any to land.
The small group stayed out of sight until the coast was clear, then they went to symbri’s house where stories were told until they became to tired. Niv was a little disappointed that the two of them hadn’t really done a prank and were only racing one another. it was still nice to have a joyful night with two friendly people, Niv was hopeful that it would happen again.
word count: 315
- Kaladis Anar
- Approved Character
- Posts: 326
- Joined: Thu Mar 02, 2017 5:41 pm
- Race: Eídisi
- Profession: Apprentice Blacksmith
- Renown: -5
- Character Sheet
- Plot Notes
- Templates
- Wealth Tier: Tier 1
Shall we dance and make merry?
Treasure Time!
Name: Symbri
Business Management: Drunks are Easier to Part with their Coin.
Dancing: Jingle Thud!
Dancing: Cartwheels Make a Grand Exit.
Rhetoric: Apologizing for Any Offense.
Rhetoric: Teasing People to Develop a Rapport.
Running: Cutting Corners to Win!
Running: Dogs on your Heels is a Good Motivator.
Seduction: Skirt Flares.
Seduction: Confidence in Your Body.
Socialization: Corset Plus Contrast Stands Out.
Socialization: Bantering with a Stranger.
Socialization: Knowing When or What to Tease and When to Stop.
Rafael Warrick: Bantered with you in a Bar.
Loot: +5gn
Later that Evening a Drunk Patron passed you a Purse. Saying something about Yellow corsets complementing Bells and making a fool of himself.
Injuries: None
Fame: Total: +1
+2 The Dance was well Received! | -1 Running from Guards.
Devotion: None
Story: 5
Collaboration: 5
Structure: 5
Magic: No points here may be used for magic.
Comment: A fun flirty character! Confident and bursting into a room to steal the show. No problems here to follow anything, all read just fine. Really glad you've put points into acrobatics too, as it fits her character and style.
Any questions, comments or feedback please pm me.
Name: Rafael Warrick
Deception: Easy Lies are Useful Tools.
Endurance: Barking Dogs give Good Pursuit.
Etiquette: A Noble isn’t Always Treated as one Outside their own Borders.
Etiquette: Knowing how most Nobles Would usually React.
Linguistics: Pronunciation Matters.
Navigation: Finding the Right Tavern at Night Takes Time.
Negotiation: My Name for your Decorum
Psychology: Judging someone’s Clarity.
Rhetoric: Thinking on Your Feet for What to Say.
Rhetoric: Spotting When someone is Turning the Conversation.
Running: You can’t Beat me! Not even with Dogs after us.
Sociology: Bar Dancers can sometimes Surprise You.
Socialization: Timing an Opportunistic Approach.
Stealth: Bells are a Dead Giveaway to Position.
Stealth: Hold your Breath!
Symbri: Considers you a Princeling!
Niv: Is an Enthusiastic Squirrel Flyer.
Loot: None
Injuries: None
Fame: -1 Running From Guards.
Devotion: None
Story: 5
Collaboration: 5
Structure: 5
Magic: No points here may be used for magic.
Comment: Fun social thread with plenty of teasing banter. I enjoyed the noble reactions to informality. No problems here, easy to read and easy to follow.
Any questions, comments or feedback please pm me.
Name: Niv
Acrobatics: Even Rag Dolls can Learn to Free Fall.
Cosmetology: Accessories are Everything.
Dancing: Robe Twirling!
Deception: Other People’s Moods can be Mean Different Things.
Detection: Small Bits of Information are sometimes Enough.
Flying: To Rooftop Adventures.
Flying: People’s Heads can be Safe Landing Zones.
Stealth: Using the Bushes as Cover.
Stealth: Following from the Shadows.
Socialization: A Joyful Night with Two People.
Loot: None
Injuries: None
Fame: None
I didn't dock you the fame because you didn't know what you were running from, and with the size I am fairly certain nobody would have seen Niv by the thread's ending point.
Devotion: None
Story: 5
Collaboration: 5
Structure: 5
Magic: No points here may be used for magic.
Comment: Niv seems barrels of fun as a character, you got a laugh out of me when you landed on his head, I would have enjoyed to see his reaction! As with the others easy to read and follow here, no problems anywhere.
Any questions, comments or feedback please pm me.
word count: 556