• Closed • [Inn for Dinner] Potatoes Make Good Booze (Adam)

A farmer fancies a drink and finds herself a mage

7th of Cylus 717

Etzos, ‘The City of Stones’ is a fortress against the encroachment of Immortal domination of Idalos. Founded on the backs of mortals driven to seek their own destiny independent of the Immortals, the city has carved itself out of the very rock of the land. Scourged by terrible wars of extermination, they've begun to grow again, and with an eye toward expansion, optimism is on the rise.

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[Inn for Dinner] Potatoes Make Good Booze (Adam)

7th of Cylus, 717
17th Break
The weather was particularly breezy this day as Lecia made her way through the Commercial Ring of Etzos. The twilight made it hard to determine the time but she figured it was sometime in the evening. She pulled her cloak close as she perused the stock of a vegetable vendor, her dress doing little to cut the wind's affect on her. The half Aukari blood that coursed in her veins kept her relatively warm compared to the rest of society but that didn't mean she couldn't hate the wind. In fact, the wind was one thing that Lecia could not stand in life, especially during the colder seasons.

Her hand pushed the nest of red hair out from her face as she inspected the local produce that was left over from the other farmers. The lot was small, as expected for the season but still even what was remaining seemed meager and small. The girl sighed as she tossed a carrot back onto the stall from which she found it. Everyone outside the walls was having a rough go of it this season, herself included. A man brushed against her as he walked passed, his large size almost pushing Lecia into the stall's wares. She thought she heard him spit an insult, likely derived from her red hair. The vendor could only give her a look of solace, this was a normal thing in Etzos for anybody who even looked remotely Aukari.

"See you another time." She was ready to get off the streets for a while, so she waved off the vendor and left his wares behind her. The place was busy with people of all sorts now and Lecia had to literally push herself through the crowded streets to make any head way. Anybody who wasn't already giving the red haired girl a scorned look was happy to oblige after pushing passed them. After getting knocked around the streets for long enough Lecia finally made her way into a nearby tavern which provided a reprieve she was happy to receive.

Though, the glares from the various tavern goers were not so positive. The girl trotted her way to the overly crowded bar and took the only seat. It didn't stay crowded for long though as the men on either side of her vacated their seats promptly after she took her own. Sometimes being disliked hated had its perks, maybe she could get a drink in peace now. After more than a few bits passed the barkeep finally made his way, reluctantly, to Lecia. "What girl?" The tone of the man's voice was fire hot, how ironic.

The woman stared up at the barkeep, her eyes tried to cut into the soul of the weak man. "Just an ale. A bottle, nothing special." A grunt was heard as the man went to retrieve the alcohol. Lecia pulled a few silver nels from her small coin purse and threw them up onto the counter. The things clattered for a moment and one even spun a few times before joining the rest in silence. Thump. The barkeep returned and the ale was forced onto the bar in front of her. He began to count up the coins before looking at her disgusted. "Two more for you." He spat the words and a few droplets of his saliva made their way onto her hands.

Lecia sighed as she wiped the man's disgusting words from her hands and retrieved two more coins. She knew it was overpriced, but then again, so were most things. The coins ended up being thrown at the man's chest rather than on the counter. One even landed under his shirt and it clattered to the floor, no way to halt its descent. He finally left her be and Lecia looked at the drink that her small fingers now clasped. She didn't even really like alcohol all that much, but she was feeling particularly uncaring today and wanted something to help.
-8 SN, overpriced bottle of ale
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Adam Michaels
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[Inn for Dinner] Potatoes Make Good Booze (Adam)

Another refreshing ale poured into his flagon as he sat behind the all to familiar bar. A finger strummed across the slick veneer finish but something seemed to be eating away at him. He was a legendary seducer but the bars he frequented had become less exciting with every visit almost as if he'd been put behind them. It starts to lose that thrilling element of appeal when you start to see who comes and goes like the tides of the ocean it's routine.

As a seducer women always seemed to step into that torrent of feelings that swallowed them alive like quicksand even when better judgement pleaded otherwise not to forsaking that primal intuition. This monster was unique he had a voracious appetite for the hearts of women that he'd metaphorically pluck from there chests to ravenously consume in front of there eyes to nourish his sadistic spark in emotion. The cycle was perpetual he'd grow bored as the lust and flames faded then toss them like dirty socks in the laundry and scower the room for a fresh pair. It was the thrill of the hunt and the heat of the flames, that excited and drove his impulsive behavior wild and it was his ability and magic that made him a menace more then a nuisance. He was the personification of swine with his unending gluttony, as he shoveled what he could into his mouth from the troff but still there was a void that remained empty.

But despite his repulsive personality he feigned being a decent guy as well as he did pretending to be sane.

On the outside he was fun, and pleasant, cool sophisticated. But on the inside he was crumbling away at the foundation for his meddling with empathy. And while he'd regained a little control since becoming more disciplined it was still a struggle he was his own worst enemy and he was a formidable opponent.

It was early in the day and the bar was more of a ghost town. There were people there sprinkled in tables but it wasn't to bad when compared to the evening traffic well at least that's what he thought till he saw a red headed girl drinking by herself with a huge birth around her. Adam didn't discriminate hot buns were hot buns, and had no qualms about buttering biscuits.

As Adam noticed the new comer in a different manner then most, his eyes started to light up with enthusiasm and energy as if his spark thirsted for immersion in lust and desire. A genuine smile crept on his lips as he boldly addressed the stranger with confidence.

"Aye there, mind if I join you for a drink you look a bit lonely over here on your side of the world."

He wavered his hand around in jest at the fact no one was sitting next to her.
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[Inn for Dinner] Potatoes Make Good Booze (Adam)

7th of Cylus, 717
17th Break
It took Lecia a few moments to realize the question at hand was aimed at her. Very little did anybody address her for anything other than a sneer. She looked at the man for a trill or two, her eyes showed little interest towards the newcomer. A quick glance around the bar found everyone was minding their own business, for now at least. Was somebody putting him up to this? The cold glass bottle met her lips as she took a swig from her drink, forcing the liquid down her throat.

"If you must." That was all he was going to get out of her for now as she turned back to face the bar. She was rather curious about which side of the bar he would choose to sit. Either were open to him since nobody usually desired to sit next to anything remotely Aukari, even if they weren't. She pushed her bottle around the counter, make small circles with the base of the thing. Not exactly a smooth talker or good with strangers was the out of place farm girl.

"So what can I do you for?" She spoke without looking at the man, maybe she could just get him to lose interest in her. There were always eyes on her, so it wasn't like she wasn't used to that fact. But it was rare to have those eyes so close to her. It was a rather unsettling feeling and a dash of paranoia entered her thoughts. Another splash of liquid courage entered her bowls as she looked over at whatever seat the man desired to take. One eyebrow raised as she waited for the man's retort, her green eyes wanted to cut into the man. To figure out why he was approaching her. The color of the pearls only accentuated by the mess that was her fire red hair.

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word count: 328
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Adam Michaels
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[Inn for Dinner] Potatoes Make Good Booze (Adam)

Adam was the kind of guy with the kind of life experiences to realize someone that goes to a bar by themselves is looking to meet someone usually, this was because A it was cheaper to drink at home and B it was a social environment. Those two things garnered by the fact that she was sitting alone made her very straight forward answer to his inquiry very appealing. Shit, even that menacing third wheel friend hell bent on ruining a perfectly good evening could be doing so out of jealousy as women tended to hate watching other women succeeding and while the men weren't eyeing the red head other women were sizing her up as Adam was for all intensive purposes hot to trot, some might even say he was the most bedazzling eye candy in all the lands. And there was envy wavering in the bar greener then the maidens emerald eyes.

He took a seat next to her and let her fidget, he liked to think of himself as a good judge of character she was nervous at least that's what he thought he felt emenating from her being like some sort of emotional aura that he could feel not see.

Adam had something he'd often try to great effect, fear was often an inhibitor what if he simply removed it from the equation? would it change her behavior in question towards him? Or would it subside on its own? It was still too early to tell.

He gave her a smile as he hid his thoughts behind tranquil pools of azure blue. Adams answer was a straight forward retort, like a piercing lance of truth. It was respectful but the the point and without mentioned of lewd intention it utterly dripping with it as it was easy for a dirty mind to get carried away.

"Your company for the evening"
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[Inn for Dinner] Potatoes Make Good Booze (Adam)

7th of Cylus, 717
17th Break
Laughter almost exploded from the woman's lips as the man sat beside her and declared himself her company. Nobody in town had ever been so bold as to make a claim such as that. For that matter, nobody outside the walls had either. Then again her fellow farmers knew her a bit better than the city folk and she would even go as far as to say the boys were a little scared of her. Most of the other women on the farms were sent off in their teens to other families whether for trade or in good will. But Lecia was 19 and owned her own farm. She would not be given away like a small pup to a child.

The man's smile annoyed her. His expression was a little too pompous for his own good. Like somehow he was going to just come up to her and everything would be perfect, like they could be best friends out of nothingness. So what now?

Well, at least maybe she could get something out of his little intrusion. The glass bottle clunked a hollow sound when it hit the table after she took the last few sips from the thing. Her red hair rolled back over her shoulders as she ran her hand through it. She wasn't good at flirting. Actually, this would be the first time in her entire life she even got close to flirting with somebody. What a strange concept. One side of her lips curled into a small, coy smile. Inside her head she almost wanted to throw up at the thought of playing into his games but she really wanted another drink. So he would play into hers.

"Buy me something nice. Then maybe we can talk."

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word count: 307
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[Inn for Dinner] Potatoes Make Good Booze (Adam)

Hrmmmm yes yes, the man hate is strong with this one he thought to himself as her being exuded this annoyance for the infamous self proclaimed swordsman. But that was ok if she didn't like him, as he was certain he could make her feel otherwise. Something about red heads and there temperament that leaned towards emotional rather then rational made the idea of punishing himself financially a worthwhile endeavor after all can't beat a crazy chick in the sack and Adam knew better then to play with fire and expect not to sweat.

Of course everything was perfect, he was sitting next to a beautiful woman offering her drinks and in return he'd get some of her time that was pretty much a mandatory exchange although someone who was eager to meet you would be happy to split the bill, men blinded by there search for love often fell prey to sharks that wanted nothing but more and more and thankfully Adam wasnt looking for ~the~ one. But naturally Adam knew nothing was ever free, eventually you'd pay for it one way or another.

He'd go all in, balls deep you could say. But he needn't fret, he may pay now later but he was a savy seducer that wouldn't cut corners she wanted something nice but it would be on his terms and he wouldn't dissapoint as he raised his hand flagging down your typical serving wench.

Aye whatever she wants to drink ~Top Shelf~

He smiled smugly knowing he'd given her the key to the candy store when he emphasized top shelf, who knows maybe with some social lubricant she'd loosen up just a bit and enjoy herself.

I dunno really, tell me about yourself. Why are you here ? Of all places?
word count: 305
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