• Information • [Scalvoris] Lore

All of the information on Scalvoris.

Herein is kept all the repositories of information for players. Repositories include: flora, fauna, NPCs and materials, for example, along with Scalvoris' Lore Thread and all the information you need on what makes Scalvoris Unique!

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[Scalvoris] Lore

The climate in Scalvoris is a strange, fickle creature. Scalvoris Town is always warmer than the rest of the island due to the roots of the volcano running underneath it. This also means that the ground in Scalvoris Town is usually warmer than the rest of the island.

There are numerous reported incidences of a trial of snow in Saun or blazing heat in Cylus. Below are the general expectations one can have of the weather but please refer to the Seasonal Events post for more specifics. Thanks!
ImageAshan: The beginning of Ashan is rigidly cold on Scalvoris, starting with a cold period which lasts for a quarter of the season before the temperature finally heats up enough to begin sowing crops for the arc. The remainder of Ashan is spring weather. Barren trees slowly sprout buds of leaves and flowers and those who work the land plant in preparation once again. The 123 trials of Ashan are cold but moderate weather. As the season progresses, rain clouds become a common thing and Scalvoris experiences Ashan Storms, a common occurrence especially at the height of the season. Eventually, the storms pass and the temperature begins to heat up. As the season closes, the temperature rises, ushering in stronger storms and much hotter weather.
Image Ymiden: Ymiden on Scalvoris known for its hot weather and strong hurricanes. Astronomers cherish this season, especially the beginning of it, for its clear skies, giving way to cool nights full of stars and moonlight. Crops planted during Ashan will be harvested before the middle of Ymiden. The second half of Ymiden on Scalvoris marks monsoon season which happens in a typically unusual manner. During the second half of Ymiden the bright clear skies will suddenly cloud over and sudden torrential downpours begin with almost no notice. These downpours can last for breaks (hours) or many trials (days) there is just no telling.
Image Saun: As the monsoons of Ymiden become a thing of memory, Saun begins, bringing with it another sun. Saun is the hottest season in Idalos with high temperatures that can become unbearable to work in. Somehow, even in Saun, Treid's Teeth do not melt, nor does the ice-island Ishallr, although those are the only two places on Scalvoris where snow and ice can be seen. During this season, night time provides a small relief to the heat and though the temperatures aren't so excruciatingly hot, exposure to the sun without proper water and shade as well as rest can be fatal. As with all things on Scalvoris, it seems, the joy of the warmth brings a price and the semi-frequent storms experienced during this season are much more powerful than those produced during Ymiden, causing a few fatalities every arc.
ImageVhalar: Vhalar is described as the season of harvest, where vegetables, herbs, and other produce are ripe for reaping one last time. During the beginning of this season on Scalvoris, the temperature remains fairly hot and storms are common. The storms of Vhalar, however, are very mild in comparison to the other seasonal storms and locals call them "play-storms". The second sun has moved away and returned the night to the island, leading to a new flurry of nocturnal creatures being seen. As the trials progress, the weather cools while the leaves slowly change from thriving green to lively red, yellow, auburn, and purple. There is always a day, around the 100th of this season, where the temperature plummets and Scalvorians bid farewell to any hope of being warm again for quite a while.
Image Zi'da: Zi'da rolls in, bringing with it the cold winds of death. On Scalvoris, Zi'da starts cold with a high likelihood of snow and gets progressively colder. Very few flora survive during this time and the trees are barren and lifeless. Travel between areas on the island become more difficult, especially the more remote ones and the number of boats arriving drops. Snow is common during this season, along with freezing rain and blizzards. Scalvoris Town experiences less of the cold of Zi'da, but the blizzards which tend to hit the island at the end of the season are indiscriminate.
Image Cylus: Long cold days leave Scalvoris in a constant state of near darkness. Living outdoors during this season is close to impossible without being very prepared due to the icy temperatures and flora and fauna suffer during this time. Throughout this season everywhere is covered in a blanket of snow and some areas are completely cut off from the rest of the island. While the days slowly tick on, the sun begins to sink to the horizon before finally being blocked by one of Idalos's slow orbiting moons. Scalvoris plunges into almost-night for the season, until the light of Ashan touches it once more. By the end of this season, drifts of snow several feet deep are a common sight.
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[Scalvoris] Lore

Scalvoris sits in the Hollow Sea, surrounded by water on all sides. The inhabitants of that water, from Mer to very strange creatures all add to the uniqueness of Scalvoris and there are many secrets to be discovered in the surrounding waters. There have not been, thusfar, many major explorations of the surrounding area of Scalvoris, although it is hoped that this will change soon.

In fact, the only recent explorations have been undertaken by Professor Padraig Augustin on behalf of the University.
In Zida 717 Professor Augustin led an expedition to a place where he had identified an anomaly in the orbit of the Saun sun. He found a strange barrier.

This was followed up in Ashan 718, where Professor Augustin returned to the "Edge of the World" and the barrier there.
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[Scalvoris] Lore

Scalvoris Beaches & Sand
So many things about Scalvoris are unusual, ranging from a little bit odd to downright unique. With so many flora, fauna and materials affected by the weirdness of the island, it is not a surprise to anyone that so, too, are the sands.

The beaches of Scalvoris are as diverse as the people who walk on the island itself. Some of those beaches are green, some pink and others are the rare "Rainbow Sand" ~ the shifting, changing colours of that creating wonderful and unusual effects.
The sands of Scalvoris have strange effects, some good and some not so much. One of the things which Scalvorians know for certain, though, is that the sands impact the water. If the rainbow sands mix with the incoming tide then the much sought after "Rainbow Wave" is made, a beautiful sight to behold. It is believed that the water from such a wave has unique properties but, who knows?

The strangeness in Scalvoris sands means that the beaches are a source of amazement, delight, treasure and danger. Strange little things called sandspecks get washed in on the bluesand tides, causing a beautiful glowing effect in the darkness. When the tide goes out, these sandspecks are left behind and are tiny little hollow shells which glow in water. What creature lived in them? Well that's a different story altogether.

Fundamentally, the beaches of Scalvoris are as strange, weird and full of secrets as the rest of the island ~ so there is always something to find.
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[Scalvoris] Lore

The population of Scalvoris Island is in a state of constant flux, especially since the influx of new residents and visitory since Vhalar 716. This, coupled with the fact that there has never been anything resembling a census means that the numbers below are best-guess estimates.
Total Population of Scalvoris Island:
Woah nelly

Regional Populations:
Almund: 38%
Darbyton: 1%
Egilrun: .7%
Faldrass: Insignificant
Gunvorton: 2%
Greatly insignificant
Immortals' Tongue:
Scalvoris Town: 57%
Please note: This refers to the ratio of residents of Scalvoris. The number of visitors at any given time can as much as double these figures.
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[Scalvoris] Lore

Regional Attitudes
Scalvoris is a rich melting pot of diverse cultures. This means that each region is very different in terms of what flora, fauna and materials you will find there, but also when considering the attitudes of the residents.
RegionRegion Flag Overview
Almund: ImageAlmund is the darker and more nefarious of the two main towns. The people of Almund are much more volatile than elsewhere on the island and their attitude is very much a throwback to the 100 Pirate Arcs. If you get into a fight in Almund you are more likely to get stabbed than a broken nose, for example. There are ruffians, thugs, ex-pirates and those who still live the pirate lifestyle. Their attitude these days is that, if you don't bother them, they won't bother you. If you start trouble, though, they will end it and you, quickly. Slavery is much more evident and obvious in Almund and there are many more folks willing to turn a blind eye to the law.
Darbyton: ImageThe people of Darbyton are polite and friendly to strangers but it is worth noting that they are independent, self-sufficient and proud. They survive, or not, on their own two feel and they are fierce and loyal. Although Darbyton is cut off from the rest of the island for the majority of Cylus, every person there has strong links with someone either in Almund or Scalvoris Town either as family or friends. Therefore, their loyalty is to the island, not just their small part of it. Starting trouble in Darbyton is generally considered to be a very bad idea, and one which is usually met with swift and deadly consequences.
Egilrun: Image Egilrun is a busy and friendly place where people are likely to be met with a ready smile and a strong attempt to seal a deal. As Egilrun grows it has attracted more and more artisans, crafters and artists which means that there are a few who have a rather precious personality but generally the people are friendly. Make no mistake, though, they are here to create and craft their wares and to sell them. That is their aim and their bottom line. The folks of Egilrun are rapidly getting a name for working hard and playing hard.
Faldrass: ImageFaldrass is full of beautiful people. Either those who work in the spa, or those attending it. The whole idea behind the Faldrass resort is that the people who visit there are pampered and feel special from the moment they arrive. The notion that 'the customer is always right' is taken to an extreme on Falsrass (as long as you are paying) and the attitude there is one of acceptance and eagerness to please which borders on desperation. Oh, and then there are the scientists who are just trying to explore the volcano. They'd like it if you went away now, please.
Gunvorton: ImageThe people of Gunvorton are busy people, what with the place expanding on an almost daily basis it seems. The bigger it gets, the busier it gets, the more attention is heaped on it and the more closed the community becomes. Despite this they are polite enough and willing to help out if there is a problem or question. Any questions about nefarious dealings here will be met with a very firm rebuttal and, somehow, Shania will be on the scene very quickly. A closed community who do not share information easily. Or at all.
Havardr: ImageMaybe the most honest people on the island, the residents of Havardr are hard working and straight talking. Visitors are greeted warmly but no nonsense is put up with no matter who you are. If you want to work, there is always work to do. If you want to trade, that's fine too. But if you want to waste time or make trouble you will be shown the way out. Forcibly if necessary. The good thing is that the people of Havardr will be happy, generally, to teach and trade and so on. As long as you are providing for the society, then the society provides for you.
Immortals' Tongue: ImageImmortals' Tongue is a very strange place and the reception that you get upon travelling there depends on who you are, why you are visiting and who you happen to bump into first. This is one of those places where it very much depends on the individual and no generalisations can be made with respect to how people will be received. The only absolute is that violence will be met with immediate and deadly response. Considering the place, it's probably best not to mock the Immortals either.....
Ishallr: ImageThe people who currently reside on (or in) Ishallr are scientists, guards, researchers, explorers and thrill seekers. Therefore, a visitor who comes with help in one of these endeavours is likely to be well met once the initial suspicion has been overcome. The very first question upon speaking to anyone on Ishallr will be 'what are you doing here?'. Even the most enthusiastic of scientists is aware that this inhospitable and dangerous place is not for the faint of heart. Yet, as the Academy in Viden and the University in Rynmere bring in scientists from all over the world, the excitement level here is growing.
Scalvoris Town: ImageA rag-tag, mis-matched town which has both beautiful buildings and shacks. Scalvoris Town these days is filled with academics, scholars, scientists, philosophers and innovators. It is a town where the majority of residents are great thinkers and so reception is likely to be friendly in a rather distracted manner, unless you have something interesting to share. Warmer than every other part of Scalvoris, because of the geography of the underground caves and the volcano, this higgledy piggledy town is rapidly expanding.
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[Scalvoris] Lore

It might be reasonable to expect on first glance that the people of Scalvoris would be far too rough and pirate like on the one hand, or scientific and rational on the other, to be interested in religion. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Almost everyone who has lived on Scalvoris for any length of time is at the very least respectful of the Immortals. It is, as they will point out, hard not to be when there's a small island just over there where you can hear them. Add in to that things like boiling seas, volcanoes in ice and fog which glows a strange blue colour and you'd be hard pressed to find someone who was not at least aware of the influence the Immortals seem to have on this strange little corner of the world.

This is not to say that all Scalvorians are devout, far from it. Most of them are practical and pragmatic about the Immortals and their existence and equally so about leaving offerings and such on a regular basis. After all, as almost anyone who has lived here a long time will tell you, there's no harm in covering one's bases, is there?
Worship, such as it is, tends to be in the home with small shrines erected to favoured Immortals. However, in Scalvoris Town there is the main temple, called the Temple of Glass. Here Scalvorians can go to leave offerings and make prayers to the Immortals. In Almund there is the Glass Tree which serves a similar function. The Temple of Glass in Scalvoris Town is named because of the magnificant stained glass windows which light up the structure. In Almund, the Glass Tree is a strange and ancient tree which never sheds its leaves. Throughout countless arcs the people of Almund have left offerings hanging on that tree and there is an unspoken knowledge that the trinkets which hang and tinkle in the wind are all, inevitably, made of glass. Not just any glass, though, it is Egilrun glass which bedecks the Glass Tree these trials, a beautiful reminder of the talent of the people of Scalvoris.

Then, of course, there is the Immortals' Tongue, the small islet off Scalvoris Main where there are numerous shrines to almost every Immortal, living or dead. That place where you can hear the Immortals whispering to you on the wind. The locals do not speak of what Immortals' Tongue means to them, for the do not need to speak to each other about it in order to understand. Logically, then, they do not speak to outsiders either for the simple fact that they could not understand.

No worship is ever forbidden on Scalvoris, all Immortals are given equal reverence. This is as true for those pro mortals as the anti-mortals. It should be fairly obvious but, if anyone asks why, the simple answer is because that is how it is. Why else?
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[Scalvoris] Lore

Holidays & Festivals
Scalvoris is an inhospitable island filled with flora, fauna, materials, environment and climate which seems fairly intent on killing the unwary. Despite this, perhaps even because of it, the natives have made it their home. They haven't tamed the island and they would be the first to admit it. Equally, though, the island hasn't tamed them and so, they celebrate. Superstitions, festivals and ritual are important to this strange bunch.

~~30 Trials~~

ImageTradition Those who celebrate in Cylus are the recipients of an age-old Scalvorian tradition. For a couple who wed during these freezing trials, a woman who has a baby or any family or individual who celebrates, gifts are brought from around their region. Much more so than they would be should they experience what they are during any other cycle. Often, these gifts are sent before Cylus starts and there is one member of the community who has a "stockpile" ready. Every now and then someone suggests that they just stop sending them to each other and give to their own people, but the answer is always no, it's nice to receive things from all over the island.
Image Cylus Dusk The first dusk on the 1st Cylus sees the people of Scalvoris lighting a huge bonfire on the nearest beach and celebrating the night away. Each region does this differently, but celebrations are held everywhere. There might be a number of bonfires in different areas of Scalvoris Town or Almund, depending on what sort of party you want to go to. There's likely to be one that's child-friendly and at least one that's very adult. The only places where this doesn't take place are Immortals' Tongue and Ishallr.
Image Reclamation Trial The 3rd Cylus (also known as the Black Baer Trial) sees celebrations which are fairly ad hoc, with residents of Almund and Faldrass taking time out of their trial to reflect on the lives lost during the eruption and its aftermath, and the bravery of those who dared to forge a new beginning on the island. Although the trial is observed by people in all parts of Scalvoris - particularly refugees who never returned to Faldrass - the 'vellum vessels' tradition is restricted almost exclusively to Almund and Faldrass. (more info here )
ImageSea of LightThe 10th Cylus sees the people of Scalvoris releasing floating lanterns on to the water. The light from these as they float out can be seen for the whole of the next trial and they create a beautiful scene. The residents of the area gather together and release their floating lanterns at the same time and that creates a golden light which inevitably mixes well with the coloured sands. Rather than a party, this is a time of quiet and calm and a lot of people will reflect in isolation. Except in Almund, really, where it's much more usual to go and get drunk.
ImageFlowerlight Festival The 20th Cylus sees parks and gardens throughout Scalvoris lit up with lanterns which have been shaped like flowers and which represent the growth which is promised when the light returns to the island. Again, the focus is on bringing light and creating light on the island itself. Those areas which are most bare and barren during this time are transformed, for just one trial, into places of multicoloured, flickering beauty. People flock there to look at them and marvel at the craftsmanship.
ImageLight Sky The 30th Cylus sees people all over the island releasing lanterns into the sky throughout the trial. From the 'dawn' to when the sun finally reappears, there are lanterns in the sky above Scalvoris. The people are very clear that they get the light one trial before anyone else on Idalos. They make it for themselves and, of course they do. They are Scalvorians, after all.
~~123 Trials~~

ImageAshan's Dawn1st Ashan marks the end of the long darkness of Cylus and all over Scalvoris there are celebrations. In preparation for the season of light and life, Scalvorians go and find a blossom or bloom from an early spring flower or a Cylus-blooming one. They then take this to the house of someone they don't know and give it as a gift in the hope of new friendships being born. In return, they are given a small candle so that they will never know darkness.
ImageGifting Trial 5th Ashan has the ritual of giving a hand made gift to someone. This can be someone you know well or a stranger. The gift is given with good feeling, or bad luck will befall you all arc. It must be a gift you have made, rather than a handmade item you purchase.
ImageTreid's Luck 30th Ashan, as the temperatures begin to rise the superstition is that those who will start to sew crops must go and swim in the waters off Treid's teeth to cleanse them of any bad luck from the arc before. This is done every arc, people from all over the island joining in, so that the harvest might be bountiful.
Image World's End 45th Ashan: The people of Scalvoris hold a festival. Traditionally this takes place past Almund on the Northernmost tip of the island, a place called "World's End". There is dancing and celebration this night and it is said that those who wed in the World's End Festival will have a life filled with luck. If a storm happens during the World's End Festival it is a sign that the Immortals are watching and party goers dance in the rain.
ImageAshan's Walk The 61st Ashan marks the middle of the season and the people of Scalvoris undertake a pilgrimage of sorts. From a set point in their town / village to the main place of worship, people lay petals on the ground in honour of the Immortal Ashan. All shops and businesses are closed on this trial, so that everyone can experience freedom ~ it is said that the only people who toil on Ashan's Walk are healers and undertakers.
ImageNaming TrialOn the 80th Ashan parents across Idalos celebrate the births from the arc before and formalise the name(s) for each child. This is a trial which is personal to each family but often extended families will get together to have a large party, thereby making sure that all children are celebrated and that family members don't need to choose which household to go to.
ImageIllaren's Trial100th Ashan is a trial for drinking and celebrations. On this trial it is usual for drinking to begin at dawn and to continue throughout the trial until dawn the next trial. Anyone that manages to drink for the entire period is said to be smiled upon by Ilaren herself. In true respect to the Immortal, there tend to be a lot of fights during this period, also.
ImageRalaith's Trial 120th Ashan is dedicated to Ralaith and is also called the "Trial of Forgiveness". It is considered very bad luck to go into Ymiden holding a grudge or anger against another, so in Ralaith's name this is the trial where grudges are put to one side and wisdom, hopefully, takes over. Unfortunately, bitterness has been known to overcome forgiveness and so a large number of duels happen on this trial, also. Traditionally, if you wish to spend the arc without arguing or growing bitter with someone, on this trial you give a confection, usually chocolate.
~~83 Trials~~

Image Superstition Throughout this season that wearing anything green will be detrimental to the harvest ~ this has led to stonings and killings in more violent times. Even after the harvest has taken place it is believed that anything green calls Lisirra's attention and so much be avoided for the entire 83 trials.
ImageYmiden's Dawn 1st Ymiden marks the beginning of the summer season on Scalvoris. At dawn on the first trial, Scalvorians go and stand by a body of water and pour a cupful over their heads, symbolising rebirth and the dawn of a new time. It is considered a time for making big decisions, perhaps affecting change in one's life.
Image Xiur's Dusk The 12th Ymiden is Xiur's night, also known as "Star Night". There is a ritual amongst families that the youngest and oldest member of the family must exit the house at dusk by one door, stand together until they see, and wish a blessing and dedication to Xiur upon, different stars and then must get back into the house by different means, climbing through the window if necessary. Over the course of many arcs, it has become something of a sport in Almund to try and get back in the house by the most obscure means possible. This has led to a few accidents and the odd case of people being stuck in chimneys.
ImageCassion's FeastThe 24th Ymiden is a trial given over to Cassion. During the day, people congregate to predetermined locations in their town or village and they each bring a story. If they can write, they bring it in written form, but there are scribes there to write the stories down. That night there is feasting up and down the island with large groups coming together to sit around and share tales, always leaving a space for the Immortal and a meal in offering. It is believed that Cassion visits Scalvoris at this time each Ymiden, to sample the food and to read through the thousands of stories which are left out for him, then later stored in the library.
Image Hunters MoonThe 40th Ymiden is a strange night on Scalvoris. It always has a "Hunters' Moon, where the moon is enormous in the sky and a deep blood red. Legend has it that animals hunted and killed that day and night in Karem's name earn her favour. On the night of the 39th, and often before, hunters go out and the night of the 40th there is a feast. It is traditional that only that which has been hunted or grown in the 3 trials before is eaten in that feast, which is usually a large affair in the middle of the town / village.
ImageHarvest On the 41st Ymiden the first harvest is collected and there is a strange tradition. The first of each type of produce is collected in a basket and offered to the Immortal Lisirra, that she might keep pestilence away from their island for another arc. Until this is finished, no one eats, in case Lisirra sees and takes offence that her offering is not the first of the trial.
ImageGratitude Festival The festival on the 62nd Ymiden shows gratitude to the hunters and workers in the fields who have been tirelessly working to put food on everyone's plates. Therefore, one person in each street, or block of houses if the street is particularly long, opens their house so that everyone might welcome the rest for the field workers and have company during the almost inevitable downpour by this part of the season. If it isn't raining, it can be a garden party ~ but it always rains
ImageFlora Trial The 80th Ymiden is a day where Scalvorians celebrate flowers. Females wear flowers in their hair, men wear flowers on their lapels. Each town and village decks itself out with floral displays and there is a carnival where wagons parade through the town or village, decked with flowers depicting stories or songs. It is a day of celebration for young and old alike.
~~40 Trials~~
ImageGlass Trial The 1st Saun is an important one to Scalvoris. To greet the new sun, all Scalvorians leave an offering of glass for the Immortals. This ritual is carried out for protection and good luck. In an unsurprising Almund-like manner, the Scalvorians of that particular region do this by gathering together in an inn or other public space, drinking themselves senseless and smashing the glasses.
Image Rainbow Sky The 5th Saun sees a very strange phenomena across the skies of Scalvoris. The alignment of the suns is such that the sky, for the entirety of the trial, is covered in rainbow clouds. In all of Scalvoris' recorded history, it has never rained on this trial. The residents of Scalvoris celebrate by holding dances on the beach from dawn until dawn the next trial.
Image Chrien's Night The 10th Saun is a night dedicated to Chrien. People go and swim in the waters, the Mer and Biqaj especially tend to go all out on this evening. During the night, it is acceptable and even expected to play tricks on each other, although the severity and malice of these tricks is usually tempered. Offerings are places on small boats, just larger than the palm of a hand and put to the water in the hope that no spite befalls the residents of Scalvoris this arc.
ImageBluewater Dip On the 20th Saun there is a festival where, once again, natives of the island dive into the waters around Treid's teeth. This time, though, it is all of the residents and there is a swimming and boating gala, races and other frivolity. Over the past 100 arcs, the Pirate Lords have held this festival, now that they are gone, who knows what will happen?
ImageSoul's Meal It is a strange superstition throughout this season that lost souls are commonplace over Scalvoris, moreso even than usual, and so it is considered appropriate to set an empty place setting on the 25th Saun ~ 30th Saun for the dead to sit. Not doing so might cause them to stay all arc, in the hope that someone notices they are there. Each meal is begun with a dedication to Vri during this time.
ImageSoul Light Night The 30th Saun marks the end of the Soul's Meal period and on the night of the 30th Saun, the people of Scalvoris light lanterns, even though it is Saun and they take the lanterns to the local graveyard at 8pm. There, they sit together, young and old, in large groups and they have a picnic. In between each living person there is a place for one of the souls who have not yet passed over. They stay until the last lantern, which symbolises Famula's lantern, burns out. When the last candle flickers out, the living leave the graveyard, leaving the lanterns behind which are collected the next trial. The belief is that the souls then go to Famula and are given peace.
ImageSafety's Sake A further, unspoken ritual is that those who have lived on the island a long time tend to stock up on supplies towards the end of this season. All of the really weird stuff starts 1st Vhalar, after all.
~~123 Trials~~
ImageFestival of the Immortals This is the largest festival in the Scalvorian calendar. Festival of the Immortals, as it is called, lasts for eight trials (one for each of the Original Beings), with each trial having a different theme.
Image Vhalar's Dawn The 1st Vhalar marks the beginning of the Fall season. Traditionally, this has also been the trial when very weird things happen on Scalvoris and so, at the dawn of the trial all the citizens of Scalvoris congregate together in public places, parks and so on. Each person brings a ribbon or piece of cloth or lace which they tie to a tree or fence and make an oath for the arc to come, in Vhalar's name. Then begins the Festival of the Immortals ~ this trial there is dancing in the street, feasting and a huge market. The market is especially important since shops and so on are closed from noon on the 1st until the end of the Festival, excluding the annual Darbyton Festival of Sight market.
Image Celebration of Taste On the 2nd Vhalar, a great feast is held, allowing the residents to taste. Every household is expected to bring a plate to the feast and then long trellis tables are put out and the citizens of Scalvoris sit and eat and drink together.
ImageCelebration of Scent The 3rd Vhalar is the Celebration of Scent or 'Immortal's Scent' and it is traditional that a gift is given which is scented in some way, often dried flowers or a candle. This is also a very traditional trial for couples to get engaged and is considered to be the most romantic trial in the Scalvoris calendar.
Image Festival of Flight The 4th Vhalar is the Festival of Flight where literally thousands of people fly to Darbyton. For this night and the next, Darbyton becomes a vast city of tents as people from all over the island travel there, in preparation for the 5th. The skies of Scalvoris are quite an amazing sight to behold on this trial.
ImageFestival of Sight The 5th Vhalar is given over to beautiful sights and is a trial when crafts and other items of beauty are displayed and sold in a special market which happens only once an arc. Many of the shop and business owners spend all arc in preparation for this market ~ the largest and most impressive one is always held in Darbyton, as the first settlement on Scalvoris, although each town / village will have a market of their own.
Image Festival of Dreams Jesine is the Mortalborn who is honoured on the 6th Vhalar. In a bizarre tradition, a tent or other area is set up in the town or village and there must be at least eight people sleeping throughout the trial. This is achieved by people volunteering and then taking a herbal tea which effectively puts them to sleep. This tradition ensures good dreams and keep Jesine's protection over the island. It is said that the dreams had on this night are most likely to be prophetic or significant.
Image Festival of Sound Music and musicians are celebrated on this trial, with groups, individuals and singers all being given a stage to perform throughout the 7th Vhalar. The whole trial is filled with song and sound all across Scalvoris. Each region organises this slightly differently but celebrates it to its fullest.
Image Festival of Touch Finally, the 8th Vhalar is the Festival of Touch. This is a strange trial where each of the regions in Scalvoris chooses a "lord" and "lady" of the festival. They spend the whole trial blindfolded and with their ears covered in as close to sensory deprivation, except for their sense of touch, as possible. At the end of the night, during a party held in the most open area, they are tied together to a dancing pole and must manage a very specific 'Immortals Dance' for one hundred trills. Hysteria usually descends and they have their blindfolds removed no matter how well, or poorly they did.
Image Immortals' Night 25th Vhalar is Immortals' Night, where the Scalvorians all (or as many as can) go to Immortals' Tongue and spend the night eating, drinking and singing. It is believed that miracles happen on that night, but if so, no one is telling.
Image Harvest Dawn35th Vhalar is the first harvest of Vhalar on Scalvoris. At dawn on this trial, as the farmers and agriculturalists make their way to the fields, the people of their area stand holding candles, lighting a path to the fields. This is done in Qylios' name as the light is believed to protect and give courage to the farmers. The same path of carefully held candles returns at dusk in order to lead the farmers home.
ImageHarvest DuskThe 55th Vhalar marks the last trial of the last harvest of the arc, at least symbolically. At dusk, the farmers bring baskets with fruits and vegetables and place them all on a table in the town or village so that the residents can be assured that there is sufficient food for them all. It is the superstition that should the harvest be bad in this season, then next Vhalar some awful calamity will occur.
ImageRitual of Remembrance The 85th Vhalar marks the very private 'ritual of the dead'. At some point during this trial a family gathers together and celebrates their dead, in the hope that they didn't stick around last season. This is done in a large family group or small ones, it does not matter and it is individual to each family.
Image U'frek's Trial On the 100th Vhalar the Immortal U'frek is celebrated. This is an incredibly important Immortal to the people of Scalvoris, living on an isolated island as they do. Beautiful, intricate maps a drawn and placed in a leather binding, creating a unique book each arc. Offerings are made to U'frek and the trial usually is finished off by visits to the beach and boat trips. The town of Almund especially enjoys this tradition and fully engages with the festivities.
Image Vhalar's Farewell On the 120th Vhalar the children of Scalvoris go in large groups and collect up fallen leaves, ferns and flowers. These are taken back home and dried then used for craft activities or placed in decorative bowls. Originally this tradition was a last chance to let the children run around outdoors, but it has become something significant in its own right as it provides colour and entertainment throught the winter trials.
~~93 Trials~~
ImageThrice KnockedThroughout Zi'da, Scalvorians undertake the Zi'da ritual of knocking the inside of the door to their home three times upon their return, to ensure that their body, heart and soul have all returned home and none have been frozen in place.
Image Festival of Light On the 1st Zi'da Scalvoris town holds a festival of lights. Candles are lit throughout the city and every home prepared to offer a room to someone during the freeze to come places a candle in their window. The town opens up halls and the Temple of Glass opens its doors to those who wish to spend the cold cycle freeze in the relative warmth of Scalvoris Town. On this day and night, small candles light the way from the front gates of the town to the homes and buildings where those who seek it might get comfort from the storms to come.
Image Parade of Light In a defiant gesture, the night of the 3rd Zi'da has seen the residents of Scalvoris create beautiful paper lanters in amazing shapes which they parade around the streets of Scalvoris Town.
Image Ziell's Trial Throughout the 15th Zi'da the citizens of Scalvoris celebrate Ziell. It is a trial of peace, any fighting is considered to be very bad luck indeed. During the early breaks of the morning people pray to Ziell and write down prophecies, which they store away. Then, during the last breaks of the night, they read the prophecies they wrote the arc before and they give thanks to Ziell for the wisdom he has granted them.This trial marks the beginning of a time of celebration, gift giving and reflection on Scalvoris.
ImageNight of Letters On the 16th Zi'da the tradition is to write letters to all those who you plan on giving gifts to in the coming trials, not informing them what you plan to gift them, but rather telling them why you wish to give them a gift.
ImageNight of Wishes On the 20th Zi'da there is a tradition between those who live together in a house. Each person, during the trial, writes their wishes for gifts in the form of a list. Then, during the evening they must pick a random moment to make a dash for the fire and burn the list. Their housemates must stop this from happening. This is largely symbolic since having the lists really helps.
Image Gift of Knowledge The 40th Zi'da sees the first of three trials of gift giving. On this trial, gifts are given which symbolise knowledge. This might be academic knowledge, or it might be practical skills so gifts can range from books to tools.
Image Gift of LaughterThe 41st Zi'da marks the second trial of gift giving. On this trial gifts are meant to be fun and promote companionship and laughter. Games which can be played together are traditional at this time, for example.
ImageGift of Love The 42nd Zi'da has people giving gifts which symbolise their love for the recipient. This is love in all its forms and is meant in the broadest terms. There are not traditional gifts to give here, the custom is that the gifts should be personal and thoughtful.
ImageZi'da Feast The 43rd Zi'da sees all members of a household sitting down together to a traditional Zi'da feast. Each town / village has their own traditions for this feast, as does each household, so a different feast is apparent in each home.
Image Arcs End The 92nd Zi'da sees Scalvorians taking stock of the arc which is about to end. They store items or written memorabilia in a trunk or chest. This is done each arc and is used to give gifts and share memories upon death.
ImageNew Arcs Eve The 93rd Zi'da sees Scalvorians in the thousands spending the trial and evening outside, celebrating the last trial of the arc and welcoming in the new one. They wrap up warm, enjoy the last trial of light for some time and generally eat and drink and sing and dance together.
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[Scalvoris] Lore

Marriage & Divorce
Scalvorians have a lot of strange rituals and customs with a number of regional differences and idiosyncrasies. In terms of marriage, there are two distinct types of marriage ceremony; the traditional and the modern. Some things are common to both.
Proposals: Men or women can propose, and no is always an option. Arranged marriages are almost unheard of on Scalvoris. Proposals are an individual thing, with the proposer asking with as much, or as little, ceremony as they choose. There is a tradition (as above) that the Immortals' Scent festival on 3rd Vhalar is a lucky time to propose. The only usual tradition is that the one who proposes buys or makes two identical boxes and gives one to their betrothed, keeping the other for themselves. The traditional ribbons and ropes will be stored in these 'betrothal boxes'. The box should be small and intricately carved and should represent the very best that the proposer can afford or create.

Weddings: The island of Scalvoris is a very diverse place and this is reflected in their wedding celebrations. No two ceremonies are likely to be the same, which the natives are very happy with. However there are some things which are usual.


  • The marriage ceremony involves multicoloured ribbons and ropes ~ one of the couple chooses the ribbons, the other the ropes. Each one must be meaningful to the couple and represent a memory, wish or promise. They are stored in the 'betrothal boxes' given when proposing.
  • Exactly one trial before the ceremony is to take place, the couple exchange their betrothal boxes with the ribbons or ropes inside them, explaining what they mean. They then work together to braid them into one long piece.
  • The night before the wedding, the couple eat a simple meal with whoever is going to perform the ceremony.
  • The three of them (couple + officiator) then spend the night together awake (note the superstition that it is bad luck to discuss the wedding that night).
  • If the couple get married in Cylus, the gifts given must be of greater value.
  • The couple greet the dawn together on the morning of the ceremony. It is usual for them to exchange small but personal gifts as they do so.
  • The first guest to arrive is given a gift by the couple.


  • It is bad luck to mention the wedding the night before.
  • To be wed in the "World's End Festival" on the 45th Ashan is considered good luck.
  • It is unlucky to be married during Zi'da.


Traditional gifts include:
  • Gold
  • Silver
  • Glass
  • Wooden carvings
It is considered unlucky / inappropriate to give:
  • Clothing
  • Anything made from cloth / material
  • Anything made from paper
  • Money


As a rule of thumb, Scalvorians don't really care who is marrying who so long as everyone involved is doing so freely. They are very against forcing someone to marry, although they'd suggest that the thing to do then would be to enslave them if you could, marriage should be a voluntary choice.
Therefore, same sex couples or polygamous marriages are considered exactly the same as any other wedding.
Despite the above similarities, Scalvoris has two very distinct kinds of wedding.

Traditional Scalvorian Weddings

The Ceremony

The ceremony is conducted by someone chosen by the couple. It is a brief and often rowdy affair with a fair amount of audience participation. The couple stand together, hands held and their hands are tied together by multicoloured ribbons and ropes. They are considered to be properly wed at the moment that the ribbons and ropes are cut and land on the floor. Lewd jokes are expected from this point on and at the end of the ceremony the couple are lifted into the air by their guests and carried to where the party is going to be held. It is the job of the person who officiated the ceremony to pick up the remains of the ribbons and ropes.

The Party After

Whenever means allow, the marriage is more of a party than a solemn ceremony. Copious amounts of alcohol are a given. Those who can afford it also often stage slave fights. These fights are almost always to the death, and its agreed that a marriage with more deaths (providing its not of those being married!) is luckier. An anthropologist could trace this back to a time when sacrifices were the norm, but at this point it's done because it's always been done.

Traditions & Superstitions

  • If the ribbons and ropes will not cut, it is bad luck.
  • If the guests drop one or both of the couple, their marriage is considered null and void
  • If the officiator does not collect up the ribbons and ropes, or they blow away, the couple will be childless or their children will be cursed.
  • It is good luck for the ribbons and ropes to cut with one slice.
  • It is good luck if the guests carry the couple without incident.
  • The more deaths during the party after, the more blessed the couple will be
  • The couple should put the now cut ribbons and ropes under their bed, to promote fertility. Once an arc they should cut a small piece off and leave it as an offering to one of the Immortals
Modern Scalvorian Weddings

The Ceremony

The ceremony is conducted by someone chosen by the couple and revolves around the symbolism of the giving of body, mind and soul. Each of these is dealt with separately, so the ceremony is in three parts.
  • Marriage of Body ~ the physical form is represented by the ribbons and ropes traditionally exchanged. The couple have one hand tied to each other.
  • Marriage of Mind ~ the mind is represented by vows, written on parchment and spoken during the ceremony.
  • Marriage of Soul ~ the soul is represented in an exchange of items during the ceremony. These are personal to the couple and their relevance is explained.
The ribbons and ropes are not cut but instead the couple have one hand tied to each other for the remainder of the trial. They must eat and dance with their hands tied together which often leads to more than a few mishaps, especially once the alcohol starts to flow. At the end of the ceremony, the parchment with the vows written on is burnt and the ashes from that fire are placed into one of the betrothal boxes for the couple to keep. Many couples choose to also keep a copy of the vows themselves, often in the other box.

The Party After

Food is bountiful and drink flows, there is dancing and music.The nature of the party is really up to the individuals who plan it, but see the "Traditions & Superstitions tab, also.

Traditions & Superstitions

  • The couple should not remove the ribbons and ropes from their hands until the following morning.
  • If the ribbons and ropes fall off before they dance for the first time, it is bad luck
  • It is traditional to invite a stranger to the wedding ~ this is said to bring good luck. The invitation is pre-written to "Jon", for reasons unknown, and then given to the stranger.
  • It is perfectly acceptable for the couple to ask people to bring food or drinks.
  • The idea of death bringing luck is an anathema to this sort of ceremony, so it is considered fortuitous if no fights break out / no one dies.
Divorce: In the event of divorce, which is also perfectly acceptable and more common in Almund than elsewhere, things under the new government regime have gotten a lot more clear. As and when a couple choose to divorce, they sign some papers and split everything they have half and half, or as they agree. If the divorce is sought by only one of the pair or they can not agree on how to split their property, they must go before the judge. It is as likely that the judge will simply rule that all their property belongs to the island, to a charity or to someone else, so couples tend to work it out between them.
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[Scalvoris] Lore

Scalvorians have a varied diet. Fish is the most common protein and there are a lot of very unusual fish around the island. This means that the residents of Scalvoris have had to become inventive when it comes to their foods. They have risen to this challenge happily, and have created local delicacies such as Chrythiam Fish (left) or crispy salted seahorse. The unusual fruits and vegetables which are evident throughout the island and are grown there are also a staple. Whale meat is available all arc round. Goats and reindeer are fairly common and form part of the agricultural system generally. All in all, the Scalvorians have a rich and diverse diet and they enjoy the look of surprise, and sometimes horror, on the faces of visitors to their island.
Since the events of Vhalar 716, the influx of new residents to the island has opened up their food options even more greatly. People from Viden have started to give advice on means of growing and the fact that the ground in Scalvoris Town is warmer due to the underground links to the volcano also adds to their ability to grow a variety of foods and, more importantly, farm a range of livestock not accessible to the rest of the island. That means that meats like chicken and beef are available but are very much more expensive. Things like the unusual "Sunburst Fruit" (right) give the Scalvorians a varied and interesting diet.
For more information on specific food and drinks, please see the food & drink thread
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[Scalvoris] Lore

There's something about living somewhere as harsh as Scalvoris can be. It creates a certain type of person and one of the things that almost everyone who lives in Scalvoris will tell you is that music is good for your soul. But it's more than that, because they have taken music and turned it into something about them and about their way of living.

Scalvorian music is lively and bright, often a bit rowdy and sometimes more than a little lewd. Yet, most of what Scalvoris music is about is celebration, so there are song about life and laughter, love and family, fighting and passion. It is a place where people will often have a musical instrument or two in their homes and might spend an evening playing and singing. One of the unique things which has occurred in recent arcs is the growth of Egilrun glass instruments. Things like the Glass Viola (right) which are held to the mouth and played but which also have strings to pluck are growing more and more popular and Scalvoris is a place which is rapidly coming to be associated with the crafting of unusual instruments.

Nothing is truly off limits in terms of music, although the sort of formal recitals which might be found elsewhere on Idalos are rare to non-existent on Scalvoris. People dance on beaches, sing songs in their homes and celebrate with their friends. Music is often associated with alcohol and can be heard coming from Inns, Taverns and homes up and down the island.
For more information on musical instruments specific to Scalvoris, please see the Musical Instrument & Original Song thread
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