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[Uthaldria] City Map/Location List

Bathwells of Nirn

The Bathwells of Nirn are... unique in that they utilize the talents of a small, domesticated Nirn, one of the few of its kind. The Nirn, upon consuming water, will emit it back in a different form by adding in particles of its mucus. The water becomes exceptionally sleek, almost silky, with regenerative properties. The Bathwells, manned by this Nirn, hold exceptionally relaxing qualities, excellent for skin care, general health, muscle relaxation and reducing strain and aching. For this reason, they are highly sought after, and are nearly always packed with Lothar laying about wantonly for hours at a time. Recently, a much smaller women's section opened.


Name: Mikael Krieg
Race: Lotharro
Birthday/Age: 36
Title: Owner
Skills: Business Management - Master
Animal Training - Expert
Cosmetology - Expert
Caregiving - Expert
Medicine - Competent

Details: Mikael Krieg, owner and inventor of the Bathwells of Nirn, is a wealthy Lothar renowned for his innovations in cosmetics and bodily relaxation in Uthaldria. He is known as an excellent masseur, as well as a provider of pleasure in many atypical ways, essentially inventing the concept of a "spa" in the city. The man is a Kriger Lothar of unexpectedly bulky appearance, believing his appetite for physical activities to give him a competitive edge in understanding what the warrior wants in terms of relaxation and care.

Price List

Bathwell Treatment [1gn] A stay in the Bathwells - 1 gn per hour.
Deluxe Bathwell Treatment [3gn] Entry into the Deluxe Bathwells, far less crowded and filled with fine company. Prostitutes are allowed entry for an additional fee. 3gn/hour

Nirnwater [5gn] A large bucket of Nirn Water to fill one's tub with, or even to drink. It is known for regenerative and relaxing properties.
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[Uthaldria] City Map/Location List

Bondenlagen Farms

The Bondenlagen farms are owned by a Lothar and his wife directly outside of the city. it is here that Luden and Aela get to work on breeding animals and monsters for the good of Uthaldria. The farm stretches 4046 acres of land and holds mostly livestock. The Livestock bred here is often transported to other parts of Clan Stahlmark's holdings for feeding bigger animals and other Lotharen.


Name: Luden Bondenlagen
Created by: Fridgar
Race: Lotharro
Birthday/Age: 27
Title: Bonder
Skills: Animal Husbandry: 80
Seduction: 50
Animal Training: 60
Hunting: 40
Agriculture: 50
Details: Luden is on the path of the Breeder and is renowned for supplying the city and surrounding areas with plenty of meat. It is because of his efforts that he has earned the support of the city, who occasionally fund new equipment and have given him and his wife plenty of space to do his thing.


Name: Aela Bondenlagen
Created by: Fridgar
Race: Human
Birthday/Age: 24
Title: Bonder
Skills: Business management: 70
Logistics: 50
Animal Husbandry: 40
Animal Training: 30
Details: Aela is the wife of Luden and works to keep stock flowing in the farm, organizing pickups for cattle and crop. While Luden does the heavy lifting, Aela uses her academic superiority to manage the farm from behind the scenes.

Price List

Corn: 5 cn each Ymiden
Wheat: 10 sn/lb Vhalar
Soybeans: 7 cn per small sack Ashan
Potatoes: 5 cn each Zi'da
Grapes: 2 cn each Ymiden, Saun & Vhalar
Raisin: 4 cn each All Arc
Soy Flour: 10 sn/lb All Arc
Wheat Flour: 10 sn/lb All Arc
Corn Flour: 2 sn/lb All Arc
Soy Oil: 10 gn/pt All Arc
Corn Oil: 4 gn/pt All Arc
Prime Pork (meat): 4gn/lb All Arc
Piglets: 5gn each Ashan & Ymiden
Corn Seeds: 1/4 acre 25gn All Arc
Wheat Seeds: 1/4 acre 25gn All Arc
Soybeans Seeds: 1/4 acre 25gn All Arc
Potatoes Sprouts: 1/4 acre 25gn All Arc
Grapevine Cuttings: 1/4 acre 25gn All Arc
Foals: 50gn Ashan & Ymiden if available
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[Uthaldria] City Map/Location List

Fallen Brother Hospice

The Fallen Brother Hospice acts as a medical community for those who do not operate within a Path, or for some reason cannot find care within their Path. Since most Paths provide medical services and carry medics within the profession, hospitals for the general public are not seen as a priority in Uthaldria, particularly due to the scarcity of medical professionals. It was therefore the duty of immigrants to build a hospital to suit the general citizenry, though due to the density of people in Uthaldria and the relative lack of professionals, the accommodations in the hospice are for the desperate only. However, all services are free, with the hospice taking donations to stay afloat.


Name: Marjolaine Flores
Race: Avriel
Birthday/Age: 27
Title: Lead Physician
Skills: Medicine - Master
Surgery - Expert
Caregiving - Expert
Research - Expert
Storytelling - Competent
Socialization - Competent
Details: Marjolaine, the Avriel Physician running the Hospice, is a woman of exceptional altruism and a need to heal. Marked by Moseke, she came to Uthaldria in devotion to the Immortal, hearing of the ailments of the common citizenry and the lack of hands to heal them. Upon being greeted to Uthaldria with a warm welcome, despite her Avriel lineage, the woman determined that the people of the city not only needed her expertise, but that they more than deserved it for the kindness they'd shown. Since arriving, she's helped a great deal to reduce the mortality rate by illness in Uthaldria, particularly in children and infants.
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The Beastwells

The Beastwells, a massive facility similar to a modern zoo in appearance and structure, is a place for individuals to view, study and purchase beasts for the sake of combat, field exploration or other variable practices. Founded initially by the government to increase the amount of safe public activities, it has since evolved, and now acts as a place of breeding and researching all domesticated monsters. Virtually any domesticated monster within Uthaldria can be found here, and many can be purchased.


Name: Kaedan Val Hale
Race: Lotharro
Birthday/Age: 28
Details: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer velit tellus, facilisis ut leo at, ultricies tristique leo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce elit lorem, ullamcorper eu magna ut, hendrerit placerat nibh. Proin finibus purus ac enim blandit, consectetur bibendum ligula vehicula. Nunc lobortis erat ac ex sodales ullamcorper. Fusce iaculis ac diam vel vestibulum. Duis ut porttitor libero. Pellentesque quis consectetur quam. Nullam dapibus id sapien ut aliquet. Sed pulvinar, nunc ut bibendum aliquet, sem nulla euismod massa, et dignissim tellus magna pellentesque erat. Nullam elementum rhoncus erat et porta. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Phasellus egestas mauris id enim scelerisque pellentesque.

Price List

Drexion 600 gn
Sohr Khal 1000 gn
Solghannon 800 gn
Roggelond 1500 gn
Stekir 250 gn
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[Uthaldria] City Map/Location List

The Ancestor's Shaperate

The Ancestor's Shaperate is a library within the city, known as one of the greatest libraries of Western Idalos. It is considered to be as such not due to a vastness in the quantities of books, but by the unique way in which books are written: by means of first-hand knowledge into the past. While history may be written by the victors in other parts of the world, it is not so with the Lothar, who can firmly and fondly remember the things which they have seen from many lives ago. The Shaperate's section on history and technological developments is quite anecdotal, with a consensus being formed by multiple Reborn Lothar to determine the accuracy of any books. As a result, their academia is instinctual and biological, just as much of their other actions are.

Regardless, a non-Lothar has been given the position of librarian within the Shaperate, organizing and licensing the books while the Reborn Lothar act as their authors. Much of the books are rewritten multiple times over by the librarian, who spends nearly all of her time working in the Shaperate.


Name: Monani Zik'Adaj
Race: Biqaj
Birthday/Age: 35
Title: Librarian
Skills: Research - Master
Linguistics - Expert
Investigation - Expert
Storytelling - Expert
Teaching - Competent
Discipline - Competent
Details: Monani Zik'Adaj, commonly called Mona or Mo, is the biqaj librarian that operates the Shaperate, given permission by Demavend Norandel, Kriger Roksgard. She has worked in this position for nearly fifteen years, after arriving in her teenage years as a researcher from Ne'haer. Monani is one of the most diligent individuals in Uthaldria's academic community, constantly working to translate and cite texts, as well as up the academic standards of the city.
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[Uthaldria] City Map/Location List

The Arcane Orerry

The Arcane Orerry exists in place of the Seekers, Coven and other magical factions. Magic-based factions not supervised directly by the Wilder Roksgard are not allowed in Uthaldria. As a result, the Arcane Orerry - a government run center for magical learning - has sprung up to guide mages towards competence in their practice, connecting mages with apprentices and collaborating with the Paths to ensure mages are promoting the wellbeing of the city.

The Orerry is, also, a center of artifact creation and magical logistics determinations. Several mages of the Alsingarde work within the Orerry to ensure magic does not grow too prevalent in the city, nor mages too rebellious. Non-Lothar mages, particularly, are given extra care in dealing with and are watched by their colleagues within the Orerry. There is currently a proposal to the Roksgard to turn the Orerry into a full magical college, though it is unlikely to be accepted.
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Brederhan [Adoption Agency]

Brederhan, or Brotherhood in Haltunga, is a massive adoption agency run by the Path of the Breeders. The agency typically operates out of the Hallen den Bonde, but carries several locations across Gauthrel, and a large satellite building in Uthaldria. At any given time, there are hundreds of Lotharro being taken care of by the Breeders, raised from infancy to know of themselves, their Path and their goals. Brederhan allows law-abiding citizens with a home and no outstanding debts to adopt children, introducing them to their clan. They are typically far more critical in evaluating the parental capability of a non-Lotharro, as such parents may not know the significance of a life in the city.

Brederhan is considered to be one of the most well-maintained adoption agencies in the world, considering the sheer number of Lothar that end up here upon being Reborn, if they are not taken by a Likryjr (life-mate) or previous friend. Additionally, as many Breeders produce dozens of children across their lives to expand upon Gauthrel's Lotharro population, these children are often placed here to be raised. Brederhan is constantly being expanded upon, requiring a staff in the hundreds to maintain proper quality of life for the children.


Name: Devin Mac Daidhen
Race: Lotharro
Birthday/Age: 20
Title: Receptionist
Skills: Socialization - Expert
Research - Expert
Logistics - Competent
Persuasion - Competent
Caregiving - Competent
Details: Devin is the primary receptionist for Brederhan, handling adoption fees and processing in the establishment. He is typically the one to delegate researching an individual's economic and legal history, and is renowned for his customer service, which is typically not a skill of many Lothar.

Price List

Lothar Child: 100 gn
Non-Lothar Child: 50 gn
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[Uthaldria] City Map/Location List

The Haunted Harlot [Tavern]

The Haunted Harlot, located in the Steps of Valor, is the highest-earning and most critically acclaimed tavern in Uthaldria. Owned by a man of exceptional class and poise, it strikes visitors distinctively with its atmosphere, highly unique to Uthaldrian norms. The rules of the establishment are as follows:

1. No violence, save for mutually consensual rough-play.
2. No loud, unprovoked shouting
3. No threatening of anyone, or loudly declared challenges of a physical nature
4. No dancing on tables
5. No throwing of food

With these five rules, often called the Cardinal Five, the Haunted Harlot has set itself as a classy establishment in suburban Uthaldria, enchanting guests with its excellently cooked meals and unique, fine wines.


Name: Ferdinand Tauriel
Race: Lotharro
Birthday/Age: 30
Title: Owner
Skills: Vinting - Master
Business Management - Master
Cooking - Expert
Etiquette - Expert
Negotiation - Expert
Brewing - Expert
Candlemaking - Competent
Carpentry - Competent

Details: Ferdinand Tauriel, raised by his human mother, is a rare individual in Uthaldrian culture - a Lotharen man who focuses solely on his profession and trade, working tirelessly to see the Harlot succeed as well as producing new, popular vintages and alcoholic beverages. He is known to be a prominent chef and drinkmaker in the city, and is often invited by prominent Lothar as the culinarian and drink provider of large parties. Ferdinand is a busy, but wealthy, man - he has virtually no time for any other engagements, and as such has imported nannies from Ne'haer to watch over his six sons, raising them differently from other Lothar in the city.

Special Items and Rooms

Rooms are 2 gn a night for regular, 3gn a night for Deluxe, which possesses a large bed, a table and a mirror.

Unique Items
Uthaldrian Red 25 gn/bottle, 3gn/shot
Invented by Ferdinand of the Haunted Harlot, the Uthaldrian Red is an excellent wine that displays astounding flavor even in early age. Each year passing dramatically enhances the flavor of the vintage, apparently causing unique physical sensations by the age of ten. This is the most well-renowned Uthaldrian wine.

Vines of Faeron 18 gn/bottle, 2gn/shot
The Vines of Faeron is another wine unique to the Haunted Harlot in Uthaldria, though it is sold in taverns throughout the city of Faeron as well, to the east. The vintage is said to sparkle and gush into one's mouth, causing for the feeling of consuming wine and eating sweet grapes in the same period of consumption, with bubbles of wine forming in the vintage. It is essentially eaten, with sips taken at a time.

Common Drinks

Clean Water 2cn a mug 1sn a flagon Clean drinking water. Useful for quenching thirst, survival, or sobering up.
Ale 1sn a mug 6sn a flagon A cheap drink brewed from barley or oats, or any number of different grains.
Beer3sn a mug2gn a flagonRich, hoppy flavours scented with allspice, juniper, resin, apples, bread-crumbs, sage, lavender, gentian, cinnamon, or laurel. These are usually high-flavoured beverages with a strong, natural taste.
Cider5sn a mug3gn a flagonA bitter-sweet flavour achieved by pouring water onto apples and steeping them to perfection. Fresh, crisp, and strong-flavoured, cider can be served cold, at room temperature, or heated.
Mead1gn a mug6gn a flagonA sweet alcoholic drink enjoyed by people from all classes, mead is and brewed using honey.
Rum1gn a shot10gn a bottleMade from sugarcane juice and molasses and distilled into a clear liquid before it is aged in oak barrels, producing the dark, amber colour rum is famous for. It has a smoky, sweet taste and is very popular among sailors.
Vodka2gn a shot15gn a bottleCrisp and distilled for volume rather than flavour, vodka has no distinctive taste, and can best be described as cold and clean, going down smoothly. This spirit is clear having no colour and is typically drunk straight, with a subtle after taste and strong bite.
Brandy2gn a shot20gn a bottleAn after dinner drink of the best quality and highest proofing, this brandy will leave a warm feeling in the mouth and stomach upon consumption.
Whiskey 2gn a shot30gn a bottleMade from fermented grain-mash including barley, corn, rye, and wheat. Whiskey is aged over time in wooden crates generally made of charred white oak important from different regions across Idalos.

White Wine

Ashan’s Twilight6sn per Glass4gn per BottleA wine low in alcohol that is cheap and popular. It has a pleasant taste and is grown, harvested, and vinted in the hottest parts of Idalos. Though it is mass produced most of the year, Ashan’s Twilight is a very widely respected wine.
Saun’s Heat8sn per Glass6gn per BottleA spicy concoction made by the Biqaj and often kept by the barrel loads upon their ships. This is an aged, dry wine with a strong hint of flavour that goes great with seafood dishes.
Shimmering Koriel10sn per Glass8gn per BottleThe added flavours of pomelos and kumquats give this straw coloured, sweet, full-bodied wine its unique and delicious taste. Imported from areas of eastern Idalos, this wine is crafted and bottled every four arcs, making it hard to come by outside of the east.
Sparkling White2gn per Glass13gn per BottleVibrant and bubbly in aroma and flavour, this sparkling wine is herbaceous, flavoursome, and will ensnare the senses with its hints of citrus and passionfruit.
Kuwasa3gn per Glass15gn per BottleA dessert wine from the shores of Desnind with special aromas of mandarin and apricot with a hint of lemon zest.
Appiden4gn per Glass17gn per BottleRich and savoury flavours loaded with the aromas of intense, ripe pears and Ymiden apples.
Smof8gn per Glass26gn per BottleA crowd favourite with ripe peach and aromatic flavours, make this one of the best mid-range wines in all of Idalos. Its subtle spices make this the perfect white wine for a cold day.
Moseke’s Harvest13gn per Glass35gn per BottleInspired by the tastes of nature, crafters of this wine import green grapes from the far reaches of Idalos to bring together the ‘tastes of the world’. A crisp, refreshing vintage that will inspire anyone's taste-buds.
Queen25gn per Glass50gn per BottleA strong wine with a sharp taste blended with hints of kiwi fruit, mangosteen, and lychee. This is known as the queen of wines, best served with a meal fit for a king.
White Diamond40gn per Glass100gn per BottleA sweet wine best served cold, high in alcohol and far too easy to drink, this white wine tastes just like a high quality grape juice and has been describe as ‘the taste of Saun in a bottle’. Partnered well with fish.

Red Wine

Stone Creek6sn per Glass4gn per BottleAn inexpensive red wine from the city of Rharne with enticing aromas and flavours of wild blackcurrant with overtones of black pepper and spices best served with red meat, wild game, and stews.
Venora Rose8sn per Glass6gn per BottleImported all around the world from the sunny shores of Rynmere, Venora Rose is grown on the slopes of ‘Nora’s Rest’ where the vines get just the right mix of cool air and warm sunshine. This light, red rose is best served with Saun fruits and light meals.
Low Hanging Zemoni10sn per Glass8gn per BottleCrafted from the shores of Ne'haer, this wine is excellent as a before-or-after-dinner drink. This deeply coloured wine of purples and reds is sweet and delectable. Its elegant smoothness is due to a low acid content, delivering a flavour that will leave most yearning for more.
Acripae2gn per Glass13gn per BottleA wine that evokes legend and fascination with its brilliant tastes of purple grapes from the mysterious lands of Desnind. It shines with noticeable hints of garnet-red and flashes of amber. Acripae can be a bitter tasting wine due to its acidity. However, it is a wine that exudes glory, nobility and power.
Nanutha3gn per Glass15gn per BottleNanutha is a drink best served chilled. It is a drink with a high alcohol content that is bound to get even the most tolerant tipsy after a few glasses. This wine is meant as a dessert drink, with its intense notes of red fruits and herbal undertones. Some say this wine is a true serum.
Vithella4gn per Glass17gn per BottleImportant from the Avriel City, Athart, Vithella holds notes of spicy and herbaceous undertones that go great with a beef entree. It sparkles with brilliant reds and has low alcohol content for maximum enjoyment.
Red Aìda8gn per Glass26gn per BottleNamed after the Sev'ryn's meaning for 'Love', Red Aida is a wine imported from the lands of Desnind and crafted by the people themselves. This drink is high in alcohol content and contains a chemical that is known to bring about “feel good” emotions and cause mild hallucinations. The wine itself is balanced between tartness and sweet and is great as an after dinner drink.
Ruby Shav13gn per Glass35gn per BottleThis wine is both delectable in taste and appearance, giving off a very transparent shade of ruby red. Given at most celebrations, Ruby Shav has undertones of acai berry mixed with hints of orange and starfruit and is mostly produced and exported from Hiladrith.
Sesser’s Blend25gn per Glass50gn per BottleNamed after Syroa's mark, this wine has a chemical in it that causes strong hallucinations combined with herbal ingredients that causes the body to become both hypersensitive and sluggish, verging on paralytic. The wine does not have a high alcohol content and is more often used for fast acting drunkenness than enjoyment. The taste is quite bitter, though most seem to enjoy it.
Gyara40gn per Glass100gn per BottleGyara is a high class wine made by the citizen of Rharne . Its quality of smoothness coupled with its luxurious colour and blend make it a drink preferred by the noble class. The process to make the wine takes an extensive amount of time, making it one of the most expensive wines in the world.


Bread & Cheese: 5 cn
Simple Meal (Without Meat): 3 sn
Simple Meal (With Meat): 7 sn
Stew: 7 sn
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[Uthaldria] City Map/Location List

Varanga [Restaurant]

Content of Location.


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Price List

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[Uthaldria] City Map/Location List

Nidhoffnir [Tavern]

Nidhoffnir is a tavern funded by the Bonde, using their grains and crops to brew the alcohol under their own expenses. The tavern is notorious for hosting massive, abnormally intense, hyper aggressive bar fights two or three times a trial. While it isn't by intent that these fights break out, it's considered odd that this tavern in particular is where the magic happens. Most Lothar sum it up to the fact that aggressive, low-class drunkards find themselves in this tavern and are always quick to anger. The looseness of the law regarding low-tier assault probably has its hand in letting Lotharen get away with these fights so frequently.


Name: Balfrik Fjaner
Created by: Fridgar
Race: Lotharro
Birthday/Age: 25
Title: Bartender
Skills: Business Management: 70
Psychology: 40
Logistics: 40
Etiquette: 60
Discipline: 50
Strength: 80
Unarmed Combat: 60
Endurance: 30

Details: Balfrik is the unspoken hero of Nidhoffnir, he single-handedly manages the stock, provides consolation to his customers, fights off those extra rowdy Lotharen and puts people in their place. When Balfrik is around, people mind the intensity of the bar fights and keep it to a low. One time, a Lothar managed to knock him out and the bar fell into a spiralling chaos, that lasted a good break until he woke up and proceeded to beat his customers senseless.

Common Drinks

Clean Water 2cn a mug 1sn a flagon Clean drinking water. Useful for quenching thirst, survival, or sobering up.
Ale 1sn a mug 6sn a flagon A cheap drink brewed from barley or oats, or any number of different grains.
Beer3sn a mug2gn a flagonRich, hoppy flavours scented with allspice, juniper, resin, apples, bread-crumbs, sage, lavender, gentian, cinnamon, or laurel. These are usually high-flavoured beverages with a strong, natural taste.
Cider5sn a mug3gn a flagonA bitter-sweet flavour achieved by pouring water onto apples and steeping them to perfection. Fresh, crisp, and strong-flavoured, cider can be served cold, at room temperature, or heated.
Mead1gn a mug6gn a flagonA sweet alcoholic drink enjoyed by people from all classes, mead is and brewed using honey.
Rum1gn a shot10gn a bottleMade from sugarcane juice and molasses and distilled into a clear liquid before it is aged in oak barrels, producing the dark, amber colour rum is famous for. It has a smoky, sweet taste and is very popular among sailors.
Vodka2gn a shot15gn a bottleCrisp and distilled for volume rather than flavour, vodka has no distinctive taste, and can best be described as cold and clean, going down smoothly. This spirit is clear having no colour and is typically drunk straight, with a subtle after taste and strong bite.
Brandy2gn a shot20gn a bottleAn after dinner drink of the best quality and highest proofing, this brandy will leave a warm feeling in the mouth and stomach upon consumption.
Whiskey 2gn a shot30gn a bottleMade from fermented grain-mash including barley, corn, rye, and wheat. Whiskey is aged over time in wooden crates generally made of charred white oak important from different regions across Idalos.

White Wine

Ashan’s Twilight6sn per Glass4gn per BottleA wine low in alcohol that is cheap and popular. It has a pleasant taste and is grown, harvested, and vinted in the hottest parts of Idalos. Though it is mass produced most of the year, Ashan’s Twilight is a very widely respected wine.
Saun’s Heat8sn per Glass6gn per BottleA spicy concoction made by the Biqaj and often kept by the barrel loads upon their ships. This is an aged, dry wine with a strong hint of flavour that goes great with seafood dishes.
Shimmering Koriel10sn per Glass8gn per BottleThe added flavours of pomelos and kumquats give this straw coloured, sweet, full-bodied wine its unique and delicious taste. Imported from areas of eastern Idalos, this wine is crafted and bottled every four arcs, making it hard to come by outside of the east.
Sparkling White2gn per Glass13gn per BottleVibrant and bubbly in aroma and flavour, this sparkling wine is herbaceous, flavoursome, and will ensnare the senses with its hints of citrus and passionfruit.
Kuwasa3gn per Glass15gn per BottleA dessert wine from the shores of Desnind with special aromas of mandarin and apricot with a hint of lemon zest.
Appiden4gn per Glass17gn per BottleRich and savoury flavours loaded with the aromas of intense, ripe pears and Ymiden apples.
Smof8gn per Glass26gn per BottleA crowd favourite with ripe peach and aromatic flavours, make this one of the best mid-range wines in all of Idalos. Its subtle spices make this the perfect white wine for a cold day.
Moseke’s Harvest13gn per Glass35gn per BottleInspired by the tastes of nature, crafters of this wine import green grapes from the far reaches of Idalos to bring together the ‘tastes of the world’. A crisp, refreshing vintage that will inspire anyone's taste-buds.
Queen25gn per Glass50gn per BottleA strong wine with a sharp taste blended with hints of kiwi fruit, mangosteen, and lychee. This is known as the queen of wines, best served with a meal fit for a king.
White Diamond40gn per Glass100gn per BottleA sweet wine best served cold, high in alcohol and far too easy to drink, this white wine tastes just like a high quality grape juice and has been describe as ‘the taste of Saun in a bottle’. Partnered well with fish.

Red Wine

Stone Creek6sn per Glass4gn per BottleAn inexpensive red wine from the city of Rharne with enticing aromas and flavours of wild blackcurrant with overtones of black pepper and spices best served with red meat, wild game, and stews.
Venora Rose8sn per Glass6gn per BottleImported all around the world from the sunny shores of Rynmere, Venora Rose is grown on the slopes of ‘Nora’s Rest’ where the vines get just the right mix of cool air and warm sunshine. This light, red rose is best served with Saun fruits and light meals.
Low Hanging Zemoni10sn per Glass8gn per BottleCrafted from the shores of Ne'haer, this wine is excellent as a before-or-after-dinner drink. This deeply coloured wine of purples and reds is sweet and delectable. Its elegant smoothness is due to a low acid content, delivering a flavour that will leave most yearning for more.
Acripae2gn per Glass13gn per BottleA wine that evokes legend and fascination with its brilliant tastes of purple grapes from the mysterious lands of Desnind. It shines with noticeable hints of garnet-red and flashes of amber. Acripae can be a bitter tasting wine due to its acidity. However, it is a wine that exudes glory, nobility and power.
Nanutha3gn per Glass15gn per BottleNanutha is a drink best served chilled. It is a drink with a high alcohol content that is bound to get even the most tolerant tipsy after a few glasses. This wine is meant as a dessert drink, with its intense notes of red fruits and herbal undertones. Some say this wine is a true serum.
Vithella4gn per Glass17gn per BottleImportant from the Avriel City, Athart, Vithella holds notes of spicy and herbaceous undertones that go great with a beef entree. It sparkles with brilliant reds and has low alcohol content for maximum enjoyment.
Red Aìda8gn per Glass26gn per BottleNamed after the Sev'ryn's meaning for 'Love', Red Aida is a wine imported from the lands of Desnind and crafted by the people themselves. This drink is high in alcohol content and contains a chemical that is known to bring about “feel good” emotions and cause mild hallucinations. The wine itself is balanced between tartness and sweet and is great as an after dinner drink.
Ruby Shav13gn per Glass35gn per BottleThis wine is both delectable in taste and appearance, giving off a very transparent shade of ruby red. Given at most celebrations, Ruby Shav has undertones of acai berry mixed with hints of orange and starfruit and is mostly produced and exported from Hiladrith.
Sesser’s Blend25gn per Glass50gn per BottleNamed after Syroa's mark, this wine has a chemical in it that causes strong hallucinations combined with herbal ingredients that causes the body to become both hypersensitive and sluggish, verging on paralytic. The wine does not have a high alcohol content and is more often used for fast acting drunkenness than enjoyment. The taste is quite bitter, though most seem to enjoy it.
Gyara40gn per Glass100gn per BottleGyara is a high class wine made by the citizen of Rharne . Its quality of smoothness coupled with its luxurious colour and blend make it a drink preferred by the noble class. The process to make the wine takes an extensive amount of time, making it one of the most expensive wines in the world.


Bread & Cheese: 5 cn
Simple Meal (Without Meat): 3 sn
Simple Meal (With Meat): 7 sn
Stew: 7 sn
word count: 1473
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