[Mature] In Ilaren's name, Drinks are on me!

Fridgar is buying drinks tonight, Join in for a good time!

87th of Zi'da 716

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[Mature] In Ilaren's name, Drinks are on me!

Sintih asked for her dagger, as if he was worried. She looked to him, pained at what was happening. She'd heard Fridgar get hurt, and had caused it - in her eyes. But she nodded in understanding, undoing the straps that hid under her dress before handing him the blade.
"I...I didn't want to do it, Sintih. He started it, I didn't want to start anything" she said, her voice almost begging. She hoped he would know. He'd seen her when she was at her worst, when she sobbed in to his shoulder and was weak. She hoped that him, of all people, would side with her.

Rey's eyes kept wondering between Fridgar's hand and her dagger. She'd never wanted to hurt him, just the man that grabbed her. She felt dreadful about it, hating the idea that she had perhaps hurt him. He was one of the few people that was always there for her, one of the few that actually seemed to care.
But she didn't cry. She couldn't bring herself to. She had to be strong, be the weapon. A dagger didn't cry when it killed a man, and poison felt no sympathy for making a man splutter his insides. She couldn't let herself be that weak, it was pathetic and it would get her nowhere. Her head started to ache as the egg threatened to twist, make her feel so much pain she would break again. But it soon died down as whatever/whoever controlled it realized she didn't need to be broken, not this time. Every ounce of sadness started to fade - then came the guards.

Feeling Fridgar comfort her, like she had him, was normally a feeling of joy. But she ignored it. She was entering a fight without blades, and no poison to accompany her. She had nothing to defend herself with. Not that she'd need it. She walked alongside Fridgar to the guard, who asked what happened and threatened a sentence. Before she could speak up, everyone else seemed to. The man Tristan had just earned her respect and trust, as did the majority of the bar. Maybe not all drunkards were that bad.
After all had spoken, Rey looked to the guard un-amused. She lifted her wrist, showing the scratches and grazes down her wrist where she had clearly been grabbed. "Rey'na" she replied simply, before lowering her wrist. "and I believe you've heard enough."

But apparently this was far from over. The man hit Fridgar, sending Rey over the edge for a moment. But before she could react, Fridgar pinned the man to a wall. Her eyes watched, before realizing what he was doing - choking the man. Rey didn't wait for anyone else to intervene. She ran up behind the Lotharro, wrapping her arms around his stomach and pulling back.
"Fridgar, stop!" she cried out to him. She didn't care what happened to the Biqaj man, but after watching Fridgar be stuck in bed for so long she hated the idea he'd then be in the dungeons. "Please, please stop it."
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[Mature] In Ilaren's name, Drinks are on me!


The Lotharro that the Biqaj pointed out approached with the woman in tow, but more or less like Yana had been expecting, it did not seem like there would be time for reason, diplomacy and civil talk. While the false Eídisi could just barely resist taking a step back when spotting the raw ferocity and aggression in the bear-man's eyes and body, she could not hold back the involuntary reaction of reaching for her blade. Her face might have been as expressionless as usual, but the reflex was a sure sign of fear. The pressure that seemed to ooze from the hulk of a man was immense, and she cursed internally, suspecting that she'd just signed her own death warrant by responding to his hostility with hostility of her own.

Fortunately, someone stepped in and offered their view on the situation, which seemed to calm the Lotharro down a bit. Yana was surprised to find Tristan Venora having come to the aid of the hairy man. Even more unexpected was the face of the man behind him; Rathaan. He gave her a small nod in greeting, which the Yludih returned, though she focused her gaze back on the Venora Lord. “I am in uniform and on duty, Lord Venora,” she reprimanded him, her brow furrowed and eyes stern. “And if my mood was any worse I might have heard an attempt at bribery in your offer.” She pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed, the oppressive air and heat of the tavern, along with the noise was starting to give her a headache. “Besides, with all due respect, Lord Venora, but you have a bit of a reputation of being a less accurate source of information because of your antics. ”

The words had hardly left her mouth when the other patrons in the tavern started to all yell in support of the Lotharro. More than a dozen voices coming together in one big cacophony of noise, all testifying against the Biqaj, who seemed to be on the brink of foaming at the mouth. To be fair, Yana found it rather odd that the whole of the tavern would support the Lotharro. Usually there would have been a couple people who hadn't seen a thing, or who had seen something else than the others had. Not here, it seemed. The Lotharro was probably being protected by the crowd for one or other reason. He had made himself quite popular. The woman was also enjoying the support of the crowd, with multiple people claiming she'd been molested. The bruise on her wrist did seem to back this up.

Yana turned back to the Biqaj, mostly to ask his side of the story again, planning to compare it with the previous version he'd told her and Rutger, and to reassure him that the case was by no means closed, but it seemed his addled mind had already decided it was a lost cause. Maybe he was indeed guilty of what the crowd accused him of. Maybe he felt deeply offended and was fighting for his honor. She wasn't sure, but his actions were stupid ones to take.

Soon enough the tavern was once again brimming with excitement and ruckus as the fight began, though it was very one-sided. The Biqaj was no match for the Lotharro. Yana sighed deeply, rubbing her face with a hand, sick and tired of this whole situation. Hotheaded drunks were the worst indeed. Whelp, then she'd just have to arrest the both of them. Problem solved. The case of the young woman was another matter though, one that would have to wait until she'd taken care of this situation first.

Another sigh left her body, and the Yludih straightened up, fixing her posture to give off the vibe her superiors usually did. Her face was a slight scowl, her steps resolute. The false Eídisi passed Rathaan, and decided to recruit his help, just in case. “Mister Rathaan, could you lend me a hand, if you do not mind?” She was being quite formal, but she was on duty, and she thought of herself as a professional. Private life and work were preferably kept separate. Whether or not he decided to help or not, she then walked up to the young woman, placing a hand on her shoulder, gentle but firm. “Step aside please,” she spoke, her voice equally gentle, but with an edge of leadership. Then, assuming Rey'na had done as asked, Yana would grip the Lotharro's arm. “That is enough!” she hissed, feeling the headache throbbing at her temples, “Let him go.” She was by no means yelling, but she spoke loud enough for the Lotharro to hear, putting as much authority into it as she could muster. Not only into her voice, but also her body language. She wasn't sure how he'd react, but she was more than prepared to kick him in the junk really, really hard if he refused to listen, or if he did comply, but chose to vent his anger on her instead.
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[Mature] In Ilaren's name, Drinks are on me!

s expected, once the actor voiced his opinion, others followed suit. Curiously, the man that had been in the most danger at the beginning of all of this now supported the bearded man and Rey'na. Sin had to admit that it was to the credit of these lowtowners that he hadn't spotted anyone trying to make a physical move on Saeri or the Biqaj yet. When Saeri addressed the actor directly, Sin couldn't help the look of surprise. He had expected the man to be an ass, sure, but he had never expected a noble to come down to lowtown. Or maybe he had because he wouldn't put it past the nobles to come here and laugh at all the poor sods that would never be like them. He was as surprised by the man's presence as he was by Saeri's apparent knowledge of the man as well. From her words, Sin felt she knew exactly who she was dealing with. Sin wondered which Venora had decided to share in the party.

His mind jumped quickly, connecting the dots when he put himself to the task. This Venora had mentioned during his entrance that he wanted to act in plays and not just write them and when Sin and Saeri had met for the first time it had been during the play of Tristan Venora, the same Tristan Venora who had sent him the cloak and the painting, or what the man had defined as a painting. Somehow, his personality seemed to match with Sin's view on nobles and on the sender of the gifts specifically. Why was he not surprised that the man found himself so much better than everyone around him?

He was pulled from his thoughts by the bearded guy and Biqaj getting into it after the latter had seemingly decided that starting a fight in front of a guard was the only logical way out of this situation. With the cut on his wrist and the bearded man's obvious natural talent for beating up other people the fight was decided from the start. While the Lotharro took a hit or two in the fight, it quickly turned into a definite victory for him as the Biqaj found his air supply cut off. Rey'na broke forward to stop him from killing someone almost as soon as the fight broke out.

His attention was drawn to Saeri as she stepped up to him, asking for his help. So she did remember. He nodded, a serious look on his face. This was definitely not the time nor the place for a good hearted reunion. Sin stepped past the Venora actor and followed Saeri. When she asked Rey'na to step aside, Sin gave her a nod as well. "It'll be fine, Rey'na. Don't worry." He let her step back from the two men and approached the hairy one together with Saeri. As he did, he felt like nothing short of a man trying to step up to a wild animal, a wolf or a bear of something. He could feel his entire being telling him how big of a mistake he was making right there. You didn't step up to wild animals, you ran away from them as fast as you could. But he wouldn't let Saeri do this on her own.

Sin grabbed the Lotharro by his other arm and spoke after Saeri, trying to put a little more comfort in his voice, less ordering and more asking nicely or advising, like the drinking buddy that he was. "Come on, big guy. Ilaren might be all about the drinking and partying but she's not about resisting the law and choking people to death. Come on." Sin hoped that between Rey'na's earlier attempts, Saeri's lawful presence, his friendly tone of voice and Ilaren's name, they had enough to calm the Lotharro down and get him off of the poor Biqaj. He knew very little about the race, the only one he'd ever met in person had stopped just short of putting a crossbow bolt right between his eyes in a very similar situation. It seemed that Lotharro men were driven quite strongly by a protective instinct, although in his case it had just been an overreaction on the Lotharro's part, really.

If the Lotharro stopped and got away from the Biqaj, it definitely wasn't because of the strength Sin was putting into pulling the man away from his target. While he didn't expect the Lotharro to lash out at him or try to fight them off as well, Sin did reach out with his mind, tethering himself to a space behind the Venora in case it did end up in a fight. It was better to be prepared for the worst case scenario while going through the best case then to get a Lotharro elbow to the nose. With the Biqaj, Saeri, Rey'na and the Lotharro grouped up so close together and the patrons in the bar looking on from a distance, there wasn't a lot of space for him to move in.
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[Mature] In Ilaren's name, Drinks are on me!

“I know“, Tristan replied as Fridgar stated that he could use more brawling in his life. The man probably did nothing but brawl and drink all trial long. He also drank a lot, and he occasionally enjoyed a good fight, but he preferred a little variety in his life, and thus he also painted, acted and made sculptures. Unlike the Lothar he was also a rather intelligent man, and thus he knew that killing a guard, especially when there were witnesses, would not be a good idea. Fridgar on the other hand, he observed, looked as if he seriously considered doing such a thing.

He wondered what he should do if Fridgar attacked the woman. Should he intervene? No, he decided, the Lothar was much bigger and stronger (and hairier!) than him, and he didn’t even have a weapon, unless one counted a wine bottle. Maybe he’d just stay where he was and watch. He’d never been an eye-witness to a crime before, so it was bound to be exciting.

Apparently, he realized after a few moments with a hint of disappointment, Fridgar had managed to curb his murderous tendencies after all and was accusing the Biqaj of rape now. He couldn’t remember any rape taking place in the tavern, but then again, he was slightly drunk, so maybe he’d missed something, and he didn’t really care about the guy anyway. Despite being somewhat stupid and violent and hairy, Fridgar was much better company.

So he didn’t say anything when Fridgar and the Biqaj started to fight, but watched with a hint of amusement and excitement. He felt the need to point something out to Yana though. “I’m an excellent source of information, thank you very much. I don’t usually lie to the guards. As for your being on duty, I won’t tell if you don’t. You deserve to have a little fun!”

By then the Lothar was trying to choke the Biqaj. Apparently, Tristan realized, he had not really curbed his murderous tendencies, he’d just traded one victim for another. He still couldn’t bring himself to care about a pervert that molested innocent women, but he didn’t want his new drinking companion to be executed or spend the rest of his life in prison.

Since he wasn’t sure if positioning himself in front of the Lothar and appealing to his conscience would work, and there were already a couple of people trying to get him to leave his victim alone anyway, he decided to try something else instead. “If you decide not to choke him to death, I’ll buy you drinks the next time we meet, and I’ll tell you everything that I know about Ilaren so that you will be prepared should you ever meet her!”

He mentally congratulated himself for that great idea. Fridgar didn’t look as if he particularly cared about authority and the law or whatever it was that the guard represented, but the mention of the Immortal that they both worshipped might just make him change his mind!
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[Mature] In Ilaren's name, Drinks are on me!

Snarling viciously, Fridgar pressed harder into the Biqaj's throat. The god awful noises the Biqaj was making with his closed windpipe along with his violent thrashing and clawing at Fridgar's arm were easily drowned out by the cheering patrons of the tavern, that and the loud thumping of his own heartbeat in his ears. The world around him faded out for a moment as he contemplated it - he could indeed kill this man. His life was in Fridgar's paws. He was dragged back to reality by the sudden embrace of an arm around his abdomen along with the cries of a woman. Rey'na's cries? He looked down to her with confusion - she certainly hadn't protested much when they'd done what they did to the Lothar in the woods, why now? He eased up his crushing weight from the Biqaj's throat and instead put his hand to the man's sternum, holding him there. The Biqaj coughed and sputtered appropriately, filling his lungs with the air he'd otherwise been depraved of.

A burning discomfort in his throat forced a change of expression, drooping from his aggression into sorrow. It didn't last long, the introduction of the two blue people forced a twitch of his nose as it threatened to curl up into a snarl once more. The threats were carried through as the guard spoke 'Did that government dog seriously just tell us what to do?'. Ironically, he barked "Then do your fucking job! This stupid bastard has already attacked two people tonight!" with a grizzly growl at the guard. The male seemed more reasonable "Bluedude, I'm not a psycho! You think I would have killed this guy?" he slurred nearing the end of his sentence. As he calmed, his drunken demeanour eased back in slowly. He looked back to the human that he'd been talking to through a haze "That reminds me." he spoke, letting go of the Biqaj completely and standing up straight, save for some stumbling. The Biqaj slid down the wall into a fetal position on the floor "I need another drink."

He hugged into Rey'na before releasing her and stumbling for the bar, regardless of any protests being thrown his way. When Rufus refused to serve him, he looked along the bar for any drinks left unfinished. Once he'd spotted his prey, he reached for it and swiftly downed the glass. It didn't taste like alcohol. "Who the fuck ordered orange juice with my money?" he scowled, looking about the room with a disapproving glare. He then shrugged and approached the congregation of people at the front entrance of the tavern with a yawn. "Rey, you get your coat... We're going home!" he slurred with a stumble before the guard informed him otherwise. "Oh." he drooped his merry expression and turned to the guard. "But I was the good guy that beat up the Villain Biqaj for you. Whatever, I'm done doing your dirty work." he spat before presenting his wrists cooperatively and turning his head to the bartender "Sorry Piratedude."
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word count: 559
Whenever one finds oneself inclined to bitterness, it is a sign of emotional failure.
-- Bertrand Russell
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[Mature] In Ilaren's name, Drinks are on me!

Rey felt herself gripping Fridgar, pleading with everything she had for him to let go. She didn't know why, he could handle himself much better than she could. But what scared her, she thought, was that he would use that. There was a time and a place to kill a man, as Rey had learnt from Alex, and in a bar wasn't ever one of them. As much as Rey wanted this man dead, Fridgar was doing it wrong. In his sleep would be how this man would die, Rey would ensure that much.
When asked to move, Rey didn't argue. She could have easily stabbed the woman in the back, there and then. But it wasn't worth it. She just prayed Fridgar was shown mercy. Hearing Sintih encourage her made her emotions churn. She was working alongside this guard, clearly with some type of connection. The two had to be close somehow. It made her sick. She trusted Sintih, as she should - until that moment. If he was one of the good guys, she'd have to kill him too one day. She dreaded the day that happened. Without a word to him, she nodded and moved away.

Rey felt comfort from Fridgar's embrace, then watched him go to the bar. Her eyes followed, her hand going to her chest as a closed fist over her heart. He was going to the dungeons, she knew that much. He might not even remember why, in his state. She looked to Sintih and the guard, studying their faces. She decided, there and then, they died - at her hands. With time, she'd do it. She'd slaughter all of them, all of the people that got in her way.
"Fridgar..." she said quietly, watching him put his hands out to the guards. She knew it was happening, but she didn't want it to. She looked between him and the guards, panicking. Her eyes were wide, like a caged animal, surrounded by people. She could start something, it would be two against an entire bar. But then again, did she want that kind of name for herself. She looked to the Biqaj on the floor, her eyes filling with a burning hate.
"I don't know your name, Biqaj. But I gave you a mercy. Lay a single digit on anyone I care about again and I will see to it that it's removed, so help me" she snarled, before looking to the female guard. Her eyes were angry, furious. She put her hand to where her knife was, before realizing Sintih still had it - son of a bitch. He knew. He betrayed her.

She kept her sharp look at the guard. "Unless you plan on arresting me for being almost assaulted, I'd like to leave. I don't want to be near a piece of shit like him" Rey growled, looking at the Biqaj for a trill. Her eyes fell to Sintih, furious. She then turned her back and walked away. If they wanted her, they'd have to stop her.
"I'm sorry Fridgar. I'll have a meal cooked for you tomorrow, to make up for this" she said finally before walking out the door.
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[Mature] In Ilaren's name, Drinks are on me!


Yana was glad that other than Rathaan, others joined in to aid with the Lotharro’s arrest as well. Even Tristan Venora did, though to be fair, he would probably be more of a liability than a help if things turned south. If a noble got hurt in a lowtown bar, while she was at the scene, it would reflect badly on her abilities and reputation. If he or his family blamed her and decided to pull some strings, Yana’s career would be done for. Fortunately, it did not seem to come to that.

Whether it was Yana’s presence and words, or just Rathaan, Rey’na and Tristan managing to convince him not to choke a helpless man to death, she did not know, but at least he stopped. The Lotharro seemed to think the false Eídisi was not doing her job properly, but well, he was drunk, and had been getting in her way the whole time. She’d been planning on a civilized investigation. Calm. No violence. Arrest those who had broken the law, leave the other alone. Now there was this situation. The Biqaj sloped to the ground as the Lotharro released him, and Yana immediately stood beside him, checking for injuries. It seemed though that he was –apart from some bruises and a coughing fit—mostly fine.

“I am sorry,” she lied, while the Lotharro was hugging away, “but you will be spending a night in the dungeon on account of starting a fight right in front of me.”

She pulled out a set of thumb-cuffs, locking the man’s thumbs in them behind his back. He complained, of course, but he barely resisted, probably due to the beating he’d just taken. Now where was the other one? Downing another drink and walking to the door, Yana quickly moved to the door as well, leaving the Biqaj on the floor in favor of arresting the Lotharro before he escaped. Not that she believed he was actually trying to run away, but still. Justice had to be served. Or so she’d say if she was actually motivated by such things.

Somehow she managed to place herself between the door and her quarry, making herself as big as possible, her face stern and determined. She’d not let herself be intimidated by this hulking bear of a man. By this hairy mountain of muscles and drunkenness.
“We’re going home!” he said.
“If you live in the dungeon then yes, you will,” Yana dryly informed him, blocking his path.
He complained of course, claiming to be the good guy, the savior that had beat up the villain. Heck, he even referred to the Biqaj as villain. Yana raised an eyebrow. The Lotharro presented his wrists anyway, seemingly having resigned to his arrest.

“Behind your back, please.” Yana circled around him, fishing another set of thumb-cuffs out of her tabard. “You are under arrest for excessive violence. Self-defense is one thing, what you have displayed is another.” A couple moments later the man was also cuffed and ready for arrest.

Just when she thought she’d wrapped everything up, the woman came her way, eyes ablaze with fury. Perhaps even something deeper. Darker. But Yana could not care less. Her head throbbed. She was out of cuffs. Besides, almost everyone here would not be telling her anything else than “the girl was harassed”. Except maybe Rathaan, but then again, it was possible he hadn’t seen a thing . Yana couldn’t see a weapon on the woman’s person, and the Yludih wasn’t really planning on prolonging this whole ordeal either. “You are free to go. However, next time I hear of such things I will not be as lenient.”

After speaking a few words to her Lotharro boyfriend, the woman was gone, and Yana sighed, glad it was over.
“Mister Rathaan,” she called again, “could you bring the other one outside please?” she asked, referring to the Biqaj. She herself worked Fridgar through the door and into the night air, earning her a quizzical eyebrow from Rutger, who was smoking a cigar, and looked to be completely at ease. It annoyed Yana more than she allowed to show.

“Prolific are we?” he said, puffing out a ring of smoke. “And here I was wondering why you were taking so long. I was thinking that maybe that ruckus had something to do with you.”
“A little help would have been nice.”
He shrugged. “I had faith in your abilities.” If his shit-eating grin hadn’t been enough to tell her he was making excuses, the sarcasm in his voice would have.
“Besides, it looks like you had everything under control.”

The door opened again, and there was the Biqaj, also cuffed. A little beaten up, but in good condition otherwise.
“And there’s another one.” He sighed. “That makes twice the paperwork. I hope you had a reason for arresting the two of them, yeah?”
Rutger smothered his cigar against a wall, then let it drop on the cobblestones. He sighed again, taking the Biqaj from Rathaan, and thanking the male Eídisi politely, though not in earnest, for his “hard work”. He then made a gesture to Yana, and started walking in the direction of the dungeons, grumbling and mumbling to himself. The Yludih squire made sure to thank Rathaan for his assistance, bade him goodnight, and then followed the Knight.

Off Topic
I assume the cuffs would be given to members of the Iron Hand much like their uniform is? If not, I would be willing to pay for them, however they are not on the price list, so I have no idea what it would cost at all.
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[Mature] In Ilaren's name, Drinks are on me!

rude. That was the only word Sin could come up with for the Lotharro's actions. Crude but effective. Sin was very glad to see the man comply when all three of them approached him to try and get him off from the Biqaj who was doing his best not to die right then and there. Things would have been much worse if he had. Despite their words, it seemed like the hairy guy responded only to Rey'na when she approached him. But he responded and that was what mattered in this situation. He really didn't want to fight them. Who would he join? The chose would be made in an asterism pulse but he didn't want to think about it.

When the immediate danger was gone, Sin stood up with Fridgar, keeping an eye on the hairy man as he moved to Rey'na and the bar, going for another drink. Why did people like this exist? He was under arrest and still the first thing, or perhaps the second, was that he needed more alcohol inside of him?Sin shook his head lightly as he let his eyes shift to Rey'na, making sure she was alright. The whole situation had started with her and the Biqaj. She seemed... something, maybe angry or scared, he couldn't really tell. It was difficult with her. She looked like a fragile, noble girl who needed people like the Lotharro to protect her from the big bad world but then she went and cut people up with ease as well. It was difficult for Sin to put his crystal finger on.

His attention was focused on her when she stepped up to the Biqaj. What was she doing now? Sin stepped up to stop her from doing anything stupid but it seemed she was content with giving a very clear and threatening message to the man. He didn't see the need to interfere with that until he saw her turn towards Saeri and glare at her. It didn't suit her beautiful blue eyes to look so angry at someone. Such a waste. But nothing came of it and Sin watched Saeri arrest both the Biqaj and Rey'na's friend. Rey'na's furious look in his direction didn't go unnoticed but the Yludih chose to ignore it. People, himself included, did stupid things because of emotions and misunderstandings so he decided to chuck her reaction up to one of those.

Once she'd left, Saeri turned to him to request his help and he nodded. "You do know it's my one trial off..." He gave a little playful sigh before stepping up to the Biqaj on the ground and hooking his arm under the man's. What a weight. Sin had to strain to lift the half dead, half terrified Biqaj of the ground. There was little to no support from his side so Sin had to do all the work. Once he was on his feet, the man seemed to simply walk where he was pointed to so that made things much simpler. What a mess. Why had he even decided to stay here? Sin shook his head as he walked out to be greeted by Saeri's partner for the night.

It took Sin all but five trills to realize that Saeri's partner was one of -those- knights. Sin handed off the Biqaj to the man while listening to their conversation. At least Saeri was aware, it seemed. Every time he met her, he learned more just how alike their situations were. It only made her more interesting. Sin gave her a friendly smile as she came to thank him. "Just doing my job, even if it's my trial off." Once they the knight and the squire set out, Sin turned to look around. Rey'na had already disappeared from sight and it would be foolish to try and find her in a place like this. He didn't know the area well enough to maneuver through it without a problem. There were also his belongings still inside. Sin sighed and turned back to go inside.

Things had quieted down a little, although there was still talk of the recent fight. Now that he'd helped with the arrest in public, Sin was pretty sure that he wasn't welcome here anymore. Their source of free booze had been arrested and he had helped to do it. Sin quickly gathered the book he had borrowed from the library and his cloak and headed for the door. In the group of people inside, Sin noticed the actor-noble and stopped. He stepped up to the man, quickly, with his cloak over his shoulder and his book under his arm. "Lord Venora. Thank you for your assistance in the arrest tonight." Sin bowed his head quick and shallow before turning back to the door. With that, Sin had put the man in the same boat as himself, accomplice to the end of the free booze. Stupid nobles. The cold air sent a chill down his entire body as Sin worked to put on his cloak while keeping the book from falling on the ground. He headed home quickly after that.
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[Mature] In Ilaren's name, Drinks are on me!

Rewards for All!

General Comment

Oh what a fun thread! I'm so pleased that I got to review this - it was great fun. I was really impressed with how each of you played you pc and how, fundamentally, I got to read the same situation from each different viewpoint. Well written, well paced and great fun to read! Reviewing a thread like this involves a lot of skipping around, so even more than ever ~ if you feel I've missed something, please please give me a yell!
Awesome writing, one and all!


Story: 5/5
Collaboration: 5/ 5
Structure: 5/ 5

Immortal: Illaren
Illaren: Domains are lightening, brawling, sound and alcohol.
Intimidation: Calm delivery can be most effective.
Rey'na: New dress
Rey'na: Drinks vodka
Rey'na: Totes emosh!
Storytelling: Whilst drunk, you're excellent at it.
Sintih: Drinking fruit juice
Sintih: He's blue
Sintih: Strange eyes.
Tristan: Might be the king
Tristan: Has met Ilaren
Unarmed Combat (Brawling): Drunken punching.
Unarmed Combat (Brawling): Uppercut
Unarmed Combat (Brawling): Grab and drag

Loot: Loss: 200gn
Fame: +10 (gifts to lots of people), +3 (support of Ilaren in a bar... it's a popular thing), -5 (breaking lots of laws) = total +8
Devotion: Pray to Ilaren (+1) Buy drink for others in Ilaren's name: (+2) Drink in Ilaren's name (+1) Toast to Ilaren whilst drinking with others (+5) = Total +9 Ilaren
Magic: These points may NOT be used for arcana


Story: 5/5
Collaboration: 5/ 5
Structure: 5/ 5

Animal Husbandry: The Care of Birds
Fridgar: A Lothar
Rey'na: Drinks vodka
Saeri: Knows Tristan Venora
Saeri: Took charge of the situation
Tactics: Think through the consequences before they happen
Tactics: Be prepared for the worst case scenario
Tristan: An actor
Tristan: Claims he has met Ilaren
Tristan: A noble from house Venora

Loot: +1 dagger.
Fame: +2 Upholding city laws
Magic: These points MAY may NOT be used for arcana
Devotion Aelig: +1 (prayer), Illaren +1


Story: 5/5
Collaboration: 5/ 5
Structure: 5/ 5

Acting: Pause, allowing your audience to admire you
Acting: Regal and noble movement.
Detection: Spotting someone's thoughts via their expression
Etiquette: The art of making an entrance.
Persuasion: Your side of the story
Persuasion: Appeal to what they want!
Saeri: Accused you of trying to bribe the guards

Loot: NA
Fame: +2 (upholding law (mostly!) and supporting popular cause)
Magic: These points may NOT be used for arcana
Devotion: Drink in Ilaren's name (+1) Toast to Ilaren whilst drinking with others (+5)


Story: 5/5
Collaboration: 5/ 5
Structure: 5/ 5

Bladed Combat (Dagger): Draw and slice
Discipline: Maintaining emotional control
Discipline: Being strong in the face of overwhelming emotion.
Fridgar: A confusing and changeable chap
Fridgar: Apparently wealthy
Fridgar: Defended you
Sintih: Drinking fruit juice
Sintih: Tactical thinker

Loot: Loss: 1 dagger
Fame: Evened out so zero
Magic: These points may NOT be used for arcana
Devotion None


Story: 5/5
Collaboration: 5/ 5
Structure: 5/ 5

Detection: Spotting through the window
Fridgar: A Lothar
Fridgar: Large and very volatile
Interrogation: Basic questioning sometimes gives the information needed.
Investigation: Spotting when it seems too good to be true
Leadership: taking control of a situation
Leadership: Keeing orders clear when trying to lead a group of drunks
Rey'na: Startling eyes
Sintih: At the bar where the fight was

Loot: Lots of paperwork
Fame: +3 (upholding city laws)
Magic: These points may NOT be used for arcana
Devotion NA

Please do PM me if you've got any questions
word count: 601
~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

Focusing on my PCs. Replies will be slow!
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