Andaris Market
Dear Faith
I'm sorry I missed the rest of your cooking classes, work took up most of my time.
I realize that that is not a good reason to miss something you've put so much time
and hard work into so with this I would like to both apologize for that and invite you
to enjoy the first snow on the first day of Zi'da with me. My neighbors and I are, as is
our twice arcly custom, organizing a little get together with friends. Since I was asked
to prepare a little something to eat for this event, I immediately thought of you.
You're welcome to bring a friend if you'd like but as my guest, you're not required to
bring anything yourself. So with this, I invite you to join me at our celebration of the
beginning of Zi'da.
Cordially yours,
your friend Sintih
On the back of the paper, Sin had written all the necessary information for Faith to know when, where and how to get there from the market. The message had been left at the only place where Sin was sure Faith would show up again. The restaurant at the edge of the market where Sin had taken Faith's classes was the only official location he had on her. When he arrived there, looking for Faith, Sin learned that she actually had trials off from work, which he found curious for a slave. But none the less, when he inquired about her location, the owner refused to answer, instead telling Sin to leave a message with him and he would pass it on. Seeing as how he was already carrying the letter on his person, Sin decided to leave it with the owner who promised to pass it on to Faith after Sin put a gold nel in his hand as well. Money always got things done.
Zi'Da, 1st, Arc 716th
Dead-end Alley, Andaris
The voices of some twenty odd people mixed as they talked with each other, discussing topics ranging from their current task to the cider or snacks they were looking forward to to the major events from the past season. There were a few people Sin recognized by face and even fewer he knew by name but as was tradition, all the people present here either lived in the dead-end street they were currently setting up in or were directly connected to people who were. Even now, while they were still setting things up, the general atmosphere of their arcly event was already present. People were generally looking forward to strong alcoholic drinks, free food and good company.
Sin picked up what little crockery he owned and placed it on his bed next to his scrolls and books, emptying his table, before two of his neighbors took it outside with the rest. The cold snowy air blew through the open door, sending shivers down Sin's back before he could grab his cloak and pull it around himself. On his bed, next to the mess that used to be on his table, Sin had two trays of home made snacks waiting, ready to be served once everything got underway. He had to borrow them from Lili across the street for the simple reason that he didn't own any trays himself.
Giving his own creation a once over, Sin couldn't help but think that he'd done a good job. Even as little snacks, Sin was proud of the food he'd created with the skills he had learned from the one and only class he had managed to take from Faith's cooking lessons. He rummaged through the papers on his bed and pulled the recipe out, rolling it up into a small scroll, it was barely three steps long, before tying it off with a little string. As he left the house, he tucked the rolled up recipe under his cloak, stowing it away in a pocket.
"Mister Sintih, I heard you invited a young lady to join you today." The half accusation, half encouragement greeted him right when he stepped out the door. His little secret had remained as such for all but a break after the first person had found out. Lili and a woman Sin recognized but didn't know the name off were both smiling at him as he stepped into the cold. Behind them the tables were being pushed together into one long one where everyone could sit together as they pleased. Sin made sure to find his own table so he could retrieve it after the party. "Invited? Yes. Will she come? The Immortals only know." Sin shrugged and smiled. "But let us focus on the work so that it is done by the time she might arrive." He put an arm around each of the two older ladies and pulled them with him towards the work.
About a quarter break later he'd managed to get rid of both of them by finding work for them to do. Besides stocking up on enough cups and cider they also had to check everyone's contribution to the snack pile. The combination of both jobs took enough of their attention away from Sin for him to sneak off and help out with the placement of stools around the long table. Like every arc, there was a list of suspected guests who would be coming, and like every arc half of the people who would eventually show up weren't on it. Quickly running his finger down the list, Sin read a bunch of names of people he didn't know. He couldn't help but wonder if she'd gotten his letter when Faith's name passed under his finger.
It would still take at least a break before the scheduled time in Sin's invitation. Rather than wait and waste time, Sin put the list down and looked around. Seeing two of the stronger men carrying a large cask of something, obviously cider, Sin stepped in and started directing them. "I think we should put these over there, maybe? Easier access to the drinks for everyone." He smiled at them as he pulled a low table, designed for holding up casks such as these, to a spot near one of the three walls that boxed in Sin's home street.
Off Topic
Deducting 3 gn 6 sn 5 cn for ingredients and message delivery.