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Lowtown Snow Party in Midtown

Vhalar, 120th, Arc 716th
Andaris Market

Dear Faith

I'm sorry I missed the rest of your cooking classes, work took up most of my time.
I realize that that is not a good reason to miss something you've put so much time
and hard work into so with this I would like to both apologize for that and invite you
to enjoy the first snow on the first day of Zi'da with me. My neighbors and I are, as is
our twice arcly custom, organizing a little get together with friends. Since I was asked
to prepare a little something to eat for this event, I immediately thought of you.
You're welcome to bring a friend if you'd like but as my guest, you're not required to
bring anything yourself. So with this, I invite you to join me at our celebration of the
beginning of Zi'da.

Cordially yours,
your friend Sintih

On the back of the paper, Sin had written all the necessary information for Faith to know when, where and how to get there from the market. The message had been left at the only place where Sin was sure Faith would show up again. The restaurant at the edge of the market where Sin had taken Faith's classes was the only official location he had on her. When he arrived there, looking for Faith, Sin learned that she actually had trials off from work, which he found curious for a slave. But none the less, when he inquired about her location, the owner refused to answer, instead telling Sin to leave a message with him and he would pass it on. Seeing as how he was already carrying the letter on his person, Sin decided to leave it with the owner who promised to pass it on to Faith after Sin put a gold nel in his hand as well. Money always got things done.

Zi'Da, 1st, Arc 716th
Dead-end Alley, Andaris

The voices of some twenty odd people mixed as they talked with each other, discussing topics ranging from their current task to the cider or snacks they were looking forward to to the major events from the past season. There were a few people Sin recognized by face and even fewer he knew by name but as was tradition, all the people present here either lived in the dead-end street they were currently setting up in or were directly connected to people who were. Even now, while they were still setting things up, the general atmosphere of their arcly event was already present. People were generally looking forward to strong alcoholic drinks, free food and good company.

Sin picked up what little crockery he owned and placed it on his bed next to his scrolls and books, emptying his table, before two of his neighbors took it outside with the rest. The cold snowy air blew through the open door, sending shivers down Sin's back before he could grab his cloak and pull it around himself. On his bed, next to the mess that used to be on his table, Sin had two trays of home made snacks waiting, ready to be served once everything got underway. He had to borrow them from Lili across the street for the simple reason that he didn't own any trays himself.

Giving his own creation a once over, Sin couldn't help but think that he'd done a good job. Even as little snacks, Sin was proud of the food he'd created with the skills he had learned from the one and only class he had managed to take from Faith's cooking lessons. He rummaged through the papers on his bed and pulled the recipe out, rolling it up into a small scroll, it was barely three steps long, before tying it off with a little string. As he left the house, he tucked the rolled up recipe under his cloak, stowing it away in a pocket.

"Mister Sintih, I heard you invited a young lady to join you today." The half accusation, half encouragement greeted him right when he stepped out the door. His little secret had remained as such for all but a break after the first person had found out. Lili and a woman Sin recognized but didn't know the name off were both smiling at him as he stepped into the cold. Behind them the tables were being pushed together into one long one where everyone could sit together as they pleased. Sin made sure to find his own table so he could retrieve it after the party. "Invited? Yes. Will she come? The Immortals only know." Sin shrugged and smiled. "But let us focus on the work so that it is done by the time she might arrive." He put an arm around each of the two older ladies and pulled them with him towards the work.

About a quarter break later he'd managed to get rid of both of them by finding work for them to do. Besides stocking up on enough cups and cider they also had to check everyone's contribution to the snack pile. The combination of both jobs took enough of their attention away from Sin for him to sneak off and help out with the placement of stools around the long table. Like every arc, there was a list of suspected guests who would be coming, and like every arc half of the people who would eventually show up weren't on it. Quickly running his finger down the list, Sin read a bunch of names of people he didn't know. He couldn't help but wonder if she'd gotten his letter when Faith's name passed under his finger.

It would still take at least a break before the scheduled time in Sin's invitation. Rather than wait and waste time, Sin put the list down and looked around. Seeing two of the stronger men carrying a large cask of something, obviously cider, Sin stepped in and started directing them. "I think we should put these over there, maybe? Easier access to the drinks for everyone." He smiled at them as he pulled a low table, designed for holding up casks such as these, to a spot near one of the three walls that boxed in Sin's home street.
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Deducting 3 gn 6 sn 5 cn for ingredients and message delivery.
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            Faith Augustin Champion
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            Lowtown Snow Party in Midtown

            "Isn't that kind? I taught him some cookery, that's all, but it's such a nice thing to do. Would you like to go?" had been her question to Padraig upon receiving the invitation. She smiled and explained that she had met Sintih, or mister Sintih as she'd had to call him then, when shopping for some cooking ingredients. He hadn't really had much of a clue and she'd helped him with buying a few things. Then, he'd come to a cookery class of hers where there had been a woman who hadn't wanted to be taught by a slave. He'd stood up for her and Faith had been grateful to him. "He seems nice, very friendly. Isn't that a sweet gesture?" It was quite lovely, she thought, just how friendly people were.

            The trial in question was bright and crisp and cold and Faith grinned at Padraig as they got ready to go. "Will this be enough, do you think?" Although his note had said that they didn't need to bring anything, Faith had baked. Of course Faith had baked. She'd bought a lot of mixed berries and made jam. More than enough jam, it might seem, to feed an army. When it reduced down, though, it wasn't that much to her mind, but the two jars she needed to make the sweet jam tarts and bake the light individual sponges with jam inside them for Sintih's party and another four jars for at home. She'd said with a smile, though, that she wanted to give a jar to Lady Elyna and one to Nir'wei, but that left them two, which would last an age for just the two of them. He didn't have much of a sweet tooth and she had the appetite of a mouse.

            Closing up the last of the containers, which she had borrowed from work and which she had promised Guiseppe, her boss that she would return on their way home, she looked at Padraig and smiled. She'd tied her hair back with a red ribbon which she'd made out of one of the dresses which Tristan had bought for her. It was in a loose braid which was already tumbling free, but she didn't seem to mind. She was wearing a long red skirt, black jumper which she had belted tightly around her waist and her warm boots and she had applied light make up to accentuate her eyes. She smiled at Padraig before they left, stood on tip toes and kissed him on the cheek. The kiss was as chaste as it could be and her expression demure and placid, but her eyes twinkled mischief and she told him, in a calm tone "There's going to be a snowball fight and I'm going to win."

            So, they made their way, mostly in the companionable silence which they tended to share and then, when they got there, Faith looked around for Sintih, trying to see where he might be. Catching sight of him, surrounded by people and obviously in the middle of things, she glanced up at Padraig "He's over there, that's him. We should put these down somewhere", and she looked for somewhere to put the container of jam tarts that she carried and the one of sponge cakes which he did. Catching Sintih's eye she smiled to him and waved with one hand, whilst balancing the container on another.
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            5gn deducted for ingredients. It should more than cover it!
            Last edited by Faith Augustin Champion on Sat Dec 03, 2016 11:42 pm, edited 2 times in total. word count: 603
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                      Lowtown Snow Party in Midtown

                      Nice, friendly and kind? A little part of him, after reading the note, and then attempting to read between the lines, wondered if the gesture might be just a little bit more than a casual invitation between fledgling friends. It depended much on the imagined tone, when one was reading it.

                      Admittedly, a mind tending towards science was always in search of underlying theories and principles. It was no different where Faith was concerned. After all, trial by trial she confounded him as much as she enthralled him. So he said nothing at all, but smiled and agreed that yes, it was very nice of the man and he'd be pleased to accompany here. Didn't the note say she could bring a friend if she wanted?

                      "I think it's more than enough," he told her as they prepared to leave the house. She looked beautiful, and he told her so. He liked her in red, in fact, and liked her hair that way. As for himself, Padraig had dressed in wool trousers and boots, a wool shirt and coat, and a leather hat on his head. He hadn't forgotten the scarf Faith had made him, and had pulled on a pair of leather gloves.

                      The kiss might have been more chaste, had he not seen her coming from the corner of his eye. He turned his head as she reached up on her tiptoes, and pressed his lips to hers, before smiling and taking her arm.

                      It was earlier that trial, that they'd gone to meet with her former master. But if he'd been less than enthusiastic about the outing then, his mood was much lighter this time around. A snowball fight, and she'd win? "I wouldn't be so sure," he told her, apparently in all seriousness. "The art of snowball fighting would seem to benefit from knowing some things about gravity, density, inertia and momentum. Which happen to fit nicely into my wheelhouse. You'd best watch out." But they'd arrived then and she pointed out their host for the trial. With the cake in hand, he agreed. The needed to find a place to put the stuff.
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                                Lowtown Snow Party in Midtown

                                The work continued with Sin right in the thick of it. When he could, he directed, and when possible he helped out but most of the work was done by either the more experienced neighbors or the more physically built helpers. Most of the muscled men weren't from around and joined by invitation. Everyone brought something to the event, either in the form of help setting up or by preparing food or drink for the event itself. It was a way for people to share in the cost of organizing it. Even though this was mid town, the proximity of the area to lowtown made it some sort of an in between when it came to class and riches.

                                Over the course of setting up, somehow, Sin had ended up with one foot, no shoe, on top of a table, holding up two thin ropes crossing each other right above the table. His arm was reaching up as high as he could, making sure not to disturb the lanterns hanging from them. His other foot, still wearing its shoe, dripping with melting snow and mud, was reaching as far to the side as possible so none of the snow would get on the table. The support had fallen for some reason, probably not secured enough between the tables. With him standing nearly half a head over the tallest human around and weighing less than the shortest one, Sin had been unanimously elected to act as a replacement until they could fix the support.

                                "Marik. Don't you dare, Marik. I swear..." Sin called out to one of two men who were smiling at him. The one called Marik poked his elbow into his friend's side, laughing, before shaking a table with Sintih on top of it. "Let's just grab a drink first." The man said to his friend, laughing up at Sin. Swinging his free arm and shoe dressed foot, Sin was balancing on top of the table when Faith and Padraig arrived. "Marik..." He let the name roll out slowly, trying to sound angry as he smiled at the two men. A collection of laughter came from all around as dancing Sintih threatened a man twice his size. With his balance constantly shifting, Sin spun half a turn, arm swinging as he tried to remain upright, suddenly facing towards the open end of the street where he spotted Faith.

                                His smile grew just a little brighter when he saw her and he could feel a surge of something coming from his chest. He waved back at her and motioned her over with his free hand. "Faith! You made it. And you brought food." He grinned at her. Why had he ever thought that a chef who had cooked for the king wouldn't make something for an event like this. His eyes moved to Padraig, who was moving with Faith. Realizing he was with her, his smile tightened slightly as did his eyebrows, his entire face flashing with a dislike right from the start. But he managed to recover before he thought they could see it. "I see you brought a friend. Sintih, nice to meet you." Sin danced around on his shoeless foot until he could reach out his free hand towards Padraig without dripping snow and mud on the table from his other foot.

                                "Lili will help you with the food. She's in charge. I'll be right down if Marik gets around to fixing this thing." Sin pointed towards the woman who lived across from him, currently in the process of making a beeline towards Sin and what she could only assume was the woman he had invited. While it wasn't odd that people got invited, it was a first for Sintih and Lili was a curious woman. "Marik!" Sin stood upright again and shouted just before seeing Marik and his friend next to him, bringing up the support that had fallen. "Oh, there you are."

                                A bit or two later, Sin sat down on the table and started pulling his other shoe back on. The light covering of snow had long since been turned into a mushy, ice paste but if they were lucky, a new covering would start falling sometime during the evening. As Sin stood up from the table, he looked around for Faith and her friend while the first metal fire pits were set alight. In the hustle and bustle of setting up, you kept yourself warm, but once the sitting and eating started, the cold would set in soon, even with the amount of drinking that would be done.
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                                          Lowtown Snow Party in Midtown

                                          As much as her eyes had widened with delight when he kissed her, when Padraig said that snowball fighting was in his wheelhouse, those same eyes took on an air of challenging. "I have a secret weapon, though. It trumps science, knocks intertia into a cocked hat and laughs in the face of gravity. Density runs and hides from it and therefore, you are going to lose", she seemed quite sure of herself ~ mostly because she was. She wondered, sometimes, if he realised that she was only ever like this with him; even before the tumultuous events of the last few trials, she'd had tendency to snip, to tell off and to tease with him which she had nowhere else. How would he know, though, she supposed. She hadn't told him and this was the first time that he was seeing her with someone else other than when they had visited with Tristan that morning. Which was far from a normal situation.

                                          She beamed in delight, though, when she saw Sintih and she could not help the slight chuckle which escaped her. "Mister Sintih, you are in something of a predicament there", she raised an eyebrow "And yes, of course. This is Padraig", oh now then. How did she explain who he was? He'd said to her this morning that they should not say anything and was that just with Tristan, or with everyone? They weren't holding hands or anything, because they'd been carrying the boxes and she just hadn't thought to ask. She wondered what he wanted to be introduced as, and decided that asking him wasn't possible, so she reverted to form and went with factual "He's my tutor and friend." Sure that he'd be pleased with that, Faith took the box from Padraig and gave him a smile "I'll go and put these over there. I'll be right back."

                                          She made her way over to where mister Sintih had gestured. She saw the woman Sintih had pointed to and spoke in her usual quiet tone "Excuse me, I have things here? Is this the right place?"

                                          The woman in question looked at her and smiled, pleasure on her face 'Oh you came! Sintih will be pleased. Yes, dear you put them right there. He's been fussing around all morning trying to make sure that everything is just right for you. And you such a pretty thing, too', Faith smiled at the woman, who seemed very friendly indeed. What nice people. Faith worked with Lily and put out the food, storing the containers ready for them to take back when things were finished. Lily chatted, Faith answered and about four or five bits later, Faith returned to where Padraig and Sintih were, balancing three cups of warm cider in her hands. She hoped that they'd gotten on well whilst she'd been gone and she put the cups down on the table Sintih had been balancing on, then handed one to Sintih and one to Padraig before picking up her own and smiling, rather nervously. There were a lot of people around and she hadn't really thought that there would be so many. Which was silly, she knew, but she wondered if she'd bitten off more than she could chew. As friendly as the people were, they seemed to be quite interested in her and a few people waved and such. She was pleased to get back to the safety and known quantity that was Padraig and Sintih.

                                          "So, what happens in one of these? I've never been to a street party. Have you, Padraig?"
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                                                    Lowtown Snow Party in Midtown

                                                    Padraig had been visibly amused, but also skeptical, regarding her claim to a secret weapon and impending victory. He'd shaken his head in mock disapproval. "Science and snowballs are on my side," he'd argued. "The trial will be mine." He'd never actually engaged in a snowball fight before. Unless he was to count the times he'd been ambushed as a young boy, while others played in the snow and he'd trudged through it on the way to his studies, or running errands for his grandfather.

                                                    Now Faith might not have noticed her friend's, and their host's shifting expression, first when he'd spotted her, and then when the man's gaze shifted to him. He could guess the reason. He noticed, but then it also didn't surprise him. The tone of the letter had seemed light enough, but reading between the lines, Padraig had reckoned that very likely, there was some interest there in her attending alone.

                                                    If it hadn't been breaks since his run in with Faith's former master earlier that trial, he might still have been running on strains of highly annoyed, and been more annoyed still. But his mood had vastly improved since then, and he could hardly have blamed the man. Faith was beautiful, she was all kinds of things that all kind of men would want. This was bound to happen, and would again he was sure.

                                                    And so he smiled amiably when Faith introduced him, and he offered his hand for a shake. But then she introduced him as her tutor and friend? He jerked a glance her way, but to his credit he didn't give away the sense of disappointment that she'd done it. Just that morning, in fact, hadn't he asked that they maintain an impression, for Tristan's sake, that their relationship was a platonic one? Sure, he'd meant only in that instance. But he hadn't said it, hadn't been very specific, so he could hardly take umbrage now. Maybe later.

                                                    Or maybe, she was secretly annoyed with him for his behavior earlier that trial. Though he maintained, all things considered, he had been on the best behavior possible for him at that time.

                                                    He smiled when he shook the other's hand. "A pleasure to meet you, Sintih. You do this every arc?" The gathering, he meant. When Faith went off to leave her offering, he remained behind, happy to talk or lend a hand wherever he could. And when she returned, it couldn't have been too soon. "I haven't," he said, referring to snow parties. "But it looks to be well attended doesn't it?"
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                                                              Lowtown Snow Party in Midtown

                                                              Padraig. Even his name sounded like he looked. Boring and in the way. He reminded him of Doran in every way. Except for his trimmed beard and slick hair, Padraig didn't seem to have that. While the work was giving him an excuse to ignore the man for as long as he could, Sin knew that at some point he wouldn't be able to anymore. He'd have to talk to him for Faith's sake. Or for his sake with Faith. It was all highly annoying to have this third wheel here. When he was finally back to wearing two shoes, Sin noticed that Padraig was still right there, having helped out with some light work. He was about to turn away from him and leave him behind when Faith returned.

                                                              Seeing her bring some cups of cider for them, Sin couldn't muster up the courage to tell her that he didn't drink. So he accepted the cup from her and held it in his hand as she handed one over to Padraig as well. Ugh. Focusing back on her, Sin thought he saw maybe some relief or possibly happiness on her face when she was back with the both of them. He couldn't really discern whether it was on Padriag's or his account but took the win none the less. "Well, mostly eating and drinking, to be honest. People get together with family who they may not have seen for a long time and they enjoy themselves. Some people celebrate for different reasons. I know most of us here celebrate the beginning of the end of the arc while some of us are here to remember lost family."

                                                              Sin pointed a finger up to the sky, where the four ropes, now safely resting on the repaired support, held up a few lanterns already. On the other side of the table, people were stepping on a small step to hang their own lanterns with the rest of them. When his eyes crossed the two lanterns hanging closest to his own home, both colored in a random pattern of purple and blue, flickering with the candle light from within, Sin grew silent for a trill, eyes fixed on the lanterns. Suddenly tearing himself away from them he focused back on Faith, and by extension Padraig. "But it's all good times. If we're lucky we might get some more snow later on and some of the younger or more drunk people will try and shove some of it in your clothes. If not, we'll stick to eating and drinking."

                                                              Remembering Padraig's question from before, Sin added the extra information to his explanation for Faith. "It's nothing official but they've been doing it arcly for I don't know how long now. I've only been a part of it for five arcs. There's also a similar celebration during Saun but it involves less snow and more dancing." Sin smiled at Faith before turning his eyes over the crowd. While the street wasn't crowded in any sense of the word, there were plenty of people attending and the first guests were starting to take seats at the tables. Apart from the ten people living in the street itself, Sin included, there were about thirty guests from outside as well.

                                                              "We should grab a few seats now, before we're forced to sit at opposite ends of the table." Sin put his untouched cup of cider on the window sill of a nearby house and waved for Faith and Padraig to follow him. He passed under the two purple blue lanterns and claimed three chairs near his own home, closer near the end wall of their dead end street. Situated more on the side of the event rather than in the middle of it, Sin preferred the defensive capabilities of a solid wall at his back to protect him from certain snow, if not ice, ball attacks.

                                                              In all the hustle and bustle of people moving to chairs and talking with each other, exchanging greetings and laughing, Sin didn't notice several sets of eyes glued on the three of them as they walked. "We'll be safe here." Sin smiled at Faith and Padraig behind her as he pulled out two of the stools for them. He pulled his own out as well, trying to seat them so that Faith would be in between him and Padraig, a sort of buffer for the man's... Doranness, was the only word he could find.

                                                              As he waited for Faith and Padraig to sit, Sin had enough manners in him to host people he'd invited, he let his eyes wander over Faith. It had been quite some time since they'd met and he couldn't help but wonder why she looked so different. He knew women did that thing where they asked you if they looked different, like a trick question, but he had to admit that she did look different even when he couldn't tell why. She looked happy, which was the most important part.
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                                                                        Faith Augustin Champion
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                                                                        Lowtown Snow Party in Midtown

                                                                        Faith was just relieved that the two of them were getting on, when she came back. She smiled between the two men and thanked Famula for the opportunity to have a conversation between three civil people with no hidden agendas. She listened to Sintih's explanation of what the party was for and she looked up at the lanterns, noticing the two which Sintih looked at particularly. "I'm sorry for your loss", she said with a soft and calm voice, briefly squeezing Sintih's arm. But when he spoke about getting more snow, Faith turned to Padraig and grinned "Well, I can't imagine that either of us will be drunk, but I had wondered whether there would be a snowball fight. That will be interesting. I have a secret weapon." She admitted to Sintih and grinned. "So my victory is inevitable. Padraig doesn't believe me, though." She leant sideways slightly, bumping her arm against Padraig's and smiling up at him.

                                                                        Sintih suggested that they get a seat and she nodded "That sounds good, mister Sintih. Lets do that?" She sniffed at the cider rather suspiciously as she sat down and then took a sip of it. Shuddering, she pulled a face and then grinned at them both. "I don't really drink alcohol. I might see if they have somethig without alcohol up there later" She listened to Sintih's explanation of how long this had been going on and how long he had been involved and she shook her head, just a slight gesture. "I can't imagine living in one place so long. I mean.. I was at Jamal's an arc, I suppose" before that had been quite a different story, she didn't consider it as living in a place, really. Then it was Tristan's and now? She moved her leg under the table, so that her knee and Padraig's were touching. She still wasn't really sure whether they were being open about their relationship, so she figured that the thing to do was to just let him know that she was here, that it was fine by her and up to him, really, how this telling people or not thing went. Did touching her knee to his tell him all of that? She really wasn't sure but then it was all she could think to do.

                                                                        Between the cup of cider and the glance at Padraig with a raised eyebrow as her leg touched his, she didn't notice Sintih watching her, but she turned back to him with an interested expression on her face "So, mister Sintih, I know that you are better at cooking than you were, that you are able to deal with a very rude woman very easily. But really, it was so kind of you to invite us. You've lived here five arcs? Which house is yours?" Polite conversation, Faith could do and she was, genuinely, very pleased to have received the invitation. "So, if we are getting to know each other better, lets do that. Three facts and a question each? I'll start. First fact. I am a chef and a seamstress, second, I'm newly freed just a few trials ago, which is why I wasn't at work. My boss gave me some time off because I moved home. Not that it took long, but it was kind of him. Umm.. and third, I'm scared of heights. And my question to you both. If you could visit anywhere in Idalos, where would it be and why? There. Your turn" She motioned to the two of them.
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                                                                                  Lowtown Snow Party in Midtown

                                                                                  Getting on, was probably relative. Faith might not have noticed. But Padraig did. As a scientist, observation was sort of his thing. Based on the glances though somewhat narrowed eyes, the apparent preference to not speak unless Faith herself was nearby; in which case the man lit up like a lantern, their host didn't like him very much. They'd never met before. Never so much as crossed paths, as far as he could remember. There could only be one reason why then. Padraig was both annoyed and amused at once.

                                                                                  But he couldn't blame the man for being sweet on Faith. And for her sake, he could easily enough pretend ignorance for the trial. This was her friend, she wanted for them to get along. And considering the first effort of the trial along those lines had gone disastrously wrong, he'd not be the one responsible for round two.

                                                                                  The cider was accepted gratefully though. He wasn't a heavy drinker, except on that rare occasion when he forgot himself. But this particular trial, he didn't mind a little something to take the edge off. When Faith insisted again she'd win a battle shaped from snow, and bumped his shoulder, he grinned and leaned into her briefly, prolonging the contact. "We'll see about that. Physics," he reminded her. But if she'd meant to send him a message, he'd received it and was grateful.

                                                                                  But then their host made sure to seat her between them, and Padraig called upon his patience once again. And took another swallow of his cider. So, three things. He knew those about her, and she knew most everything there was to know about him. Or at least those things worth telling. Still, he was game. There was the man he didn't know after all. "Well I'm a student, of the sciences, which you already know," he said and smiled at Faith in particular while squeezing her hand briefly beneath the table. "I grew up in Venora, not Viden, and..."

                                                                                  He searched for something she wouldn't have known, and added, "When I was a young boy, four, maybe five arcs, I followed a rabbit into the woods, where my grandfather had told me never to go. Naturally I wandered too far and became lost. And just when it seemed I'd never find my way out and the suns would go down, a shaggy dog older than any I'd ever seen before, appeared and led me to the edge of the woods, towards home. But when I turned around, he was gone, as if he'd never been there at all."

                                                                                  Strange, he'd never seen that dog before, and had never seen it again. But Faith would realize that it was twice he'd been lost in the woods. With her, the second time. "If I could visit any place, disregarding distance, I'd travel to Sirothelle. Not for the treachery or warfare. But I think I'd like to see the volcano." More than just sightseeing though. As a scientist who also dabbled in alchemy, there was plenty about an active volcano to spark his interest.

                                                                                  So, a question. "The first snowfall of winter, or the first shower in spring?" He suspected which of them Faith would choose. She didn't seem to like the cold much. As for him, he didn't mind it at all.
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                                                                                            Posts: 493
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                                                                                            Wealth Tier: Tier 5






                                                                                            Lowtown Snow Party in Midtown

                                                                                            Cute. That was all that came to mind when Faith tried to taste the cider and made a face. He figured he'd react exactly the same as she did if he ever tasted it but watching her try it, that single word popped into his mind. Cute. Sin grinned as she explained her alcoholic experience. As Padraig took a sip, Sin wondered why people did that, why they tried to dull their senses with alcohol to an extent where they started acting unlike themselves, sometimes even worse. But he couldn't muster up any snide thoughts about the man's preferences. In all honesty, Faith and him were in a vast minority here as people all around the table were sipping from their beverages.

                                                                                            He was glad that Faith was a capable conversationalist, carrying them through this difficult start. He had to admit that he disliked Padraig only because Faith had invited him and for no other reason. There was nothing about the man that actually set him off apart from the fact that he seemed to be close with Faith. Even if most of it happened under the table, Sin could tell from their voices and their general demeanor that they thought each other to be special. Why, he couldn't tell but he figured that they were. Maybe he could use the question part of the game to extract some more information from the two of them.

                                                                                            When Faith told them her three facts, Sin listened quietly, his eyes occasionally shifting across the table to the other people sitting and talking. There was a general noisiness about the street that made it hard for people to understand each other so naturally voices were raised little by little. Not wanting to have Faith have to shout, Sin leaned in a little closer, putting his arm on the table for support as he listened to her. He was surprised to pick up on her second fact, something that was clearly visible on his face as well. That explained the feeling he'd gotten from her before. Being freed as a slave was a major thing, he figured. He wondered how she was holding up now, if perhaps she needed something he could provide.

                                                                                            Turning to Padraig when it was his turn, Sin found that he didn't see the man in such a negative light anymore. Sure, his expression was still a bit forced, keeping the smile there and listening to him talk, but at least the anger from before wasn't there anymore. In the end, it was probably best for Faith as well as Sin wouldn't make very good, well, any relationship material. So Padraig was a scholar, no wonder. That was two feelings about people explained within as much bits. No wonder he gave off a Doran vibe from the beginning. When he got to the whole getting lost story in the woods, Sin zoned out a bit, listening but not registering what was being said. Something about dogs and rabbits stuck but the rest was mostly background noise.

                                                                                            When it was his turn, Sin pushed himself up, sitting up straight. "Well, first, outside of my three facts... Sin formed the shape of a ball in the air using his hands as he spoke. ...since you asked before the game started, I have lived here for almost six arcs now. In that little place over there." Sin pointed past Faith and Padraig to his front door, where the rope that held up his parents' lanterns was affixed to the wall. The window next to it was dark and busy reflecting the light of the braziers and lanterns from all over the street, preventing a look inside.

                                                                                            "As for the facts. Let's see... I guess I'm a scholar of sorts, more a researcher, really. I study history and the lessons of the past and some light reading on magic as well." He didn't really wanted Faith to know that his profession was the enabling of mass slaughter among warriors with greater efficiency. War was never a good opener for any conversation. "Hmm, what else? Contrary to, what seems to be popular belief, I've actually never been in Viden before in my life. I was born and raised here in Andaris. And lastly... I still can't cook despite your best efforts." Sin grinned at the last one.

                                                                                            Doing this little exercise, or game, made Sin realize that there was very little about himself that he actually wished to share. Well, there were things like that last one that weren't very serious or useful for others that he could share but he was afraid others might think he didn't take it very seriously. "As for the questions, I'd love to visit Viden for the giant library they have but I'm always cold so I prefer the first showers of Ashan. What is the biggest, and most recent, event that you will remember for ever? And you can't say this party, because I already know that." Sin pointed at Faith and then at Padraig with a knowing look on his face before laughing at his own joke. He didn't need alcohol to make an idiot of himself.

                                                                                            As they were talking and taking turns in the game, the tables were slowly being filled with plates and trays of food, randomly distributed across the many separate tables that made up the single, extra long table they were sitting on now. There were all sorts of bites and snacks being put forth, none of them truly meals but enough that everyone could stave off hunger for the evening. After finishing his laughter, Sin took a moment, letting Faith and Padraig think about the question before speaking himself. "Excuse me one moment. I'll be right back." He pushed his chair back and got up, quickly walking to the door of house.

                                                                                            Inside, Sin picked up the two trays of snacks he'd made and brought them out. The food he'd prepared paled in comparison with most of the other snacks brought out, made by long time housewives who'd been feeding families for longer than Sin was alive. His snacks weren't good looking or mouth watering but he did proudly present his tray of lightly toasted bread with honey glazed apple slices on top to Faith and Padraig before placing it before them on their table. The second tray he handed over to some people near the middle of the festivities, where his creations were divided across the rest of the table. Sin moved back to Faith and Padraig and sat down. "Homemade." His tray on the table was quickly joined with a few extra plates of snacks of varying skill. The people sitting across from them reached for them and started picking out their favorites. And the noise of conversation picked up again, this time mixed with various compliments on the food.
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