It took far, far too long to reach the buffet table; unfortunately using a false noble name on the spot with a load of vague, meandering and often contradictory qualifications was also a very good conversation starter. Nir'wei found it being used on him rather often as he descended into the crowd and squeezed through in the most dignified matter he could muster, without outright shoving the guests from his path. What few introductions he received were quickly swept aside with the bare mimimum of acknowledgements, barely a step away from outright insulting. It didn't matter. His eyes were locked on that food, and that food only. Fruits, vegetables, meats and cheeses. Sweet pastries, cakes, breads. Scattered across small dishes, heaped together into large display cases showing off every delectable morsel, painting the perfume-laden air with its delicate scents. He'd never believed himself an expert, nor was he arrogant enough to consider his pallet refined... but Immortals above, he swore they looked better than anything he'd eaten in his life and his stomach was aching to put that theory to the test.
Nir'wei leaned over to snatch up a pastry-wrapped little bundle of some unknown smoked meat and his elbow bumped up against an elderly woman nearby. "Ahh, sorry my... oh?" Looking up to apologize, he caught sight of a familiar and unexpected face just over the side of the table. Faith? He was about to question what a slave-girl like her would be doing at a ball like this, until he looked down at himself and realized he was in no position to question anything at this point. He could even overlook the fact that she was filling a plate with perhaps the most mouth-watering morsels of them all, and the fact that she looked like she was wearing an arc's worth of his wages. Her owner must have been nearby. Oh, a brilliant idea sprung to mind realizing that.
Popping the meat-pastry into his mouth and smirking to himself, he wandered ponderously around the small circles of chattering ball-goers and crept up just behind Faith, close enough that he could reach out and touch her... and then he did. He clapped a hand on Faith's shoulder and suddenly said, just loud enough to make himself easily heard by the surrounding men and women, "Ahh, my Lady High Priestess!" His grin was impish and voice faux-mocking as he tugged Faith into a light one-handed hug, mindful of the tray she still bore. "How lovely it is to see you again, your work with the King must keep you busy." Of course he was just making up whatever nonsense he could think of on-the-spot, he couldn't possibly know that he was actually speaking a shred of truth amongst the veil of slander. "And, aha, I see you're still using the slave disguise." His voice dropped to a whisper, but it was still more than loud and clear enough to be heard by any passer-by that wished to eavesdrop. "I must say, it even fools me at times, my lady." He winked, widened his grin a little more, and reached back over the table for another slice of food.
Nir'wei leaned over to snatch up a pastry-wrapped little bundle of some unknown smoked meat and his elbow bumped up against an elderly woman nearby. "Ahh, sorry my... oh?" Looking up to apologize, he caught sight of a familiar and unexpected face just over the side of the table. Faith? He was about to question what a slave-girl like her would be doing at a ball like this, until he looked down at himself and realized he was in no position to question anything at this point. He could even overlook the fact that she was filling a plate with perhaps the most mouth-watering morsels of them all, and the fact that she looked like she was wearing an arc's worth of his wages. Her owner must have been nearby. Oh, a brilliant idea sprung to mind realizing that.
Popping the meat-pastry into his mouth and smirking to himself, he wandered ponderously around the small circles of chattering ball-goers and crept up just behind Faith, close enough that he could reach out and touch her... and then he did. He clapped a hand on Faith's shoulder and suddenly said, just loud enough to make himself easily heard by the surrounding men and women, "Ahh, my Lady High Priestess!" His grin was impish and voice faux-mocking as he tugged Faith into a light one-handed hug, mindful of the tray she still bore. "How lovely it is to see you again, your work with the King must keep you busy." Of course he was just making up whatever nonsense he could think of on-the-spot, he couldn't possibly know that he was actually speaking a shred of truth amongst the veil of slander. "And, aha, I see you're still using the slave disguise." His voice dropped to a whisper, but it was still more than loud and clear enough to be heard by any passer-by that wished to eavesdrop. "I must say, it even fools me at times, my lady." He winked, widened his grin a little more, and reached back over the table for another slice of food.