The Central Realm
Family: Brochu - Humans
The central realm is the beating heart of Hiladrith. This realm houses the first family of Hiladrith, the Brochu family. Here is the Grand Bazaar, the House of Names and other key locations in the running of Hiladrith. Everywhere one looks in this realm there is beauty; gardens, architecture, fashion and art abound. This realm boasts the best of each of the others, with a massive central area wherein is housed the Grand Bazaar. Encircling the Grand Bazaar are six massive structures, the Six Tributes, each one symbolising the pivotal role that one of the other families plays.The central, walled area is the family home of the Brochu family, arguably the most successful merchants Hiladrith has ever seen.
Key Locations: The Grand Bazaar, The House of Names, The Six Tributes (Grand Library, House of Pleasure, Artists’ Refuge, Crafters’ Croft, The Reverie of Dreams, The Momento), The Palace, The Courthouse, The Assessors’ Ascent, The Intelligentsia, Entrance to the Undertomb
The Realm of Knowing
Family: Zaket - Eidisi
This is realm where scholars and academics reside. Overseen by the Zaket family, this realm is clearly identified by the schools, libraries and many houses of learning throughout. It is famous for books and information. The Zaket family jealously guard the secret to the paper they produce in the paper mills here in this realm, an extremely durable paper which is both tough and waterproof. The paper produced here is in high demand throughout the city and the world of Idalos, famed as it is for it’s endurance.
Key Locations: Zaket Manor, Paper Mills, Great Library, School
The Realm of Pleasure
Family: Demar - Naerikk
Pleasure in all its forms are provided and available in this realm. From public and private bath houses to brothels and the ‘sapphire houses’ where a myriad of hallucinogenic drugs are for sale, all forms of pleasure and release are available here. Hiladrith has no laws banning the use of recreational drugs it is, in fact, very big business. This realm is under the protection of the Demar family, a reclusive family who keep their family secrets well hidden.
Key Locations: Bath house, Brothels, Sapphire House, Restaurant, Spa / Massage Parlour, The Demar Residence
The Realm of Art
Family: Lavreux - Human/Yludih
This realm is the home of art lovers, theatre goers, artists, actors and all those with a passion for the arts. Filled with galleries, theatres and exhibitions this realm boasts some of the greatest beauty in Hiladrith. There are a number of gardens of sculpture dotted throughout this realm where stone masterpieces mix with beautiful and intricate topiary. The Lavreux family, who oversee this realm are a family of exquisite taste and refined elegance but the whispers are that they enjoy cruelty and have dark and unnatural passions.
Key Locations: Gallery of Art, Sculpture and Topiary Garden, House of the Peerless, Theatre, The Lavreux Exhibition House, The Lavreux Castle
The Realm of Crafting
Family: Ortega - Human
The realm of crafting provides Hiladrith with all those items which are necessary for trial by trial life. Here are the stonemasons, carpenters and wheelwrights, the construction experts and architects. The Ortega family are very proud of the residents of this realm without whom, they say, the rest of Hiladrith would grind to a halt. Between themselves, families of this realm refer to themselves as the ‘backbone’ of the city.
Key Locations: Stonemasons, Carpenters, Architects, Smiths, Ironworks, Seamstress/ Tailor. Fort of Ortega, Warworks
The Realm of Dreams
Family: Smilton - Aukari/Biqaj
As dreams can be pleasant or nightmarish, so too is this realm a place of two halves. Slaves are sold here and there are a large number of slave markets.The owners of these make up the majority of the very rich housing in this realm, whereas the very poor also live here. This realm is unusual in that there is very little evidence of anything in between these two extremes. The Smilton family rule over this realm with an allegedly enormous spy network, second only to the first family. It is said that you could whisper discontent in an empty room in the realm of dreams and when you stepped out of the door the guards would be waiting for you. The Smilton’s are a family who deal in money, debt and people; they are as ruthless as they are rich.
Key Locations: Slave auctions (different auction houses for different types of slave?) (The Scaffolds), Money lender, Smilton House.
The Realm of Movement
Family: Kresh - Biqaj
This realm is the one where the Hiladrith Port is located and its citizens consider it the ‘gateway’ to Hiladrith. The movement of goods and people is the task of this realm and its people, along with the construction of the riverboats which carry the goods throughout the city. It is the center of exports and imports filled with warehouses and here are where the majority of the Inns are. Whilst there are Taverns in each of the realms, if one is visiting Hiladrith, one stays in this realm or face the risk of arrest and / or imprisonment. The Kresh family has no greater love for outsiders than any of the other families, but they have learnt to work with those not of Hiladrith in order to further the city and boost its reserves.
Key Locations: Inns (wealthy, moderate, poor), Shipbuilders, Port, Kresh Manor, Gateway to Central Realm.