• Lore • [Hiladrith] City Lore

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Hiladrith is seen as the gateway city to the other regions and is booming with trade, transport, and culture. Adventurers stop in Hiladrith at least once during their journeys across Idalos not only to buy and sell items, but to enjoy the scenery of the city and chance a look at the women there. If there is one thing Hiladrith is known for, it's the women.

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[Hiladrith] City Lore

City of Hiladrith
The City
The Seven Families
The Realms
Beneath Hiladrith
Names & Titles
Marriage & Divorce
Crime & Punishment
Families & Factions
The Seven Families
The Mage Hunters
The Name Keepers
Race Relations
Domain Magic
Welcome To Hiladrith

The city of Hiladrith is, first and foremost, a place of beauty. This beauty is reflected in the architecture, the parks, the fashion and the people. It is a place where appearance is everything, but family is even more. Split into seven ‘realms’ (demarcated by the natural flowing of the river and waterways), Hiladrith is ruled by seven “named” families, each one holding dominion over one of the seven realms. The central realm is ruled by the first family of Hiladrith, the Brochu. Their name carries the most weight and the greatest respect from all; you would be hard pressed to find a citizen of Hiladrith who does not know the names of the seven named families, known as the ‘Valkri’ in the native tongue.

Everything that happens in Hiladrith is carried out under the auspices of one of the Valkri, the ruling council is made up of the seven heads of the Valkri and is overseen by the Grand Negotiator. This city might once have been a kingdom in its history, but it is now very firmly an oligarchy and the Valkri and Grand Negotiator are the beginning, middle and end of the ruling class. They are a closed and sealed unit

The buildings in Hiladrith are predominantly constructed from either yellow or white marble and are beautiful in their architecture and design. The cold white marble is juxtaposed by Hiladrith’s love of deep blue and orange stones, unique to the area which are utilised in frescos, tiles and mosaics, on floors and walls and which provide a warm contrast to the clean white lines.
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[Hiladrith] City Lore

The Dead King was a former Brochu who became obsessed with finding a way to bring back his dead wife. He joined the Coven of Ellasin and made more and more concessions to the coven, allowing them fame and authority in the city. Eventually he became more powerful than most of the necromancers he had brought it, had a difference of opinion with Ellasin and banished the coven from his city, calling upon the dead of Hiladrith to be his defense. He expunged or executed Coven members, going mad that he could not find a way to return her soul to the body. Not truly crazy, but grief-stricken, he used his power to make Hiladrith ‘safer’ But his measures were horrifying with the amount of dead he was raising...the power he weilded.

The merchant families (From all over. I think we should establish where the families originally hailed from) started a coalition. The Dead King’s own daughter found that his father had discovered, beneath their feet, a massive Fracture...the Fracture Anox, where he was drawing his immense power. The daughter left the city and traveled Idalos looking for a way to steal the powers of a mage, to free his city. SHe raised an army from Ne’hear, Etzos, and even Sirothelle along with other adventuring groups and those who would see this tyranny ended. He returned with the knowledge of how to make Nullblades, (name pending) magical weapons and armor that disperse ether. They’re made from wells and eventually become the hallmark equipment of the Sacrasav. The battle for Hiladrith laid waste to the city and ravaged the populace, but in the end the champion of Moseke at the time (and I think one more) managed to destroy the Dead King and end his power. The Dead King had Revealed and lost control to the Spark, becoming one of the Fallen Lords...but among them he was the first to be defeated.

Hiladrith rebuilt, creating the Alltemple. The daughter took over for his father briefly but died within a few years due to a wasting disease that seems to afflict the whole ‘actual’ Brochu line. A curse from his father. They started burning bodies in the Undertomb and made strict laws and punishments against mages. The Sacrasav joined the Isle Guard and became a secret organization while the Aukari Occult estbalished themselves in Hiladrith to help the city root out mages with their intelligence. They work closely with the Intelligensia and, of course, push their agenda.
563: Hiladrith is established by a group of travelers, some of which have journeyed from the north, south, east, and west corners of the western region. The set out to form a village, claiming it to be the crossroads of trade to all four corners of the region.

567: The village’s population has steadily increased. Rumors whisper throughout the region of the village and their care for trade, exchange, and bartering. Some merchants end up settling down here, bringing with them strange art and music from overseas. A diverse culture is introduced to the small village and quickly taken hold.

572: Hiladrith is attacked and raided by local bandits. After caring for the living and burying the dead, the remaining merchant families join together to propose a trade agreement with the city of Sirothelle, requesting protection from the region’s local thugs.

574: Sirothelle accepts Hiladrith’s proposed trade agreement: They will provide military support to the city in exchange for goods and services to be provided to Sirothelle. They also requested Hiladrith’s handling of imported and exported shipments from and to Sirothelle.

579: Hiladrith’s population slowly increases. The village becomes a town with a collection of leaders from each merchant family spearheading the government. A particular person (dead king) sticks out from the rest. His leadership takes hold and he becomes the go to individual for all town relations.

601: A strange group of men wander into the town, whispering about strange gifts they could provide those who seek ultimate strength and power. The leader of Hiladrith takes up word with one member and very slowly, he becomes enveloped in the dark arts they teach him. He slowly drifts away from the care of the town, though his rule becomes harsher.

607: Hiladrith experiences a boom in population after they establish trade contracts from Etzos, Rhakros, Ne’haer, Melrath, Uthaldria, and Argos. Trade routes are mapped out and explorers are sent to mark the paths and cartograph the roads. Sirothelle applies a steep tax upon Hiladrith for their loaned soldiers. Argument arises before a shipment of Sirothelle’s imports are destroyed as an act of defiance. Sirothelle soldier’s attempt to retaliate but are sent away by strange magic wielded by some of the citizens. They take up arms and commit to the job of protecting the city.

617: Hiladrith has expanded into 7 sections across the canals and has risen into a city. The population is massive with some magic users who’ve turned towards the dark path and used their strange gifts to suppress, abuse, harm, and control the populace. The Dead King controls these individuals and uses his own abilities to lock Hiladrith within chaos.

623: The Dead King ascended past the point of no return, wielding frightening power that caused many to flee Hiladrith in fear. The merchant families petition help from Etzos to kill the king. With certain requests, Etzos forms an alliance with the families and wages war on the Dead king.

624: The city of Hiladrith is infested with magic users as Etzos sets siege on the walls surrounding it. Finally the walls crumble and a bloodied battle wages. The Dead kind is met in battle with Moseke’s Champion and is there, defeated. The Champion perishes due to injuries. The merchant families reclaim the city once more and the Etzori armies chase out any remaining magic users. A faction is established to defend and defeat any future magic users or groups who attempt to take over Hiladrith.

681: With the ascension of the new Zatkai in Sirothelle, trade agreements are negotiated and re-established between the two cities.
The Seven Families
Information to come.
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[Hiladrith] City Lore

The Realms
The Central Realm
Family: Brochu - Humans

The central realm is the beating heart of Hiladrith. This realm houses the first family of Hiladrith, the Brochu family. Here is the Grand Bazaar, the House of Names and other key locations in the running of Hiladrith. Everywhere one looks in this realm there is beauty; gardens, architecture, fashion and art abound. This realm boasts the best of each of the others, with a massive central area wherein is housed the Grand Bazaar. Encircling the Grand Bazaar are six massive structures, the Six Tributes, each one symbolising the pivotal role that one of the other families plays.The central, walled area is the family home of the Brochu family, arguably the most successful merchants Hiladrith has ever seen.

Key Locations: The Grand Bazaar, The House of Names, The Six Tributes (Grand Library, House of Pleasure, Artists’ Refuge, Crafters’ Croft, The Reverie of Dreams, The Momento), The Palace, The Courthouse, The Assessors’ Ascent, The Intelligentsia, Entrance to the Undertomb

The Realm of Knowing
Family: Zaket - Eidisi

This is realm where scholars and academics reside. Overseen by the Zaket family, this realm is clearly identified by the schools, libraries and many houses of learning throughout. It is famous for books and information. The Zaket family jealously guard the secret to the paper they produce in the paper mills here in this realm, an extremely durable paper which is both tough and waterproof. The paper produced here is in high demand throughout the city and the world of Idalos, famed as it is for it’s endurance.

Key Locations: Zaket Manor, Paper Mills, Great Library, School

The Realm of Pleasure
Family: Demar - Naerikk

Pleasure in all its forms are provided and available in this realm. From public and private bath houses to brothels and the ‘sapphire houses’ where a myriad of hallucinogenic drugs are for sale, all forms of pleasure and release are available here. Hiladrith has no laws banning the use of recreational drugs it is, in fact, very big business. This realm is under the protection of the Demar family, a reclusive family who keep their family secrets well hidden.

Key Locations: Bath house, Brothels, Sapphire House, Restaurant, Spa / Massage Parlour, The Demar Residence

The Realm of Art
Family: Lavreux - Human/Yludih

This realm is the home of art lovers, theatre goers, artists, actors and all those with a passion for the arts. Filled with galleries, theatres and exhibitions this realm boasts some of the greatest beauty in Hiladrith. There are a number of gardens of sculpture dotted throughout this realm where stone masterpieces mix with beautiful and intricate topiary. The Lavreux family, who oversee this realm are a family of exquisite taste and refined elegance but the whispers are that they enjoy cruelty and have dark and unnatural passions.

Key Locations: Gallery of Art, Sculpture and Topiary Garden, House of the Peerless, Theatre, The Lavreux Exhibition House, The Lavreux Castle

The Realm of Crafting
Family: Ortega - Human

The realm of crafting provides Hiladrith with all those items which are necessary for trial by trial life. Here are the stonemasons, carpenters and wheelwrights, the construction experts and architects. The Ortega family are very proud of the residents of this realm without whom, they say, the rest of Hiladrith would grind to a halt. Between themselves, families of this realm refer to themselves as the ‘backbone’ of the city.

Key Locations: Stonemasons, Carpenters, Architects, Smiths, Ironworks, Seamstress/ Tailor. Fort of Ortega, Warworks

The Realm of Dreams
Family: Smilton - Aukari/Biqaj

As dreams can be pleasant or nightmarish, so too is this realm a place of two halves. Slaves are sold here and there are a large number of slave markets.The owners of these make up the majority of the very rich housing in this realm, whereas the very poor also live here. This realm is unusual in that there is very little evidence of anything in between these two extremes. The Smilton family rule over this realm with an allegedly enormous spy network, second only to the first family. It is said that you could whisper discontent in an empty room in the realm of dreams and when you stepped out of the door the guards would be waiting for you. The Smilton’s are a family who deal in money, debt and people; they are as ruthless as they are rich.

Key Locations: Slave auctions (different auction houses for different types of slave?) (The Scaffolds), Money lender, Smilton House.

The Realm of Movement
Family: Kresh - Biqaj

This realm is the one where the Hiladrith Port is located and its citizens consider it the ‘gateway’ to Hiladrith. The movement of goods and people is the task of this realm and its people, along with the construction of the riverboats which carry the goods throughout the city. It is the center of exports and imports filled with warehouses and here are where the majority of the Inns are. Whilst there are Taverns in each of the realms, if one is visiting Hiladrith, one stays in this realm or face the risk of arrest and / or imprisonment. The Kresh family has no greater love for outsiders than any of the other families, but they have learnt to work with those not of Hiladrith in order to further the city and boost its reserves.

Key Locations: Inns (wealthy, moderate, poor), Shipbuilders, Port, Kresh Manor, Gateway to Central Realm.
Beneath Hiladrith
The Undertomb
Beneath the Central Realm lies the Undertomb, a vast cavern which most if not all of the residents of Hiladrith know about, but which is not spoken of. Because of the history of this city, there are no graveyards in Hiladrith, although there are parks of remembrance. When someone dies in Hiladrith their mortal remains are taken into the Undertomb and first burned then ground to dust in order to ensure that they can not be used by necromancy. The Undermonks are an order of monks, small in number but completely dedicated to their job, who oversee the processes. Who these men and women are, no one knows as, whilst they work they wear robes, hoods and mirrored masks which hide their face.

The Deepmine
Even though it is situated beneath the Realm of Crafting, the Deepmine is not under the control of the Ortega family but rather is owned by the city itself. This mine is the source of a number of Hiladrith’s exports, but it’s entrance is well guarded and only those with genuine business in there are allowed entry. It is whispered that one could wander for the whole lifespan of a human in the Deepmine and never would your feet tread the same piece of the ground twice, it is so vast.
Ashan (123)
  • The beginning of Ashan tends towards chilly in Hiladrith. After the final chills of Cylus depart, the sun is once again seen and farmers begin to sow crops. However, the beginning of this season is invariably spend in clearing away the damage caused by the storms which plague Hiladrith during Cylus. This season sees the birth of Spring and a flurry of activity throughout the city, which has been inevitably quiet during the storms of Cylus. Towards season end, a sudden rise in temperature is not at all uncommon. The canals and riverways of Hiladrith remain swollen throughout this season.
Ymiden (83)
  • Throughout this season Hiladrith typically experiences a balmy heat, clear skies and cool nights. There is a lot of daylight and later in the season the crops are harvested. The hurricanes which plague other areas tend not to happen in Hiladrith and the weather throughout Ymiden usually remains consistent for the duration of the season, putting a pressure on the canals and waterways, which tend to lose volume throughout this season.
Saun (40)
  • The heat of Saun is as dangerous to those of Hiladrith as it is across most of Idalos. The days are hot and very long, with very little relief as evening falls. The tendency in Hiladrith during this season is to focus on indoor pursuits and the cool marble halls provide respite to all during this time. The canals and waterways are at their lowest point by the end of Saun; in arcs where the weather has been particularly bad, they have been known to be so shallow that boats can not travel them.
Vhalar (123)
  • Vhalar marks a cooling of the heat in Hiladrith. As the season continues, the beginnings of autumn can be seen and by season’s end it has a firm hold. This season is the second harvest in Hiladrith and is a busy time for all of the realms within the city. The end of the season sees a significant drop in temperature. Canals and waterways are refilled in the regular rain showers which mark this season.
Zi’da (93)
  • So begins the cold cylcle and Zi’da tends to starting with a whisper and ending with a shout in Hiladrith. The first trials of Zi’da will have people commenting on the crisp smell of cold in the air, whereas the final trials will see people wrapped up and battling against the winds. Biting cold winds become more and more common and the people of Hiladrith prepare for the storms of Cylus.

Cylus (30)
  • This is the season of snow storms in Hiladrith. The city is plunged into the constant twilight usual amongst this region and farmers bring livestock inside to protect them from death. The AllChurch is visited more regularly in this season than any other as hope itself seems to dim.
Information to come.
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[Hiladrith] City Lore

Humans - 27%
Mixed Races - 18%
Naerikk - 12%
Aukari - 10%
Biqaj - 8%
Lotharro - 6%
Tunawa - 4%
Sev’ryn - 3%
Eidisi - 3%
Mer - 3%
Qi’ora - 1%
Avriel - 1%
Ellune - 1%
Ithecal - 1%
Wisps - 1%
Yludih - 1%
Hyludin - N/A

Population of Hiladrith City: 8,628,000
Surrounding Towns and Villages: 1,190,000
Largely in part to Hiladrith’s open policy to other cultures and races, religion has become a difficult idea to restrict. Instead, it was decided by the seven families to build a place of worship on the central Isle for the worship of all Immortals, regardless of domain or creed. Although some of the less popular Immortals such as Syroa and Lisirra were met with distrust and controversy, Hiladrith ruled on complete religious freedom (save disruptive practices involving injury or destruction of property). The Allchurch is a domed circular structure sectioned into oval alcoves. Each alcove is decorated with the likeness of each Immortal as confirmed by historical collections provided by the Zaket. In all of Idalos, it is supposedly the most accurate location for viewing the shape most Immortals prefer to take and where worship of any Immortal is accepted. The freedom of religious act extends to all other religions provided at least a small population of worshippers exist and their practices are not ruled ‘Disruptive’ by the Hall of Laws.

Each year in Vhalar, the ‘Procession’ takes place over one week of time. During this time, a single member of the population is chosen to represent each of the Immortals. They are expected to memorize historical notes surrounding their interests and personalities and then masquerade as them during the festival. It is not uncommon, so it is said, for an Immortal or a few to journey to Hiladrith for this festival to see their likeness or to take it upon themselves to self represent.
Vhalar 10th - 16th: The Festival of the Immortals
Culminating in the ‘Procession’ this is a time where the residents of Hiladrith celebrate the Immortals and give thanks for the wonder that is their city. It is a time of contemplation and celebration. The seven families take turns providing daily food for the people, with the Brocha always giving the feast on the final trial. It has become something of a matter of pride that they provide the very best they can, so the citizens of Hiladrith are well fed throughout this time.

Ymiden 20th - 30th: The Saun Games
Many arcs ago, this tournament was held in Saun but the heat was counterproductive and led to the death of some of the atheletes. It has, however, retained its name. The Saun Games are an annual tournament with six categories, each one having a number of events. The categories are:
In each event, the seven families will each either choose one of their own people, sponsor a contestant or hire a champion. When all the events in the category are completed, a category winner is declared and then, an overall winning family. This is an enormously important time for the families and they take the choosing of their representatives / contestant very seriously.
Names & Titles
In order to own land or have a job, you have to have a first and family name recorded in the House of Names. Commoners are entitled to have a first name, but their family name is their profession. There are no exceptions to this. Slaves have no second names at all. They are given a name by the family who owns them when they first get bought and this is entered into the House of Names under the census details for that family.
Although the House of Names is used as a census bureau, it is also utilized by the Valki to buy, earn and record titles of value. These titles are taken very seriously and individuals would be expected to call for a duel or such should there be a breach of etiquette. It would be a serious loss of face were one not to do so. Titles such as Duke of Apples, Duchess of Beauty and so on can be bought, traded, and awarded from the House of Names. One needs to be recognized by a Family or by deed to be recorded in the House of Names
Marriage & Divorce
Whilst marriage does happen in Hiladrith, it is not actually very usual. Even if a couple see the need to be married, they often do not live together but maintain separate households. The society itself is matriarchal and family lines are traced through the mother’s family. This is considered to be logical and sensible to the families of Hiladrith as bloodline is so very important to them; the only parent that anyone can ever be entirely sure of is, after all, one’s mother.

It is quite common for a woman to have more than one life long partner or husband, the practice of polyandry is the norm. Amongst some of the lesser houses, a sign of prestige amongst women has been to keep a harem of men, a trend which has gained in popularity and fashion. In the seven First Families, monogamy is not culturally prevalent with women holding the names. The men they choose are rewarded if they successfully impregnate. Certainly, favoured lovers are kept in comfort and luxury with some even achieving high positions. But the notion of marriage, or of sharing a house, property or resources is very much not the cultural norm in Hiladrith.
The food of Hiladrith is indicative of the rich melting pot that the city is; here there are available (for the right price) delicacies from around Idalos. The seven Realms tend towards types of foods, with fashions meaning that things change very regularly. At its most basic, most type of food can be found in Hiladrith and prices range to suit a range of pockets.
As with food, music in Hiladrith is rich and varied. As a self-styled cultural capital city, musical influences from throughout Idalos are evident in the city itself. From the schools to the entertainment halls, from the professional musicians to the street entertainers, most tastes can be catered for and a wide variety of musical types and instruments are played, and taught, throughout.
Hussian is a tongue that is spoken with words as much as gestures and expressions. Hussian was originally developed as the trade tongue used among the Brochu after they settled Hiladrith. Centuries passing has seen it worm its way into the population. Hussian is a tongue that is guarded secret in Hiladrith. It is the tongue of insults, of wry observations. While no longer a language central for communication, Hussian is used primarily by those of the upper class to snidely talk ‘around’ outsiders.
The people of Hiladrith are very proud of the artistic works boasted by their citizens. They consider that they are the center of the civilized world, functioning as a lighthouse-like beacon of civilization. Those who exceed in the arts are able to apply for grants and bursaries, allowing them to truly cultivate the great artists of Idalos.
Fashion in Hiladrith is a changeable thing which shifts like the seasons. There are very definite fashions always going on and it is important to be seen to be wearing the best one can. A man can be judged, after all, by the cuff of his sleeve. Fashion is an external representation of one’s wealth and prestige and is, therefore, very much part of Hiladrith culture.
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[Hiladrith] City Lore

Education in Hiladrith functions in a two-tier system. The best education is provided for those whose name carries enough prestige, where free education is provided until the age of 14 by trained tutors in small classes containing no more than ten or so children.

If, however, the child is from one of the ‘profession’ families, they are educated in a trade from an appropriate age and then apprenticed to one already performing their chosen trade. The young apprentice is expected to work in that trade until they are at least twenty arcs old. If they do, then their education and apprenticeship is free. If, however, for some reason they leave before this time or do not work the appropriate time, then their family are liable for their education fees. Failure to pay results in jail time, slavery or some other punishment.
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[Hiladrith] City Lore

Hiladrith is governed by oligarchy with seven ruling families, the ‘Valki’ in the city’s native language, holding absolute dominance. Each of the seven families holds dominion over one of the sections of the city and the head of each family forms the ruling council. That council is overseen by the Grand Negotiator. This was once, long ago, a position held through bloodline and royalty but is now a position which is determined via voting. When the current Grand Negotiator dies, a new one is voted in. Only those of certain names may cast votes and, depending on the political landscape, certain names will have more power than others. However, the House of Names, which keeps track of these, is very specific and ensures that the numbers are kept fair so that no vote can ever be truly fixed.

The Grand Negotiator creates the laws, policies, procedures and processes which govern the city. He or she reports to the seven families but, upon taking the role all ties to any one of the families are broken. As the Grand Negotiator comes from one of the seven families, upon taking up the office they choose a slave who is blinded. This slave becomes their messenger between them and the families. In order to ensure that the Grand Negotiator does not show favouritism to their former family, all communication between them and the heads of the families are carried out by the now-blinded slave. Thus, the Grand Negotiator has arguably the most communication, and least contact, with the seven.
The Realm Guard: each Realm has its own military, denoted by the colour and crest of the overseeing Family. They deal with the trial-by-trial issues of security and protection, but they are outranked by the Isle Guard.

The Isle Guard, by law, have a surname of their rank. They are aligned with only Hiladrith and the Grand Negotiator. The Isle Guard is made of men from all merchant districts. It is the standing army of Hiladrith and falls under the control of the Grand Negotiator. The Isle Guard have badges that permit them entry into most places in Hiladrith with the caveat that overstepping their authority can earn harsh reprimands and punishments if certain families pull weight. It is usual that bastards or useless heirs are sent to service as political gambling chips in the cadre of the Grand Negotiator. Save for inheriting a merchant empire, it is always a position of honor and social prestige to be an Isle Guard.

The Sacrasav: Within the Isle Guard is the secret mage hunting faction, the Sacrasav. These are a whispered rumour amongst the citizens of Hiladrith but they would not ever be spoken about to visitors or outsiders. It is believed that the Sacrasav hunt in packs, there are rumours of them having super-human powers and Immortals-granted abilities, but the accuracy (or inaccuracy) of these can not be confirmed.
The ruling oligarchy of Hiladrith believe that laws should be simple and clear. They believe this so that there is no misunderstanding because, they affirm, justice is simple and clear.

No magic: There are no exceptions to this, it is a hard and fast law in Hiladrith, a place where the residents all know the maxim ‘never again’ means just that. No magic at all.
No harm: Do no harm to others is the basis of the law. That harm might be to property or body.
All are Named: In order to be a citizen of Hiladrith, one must have a second name which is recorded in the House of Names. Only those with names have rights, only those with names are protected by law.
Family, Realm, City: All citizens of Hiladrith are expected to work to the betterment of their family, realm and city. Any who are considered as not doing so are in violation of the law.

OOC Note: With enough money, you can buy your way out of prison.
Crimes & Punishment
In Hiladrith, justice belongs to the aggrieved party. While the Isle Guard enforce the laws, all crimes are processed in the Central Realm through the House of Laws. If the crime is against the city, the city will persecute. If the crime is against a man or a family, the family owns the right to punishment. They may declare the damages greater than the Isle Guard reports and an Assessor will be dispatched to review the claims and decide the value in it. Most punishments have a lapse of a day or two between sentencing and the punishment itself. During this time, any man or woman can come forward and ‘pay’ for the Right of Justice. The aggrieved party must be willing to sell and the price is settled on with an Assessor in attendance to log the exchange. After the Right of Justice has changed hands, the new plaintiff may ask for a different punishment instead, calling upon the services of the Assessor to make any adjustments. Often the Slave mongering family will wait for murderers or those with capital offenses to be sentenced to death and then buy the Right to Justice and have the Assessor turn an execution for death into ‘life in slavery’. In this way, you can buy the right to inflict Justice on a criminal.
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"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”J.R.R. Tolkien
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[Hiladrith] City Lore

The Seven Families
Main Families Within Hiladrith

Brochu - Central
Zaket - The Realm of Knowing
Demar - The Realm of Pleasure
Lavreux - The Realm of Art
Ortega - The Realm of Crafting
Kresh - The Realm of Movement
Smilton - The Realm of Dreams

○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

Lesser Families Within Hiladrith

Family Relations
Brochu - Zaket Neutral Demar - Lavreux Positive
Brochu - Demar Positive Demar - Ortega Positive
Brochu - Lavreux Positive Demar - Kresh Neutral
Brochu - Ortega Negative Demar - Smilton Neutral
Brochu - Smilton Neutral Lavreux - Ortega Neutral
Brochu - Kresh Neutral Lavreux - Kresh Negative
Zaket - Demar Neutral Lavreux - Smilton Negative
Zaket - Lavreux Positive Ortega - Kresh Positive
Zaket - Ortega Neutral Ortega - Smilton Negative
Zaket - Kresh Neutral Kresh - Smilton Neutral
Zaket - Smilton Neutral
The Mage Hunters
The Sacrasav. Within the Isle Guard is the secret mage hunting faction, the Sacrasav. These are a whispered rumour amongst the citizens of Hiladrith but they would not ever be spoken about to visitors or outsiders. It is believed that the Sacrasav hunt in packs, there are rumours of them having super-human powers and Immortals-granted abilities, but the accuracy (or inaccuracy) of these can not be confirmed. Interestingly, neither have they ever been denied.

The Spy Network: Whilst there is no doubting that each family has its own network of spies to a greater or lesser extent, there are whispers and rumours that there is one overarching spy network, a ‘family’ of spies whose ties of loyalty are to each other and their organisation. There is nothing more than rumours about this group, but they are known colloquially as “The Pack”.
The Name Keepers
A faction of scholars who work and live in the House of Names, the Namekepers are the record keepers of Hiladrith. They are renowned for their excellent memories, with the most venerated of them apparently able to remember any name and family throughout Hiladrith’s history.
word count: 306
"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”J.R.R. Tolkien
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[Hiladrith] City Lore

Race Relations
It is worthy of note that, to the citizens of Hiladrith a visitor, no matter what their race, is a second class citizen. Family, bloodlines, names and titles are the most important things to the citizens of this fair city. Even the most hated race, with the right name and title, can become a well respected and full member of society. The attitudes here are those shown to strangers, visitors or new citizens.
Aukari: Far from a rare sight in Hiladrith, a number of Aukari have settled, specifically in the Realm of Craft. They make up approximately one in ten of the population and are well understood and accepted
. Avriel: A very rare sight in Hiladrith, the oligarchic nature of Hiladrith society means that Avriel tend not to fit in here, nor do they desire to stay. If they visit they are considered an oddity and are likely to attract attention.
Biqaj: The large waterways and rivers have provided homes and temporary accommodation for a good number of the Biqaj people. Those who visit are treated as well as any other and the Biqaj people are a common sight in Hiladrith either because they live there or are passing through as they trade.
Eídisi: A number of Eidisi have taken residence in the Realm of Knowledge, where they are accepted as full members of society. Eidisi visitors are watched carefully and respected more than most visitors can hope for.
Ellune: A very rare sight in Hiladrith, there are currently no Ellune residents and visitors of this race are very uncommon.

Humans: The vast majority of Hiladrith citizens are humans and they are the most common visitors. A regular sight in the streets of this city, humans are as accepted as any other.

Hyludin: How many Hyludin there might be in Hiladrith, who knows? This race are mistrusted because of their nature, although rumour has it that they can be well rewarded as spies, with the right contacts.
Ithecal: A rare sight in Hiladrith, the Ithecal people are accepted as well as any other, although their physiology means that they would be a matter of interest.

Lotharro:A Lotharro visitor to Hiladrith is likely to receive a fairly positive welcome. A number of Lotharro have settled in Hiladrith and they are considered to be productive members of society.
Mer: An unusual sight in Hiladrith, although there are rumours of a society or small group of Mer who act as spies and information brokers, from the rivers and waterways, most would say that there are none resident in Hiladrith. Any visitors would be looked on with suspicion and distrust.
Mixed Race: Mixed race are treated the same as any other of their profession if they are residents and looked at with interest if they are visitors. Those in the Realm of Knowledge might well consider them worthy of study, if the mix is particularly interesting.
Naerikk: The Naerikk are a fairly common sight in Hiladrith with a good number having settled there. The culture and norms tend to fit well with Naerikk residents and visitors are treated with respect.
Qi'ora: Respected for their crafting ability there are a small number of Qi’ora residents in Hiladrith and, as visitors, they are greeted with as close to enthusiasm as the people of Hiladrith muster.
Sev'ryn: The strict and rigid nature of Hiladrith has not been conducive to a lot of Sev’ryn residents, so these are a relatively rare sight in the city. However, there are whispers that they can make a lot of money in service to the Valki, though no one knows exactly how.
Tunäwä: A fascination to the scholars of Hiladrith, a number of Tunawa are residents and they always sell well as slaves. As visitors, they are as welcome as any other, but should be careful that they do not fall into the clutches of slavers.
Wisps: There have been very few sightings of wisps in Hiladrith, which many consider might be a result of the Dead King and the upsurgence of necromancy. In line with the distrust of all magic, any Wisps who visit would be viewed with suspicion.
Yludih: Hiladrith is a place where the Ylidih are truly welcome, as they are considered a source of study and fascination to the people here. Welcome in all Realms, there are a number of Ylidih in the city.Visitors are treated much like any other, which is to say with an air of suspicion and a feeling of superiority from the residents.
Domain Magic
No magic at all
Alchemy and Ensorcellment are accepted because they are magical PRACTICES and use no spark. There is no corruption.
Slavery in Hiladrith is common. Slaves are not afforded the right of a name and must have their first name chosen (or kept) by their owners. This is then recorded in the House of Names as property of that family. If the slave is sold on then the name is struck from the record of that family and when they are owned by a new family (or under the auspices of one) then their name is recorded anew. Thus, a slave never has the rights of their own name and can be given a new first name upon ownership being transferred. With no rights, slaves are able to be treated as their owners see fit, although the general consensus is that they are commodities to be used for the betterment of Hiladrith.

Slaves are branded once to mark their origin as being from Hiladrith. Families may then decide to tattoo slaves with their personalized markings.
word count: 1058
"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”J.R.R. Tolkien
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