• Solo • What the Flock?

2nd of Ymiden 724

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The floating city Llais Y Dreigiau, and the large airships that have set out to explore the world of Idalos.

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What the Flock?


Delroth's name was burning in Kalortah's ears, as he awoke from a vivid dream. In it, he'd had words with his lord. Of course, he knew this was not a true meeting between him and the Winged Calamity. It was however an inspiration. If he could learn to talk to these people, he could then build a gathering of dedicated followers of Delroth. The Hyludin were winged people, they should worship the wind! And the birds that gave them sustenance. They were an exquisitely beautiful people, so they should be vain! Kalortah thought it was fairly obvious that these people were ripe for conversion if not a mission to spread the Immaculate Word of Delroth.

So as he rose, he got dressed in one of his more impressive outfits. He put on a silken white under-robe, sandals on his feet. Then he placed his bleached masterwork leather armor over that, the cuirass, the vambraces, the pauldrons. He didn't bother with lower-body armor, as he didn't anticipate violence this day. Although that didn't always pan out, expectation versus reality being a thing, he thought the city was fairly secure from such incidents.

He didn't expect to start fights, at any rate!

His armor was a marvelously intricate affair. Covered in feathering and bird-like motifs, the feathers of molting birds and false feathers of cloth alike adorned his pauldrons. His red wings spread out behind him as he stretched the ache of sleep out of them. He ran a comb through his hair several hundred times over the next break, making sure his appearance was suitably unmarred and resplendent.

Then, he heard a knock on his door. He expected the young hyludin from before, Dirwyn to visit him again, but hadn't expected that it would be so soon. As he opened the door, and looked out to see who was there, he also didn't expect Dirwyn to bring a smattering of youngling hyludin, looking up at Kalortah with a suitable degree of awe. He was, afterall Delroth's Exalted, and was awash in the glory inherent in that.

Kalortah recovered his expression of surprise, and smiled at the newcomers. "Kalortah i ben." He said replicating the way Dirwyn had given his name. The children all seemed to chatter and speak at once. It was hard to make out any of the words, except adain goch. Red wings

Kalortah nodded at them, "Yes, Adain goch! Adain, wings. Goch, red."

"Wingred!" The children repeated in unison. This would be interesting, to be sure, Kalortah thought as he flew out into the gardens surrounding the guest suites. Dirwyn and the children followed after him, on the wing also.

word count: 458
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Kalortah is always under the effect of the Tarouz ability,

Eldyn Morose
Larza Impre
Flavius Erythrian
Milian Le Moigne
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Re: What the Flock?

A Timelapse, and then an Impromptu Concert

The next few days, he spent his time singing to the wondrous creatures that were the Hyludin. In so doing, he learned more of their language through the medium of song. He sang to them the songs he'd written, some of them, and they sang back in their own traditional ballads and odes and lyrical flourishes.

Through music, they reached a level of understanding that defied even Kalortah's limited skill in linguistics. He learned so much from them, that he could carry on meaningful discussions by the end of that period of mutual learning. And some of them had even begun to pick up a lick of common, and even some Lorien.

Kalortah had to admit that teaching was incredibly rewarding. From his own prior experience, he'd expected nothing but headaches, but when pairing learning with music, it was better. He did end up loving those adoring flocks of Hyludin, who began to hang on every uttered syllable that flew through his lips. He didn't know if it was his lyrical skill or his voice... Well that wasn't strictly true. He was a much better singer than song-writer. But he could dream that his words of Delroth's glory and the stories of his Patron were hitting where it counted.

He was currently singing his own constructed song about Arithzma:

"Through windless fields
and scouring sands

Zma sought the heart of wind."

He smiled as he crooned the words, so familiar to his lips yet so alien to theirs. They all sat enrapturd by the beauty of his voice, and fascinated by the opening of the story.

"Though by his creator spurned,
and His brothers exiled,

Zma brought judgement to Him."

As Kalortah sang, his harp gifted by Saoire plucked an accompanying tune, along with Kalortah's ownrhythm keeping with the hip drum.

"Divine breath upon the grasses
of that distant plain,

Zma bore no ill thoughts
Nor burden of sin."

Kalortah's eyes were closed as he sang softly but with good projection for the flock. He smiled as he did so, but it was a sorrowful smile. Afterall, this was a tragedy, not a comedy or an uplifting epic, although it had gotten Kalortah through some trying times in his own life.

"When the Calamity stole Zma's wings,
though he came not to offend,

The Unbroken One's fate
Brought shame only to his kin."

Kalortah sighed as he uttered the final quatrain. And then let his harp and drum fall silent.

Dirwyn was the first to speak, who raised his hand. "Master Kalortah, why did Delroth steal Zma's wings? Did he offend him in some way?"

Kalortah's green eyes fell on the hyludin, with a kind glow to them. "I don't know. I've never asked if the tale is even true, or if it's something the avriel made up. But you see, the avriel are treacherous, and have harmed Delroth indelibly by their sinful nature. Their corruption at the hands of the other lesser Immortals befouled Delroth's creation, and so he couldn't abide one trying to hold him to account. For something a pair of lesser Immortals did.

This said, Kalortah put aside his drum and harp with a sigh. "Shall I sing without accomopaniment now?"

Dirwyn and several others clapped. "Yes, give us a new song!"

"Very well." Kalortah said, smiling. An appreciative audience was always a joy.
word count: 583
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Kalortah is always under the effect of the Tarouz ability,

Eldyn Morose
Larza Impre
Flavius Erythrian
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Re: What the Flock?

37th of Ymiden 724

The following of young Hyludin willing and eager to learn more stories and good news about Delroth was growing by the trial. They were by no means a massive crowd, probably more happened by just to listen to Kalortah's singing than anything else. But for the small circle that Dirwyn had guided to Kalortah's close inner circle of youths, they all were very invested in learning more about the Winged Calamity and his ways.

"Wait, you don't eat birds?" One youth said, agast when Kalortah finished singing a lament for a fallen parliament of owls, which had been hunted to extinction in the Athartian rain forest. "Or..."

"No, birds are sacred to Delroth, as are most winged, feathered creatures. Not all birds are attractive or worthy of praise, but all are under the protective sphere of his domain. If one wishes to follow Delroth, they must eschew the eating of fowl, I'm afraid." Kalortah said it like it was a bad thing, but he'd never missed a dinner of fowl. Hyludin, who lived in the air, might certainly think differently, as they were accustomed to eating such creatures.

"Hmm, I don't know if we like ethat. Birds are tasty!" Said one.

"I'm actually tired of eating birds. I much prefer the flyling fish and other creatures that live in Iulure. There's more that lives in the air than feathered quarry, anyway."

Kalortah nodded emphatically at that. Encouraged by at least some skepticism of the consumption of fowl. "Well, surely there's more to eat than fowl, as they said. Besides, there are more important things to consider than one's dieet."

Sighing to himself, he patted his drums, playing an accompaniment to his harp which plucked a tune as he sat with his following. "The time may come when I am called to prove myself to you all." He stared out into the distance. Wasn't it the turbulent season for storms, around this time fo arc? He was sure that he felt more and more winds whipping up everyday to the floating platforms of the expedition fleet. "Should that day come, I want you all to bear witness to the glorious power of Delroth, brought to bear on the wing."

Kalortah had heard that they were expecting a storm anyday now, although most seemed unconcerned. He'd hatched an idea, which was contingent on a storm actually happening mind, but it seemed all the patterns were there for a terrible typhoon to rip through the waters beneath them. They were low enough that they would certainly be affected, although by all accounts their islands hadn't experienced many strong storms, hiding behind its barriers.

"If that day should come, I want you to pay special witness, Dirwyn, as my first disciple." He smiled at the colorful hyludin.

word count: 480
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Kalortah is always under the effect of the Tarouz ability,

Eldyn Morose
Larza Impre
Flavius Erythrian
Milian Le Moigne
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Re: What the Flock?

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Notes/Warnings: Some obvious foreshadowing :P

Thread: What the Flock?
City/Area: Expedition Fleet

Renown: Putting on a performance and light sermonizing about Delroth.
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 ! Message from: Winston
word count: 127
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Kalortah is always under the effect of the Tarouz ability,

Eldyn Morose
Larza Impre
Flavius Erythrian
Milian Le Moigne
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Re: What the Flock?


Review & Rewards

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  • Language: Atvian



Nice thread! I really liked your assessment of the Hyludin, ehehe, they SHOULD perhaps lead the worship of Delroth. Perhaps you'll lead the charge in mass adoption of the Immortal's following!

I must raise that I think your use of quite conversational language overplays Basic Atvian, so I am going to assert that perhaps you are using a combination of Atvian and some other language you are more competent in. That being said, I am happy to offer some point in Atvian as you are there in their native lands. :-) Please bare this in mind in future.

I enjoyed your use of music for teaching. Before the written work, song and stories were commonly used to preserve culture and teach through narratives. :-)

Thanks for using the knowledge tagging system, it really helps during review.

Please enjoy your rewards.


  • Renown: 5
  • XP: 10


  • Flying: x1
  • Singing: x3
  • Leadership: x1
  • Musical Instrument: Percussion: x1

Winston's Catch of the Day is YOU!

word count: 173


When standing at his full height, Winston towers a full 1 foot and one blueberry tall. A fact he will happily demonstrate before flicking said blue orb into the air with his nose and then eating it with a snappy grin.

His eyes are dark and sharp, ringed by dark brown fur upon the bright white fur that sets off across the rest of his face.


Winston usually carries the following on his person:
  • Cassion's Locket hangs snugly around his neck.
  • Winston's Fairy Bell hangs from his tool-belt attached to his hip. It's 'ringer' is often bound by a small piece of cloth to prevent it giving away his position while in the wilderness.
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Re: What the Flock?

Thread: What the Flock?
City/Area: Expedition Fleet
Wealth Skill: Singing
Total Capstone Bonus: 0

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Y - no further action needed
word count: 104
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Kalortah is always under the effect of the Tarouz ability,

Eldyn Morose
Larza Impre
Flavius Erythrian
Milian Le Moigne

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