Rebirth 725 Rumour Mill for Rharne!
In the interest of transparency: In this edition of Rharne Rumors, the baseline to get a rumour about your pc is 15 renown and more than one renown entry recorded. Having only one renown entry of 15 is not enough to get a rumour.
20 Renown to get an accolade.
30 to get a high renown reward.
Eastern: Central: Rharne Azrael:
New Rumour: There's a rumor that Azrael was the reason for Ilaren's absence. What the nature of this was is a subject for wild conjecture and further rumours.
New Accolade: At the Starling Gallery, an obvious Sesser Thespian is performing of a night all through Cylus and a little beyond. The lyrics of her song resemble Azrael's deeds almost too closely. The song is simply titled "Diri in a Bottle".
New Rumour: Elowen is rumourd to dole out miracle cures. Rumors that she brought someone back from the dead spreads, and people begin to regard her with awe and a smidge of caution.
New Accolade: As umours of her status as a healer in Mistral spreads far and wide over Rharne she gets more visitors. Many people and random seekers come to find her, looking for herbal solutions to embarrassing problems.
New Boon: In the Library of Rharne, after i's reconstructed in late Cylus, a book is found which is sent along to or found by Elowen. Inside, it contains knowledge of every herb from Scalvoris to the deadly forests east of Quacia. However the book is dense, and requires specific research everytime she wishes to learn of no more than one herb per level of research skill for each thread spent studying it.
No need to PSF or get approval for this book it's compliments of the mod.
Gennadiya Lyosha:
New Rumour: Gennadiya is rumored to be a long-lost nobility from a place called Lysoria, west of Ne'haer.
New Accolade: Gennadiya finds many people seeking her out for one reason or another. Many pretend to be sick in order to get seen by her, and specifically ask for her when they are brought into the clinic or the Hospital. If they are refused this meeting, they become excessively uncooperative until she arrives.
New Boon: Gennadiya continues to enjoy the success of her establishment of a great Shrine and Temple to Ymiden. As such, a wealthy benefactor approaches her to suggest that they wish to fund a new expansion of the Temple's activities, as a sort of underground highway for escaped slaves and other unfortunates around the world, to house them and build a community. If she agrees, she will be granted startup funds worth 125 wp to establish this community.
Tristan Venora:
New Rumour: Tristan is the recipient of yet another rumour, claiming that he is a Mortalborn with the domain of Cats. That is why he seems so good with felines!
New Accolade: An election is coming up in late Ashan, which will run into a campaign that extends into the Hot Cycle. The position of Voice is up for grabs, as the current Voice wishes to step down to see to family matters. Tristan is seen as a prime candidate, and as such is approached by many 'well-wishers' who want to hitch their wagon to his political star.
Winston Miller:
New Rumour: Winston is said to be able to turn into different sorts of animals at will. Everything from a seal, to a rat, to a bear.
New Accolade: One day this Cycle, the Watering Hole is very busy beyond compare. Winston has to rush and hustle to keep up with the customer demands, as his staff is pushed to their limit by the sudden popularity of their bar. The night culminates in a grand brawl that devolves into a drunken hugging contest in the fighting pit.