Vahekoh's notes and things.

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Vahekoh's notes and things.

//Saun, 723.// In the Stormlands.
Going out to the woods.

Thanks a lot.
//1st Vhalar, 723.// In the Stormlands.
Head pain. Must have had a pain attack. Am near the woods, on a small road. Am with Vahadah- we're eating, but there is little to eat. Rabbit going bad in Vahdah's saddlebags. Must have gone out to the woods to hunt, got a rabbit, then something. I think there was a storm. I took a fall off Vahdah in the storm. Am okay, but am sore. Must have then had the pain attack because of the fall. No herbs for the head pain- must go to market. The rabbit's gone too bad to sell- though, maybe the skin will sell. Maybe someone in the market will be able to tell me something, like when I was last there.

It is late Saun or maybe Vhalar. The storm-

Ask market about the storm.
//1st Vhalar, 723.// In the Stormlands.
Get a medical kit at market.

Was without direction for a bit, but rode all day and got back to Rharne by dark. Am just outside the Dust Quarter now. Lots of people about tonight. Borrowed a bucket for Vahdah to drink out of- return it in the morning when he's watered. Must get some grain for Vahdah- borrow some in morning, too? Get directions to the nearest market in morning? Get something to eat in morning- am starving.

Am sore, but will live. Must get herbs for headache tomorrow. Or headache will worsen- must not let it worsen. Will try to be watchful in the night of the others about, but am so tired and sore.
2nd Vhalar, 723. The Dust Quarter.
I'm in the Dust Quarter. It's the March today. Lots of people about in the market- maybe a bit more than my liking.

Met a woman in the market named Hyacinthe. Hyacinthe is tall, grey-skinned like an ellune, but with warmth to her like a Rharnean. Reddish hair, warm-eyed, beautiful. Said my name is Clairey- I know the name? It's an old name of mine? I don't know.

Hyacinthe said Clairey was in the market last Saun, mid Saun. She said Clairey was worried about her grandfather. I have a grandfather? Look into this grandfather?

Hyacinthe led me to a shop named Hannah's Healers. Met Hannah. Hannah is an old Rharnean woman, very old, very wise. Wise gaze. Hannah said she'd met Clairey- I think I've met her before? Said she'd worked with Clairey's grandfather.

Or not her grandfather, a man named Folke. Hannah is a healer, and Folke is a healer? Hannah said she hadn't spoken to Folke in a long time. Was worried about him.

Made a deal with Hannah to go back to Hannah's Healers when I'm healed, and go out to the Stormlands for her.

Got medicinal herbs for my headache, and a medical kit. Hannah told me to go to the Order for my headache, said something was wrong with it? But I said no. Walked out of Hannah's Healers. I don't need to go to the Order for an old wound.

Will have to say I'm sorry about walking out like that.

Was lost for a bit in the Dust Quarter, but am out of the Dust. I'm with a group in the Dust's outskirts. Met a woman named Laurel. Laurel is a bit taller than me, a bit older. Brown-haired with her hair braided up on her head, Rharnean. She laughs like an owl. Has a little boy. Laurel invited me to their table for the March.

My name is Ekoh, I guess? I said Ekoh when Laurel asked. I didn't know what to say.

I treated the headache with the medicinal herbs. The headache is gone, but I think it might come back. Will be ahead of the headache, this time, if it comes back.

Forgot to write before- I lost my journal. I have very little writings with me, on loose papers. Don't know where I lost my journal, or when. Hyacinthe said Clairey was in the market in mid Saun. Did I lose it then?

I need to get a new journal before there are no more papers to write on, or I lose the papers, and I'm lost.
Last edited by Vahekoh on Thu Aug 08, 2024 9:12 pm, edited 4 times in total. word count: 737
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Timeline of event.

Timeline of Events
Tbd. Clairey meets Hannah. They meet through Folke, who Hannah knows through their work as healers. Clairey and Hannah are acquaintances through Folke- they meet very, very infrequently.

1st Cylus, 723. Clairey learns that Folke is dead.

Tbd. Sometime following Folke's death. Clairey loses the journal that she manages her memory loss with. Her memory loss becomes less managed, and she begins to forget things about her life with Folke.

Tbd. Sometime following Folke's death. Clairey writes, "Going out to the woods."

Tbd. Sometime following the "Going out to the woods." "Clairey", in her memory loss, is a sort of forester version of herself- living mostly in the woods, sometimes going to the Dust Quarter to do trade. She might also trade, during this time, with other foresters. This "Clairey" is neither the Cylus 723 Clairey nor the Vhalar 723 Vahekoh. She hasn't forgotten at this time that her name is Clairey.

Tbd. Sometime following "Clairey" being a forester, and before mid Saun, 723. "Clairey" meets Hyacinthe. They are acquaintances- they meet infrequently.

Mid Saun, 723. "Clairey" meets Hyacinthe, worried about "her grandfather" who she thinks is "sick in bed". This "Clairey" is more like the Cylus 723 Clairey- she's remembered that something is wrong with Folke, who she thinks is her grandfather at this time.

1st Vhalar, 723. Vahekoh has a pain attack out in the woods. She's been out of the medicinal herbs that manage her headaches for some time, maybe as long as mid Saun, 723, or longer. She also has not been managing her memory loss well through her writings, and has stopped writing, maybe as long back as the, "Going out to the woods."

2nd Vhalar, 723. Vahekoh leaves the woods to go to the Dust Quarter. She meets Hyacinthe, who she no longer has memory of. Hyacinthe thinks that something is wrong with "Clairey", and so brings her to Hannah's Healers.

Hannah looks over Vahekoh, thinking she is the Cylus 723 Clairey. Hannah thinks that the Cylus 723 Clairey is having some sort of acute health condition, likely because of a head trauma. Hannah doesn't know that Vahekoh's health condition is chronic, and that the head trauma was when she was a child.

Vahekoh meets Laurel. Vahekoh doesn't know what her name is, but she knows her name is no longer Clairey. She introduces herself as Ekoh.
Last edited by Vahekoh on Thu Aug 08, 2024 9:20 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 405
Vahekoh's incident.
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Re: Vahekoh's notes and things.

15th Saun, 724. Lake Lovalus.
Met a girl by Lake Lovalus. Didn't get the girl's name, but she's wearing a headscarf. The girl was pricked all over the palm by some sort of prickly-leaved plant. I'm letting the girl borrow the leather bag from the medical kit to gather the prickly plant.

I shifted things so that the medical kit things are in the little saddlebag. The things in the little saddlebag are in one of the large saddlebags- look at the list to move the things back, when I've got the leather bag back.

Will bring the girl to the Order in Rharne if she thinks she should go to the Order. Otherwise, what? Bring the girl to her home?

The girl by Lake Lovalus said that the prickly plant is an herb that makes other herbs stronger. Go back to Lake Lovalus to get some information about the prickly plant, and maybe go back to get some of it. It might be good for strengthening the herbs that treat my head pain.

The plant is prickly-leaved. It is pretty to look at. It looks somewhat like a flower, but with the petals of the flower being the plant's prickly leaves. It has a light glow about it, though the girl said that the glow is not magic. The plant grows on the shores of Lake Lovalus, growing low to its roots on the lake's rocky lakeline. The girl said the prickly plant is poisonous when it is black. It is sharp, prickly, and will do damage with or without its blackness, its poison. It should be gathered with leather to stop it pricking, severed at the base of the plant about the roots.

'The girl's name is Elowen. The prickly plant's name is [Light Agira].'
Words in single quotes are implied writings. 'The girl's name is Elowen. The prickly plant's name is Light Agira.'

Implied writings are writings that Vahekoh wrote in a thread, but the precise wording of the writing was not said in the thread. In this instance, what was written in the thread was, "Having spoken the names, she wrote Elowen's name, as well as a very, very bad interpretation of the prickly plant's name -written as well as Vahekoh could write a Gernevoir word in Common- in her little book of writings."

The words [Light Agira] are in brackets because in the thread, Vahekoh was attempting to write the words in one language phonetically in another language; in this instance, it was Light Agira in Gernevoir, written phonetically in Common.
word count: 441
Vahekoh's incident.
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