Please could I nominate Elyna and Malcolm for the Medal: Starting a family?
Baby Burhan is here! Woo!
Medal Nomination Thread
See someone on the site who's done something medal-worthy? Let us know here.
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- Elyna
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Medal Nomination Thread
word count: 18
- Jade
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Medal Nomination Thread
Approved, thank you for the nominations!
word count: 6
"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.” ― J.R.R. Tolkien
- Elyna
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Medal Nomination Thread
Thank you!
Can I also nominate Malcolm for tear-jerker? I have been destroyed by his fussing over baby Burhan! Destroyed I tell you!
Can I also nominate Malcolm for tear-jerker? I have been destroyed by his fussing over baby Burhan! Destroyed I tell you!
word count: 24
- Mal
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Medal Nomination Thread
Proudly, this noble Becomer stands before the crowds and nominates himself for 'Pioneer' - he is the first to achieve mastery in a Domain Magic among PC's.
word count: 27
- Jade
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Medal Nomination Thread
All nominations approved!
word count: 3
"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.” ― J.R.R. Tolkien
- Patrick
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Medal Nomination Thread
I wish to nominate Rei for the Helper medal as she's done awesome work in helping with Rharne development! And I... suppose me as well... >.>
word count: 26
- Rumour
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Medal Nomination Thread
Medals awarded (of course! <3). Thanks, Patrick!
word count: 7
"There is only one thing in the world worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about."
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Office | Rharne | Rharne Lore | Lightning Knights | Thunder Priestesses | Merchants Guild
- Nymph
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Medal Nomination Thread
I would like to nominate Asedai Tyatu for the Painting with Word Medal. The history in her CS was extremely well written and captivated me to read every last little bit of it.
word count: 33
I'm bad, and that's good. I will never be good, and that's not bad. There's no one I'd rather be then me.
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Medal Nomination Thread
I'd like to nominate myself for the murderer medal since Freya murdered her crew member, Qyona, in this thread. /viewtopic.php ... 308#p21158
I'd also like to nominate Valkan, and Wendell for Enemy of My Enemy since the two of them worked together to take down Gorroc in that same thread. I'd also like to nominate all three of us for Painting with Words medal. Thank you!
I'd also like to nominate Valkan, and Wendell for Enemy of My Enemy since the two of them worked together to take down Gorroc in that same thread. I'd also like to nominate all three of us for Painting with Words medal. Thank you!
word count: 70
- Vluharqih
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