A Rebirth after Rynmere

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A Rebirth after Rynmere

A Rebirth after Rynmere

Okay Tristan, here is the first phase of your tracker, getting started.

First Stage: In no particular order, except that you must meet the Council before meeting Ilaren.
  • Meet with the Council to discuss your intentions. (Can be solo'd and Mod-Noted)
  • Explore the possibilities of settling within or outside of Rharne. (Can be Solo)
  • Elevate the matter to Ilaren herself and make your case to her (Must be modded).
  • Decide where to settle. (Westwind recommended, can be solo'd)
  • Decide whether to declare a Duchy under Rharne's Protection or an independent Kingdom, In unclaimed land North of Rharne's borders. (Can be solo'd)
  • Tour the site (if it's Westwind, then so be it and tour Westwind. Deal with the issues of people who have been brought out of the depths of the past into the present, roughly fifty years removed.)
  • Try to convince the people of the merits of coalescing into a Duchy under Rharne, or an Independent Kingdom.
  • Unite the group of Refugees with the Westwind townspeople, and work to settle any differences that crop up.
  • Declare yourself a Duchy or a Kingdom!

    As you complete these tasks or require moderation for any of them, please complete the following code to mark your progress:

    Code: Select all

    Name and Link of Thread(s):
    How does this challenge Tristan's Political Skill?:
    How does this challenge Tristan's Socialization Skill?:
    How successful is Tristan in this particular phase (For solos):
    Do you need mod-note or moderation? (For meeting council or Ilaren or other Immortal involvement):
    Summarize the plot of the thread/story please in a sentence or two:
word count: 277
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Tristan Venora
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Re: A Rebirth after Rynmere

Name and Link of Thread(s): Westwind Awaits
How does this challenge Tristan's Political Skill?: Tristan realizes that public opinion will have a major impact on his political plans. So, he gathers intelligence.
How does this challenge Tristan's Socialization Skill?: He convinces locals that his Igelak friends won't upset the established order and that he's totally harmless, too.
How successful is Tristan in this particular phase (For solos): Very.
Do you need mod-note or moderation? (For meeting council or Ilaren or other Immortal involvement): No.
Summarize the plot of the thread/story please in a sentence or two: Tristan decides that a place outside Rharne proper works best for what he has in mind. At first, he wants to found a settlement in the Stormwastes. After he sees that one of the twin girls on his Rynmere memorial points west, he decides on trying to work out a deal with Westwind though. He also realizes that public opinion will have a major impact on his political plans. So, he gathers intelligence - on himself. He convinces locals that his froggy Igelak court is in fact totally harmless. His grandmother Ebony helps him - and teaches him more about intelligence in the process.
word count: 205
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Tristan Venora
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Re: A Rebirth after Rynmere

Name and Link of Thread(s): The Case of the Flying Pigs
How does this challenge Tristan's Political Skill?: There is not a lot of politics in this thread. This is mostly a Socialization thread, although a gift to make negotiations with Westwind easier is mentioned.
How does this challenge Tristan's Socialization Skill?: Tristan needs to figure out how to make Westwind, his friends and Ayla happy. Some of his friends want to hunt and eat Pigasi, Ayla wants to pet Pegasi, and he needs an impressive gift for Westwind. So, he decides on a Pigasus farm where Ayla can go and pet winged piglets.
How successful is Tristan in this particular phase (For solos): Successful. Tristan's Igelak friend continues to secretly dream of eating Pigasi though.
Do you need mod-note or moderation? (For meeting council or Ilaren or other Immortal involvement): No
Summarize the plot of the thread/story please in a sentence or two: The Pigasi have returned. Tristan and his friends try to decide if they should hunt them or save them. Tristan's grandmother points out that a Pigasus would be a great gift for the people of Westwind when they go there to negotiate (Tristan wants to become Westwind's new leader). So, Tristan decides to give Westwind a whole Pigasus farm. This plan will undergo some changes in later threads as Tristan finds out about the mud flats ...

There already is a modnote for this thread in the Pigasus event tracker!
word count: 251
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Re: A Rebirth after Rynmere

Name and Link of Thread(s): Lemon Tarte
How does this challenge Tristan's Political Skill?: This is mostly a social thread.
How does this challenge Tristan's Socialization Skill?: Tristan has to convince Grace and Prudence to accept his new Igelak cook Roffle the way they are and that their unusual food is perfectly safe to eat. Furthermore, he has to convince them to accompany him to Westwind.
How successful is Tristan in this particular phase (For solos): Very
Do you need mod-note or moderation? (For meeting council or Ilaren or other Immortal involvement): No.
Summarize the plot of the thread/story please in a sentence or two: Tristan's grandmother has invited two of her friends. They tell Tristan that they visited Westwind when they were children and had friends there before it was ruined. The people of Westwind domesticated Pigasi. They also tell Tristan that they heard the people of Westwind are strange, as if they come from a different time. Tristan reveals his plans to them and asks them to accompany him to Westwind. He needs someone who knows Westwind. Of course, they accept. Who knows, maybe their old friends are still alive?
word count: 198
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Tristan Venora
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Re: A Rebirth after Rynmere

Name and Link of Thread(s): [Westwind] Just the man I was looking for!
How does this challenge Tristan's Political Skill?: Tristan figures out how to negotiate with the Council and what the contract should contain.
How does this challenge Tristan's Socialization Skill?: Tristan convinces Winston that not all people in the Glass Quarter are bad. He works together with Winston.
How successful is Tristan in this particular phase (For solos): -
Do you need mod-note or moderation? (For meeting council or Ilaren or other Immortal involvement): No.
Summarize the plot of the thread/story please in a sentence or two: Tristan and Winston meet in the mudflats. Winston tells Tristan that he wants to buy the mudflats and cultivate Pigasi. Tristan tells him that he wants Westwind to be able to farm Pigasi again. Winston asks Tristan for his help when it comes to the contract. Tristan tells him that they need to talk to the Voice. He also tells him what the contract should contain in his opinion. He suggests adding something that will make the Council and the Glass Quarter look good. Winston suggests that they deal with the slime problem and let the Council claim that they took action.
word count: 205
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Re: A Rebirth after Rynmere

All threads posted prior to this post are counted and read! Keep it up! And let me know when and if you need a mod note or moderation.
word count: 28
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