Elowen's plot notes

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Elowen's plot notes

Ordinary thread ideas
Ymiden & Saun, 724
  • Meira died
  • Meira's funeral burning
  • Taking stock of stock
  • Catch myself some trappers while collecting in the forest? Probably about to drown a few peaphoenixes for their feathers. (Field craft, deception)
  • Forming a bond with Pea (several threads, focus on animal husbandry)
  • Catching some grasshoppers and then roasting them for snacks, maybe consider creating a small grasshopper farm for personal use? Probably need a few attempts to perfect a grasshopper trap and scouting out the best location for it within the Mistral
  • Post Echoes series of 'consequence' threads, focus on medicine healing people's sleep from upsetting dreams that may or may not be related to the outcome of the modded thread, happens after the modded thread and before the Echoes disappear; gradually worsening pandemic - research waking dreams, stuck in nightmares, sleep paralysis; have a case of being stuck in the nightmare unable to wake and struggling in bed rushing over to the house to cure on spot
  • PH - Post creeksong reflection thread perhaps after a nightmare thread or before it.
  • Go to rharne to collect Light Agira around lake Lovalus in Saun for its medicinal properties, get to Rharne for around Saun 13th and adopt yourself a dog with a special ability.
  • PH - overnight stay somewhere with Vahekoh
  • PH - creating remedy for Vahekoh in the shack
  • Explore Creeksong Caverns
  • Visit Rosebay and meet Dandelion, have some drawings ready for suggestions on trap improvements, make it happen around the end of Ymiden so Elowen has time to go back to the shack before heading to Rharne to gather Agira and get herself a dog.
  • Shrine duty - Ethelynda's shrine off of Storm's edge on the way back from Rosebay - mod alert for Pig and rewards in bounty board if still active bounty
  • Eseld wanting a love potion for seducing ciaran.
  • Eseld returns before end of saun (between 26th and 39th) to ask for some top up on something for someone, but mainly complains about an eidisi who had taken residence in one of the rooms, Elowen asks about the potion and Eseld admits it doesn't really work but at least when she smells the pouch she feels better which prods Elowen to think more about using scents to induce certain mental states (mostly that of calm but later expand to focus, etc.)
  • PH - post creeksong nightmares
  • Going to shrine of souls with Caz and Az to learn about Famula and the ritual required for Elowen to speak with Meira on 31st vhalar, happens post ethelynda shrine dute
  • Train Ark's recall with Cass' Boozehound
Vhalar, 724
  • Meet with Tunawa's of the Mistral Woods after witnessing one stealing an offering from the tree and feeling it her duty to go and tell them off, join it with Pig's starter quest suggestion here. First see stealing, then hear about mushroom, then pluck it, then have a face off.
  • Collect Ginkgo Tree leaves and seeds, join in with Fledgeling fire.
  • Discover she is an Aukari through accidental erupting during the Eidisi scholar plot, saved by a defiance mage who immediately wants to give her up to authorities and charge her with whatnot but the village convinced him otherwise or Eseld does or something.
  • 31st Vhalar - speak with Meira's soul if Elowen had already discovered that she was an aukari
  • find Meira’s diary after she had discovered she is an aukari after 31st
  • Initiation into Attunement
  • Order’s apothecary at dust quarter clinic, set up regular herb supply (post vhalar 31st)
  • Meet Winston to discuss a fireproofing clothes pin (meet in relation to the point above? Maybe discussing regular supply?)
  • Frequent visits to Rharne to be mentored in magic, introduction to Liv, meet ups with Cass, complaints from villagers that she is not around as often as she is supposed to be, start travelling into the village and deliver remedy packages for the duration of her absence (increased requirement for cataloguing things - another character concept of a teenager from a library who could help her with that??)
  • Meet Seira at Hannah's Healers and start teaching her Gernevoir
  • Pumpkin gather as a free food for winter, get into a slime fight! - Vhalar 9
  • Vhalar 52 - AUKARI BLOOD IN THE MUGS!! Be in the city to witness that (seek out Netzach for answers?)
  • Join in to the Faishu event
  • Have some visitors come to seek her for fortune spirits and their gold (after the rumour establishes a little bit more)
  • 101 vhalar - meet jackolantern rider to grill him about nickels and answers to her aukari/fire questions - mod input required
  • Have the hired swords from this thread follow up on their promise of a visit, Elowen lock doors, Ark inside barking, her holding a knife and being incredibly scared. Determined to learn how to defend herself either with Cass or Caz or both. Hates that feeling of fear and helplessness.
  • Meet Netzach for palm reading based on the cycle's rumour as a possible lead into threads on reviving Meira or getting her back somehow
  • pre-pay library access for sesil for a few days (she didn't have much, but what she did have she gladly shared with the girl who thirsted after knowledge and already worked harder than most to make her dreams come true)
Ashan, 725
  • Take interest in Stormlakes and rejuvenation efforts; visit them and meet with the few character concepts you have in store (the nomadic tribe-ish sort...kids around a qi'ora who live on edges of Stormlakes) (Liv tag along)
  • Learn about Rharne's tears and start experimenting with that (Liv tag along)
  • Encounter Magnipede (Liv tag along), see if you have animal husbandry and training up to expert at least (sort of becoming animal whisperer), work on the idea of scents as a way to calm a psyche
  • At some point after these efforts are started, consider becoming a warden of the lake via Viv or Genna
At some point in the future
  • maybe create a friendship with Eseld
  • Help at the clinic in dust quarter once to hand out remedies based on doctor diagnosed ailments
  • Set up a seasonal supply of most common remedies into the clinic
  • Have someone teach Elowen how to be literate so she can attend Botany classes in the institute in Rharne
  • Consult Winston as well for edible healing goodies
  • Depending on her conduct and after she had become significant among the warden group and progressed some as attuner, consider getting her the mark of Ethelynda
  • Explore Yngwyll and consider encountering and gradually befriending Lumen Wolf - increase animal husbandry and perhaps some animal training?
  • consider having her branch out to creating scents that make people feel a certain way (eg Eseld in Ailments of the heart), need science at competent or expert for that and cosmetology probably at higher; consider scents and how they make Elowen feel to calm herself etc. work with Eseld and her ideas, Vahekoh;
  • travel out to Scalv to explore the herbs there (after having explored most of Rharne) and there findt the Guarana berry (strong coffee sub, pretty to look at, climbing plant), attempt to transport back to Rharne to grow in her shack;
  • meet Doran whilst in scalv to have some lessons about isolating essential oils (I have a feeling Elowen will not be fond of alchemy at least performing it herself seeing it as unnatural enhancing of sorts).
  • Vist Hannah's Healers, feel like this would be the kind of place for Elo to learn and vibe
  • Focus on the shack as a business at some point and try to start running it as such (e.g. better way of recording things = needing to learn how to be literate)
  • Consider learning Da'Riya for mind and body control perhaps encouraged or dictated to her by Ronan
  • Consider acquiring something that will help prevent Elo burns when she explodes
  • Memory thread - visit summer shrine on west side of Mistral with Meira during hot cycle, Meira paying respect or asking forgiveness or something? Elowen learning about other immortals there so therefore establish relationship with the caretaker
  • gardening threads
  • Memory thread of small Elowen meeting an Eldwyn (creature curious about this new child and Elowen utterly lost after being sent out to collect some mushrooms (medicinal herbalism) and so so fearful again, happened soon after Elowen was taken by Meira to the shack)
  • Memory threads with Meira - when Elowen was found, journey back to the shack and Meira’s purchase of scarf and the directive to always wear it during the day, once when Elowen didn’t have it Meira’s remark and Elowena drive to then wear it always before Meira came out of the bedroom
  • Meira witnessing Elo bashing a tree to scare the squirrels that live inside. Meira gets incredibly angry and gives Elowen a massive telling off (what kind of punishment?). Elowen had not been in the woods long, it was some trials after her meeting with Eldwyn and so squirrels were trusting their select hiding spot to be safe which makes Elo's behaviour even worse in Meira's eyes.
Repeat ideas
  • Collecting plants in the forest
  • Collecting herbs in the garden
  • Visit Mistral village
  • Visit Rharne
  • Explore Yngwyll forest
  • Explore Mistral Woods for its secrets
  • Visit Rosebay
  • Tending to veggie garden
  • Tending to chickens
  • Drawing plants (eg those that are imported and because no written name, have a picture)
  • Observing animals
  • Drawing animals
  • Forming bond with Pea
  • Training Ark
  • Memory threads with Meira
Last edited by Elowen on Wed Nov 20, 2024 10:08 am, edited 87 times in total. word count: 1586
Language legend: Gernevoir (Fluent), Common (Conversational)
Elowen's appearance
Petit, 153cm (5') tall 15 arc old.
Always wears a head scarf that fully covers her hair.
Comfortable, loose clothing that does not accentuate her body shape in any way.
Clothing is clearly worn and mended but does not appear scruffy.
No jewellery or other marks on her body.
Face has gentle features.
Eyes are round with blue-grey irises.
Wears a small pouch with a Sunstone and a
at her belt.
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Re: Template Plot Notes

Personal NPCs to be created

Cain - Runaway kid from Rharne. Lives in a nomadic tribe led by Qi'ora on the edge of Stormlakes and Stormwastes. Elowen's guide during the rejuvenation efforts. Same age or perhaps slightly older than Elowen but not older than 18.

Milana - No idea who she is and what her roles is yet. But I need her.

Curio - A diri of curiosity to be attached to Elo. Acquisition happens over time via this tracker
Last edited by Elowen on Wed Nov 20, 2024 2:19 pm, edited 29 times in total. word count: 79
Language legend: Gernevoir (Fluent), Common (Conversational)
Elowen's appearance
Petit, 153cm (5') tall 15 arc old.
Always wears a head scarf that fully covers her hair.
Comfortable, loose clothing that does not accentuate her body shape in any way.
Clothing is clearly worn and mended but does not appear scruffy.
No jewellery or other marks on her body.
Face has gentle features.
Eyes are round with blue-grey irises.
Wears a small pouch with a Sunstone and a
at her belt.
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Re: Elowen's plot notes

Thread 1 - Done
Thread 1 - 31st Ymiden, 724
  • Modded by Pig Boy
  • joined Echoes, Creeksong cavern exploration and Breathing Moss collection
  • Vega and Arlo story, reiteration over the years - two lovers who faced down an evil spirit in the caverns defeating it, rumour that they saved two white haired children who once disappeared from the village (Elo might remember hearing about the disappearances), but those kids are no longer there or at least Elo had never seen them herself again. So she thinks it is a hopeful story that didn't actually happen because the kids arent back in the village
Thread 2 - Done
Thread 2 - 35th Ymiden, 724
  • Consequence thread
  • Collab with Cazuth
  • First mention of sleep issues - restless sleep, bad dreams, waking nightmares
Thread 3 - 43rd Ymiden, 724
  • Escalation of thread 2
  • Collab with Genn and Cazuth
  • Asgall stuck in a nightmare, something trying to get through
  • Elowen can only ease the symptoms of stress, administering calming brews, unable to diagnose what is going on
  • Aim is to contain whatever is going on
  • Plot details discussed and agreed with Pig on Discord
Last edited by Elowen on Sat Jul 20, 2024 5:22 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 183
Language legend: Gernevoir (Fluent), Common (Conversational)
Elowen's appearance
Petit, 153cm (5') tall 15 arc old.
Always wears a head scarf that fully covers her hair.
Comfortable, loose clothing that does not accentuate her body shape in any way.
Clothing is clearly worn and mended but does not appear scruffy.
No jewellery or other marks on her body.
Face has gentle features.
Eyes are round with blue-grey irises.
Wears a small pouch with a Sunstone and a
at her belt.
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Re: Elowen's plot notes

Fledgling Fire
Background information
There has always been heat inside Elowen. Like tidal waves it would come and go. Sometimes, it would threaten to overtake the shores of her being. At other times, she could almost forget it was even there. But wherever the heat was, she was always fearful of it, not understanding it but not questioning it either. And because of that, she had never asked anyone about it. Not until one trial, the heat had turned into fire that did consume her all because of one man who tried to become an Immortal.

Someone doing extreme damage to Mistral Woods plot discussed with Pig over Discord and agreed on in principle. Following threads and notes outline that storyline.
Overall plot notes & ramblings
History scholar trying to contact Unabor by starting research in Mistral and trying to find the fabled sixth seed by digging for red veins to lead him to the seed that he believes is protected by the Sorrowcalls/Edlwyn.

There have been a higher number of empty Sorrowcalls dotted around the woods. Elowen has noticed because these piece of wood are doused in some sort of liquid. Could be acid. Could be something much worse. But it certainly is preventing the Eldwyn from reviving their boots on the ground. Eldwyn are becoming slightly panicky because something is picking off their patrol and so the woods become more threatening or even hostile for the first time in living memory (as the Eldwyn are trying to deter visitor so they can isolate the offender and tackle them, it could also be just an illusion or a mirage imposed by the Eldwyn and not an actual threat or hostility). Either way, things seem very grim. If anyone enters the woods during this time, they are immediately overcome by sense of being watched and followed and this is because the Eldwyn watching and following because whoever has been picking off Sorrowcalls has also indiscriminately been damaging the Woods - cutting into trees, damaging flora, killing fauna and leaving carcasses behind. Really it is starting to look more and more like a desperate carnage of someone who is looking for something and not finding it.

In comes our culprit, a Eidisi scholar who has read and researched details about the Heart of Mistral that he believes resides some deep inside the woods. he also believes to be a seedling of the Unabor in Mistral based on the legends and myths found orally in gernevoir and mentioned in passing in some old literature, this seedling is believed to be the sixth tree and becuase young not very protected and therefore vulnerable to gleen knowledge from. He had been watching the Mistral and its inhabitants for seasons, especially the Sorrowcalls. he had figured out how they tick, how to incapacitate them. He is the one who is mercilessly causing carnage in search of the threads that lead to the heart.

Either way, she would see the logs, feel the forest growing darker and more threatening which obviously is very upsetting in itself, but she would also be seeing all that damage which would make no sense and it would add to the building upset. Then one trial, she would witness the scholar (with some swords for hire) being unreasonably cruel. She can't do anything but watch, stoking the fire. Some trials later, she hears multiple Sorrowcalls and decides to follow. She comes to witness a fight between a herd of now feral Sorrowcalls and the scholar's hired swords but there is also an Eldwyn present. This will be the point at which her emotions get better of her. She can't let the scholar hurt an Eldwyn as well. Ka-boom. Up she goes in flames.

paralytic potion sourced from Alber at dreamer's delight
Thread 1 - DONE
Thread 1 - 25th Ymiden, 724
  • Solo thread
  • First hint on something earie going on with a missing landmark of deadwood (awakened Sorrowcall) then followed by a cry through the forest, a yelp and a shift in paths
Thread 2 - DONE
Thread 2 - 27th Ymiden, 724
  • Solo thread
  • Go around gathering in the woods and happen upon the scholar (nameless a flavour NPC at this point). Think he was a lost pilgrim and he will deceive as such (raise doubts with his clothing and the way he looks). He will ask a lot of questions about the forest that Elo will answer (later on blame herself for giving this information, for being fooled by a person and used.
  • Do not succeed in leading him out. During the attempt keep hearing the cries in the distance and then getting closer. Struggle to find a way out as though the forest kept changing and then eventually lose the scholar and a final loud cry nearby scares Elowen. First feel of fear and hostility in Mistral and uncertainty about why this would be happening.
  • scholar will have been held hostage by forest for 2 trials then, uncomfortable, probably hungry and dehydrated (ate some berries, got sick like a dog)
Thread 3 - DONE
Thread 3 - 22nd Saun, 724
  • Collab thread
  • Visit from Cass, walk through forest, see a Sorrowcall who will watch them more intently than Elowen is used to
Thread 4 - DONE
Thread 4 - 39th Saun, 724
  • Solo thread
  • find rotten wood covered in some sort of substance and notice the menacing nature of the forest, fear Echoes return
Thread 5 - DONE
Thread 5 - 8th Vhalar, 724
  • Solo thread
  • witness the scholar and his goons doing some horrendous damage to the woods whilst out collecting ginko but be helpless to do anything and only hide
  • Consider asking someone for help but not knowing who.
Thread 6 - 19th Vhalar, 724
  • Collab with Cass
  • By this point has a better idea on how to find the scholar and if already has a dog than maybe can help
  • Witness them having captured a Sorrowcall, but facing a few others
  • Witness them going into beast mode but being immediately disabled by some alchemical potion, Elowen feeling out of her depth and even more helpless as the damage is being done
  • Eldwyn make appearance and ready to make a stance. Make a major discovery about how Sorrowcalls and Eldwyn are connected for medium renown plus a small renown for stopping a crime?
  • scholar chucks some potion maybe does damage.
  • Elowen's scale tipped, feels the heat, still doesn't understand but inately knows it can be stronger than the scholar to stop him, makes herself know, becomes partially on fire
  • Future magic mentor also enters, disables goons and scholar with defiance magic, puts Elowen out with water
Thread 7 - 20th Vhalar, 724
  • Collab with Cass?
  • Aftermath of self-combustion
  • Elowen wakes up in Meira's bed, hears voices through the open door
  • Makes noise because of her surprise of being in the bedroom, calls attention of Eseld, future magic mentor and maybe another villager who will hold her secret?
  • Aggressively questioned by future magic mentor who threatens to alert authorities
  • Elowen confused, learns for the first time she is an Aukari (knows they are bad and hated, knows they mean destruction, cannot quite see how that fits her, why that is her blood)
  • could or should Genn get involved as a doctor and a warden?
Thread 8 - 22nd Vhalar, 724
  • Solo thread
  • Calmer session with future magic mentor who questions her about her intentions trying to understand
  • sees her as non threat but needs better control over herself, suggest meditation, discipline and a spark of attunement so she always knows what's going on in her and around her and so can act properly without erupting
  • would he also make a suggestion on the Wardens?
Thread 9 - 31st Vhalar, 724
  • Solo thread
  • When ghosts can come back, perform ritual of sorts (figure that out OOC to make sure you have this ready for IC) to question Meira about her Aukari heritage and if she always knew
  • Brings clarity as to why Meira actually 'adopted' her instead of killed her
  • Ronan gets possession of the diary at some point and based on the entries there decides not to give Elowen in but initiate her into the magic and continue the activities Meira had done (Elo's subplot will eventually be to get her hands on the diary and read for herself what was written there)
Thread 10 - 60th Vhalar, 724
  • Solo thread
  • initiate into attunement or somehow become a warden (attuner would make more logical sense so Elowen has more handle on herself before asking to become a warden, but a warden would be a more emotional choice do to the alteration to one's soul with a spark. Think on it)
Notes and thoughts
  • Could this start a rumour about Elowen living in the woods?
  • would she get renown for this?
  • would the mentor speak of her in rharne
  • would the mentor question a warden on Elo's behalf to see how to further bind the fledgling fire in her blood?
  • Threads between T9 and T10 of Elo's and mentor's interactions to build relationship
Last edited by Elowen on Sun Jan 12, 2025 7:13 pm, edited 17 times in total. word count: 1506
Language legend: Gernevoir (Fluent), Common (Conversational)
Elowen's appearance
Petit, 153cm (5') tall 15 arc old.
Always wears a head scarf that fully covers her hair.
Comfortable, loose clothing that does not accentuate her body shape in any way.
Clothing is clearly worn and mended but does not appear scruffy.
No jewellery or other marks on her body.
Face has gentle features.
Eyes are round with blue-grey irises.
Wears a small pouch with a Sunstone and a
at her belt.
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Re: Elowen's plot notes

Point bank tracker
Starting balance: 5
Small dev
Medium dev
  1. +15
Total: 0pbp
Total: 0pbp
Grand total: 0pbp
Last edited by Elowen on Fri Jan 03, 2025 7:29 pm, edited 7 times in total. word count: 34
Language legend: Gernevoir (Fluent), Common (Conversational)
Elowen's appearance
Petit, 153cm (5') tall 15 arc old.
Always wears a head scarf that fully covers her hair.
Comfortable, loose clothing that does not accentuate her body shape in any way.
Clothing is clearly worn and mended but does not appear scruffy.
No jewellery or other marks on her body.
Face has gentle features.
Eyes are round with blue-grey irises.
Wears a small pouch with a Sunstone and a
at her belt.
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Re: Elowen's plot notes

The Underchildren

- investigate what that meant, who they are and what was their purpose
- find wanted poster of her father (similar facial features not only the hair)
- learn more about purveyor and Rhaum and aukari
word count: 35
Language legend: Gernevoir (Fluent), Common (Conversational)
Elowen's appearance
Petit, 153cm (5') tall 15 arc old.
Always wears a head scarf that fully covers her hair.
Comfortable, loose clothing that does not accentuate her body shape in any way.
Clothing is clearly worn and mended but does not appear scruffy.
No jewellery or other marks on her body.
Face has gentle features.
Eyes are round with blue-grey irises.
Wears a small pouch with a Sunstone and a
at her belt.
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