• Location • Last Drink Inn & Tavern

Beyond the city of Rharne lies the Stormlands, which is home to a number of farms, forests, fields, Lake Lovalus, and the River Zynyx. This subforum also includes the Stormwastes to the south.

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Pig Boy
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Last Drink Inn & Tavern

Last Drink Inn & Tavern
A humble little watering hole and Inn that stands at the crossroads where Ilaren's Stand meets the road between Storm's Edge to the west, The Spire to the east, and the fissure-laden wastes to the south east that make an approach to Umbral Caverns such a treacherous journey.

As the name implies, this is often the last stop for anyone seeking a trade caravan from Rharne into Cahryst and the Eternal Empire, or else a self-destructive adventure into the largely untouched and unexplored Umbral Caverns and the surrounding terrain. And while the Eternal Empire isn't a nation that prohibits the consumption of alcohol, when one comes from the extremely booze-positive nation of Rharne, with all its splendiferous brews, to the relative plainness of the Empire, it will indeed feel like a last 'hurrah' when they take a drink at this tavern.

The fighting pit is just under the shadow of Ilaren's Stand. Ilaren's stand is a geological stack of volcanic rock where Ilaren is said to have stood up to the advance of Faldrun's forces in ages past, and repelled him from advancing to destroy Rhrane. It's said she shouted at his volcanic spew, which created the oddly-shaped rock formation with a sonic blast that pushed the power of the fiery Immortal back. But then, it happened centuries ago and these accounts are apocryphal at best.

The fighting pit has many mini fissures and other pitfalls that less experienced or coordinated brawlers trip upon, and end up getting their face ground into the ashen soil. Therefore, agile grapplers are favored over flashy strikers, here at the Last Drink.

The Inn is run by a Qi'ora ex-slave called Bu-Spir-Aeil. He doesn't share much of his past or talk much, but listens intently to any patrons that want to spill their sorrows to him, before moving on in any direction.

The Tavern token for the Last Drink Tavern is a skull drinking an empty bottle emblazoned on a piece of tin.
Signature Brew ~ TIer 7 Moonshine
The Last Drink's Moonshine, playfully labeled 'Last Drink', is a powerful moonshine formulated from pomegranate sugars, which are grown in a nearby orchard just to the west of Ilaren's Stand. More flavor and kick than a typical moonshine makes this bottle of alcohol stand out. It has a definite sour note to it, and also a lingering aftertaste that resumes in a whole body warmth that persists for hours after imbibing. A favorite of those venturing into the dangerous lands southeast of Ilaren's Stand, near the Umbral Caverns and the fissure-laden terrain leading up to it.


Name: Bu-Spir-Aeil.
Race: Qi'ora
Birthdate: 1st of Saun 631
Title: The Last Drink's bartender
Skills: Unknown. Presumed master of brewing and cooking. Anything else is anyone's guess as he does little other than mix drinks and cook food for patrons.
Other Information: A mysteriously reticent bartender. He nevertheless is good a humored and diligent proprietor of the Last Drink. He has greenish brown skin, with veins that form in attractive patterns around his bald scalp. He often wears fancy silks that draw attention to him, as well as jewelry which he fancies. His only other concession to decoration is a cutlass that hangs from his hip, which while looking perfectly functional has some gilding around the knuckle-bow hilt.

Price List / Goods Available

The following goods / services are available here.
Wealth Tier is the Tier at which these goods / services are available at part of your Wealth Tier
WP Cost is the cost for them if they are outside your Tier.
Item: Wealth Tier WP Cost
Last Drink Tier 7 Check shoppe prices on Wiki, otherwise 1 wp for a single bottle.
Last Meal (Ostritch steaks served with ostrich egg omelette, filled with cheese, dry herbs and assorted root vegetables) Tier 3 1 WP for a weeks worth of servings
Date pudding (Dessert) Tier 4 1 WP for a week's worth of servings
Common Quarters (shared with other patrons) Tier 2 1 wp for a cycle's accomodation
Private Quarters (Enough room for a small group) Tier 4 +1 wp per tier difference for a cycle's accomodation

Player Notes

 ! Message from: Pig Boy
There are secrets to be found here!
There are mysteries to unravel here!


Credits to: Pig BOy
Submitted for Development: 7/15/2024
Developed by: Pig Boy
word count: 754

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