• Location • Umbral Shrine of Souls

Beyond the city of Rharne lies the Stormlands, which is home to a number of farms, forests, fields, Lake Lovalus, and the River Zynyx. This subforum also includes the Stormwastes to the south.

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Pig Boy
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Umbral Shrine of Souls

Umbral Shrine of Souls

Among the scattered rock and earthen waste of the Umbral Caverns, a shrine lays forgotten, sequestered in a small tunnel near the entrance of the dark underground. While the earth and rock around it is strewn with debris all around, the shrine itself was remarkably well kept, with a candle and lantern glowing in red lights that draw in the attention of those venturing into the Caverns. Necromancers and their thralls rightfully fear to tread here, and do not venture near the shrine or its red glow. They are repelled by it, and often outright destroyed by the Wisp standing guard over the shrine, as caretaker.

Here, those followers of Famula seeking her temporary blessing for one endeavor of service or another, may visit in peace, so long as they do not offend Famula or her ways. The Wisp is willing to share rare information (see Wiki article of 'Common Knowledge' under Rare knowledge in the Immortal section) of Famula and her ways.

The shrine's history is shrouded in forgotten history, which even the Wisp isn't equipped or inclined to share.

Jim Belltower

Name: Jim Belltower
Race: Human Ghost - WIsp
Age: 145
Title: Caretaker of the shrine
Skills: High ghost skills. Other skills are a mystery. But the Wisp's only main duty is to care for the shrine and treat with supplicants.
Other Information: Jim Belltower was a priest of some small favor of Famula, who desperately wished to rise in her ranks, and become a great prophet for the Immortal. Yet he was punished for his hubris when he ventured into the Umbral Caverns, to hunt Necromancers in the name of Famula. This prompted the necromancers to not only kill him unceremoniously, but also cave in the shrine to Famula that lay near the entrance of the Cavern.

Recently however, the shrine has been uncovered by some tectonic activity, which cleared the rubble, in tandem with Famula worshippers who further cleared the rocks and detritus.



Player Notes

 ! Message from: Pig Boy
There are secrets to be found here!


Credits to: Pig Boy
Submitted for Development: 7/13/2024
Developed by: Pig Boy
word count: 362

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