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[The Sacred Forest] Shadowdance


She’d traveled in the guise that she’d inhabited since leaving Scalvoris. With anima’s female human form and blending from Woe to make her distinct enough from Anima herself, she’d not yet stepped outside of this body with her newfound magic. In truth, she dreaded the painful transformation, and the feeling of being lost that came in the middle of transformations, between herself and her destination, where the ecstasy of simply being and not any particular person or thing… it’s allure couldn’t be denied, and explained why so many becoming initiations failed.

Although hers had been anything but typical, in the absence of a emean parasite infecting the host. This magic was all her own, so she was assured by the one who’d triggered the change.

Woe walked the way through Korlasir under a new assumed name for this blended form. She was Winfreda for now, a priestess of Moseke if anyone asked. Nobody scorned her for being a priestess of life and nature in the Empire, as she would expect they’d do in Yaralon. They mainly just thought it a curiosity, and had questions for her when she was of a mind to share. It was a good guise to have, as she arrived at the border of Korlasir and the Sacred Forest. Surely one touched by Sevrath would be welcome there. And no doubt she’d have her share of plants to question as she went along, collecting information as she walked the land.

She stuck to the roads for the most part, following them down toward the Yaralon border generally. But eventually, coming to a large establishment. She blinked when she saw it, to ensure she was not seeing things. It was night time and festive torches and braziers were lit all around the smallish castle (by Imperial Standards). People were reveling in demonstrations of physical ability, martial ability.

There were soldiers, but none of them were engaged in any serious fighting, she could tell. These were mainly for demonstration and entertainment purposes, it was clearly obvious.

Curious, and wondering if she should join in, since part of the point of this trip was to expand the reach of her circle of informants, she insinuated her way into the crowd, using shadow cloak to go unnoticed for a time, until she sought someone out.

The first person she asked, was a soldier. “What is this, some sort of holiday?”

He turned his head to regard her with an odd quirk of the brow, “Not from the Empire! It’s the Founding. Surely it’s known the world over! The Birthtrial of the Empire!”

She opened her mouth as if to say, ‘ah’.

She wanted to get involved, feeling a strange compulsion to join up. Winfreda summoned a shadow whip, more like a rope dart actually. Once she did this, she found her way toward an open area, and began dancing with the flexible weapon. With a flourish, she used shadow illusion to give the shadow weapon a flaming aspect, flashy and ostentatious for the people all around as she danced, coiling it around her body and then whipping it out in one direction then the other. It began forming a circle around her as she wheeled it around, alternatively wrapping and whipping it into the area all around.

People began gathering around, soldiers, patients of the Medical Academy, doctors, nurses, and other caregivers who called the facility home. They all began watching and gasping as she dramatically flourished with a dance, and then a flare with the rope dart.

Her concentration was fixed on the business end of the rope dart, careful not to hit anyone or herself, as it flew out and above, relinquishing it and then gathering it up again deftly to circle around herself as she did a sort of solo waltz around the encampment in front of the Medical Facility.

word count: 654
Words Like Violence, Break the Silence


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Re: [The Sacred Forest] Shadowdance

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Luvi had been in a bitter mood ever since she’d learned that she had only been sent to the area to accomplish a few tasks before she would be sent over to Cahryst. It was not ideal, but her goofy schedule was a result of her request to take some time off to visit Rharne. Sticking her with a squad of soldiers tasked with keeping the roads safe was the logical way to get her to her destination without causing a lapse in service.

Her mood was slightly lifted by the festivities. Holidays and celebrations were something that Luvi generally enjoyed, but they’d only been truly special when she’d lived in Melrath. The birthtrial of the empire meant nothing to her because her allegiance to the empire was just a job. That didn’t mean she couldn’t enjoy her day off, however. She relished the opportunity to take a break after her long journey.

She took the opportunity to wear her nice dress uniform and mingle with the merry inhabitants of this castle. This day was supposed to be one where people showed off their physical ability. Whether that be lifting heavy things, racing, or even showing off their skill with a weapon. She found the demonstrations enjoyable, though as a hone mage most of it felt lackluster.

Luvi moved from one demonstration to the next until she found one that stood apart from the rest. A woman with a flaming whip twirled in the middle of an ever growing crowd. It was a mesmerizing sight in its own right and even more impressive that she was able to use her long weapon in such a way without hitting anyone. Being quite good at a weapon herself, Luvi was not often blown away as she was in that moment.

Musicians carrying drums soon joined in, providing a beat in the rhythm to match the whip wielder’s performance. Luvi felt herself tapping her feet to the music and thinking “I’ve just got to talk to her.” Luvi planned on waiting until the woman was done before going up to her to say, "wow, that was incredible. How did you set your weapon on fire like that?"
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Re: [The Sacred Forest] Shadowdance


The demonstration went on a little longer before anyone had the opportunity to approach Winfreda. She wound the dart up around her arms, then with a few launches at the braziers at either side of her demonstration grounds. At the apex of her shot with the rope odart, she caused them to radiate with a sonic crack, putting out the fires, stifled with smoke and shadow. She repeated this with every rebound of the dart, sending it after each brazier in turn, until all four radiated with false green firelight, powered by illusionary flames.

She wrapped up by turning the flaming shadowy ropedart into green. Of course it was not true flame, though it would appear that way to casual observers and those not looking closely. When a soldier approached her, Winfreda considered taking the demonstration a step forward, seeing her as a volunteer, but then decided against it. Roping a soldier up with flaming whip might wrestle a few hackles from the other soldiers, so she just wrapped the rope dart around her arm, and then dispelled it in a bright flash of green.

She went to the woman and bowed slightly with an arm extended. "Thank you, I've been practicing." She cracked a smile at Illuvia, and then stuck out a hand to greet her, "I'm Winfreda, Priestess of Moseke. As for those flames... well a little trick of my tribe, let's say. They aren't true flames, but an illusion."

Her eyes lowered to look at Illuvia's blade, that hung at her side. "Would you like to test my methods against your own? In a demonstration?"

She smiled, "Don't worry, I won't hurt you too badly." Winfreda didn't know that the woman in front of her may have been a master of the blade, but it seemed unlikely given her rank that she was more than a novice in combat. Still, a little demonstration of one combat style against another might draw some more eyes to their circle.

The fires, which by now the green flames would've subsided, were relit by festival goers, who clapped at Winfreda's demonstration or perhaps the prospect of seeing an Eternal Empire soldier facing off against a Moseke priestess. "It looks like we've already got an audience."

word count: 385
Words Like Violence, Break the Silence


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Re: [The Sacred Forest] Shadowdance

Applause and cheers rang out from the onlookers when the demonstration finally finished. Little did they know that they’d only witnessed part one of a multi part spectacle.

“And I’m Illuvia, Private Illuvia. An illusion, you say? How intriguing!” Luvi grinned, thinking she was lucky enough to meet someone with magical abilities.

“You mean you want to fight? I dunno,” Luvi said as she put a hand on her katana. “I’ve never fought against someone with such a long reached weapon.” She recalled how long the woman’s whip had been and wondered how she could possibly even approach someone who moved like that.

She cocked her head to the side then shrugged, “I suppose I got nothing better to do,” she thought as she drew her katana and took several steps back.

“Heh, an audience we shouldn’t disappoint. Let’s see what you’ve got!” Luvi said as determination set into her expression.

The katana spun a few times between her hands before she quickly went through a couple simple sword forms. It was as close to a dance as she could do with a weapon in hand. It was nothing compared to the flashiness that the priestess had displayed. After a few moments, Luvi would stop and hold her sword out in a neutral stance. She truly had no idea what to expect. "Whenever you're ready," she'd say.

As she waited, her mind raced. She thought, “I suppose my goal in a life or death situation would be to cut the weapon… but that would be poor form in a spar. But if I don’t cut it, how can I get close? Maybe I’ll have to focus on dodging and taking advantage of openings?”

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Re: [The Sacred Forest] Shadowdance


"Just a trick passed down from one generation to another." Winfreda said, though it was very much a lie. Winfreda was not a member of any tribe. Not really.

Illuvia stated some apprehension to dealing with a long ranged weapon. "Yes, that's the typical response to flexible weapons. Not quite knowing how to approach one who uses them. I'll admit a little secret." Winfreda whispered superficially behind her hand, loud enough for most nearby to hear, "We make soft targets."

"The flexible weapon, whether a rope dart, a whip, or flail... They can be impressive in someo ways, but I've always found them lacking in defense." Winfreda produced a knife from her left hand, "Which is why it helps to have backup, if they close the distance." The knife, Illuvia would've known, had not been in her hand moments before. It was almost as if it'd been conjured out of nothing. Perhaps sleight of hand. Either way, as Winfreda danced backward, her fiery rope dart began shifting and refracting against the shadows that played against nearby trees and braziers alike. In the end, she held what looked like a simple, leather-textured whip, about four feet long. "Long whips are fine for demonstration." She said to Illuvia, "But short whips are ideal for faster attacks. In both instances, the wounds they produce while painful, are rarely more than superficial."

She demonstrated, perhaps taking Illuvia by surprise by snapping the whip at the other woman's hand. It would cause intense pain at the point of her left wrist, as she held her sword if it landed. But sure enough, no mark was left, not even a welt or a rising bruise. But the pain would be enough to learn that the whip wasn't a pleasant thing to be hit by.

When Illuvia began thinking about her strategy, her thoughts were plain on her face, as if in large font on her forehead for Winfreda. The priestess of Moseke smiled, and said, "You're better to attack the hand or person holding the weapon, than the weapon itself, if survival is your aim. As it is, I only mean to deliver pain, not death."

She gave her a tight smile, then began whirring the whip around in a sphere all around, gyrating with the corded shadow leather, as her off hand held the short blade ready to defend or attack.

Since Illuvia gave up the initiative, Winfreda saw her way to another attack, snapping the whip past Illuvia's shoulder, past her head and not contacting her. It made a loud CRACK behind her head, but didn't otherwise cause harm. However this was only part of Winfreda's plan, as all along the whip, as it was recoiling, it began cracking along the length of it, attempting to graze against her shoulder, her arm, and whatever other part of the body the whip could reach as it was withdrawn.

Winfreda was conserving the brunt of her offense, keeping the short blade close at hand to try and parry any attacks coming her way.

word count: 519
Words Like Violence, Break the Silence


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Re: [The Sacred Forest] Shadowdance

Luvi gritted her teeth as Winfreda started moving and hit her hand. It hurt, but then again her mutation made her hands a little more resilient than a normal person’s. She didn’t think she would be so resistant to damage if she got hit anywhere else though.

She considered the advice she was being given, unsure of how to feel about her intentions being guessed. She saw the whip move again, and this time Luvi started to move. She took a step forward and then there was another crack. Luvi let her sword swing through the air in an attempt to cut it, but a whip was such a fast weapon. It had already been coiled back by the time her sword passed where it’d been a moment earlier.

“It seems that I can’t attack your weapon even if I wanted to,” Luvi said with a forced smile. There was a ringing in her ear that was slowly fading. She dreaded to think about what would happen if that’d hit her in the eye.

Deciding to finally take the advice she’d been given, Luvi started making her way towards Winfreda. She didn’t know how to defend herself against something she couldn’t react to, so the best she could think to do was to cover her forehead with one forearm while she jogged over at a steady pace. As she moved she replicated a shell around her head and neck – the main parts of her body that she worried about. It would be short lived but better than nothing.[/knowledge]

She didn’t know what else to do as she had to get closer. If by some miracle she made it to her target, Luvi would attempt a gentle blunt-ended slash at the woman’s side.

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Re: [The Sacred Forest] Shadowdance


WInfreda tried to keep her distance, but Illuvia being fleet of foot and also quite skilled in handling her katana managed to get within measure, just as Winfreda was trying to use Illuvia's forward momentum to create distance, dancing behind her. The katana's blunt edge hit her in the side as intended, with Winfreda's attempt to parry with her offhand dagger coming to little use against the other woman's superior blades skill.

It hurt, perhaps more than it should have, and Winfreda could feel a numbness welling up where the blade had attacked her. It would throw her off balance if she didn't finish this fight soon, or make the other woman submit. Her whip wheeled around in the air as it recoiled, snapping cracks against Illuvia's non-dominant arm with light blunt force, enough to bruise perhaps. Winfreda stopped short of doing lasting damage, and could of course treat the other woman's wounds when they were done. For now she had a mind to punish Illuvia for her decent tactic of charging, and heeding Winfreda's advice.

Winfreda skipped backward in a serpentine pattern, from side to side as she recovered the control of her whip. She held out her short blade, as if to challenge another such charge, and from the distance snapped repeatedly at Illuvia's legs, then her midsection, trying to compromise anymore approaches. The shadowy whip took on a lightning illusion as she tried to score hits on the other woman, perhaps alarming the crowd as they held their breath as the spectacle.

"You're good, and you don't give up." Winfreda complimented Illuvia between attempted lashes. "A credit to Raskalarn, I'm sure."

word count: 287
Words Like Violence, Break the Silence


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Re: [The Sacred Forest] Shadowdance

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Notes/Warnings: Illuvia has informed me they're going on hiatus, so I'm submitting this one as abandoned. Thanks!

Thread: [The Sacred Forest] Shadowdance
City/Area: The Imperial Regions

Renown:For putting on a show maybe, but they're not doing it as Woe. Weird your call, reviewer.
Collaboration: Yes
 ! Message from: Doran
word count: 77
Words Like Violence, Break the Silence


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Re: [The Sacred Forest] Shadowdance


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Comments: I enjoyed the description of Winfreda’s female guise and the reasons for it; in my opinion it was well-written. A holiday – and Winfreda’s giving the rope dart a try - is a good way for two PCs to meet – and spar. It’s a pity we’ll never know who the winner was, but what little you two wrote was enjoyable to read. I hope that Illuvia will come back sometime!

Enjoy your rewards!
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