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70th of Vhalar 723

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Once an isolated and dying township, an influx of academics, adventurers and thrill seekers have made Scalvoris Town their home. From scholars' tea shops to a new satellite campus for Viden Academy, this is an exciting place to visit or make your home!

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Remember the Sea? Remember U'frek?


The chill in the air began gathering as Vhalar was giving way to the onset of Zi'da. It technically was still harvesting season, with crops coming in from around the island to support the population centers. But soon enough, the necessities of Winter would test their stores, perhaps more sorel than they ever had, with the fishing industry having been decimated by the pirate attacks if not obliterated. Rorom wore his cloak of sea wolf hide, stitched by the master of skins, Mudge Tanner. Beneath that, his usual get up of wools and leathers. In his hand he carried a simple oaken staff. Staves were useful tools, besides being fairly serviceable in an impromtu brawl. Not that Rorom was expecting trouble along the way to Scavloris town or inside the town itself, but it never hurt to be prepared.

He carried it as one would a walking stick, all the way into the Glass Temple. He didn't come for simple worship or spiritual counsel, although there was that aspect to it. Having not paid homage to his service for Chamadarst, and the gifts he received from his patron Immortal. Next to Chamadarst, in Rorom's estimation, was U'frek and Chrien, two very important divinities in his world view, one that required beseeching for guidance, the other placation to avoid disastrous fortunes.

He genuflected as he passed by the chapels set up for each of these deities. Eventually he made his way, however, to the front of the church, and looked around for the high priest. If any attendants were present, he'd ask them, "Is the HIgh Priest in? I need to talk to him about Havardr and the upcomin' Remembrance Trial and U'frek's trial."

Having informed them of his overall purpose, he felt less burdened by it. Even so, he presumed it woud be a big ask to get a priest for the remembrance day in Havadr, or U'frek's Trial even. Most people he'd talked to on the way from Havardr weren't even aware that it'd survived the disaster of the attack. He was here to make sure that Havardr earned its way back onto the map, and earned its way by doing what it always had done in hunting and harvesting the bounty of the sea.

One of the attendants bowed to Rorom formally, and then said, "High Priest Bao Bao will be around shortly. If you'll follow me?"

Rorom followed after them, his staff clicking against the stone floors. Eventually he was led into the High Priest's office, which appeared homier than he'd imagined it'd be. IN the office, he saw the red panda cadouri, that was the HIgh Priest. At first a little surprised to see such a small high priest, Rorom tucked away his prejudgement and saluted the small furred person. "Hello yer... holiness? Yer eminence? Never know what to call holy men such as yerself. But well... I was hoping you'd hear my petition."

If the cadouri allowed him to continue, he'd elaborate. "Havadr was badly done by the pirate attacks. It was almost wiped out. No time to grieve over the fallen, which included many of the strongest citizens like Linca, the people of Havadr might've been forgiven for abandoning their town and charge to fulfill the need for harvests from the sea, which are all important in the winter days."

Rorom took a breath, unaccustomed to speaking at such lengths, "Oram Mednix did good in giving them resources, and when I came they were already rebuilding, which I helped shore up with the manpower of my own crew. I've already commissioned several ships from Port Diablo, to rebuild their fishing fleet." Rorom fingered the Isonomia silver pin that was on the collar of his cloak, absently considering its meaning to him. "They have the necessities set up, but it won't do them no good without the spirit to continue. SO I was here to proposin, that we have a Trial of Remembrance, and have U'frek's Trial overseen by yourself or one of your fellow priests. To do the observances of the Trial of Remembrance, as well as the dedication of the new fleet on U'frek's trial."

"What say yer?"

Last edited by Rorom on Sat Jul 06, 2024 11:07 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 720
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Re: Remember the Sea? Remember U'frek?

"I just don't know what to do, what to say."

Bao paused for a moment, looking up with sympathetic eyes to the man before him. "You have done plenty. It is normal to feel guilt for what happened. But nobody is to blame, nobody but the people that did this" he spoke from the other side of the desk, standing on the chair for a clearer view of the man before him. "I'm sure your family, and all the people around you, know just how much you've fought for them - even if it was in your own way."

"But...what if they think I'm a coward? Because I didn't fight, because I ran and hid like the rest" the human replied with a shed of tears in his eyes. At that sight, Bao gave a reassuring smile before stepping off the chair and moving over to the man, offering a hand and resting it on his shoulder. "We all fight in our own way. Some people fight with swords, shields, spells. But you, and many of us, fight in other ways. Rebuilding, standing by the people we love no matter what. Besides..." Bao paused, gesturing to the mark of Ziell across his own fur.

"Each of us are snowflakes alone. But together, we are a flurry. Strong. Unwavering. You bring your family together, you help them rebuild, and you show them what it means to work as a group. You are as brave a fighter as any other" he spoke softly, looking up as the man wiped his eyes. After a moment of silence Bao's guest took a deep inhale. "Thank you, High Priest" he smiled back, the sadness still present in his eyes, yet some weight lifted from his shoulders. Bao shook his small, furry head and smiled. "Just Bao is fine, I'm not acquainted to titles yet. I don't think I want to be, either."

The man chuckled softly and looked to Bao. "Well, Bao. Thank you. I always appreciate our talks. Perhaps the next one can be with good news" he confessed, patting Bao on the shoulder. As the man grabbed his jacket and wrapped it over his shoulder, standing from his seat, Bao smiled. "I would like that" the Cadouri spoke cheerfully. Then, the man left, and Bao had a moment of quiet as he stood at his own desk. It was still strange to be here. This was Stan's office once. It almost felt like he was an impostor here. But he wasn't. This was his space now, he was the High Priest.

As he sat with his own thoughts he heard someone approach, eyes glancing to the door as he heard footsteps. "Someone else is here to see you" the soft woman spoke, stepping aside to alow Rorom in. Bao gave a warm smile and bowed his head as Rorom entered, gesturing for the man to sit if he chose. At his statement of not knowing what to call Bao, the Cadouri smiled. "Bao is fine. I've never been one for formalities. But I would love to hear your petition, Mr...?" he asked the man's name, before gesturing to a coffee mug on his desk. "Would you care for a drink? The mug can produce anything you want, so just say the drink aloud and it'll provide it" he smiled.

Then it was time for business.

As Rorom spoke Bao ensured he listened intently, eyes keeping good focus on the man. At the mention of Oram Mednix, a name very familiar to him, Bao let out a small smile and nodded. The first man Bao spoke to when he came to Idalos. There was a strange joy that came from that. Then, as Rorom finished, Bao didn't hesitate to smile and nod. "That sounds like an incredible idea - one that I would very much like to help with. Whatever I can do, within any resources the Temple has, consider it done" he spoke with full sincerity. The idea was sweet and impactful, something that people could look forward to and a chance to bring hope to people that had much taken from them.

"So where do we begin?"
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Re: Remember the Sea? Remember U'frek?


Rorom was ushered into the office of the Head Priest, but not before noting the traffic of various petitioners. It seemed these days probably called for greater demand in spiritual guidance. There was a good amount of people coming in and out, speaking to the popularity and regard for its priests. All of that, Rorom presumed, trickled down from the head priest themselves. On the way there, Rorom had heard good things about them, although he couldn’t substantiate most of the stories told as more truth or fancy.

In the end, he decided it didn’t matter. The idea was that the people thought well of Bao Bao, and generally attributed a good deal of well, ‘good’ to the priest.

The first thing that occurred to Rorom was his own lack of manners. He’d not given his name, so he corrected that straightaway. “Oh, yes. I’m Rorom Nji’Ihai, from Bayward Ne’haer.”

So when bid to, he set his staff off to the side of the wall, and took a seat before the mug that was laid out for him. Bao Bao told him that the mug had a special ability, to conjure any drink he could name, that existed. Skeptical, yet cautiously amazed, Rorom lifted his brows as he inspected the mug carefully. He was still getting used to the magic, which grew more and more common the farther he sailed from his native shores.

Furrowing his brow then, he focused on the mug, and spoke in an almost comically commanding voice, “Bayward White Lemon Wine…” He waited a moment, and focused on the mug intently. Sure enough, the perfect specimen of Bayward White Lemon began filling it to the brim. Rorom took a swig, and lit up when the notes of lemon, and a subtle hint of salt hit his tongue. It was a sour wine, but was a perfect accompaniment to just about any seafood dish.

“That’s a good mug.” Rorom stated, before he remembered his purpose there. Which Bao Bao gracefully segued to after praising Rorom’s petition.

“Well… That’s where my own knowledge of Scalvoris traditions might be shored up by yer excellence. For my part, I know how my own clan used to deal with events of remembrance of the dead. A crew isn’t a clan until someone dies aboard the ship. In my clan, any of the fallen would find their names carved into the wooden boards of the ship.”

“That way, U’frek knows when the ship sinks to Chrien’s locker upon its final voyage, the names of those who will share a ship or fleet of ships (depending on the number of recorded names on the hull) in his after-realm of Raj’Ufnaj.”

Rorom was surprised he still remembered that bit of lore. Had he failed to instill that custom in his own crew? That would have to be rectified, although he didn’t look forward to losing a crewmate. “But since we’re talking about a landing, Havardr is the land it’s people are sustained by, as well as the sea to the west. They have a special relationship with the idea of setting up yurts along the shores, these temporary shelters that move in and out with the tides.”

“The hides and canvas are typically worn, the only constant there being is the wood and whalebone used to support the skins that protect against the elements. These are often as not carved with special sigils. I was thinking, people could make part of their remembrance of the dead be the graven names of the fallen left in those solid supports.”

“There’s an issue that’s arisen, of newcomers brought in to settle Havardr, as new Havardeens, and the wish of the Old Havardeens to maintain their own culture and identity. It’s my hope that by showing these new Havardeens honoring those who came before them, the old will come to recognize that the new settlers as their own. Or take steps toward that end.”

Rorom took a breath, “In truth, U’frek’s Trial I had planned to have an earthly representative of the gods dedicate the ships I’ve commissioned from Port Diablo. These ships have already safely arrived, but we cannot send them out on their inaugural hunt without the blessing of the gods. Which is where you come in.” Rorom smiled, “I’ve also commissioned Daia’s dancers to weave the flag of Havardr to fly on the flag-mast of each of these new ships. They’re a gift to the people, from me and my crew.”

“Apart from that, U’frek’s trial, in addition to setting the stage for our first voyage and hunt, will be a time for sharing stories of U’frek, of our lives at sea, good and bad. Cautionary or heartwarming. It’s a good day, and not too different from how we observe it in Ne’haer.”

“I’d ask if you have any changes or alterations or suggestions you’d add to these plans?” Rorom looked kindly to Bao Bao, “Your even-headedness is well spoken of in the Temple, from those I’ve spoken to, or overheard. I trust you’ll inform me of any potential breaches of Scalvoris customs.”

So having said this, Rorom waited, and took another gulp of the Bayward Lemon White Wine. It was a nice sour one. And he’d really love to have more of it for Scalvoris.

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Re: Remember the Sea? Remember U'frek?

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Notes/Warnings: I've contacted Bao but have yet to hear back from them since a few months back. So I'm submitting this as done.

Thread: Remember the Sea? Remember U'frek?
City/Area: Scalvoris Town

Renown: Maybe Rorom for meeting a council member.
Collaboration: Yes
Local Language Thread? Yes Scalveen
 ! Message from: Doran
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Re: Remember the Sea? Remember U'frek?


Etiquette: Failing to introduce yourself can put a hitch into any conversation or petition
Intelligence: 2
Intelligence: It’s hard to tell whether tales told of a person are more truth or falsehood
Leadership: 2
Socialization: 2

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Skill Review: Appropriate to level.
Points: 15


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Skill Review: Appropriate to level.
Points: 15
- - -
Comments: Rorom’s first post provided an insight into his faith which is something I always find fascinating to read. I've read a lot of threads where he was on a ship or hunting, so this was an interesting change!

I had no idea that Bao is a high priest now. The little cadouri has definitely come far, and the role of priest suits him, judging by how the conversation with the man he saw before Rorom went.

Bao gives me the impression of being kind and gentle.

It’s a pity that this thread was abandoned before it could truly get underway. It sounded very interesting, and I was quite curious about how U’frek’s Trial would go. Still, the few posts that you made were well-written!

So, enjoy your rewards!
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