Lorogh's Blueprints

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Lorogh's Blueprints

NPC Drafts
Jos Woodwauken
Name: Jos Woodwauken
Race: Human
Rank: Warrant
DoB: 55th of Vhalar 692

Hair: Curly Red, long.
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5'3"
Build: Average
Complexion: She has rough golden skin.

Personal Quirks: Laughs at inappropriate times. Is very patient. Is very literal-minded. Follows Karem.

Backstory: A ranking soldier in the Eternal Empire that decided to reassign to Lorogh's unit under his command. She belongs to an established clan that has a settlement in the the wilds of Korlasir, and there she had learned the trade of woodworking and lumber milling, as well as other survival skills. She is generally cheerful in disposition, but otherwise has a poor sense of humor, usually taking things literally, even jokes.

Nevertheless, she's dedicated to the army and just beginning her career. She has a wife or two back home in the Sacred Forest region of the Empire, who are older than her, and are supportive of her military aspirations. She's not the best fighter in any squadron, frankly, but knows well enough how to assemble a good engine, and load ammunition to it.

She serves as a medic and herbal supply for Lorogh and his squad often proscribing herbal cigars to the otter to calm his nerves in particularly bloody battles.

Skill Level XP
Medicine Expert 56
Woodworking Expert 51
Fieldcraft Expert 51
Detection Competent 26
Combat: Siege Combat Competent 26
Last edited by Lorogh on Thu Jul 04, 2024 6:07 pm, edited 8 times in total. word count: 240
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Old Ledgers

Skill Ledger

Thread or Skill Name Points Adjustment Running Total
Engineering +26 0
Siege Combat +26 0
Alchemy +25 0
Woodworking +10 0
Combat: Ranged +10 0
Swimming +10 0
Endurance (SP) [ +5 0
Combat: Blades (SP) +5 0
Shield (SP) +5 0
Preparation pt I +10 10
Engineering -5 5
Smithing -5 0
Shields of Frost +10 10
Preparations pt II +10 20
Combat: Siege -5 15
Shield -5 10
Miniaturization: A Small Order +10 20
Engineering -20 0
Malchemical Dysfunction +10 10
Alchemy -1 9
Science -5 4
Woodworking -1 3
Shield -1 2
Combat: Ranged -1 1
Swimming -1 0
Shield's Up! +10 10
Science -1 9
Smithing -1 8
Endurance -1 7
Combat: Blades -1 6
Strength -1 5
Shield -5 0
Reinfortification is a Word, Right? +10 10
Shield -10 0
All the Men Here Have Come to Die +10 10
Woodworking -5 5
Logistics -1 4
Leadership -1 3
Tactics -1 2
Detection -1 1
Socialization -1 0
Widgetry 0.1 +10 10
Strength -10 0
Imperial March +15 15
Strength -5 10
Endurance -5 5
Tactics -5 0
Magma Beast +20 20
Strength -10 10
Woodworking -10 0
Principles of Go: Volatility .1 +10 10

Wealth Ledger
Current Wealth Tier:
Item Adjustment Total WP
Starting Package Tier 5 (66 WP) 66
Wage Cylus 722 +1 67


Item/ Thread Renown Total
Starting Renown +20 20
Shields of Frost +5 25

word count: 238
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Approved Character
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Re: Lorogh's Blueprints

Magic Stuff
Theme: Step by step, the Optic Explorer will evolve and prompt Lorogh to expand his visual consciousness. A very visual spark, it will often act upon his eyes and the way they work with magic in general, and especially rupturing.
Persona: Optic Aspirant
Competent: Ray of Sight: When Lorogh's rupture gleam activates, when he's viewing an area beyond 200 feet of his position, his eyes glow brighte. They will also emit a straight line of light toward wherever he's looking. This allows him to pinpoint exactly where an egress can form. Once he cuts open an ingress the egress forms along the line of his ray of sight. It allows more precise formation of portals, generally, at the cost of being blatantly obvious where they'll form at distances beyond 200 feet.
Master 1:
Master 2:
Theme: Gradually the Magnetic Dervish will prompt changes in the way Lorogh's telekinesis works upon objects of refined metal. It will tend to favor these objects, or items containing components of them, rather than more raw materials like stones, clay, wood, etc.
Persona: Magnetic Dervish
Master 1:
Master 2:
word count: 196
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