Continued from here
Egil alighted to Woe's shoulder, and the mirror wolf was finally revealed, it's illusionary aura broken. In the dark of night, few things could escape the sight of one who bore Kuvarakh's effigy. So it was for her, and as she noticed the mirror wolf, it in turn noticed her. The creature was mere meters away from Woe when it leapt forward, pouncing. She narrowly dodged out of the way, a sharp stabbing sword appearing in her right hand, even as a weighed net of shadow fell from the other. There was little time left to concentrate as it wheeled on its four feet, readjusting and ready to gnaw off her leg with a single, desperate lunge forward.
At the moment of impact, Woe stepped back with the leg that was intended for the wolf's teeth, and struck it in the neck with the poisoned blade. A canine whimper ensued, which migh've prompted Woe to pity if the thing hadn't taken the entire damned day to track and hunt. The wolf, he fell to the ground, his blood swiftly fleeing his body. The creature had been a worthy quarry, and their chase had alternated between prey and predator, blurring the lines between who was which.
With a few more merciful thrusts to its heart, the creature soon fell into the sleep of death. Woe felt nothing but respect for the beast in its death, and was feeling a compulsion, perhaps born from the magic that she possessed, to claim its sovereign substances, and make a totem. It seemed a fitting tribute to the creature, and part of why she'd gone out of her way to camp so remote from her intended area of interest.... which was the village of Hok. She knew of a person there, a prisoner, that she wished to make contact with.
But first, claiming the sovereign substances started with collecting its blood in a phial, before it grew rancid and curdled out in the open air. Once the blood was safely in a container, she hefted the wolf over her shoulders, carrying it with her back to the camp which lay several breaks to the west, by her reckoning..