[Old Dynaash] The Hound of Sintra

18th of Vhalar 723

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Re: [Old Dynaash] The Hound of Sintra


"A few." Erebus confessed to Helena, as he crept further into the falsely-illuminated passages. The illusions Erebus presented his charges helped them pick out features that he himself could see, by dint of his ability to see in perfect darkness. It was remarkable how versatile shadow illusions were, but then you'd expect they'd be srongest and most potent in the dark. Of course they would be.

"He apparently knew a magic shortcut from where we were in the laboratories of Rhakros. All the way back toward a field south of Etzos." Erebus shook his head. He'd thought it was dreamwalking that Llyr used to transport them, but then that was not possible anymore. Perhaps because of the way Emea reformed and put itself back together. Or any number of momentous cosmological events since then.

"He could construct and deconstruct matter, he was a shapeshifter, and a few other disciplines of magic were at his disposal." Erebus waved a hand. "He's been lost to the depths of Emea, I take it. He hasn't been heard from for many an arc, except for a brief reemergence in the Empire several arcs ago, but then quiet again." Erebus frowned at the serendipity of being here in the Empire, in the last place he'd been seen, in a dank underground space.

But then nostalgic reminiscing was scarcely a luxury he wanted to indulge at present. Fleaface eluded justice still, and Erebus wanted to know what his goal was in the Empire.

"I can see ghosts, if I wish to." Erebus assured Helena. "I'll warn you ahead of time if I spot any."

Ulric's assertion about ghostly relationships was all too correct. Even if Fleaface thought he could coerce a ghost into doing his bidding, even if he was given help from Sintra in order to make that happen, he'd be in over his head before long.

Egil perched on his shoulder, a chance vision glanced his attention at the corner of his eye. Erebus turned, and inspected a nearby wooden support, that was splintered and dry as it held up the passage they were in. In the splinter, a single crow's feather.

He held it up to his eyes, and not for the first time wished he stll had the benefit of Attunement magic. But then, even when he had it, he could not have attuned to this particular feather.

"I think I know this bird." Erebus grumbled. Then he pocketed the feather. "I doubt she's still here, however."

More as they went along, Erebus could sense a presence, a vigilance watching over them. His talent for telling when he was being watched was keen enough to pick up on that.

However even he was caught off guard, when at last they came upon a tall, ethereal figure glowing ice blue in the darkness, that appeare dto them all. On its brow, a silver circlet, and in its hand, a sharp sword of pure ephemera, glowing and appearing razor sharp.

Erebus held out his arms, to stop the other two from going forward.

The Raskalwisp fixed its stare upon Erebus, Ulric, and Helena. "Neither homesick spider-spawn, nor crow-laden trickster shall pass here by." The Raskalwisp intoned. "My charge is this gate. This gallery of memorial stones to the clans of Old Dynaash."

Erebus was at a loss, and looked to Ulric, then back at the Raskalwisp. "You are a wisp, but you don't serve Famula? Or do you?"

"I serve only her Imperial Highness." He muttered, through dessicated lips. "None shall pass here by."

Erebus's mouth twisted in consternation. But someone had passed by, or they wouldn't have come this far. He fronwed, trying to rack his brain for a convincing argument to let him forget his duty, or flex it enough to allow them passage.

word count: 649
Words Like Violence, Break the Silence


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Re: [Old Dynaash] The Hound of Sintra

18 Vhalar 723
Helena listened to Erebus with wide eyes and great interest but Ulric kept the majority of his attention on their surroundings as they crept forward in the dark. His hand lingered on the hilt of his spectral sword and his eyes searched the path for anything that might try to surprise them. He moved as quietly as he could but given that he was wearing armor, there was always a little bit more noise than he wanted.

"Fascinating." Helena commented after hearing about the magical shortcut from the laboratories back to the south of Etzos. She seemed mesmerized by the many different magical abilities that Erebus told them about, but then saddened to hear that the mage had been lost. "Oh... well maybe they just settled for a quiet life."

Ulric smirked. That was an optimistic perspective. Most people who settled down could still be found. Someone with the abilities Erebus spoke of certainly couldn't have a "quiet life." At least, Ulric didn't think so. He seemed to tune in again when Erebus mentioned that he could see ghosts if he wanted to. Ever since returning to life it had been harder to perceive the dead- even when he ventured into the Beneath, which he did less and less these trials.

"How did you learn to see them when they aren't materializing?" Ulric asked. Given the material of his armor and sword, it wouldn't be hard to assume why Ulric wanted to know. However the use of such a specific term might have drawn suspicion from some. Helena didn't seem to catch it, she just looked at Erebus for an answer.

They moved along the path a little further before Erebus stopped at one of the old support beams holding the roof aloft. He pulled a feather from the beam and examined it. Both Ulric and Helena would have missed it if not for him. "What bird?" Helena asked.

Regardless of the answer, given that it was suspected the bird was gone, they'd all press on until being confronted by the ethereal guardian. Ulric's hand shifted off of his sword instinctively. He could do more damage to the ghost with his abilities than he could do with a non-copper blade. A moment later Erebus put up a hand signaling for Helena and himself to stop- so they did. He didn't know what type of ghost this was but he had a feeling his armor would only make it more difficult to reduce. Phantoms and echos were easy but the others... not always.

The ghost spoke. It had its senses still. Did that bode well or poorly? Ulric as more dangerous as a ghost because he held onto so much of himself. Erebus identified the ghost as a wisp but Ulric's face twisted when he heard that. Wisps didn't serve Raskalarn. Had she deceived this specter into service like Sintra had?

"Can't we pass? We're neither of those things you said." Helena asked the guardian. She couldn't have known they walked beside the spider-spawn. She looked to Erebus and Ulric but Ulric was having a hard time thinking of anything to do but attack. He wasn't the most persuasive person in the world. He'd learn that time and time again. On top of that, if they fought and did destroy the wisp, it would probably upset Raskalarn. Ulric shifted closer to Erebus and spoke in a low voice while Helena distracted the Raskalwisp.


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Re: [Old Dynaash] The Hound of Sintra


“If her Imperial Majesty’s loyal wisp warrior claims that no spider spawn nor crow laden trickster has passed by here… then there’s nothing for it. This place is not for our eyes, nor theirs.” Erebus remarked, shrugging. “The man I’m after is likely marked by Sintra’s taint, if this good wisp has barred his way, it’s likely he’s elsewhere.”

Erebus frowned, “As for a crow-laden trickster, that’s more troubling. Perhaps he’s also on guard against Sintra’s daughter and her own agents. Labrae…” Erebus let the name roll on his lips for a moment, before shaking his head. “She’s not here, either.”

Erebus turned to the wisp, which held its sword in the air as it stood stiffly against the entrance. “I commend you for your duty, good wisp. We shall leave you in peace to carry out your duty.” The mortalborn turned to Ulric and Helena, “At least we know where Fleaface couldn’t have gone. Come let’s out of here. Perhaps the trail has dried up.”

So saying, he led the way - if they followed - out of the tunnels into the burial sites of Old Dynaash. Once they were out in the clear, and nobody appeared ahead of them to ambush, Erebus sighed. “I thank you for accompanying me for a time. Do you need an escort to the nearest settlement? It might be safer to travel together. But if you’ll indulge me, for now we should make camp, I can explain a few things at leisure once we’ve settled down.”

This said, whether they wanted to stand by with him or not he’d get his own camp set up. He began by gathering a smattering of rocks placing them on the grassy earth to prevent the seeping of flame into the dirt. If the others wanted to help they could gather kindling, otherwise the mortalborn would gather it himself, along with logs from a nearby thicket of trees.

Once the campfire and shelter had been erected, Erebus sat down at the fire, “We should each sleep, one at a time. Helena, would you like to sleep first? We’ll take first watch. Two pairs of eyes to look out for trouble are better than one.”

Besides which, Erebus had things to discuss with Ulric, things that perhaps the man wouldn’t want his companion to hear, but that Erebus could speak frankly on. “If that is alright, take your rations and get ready to make for sleep beneath the lean-to.”

Supposing Helena was tired enough to want to take the second and third watches in exchange for the first chance to get shut-eye, Woe would nurse the fire to health, and look across it at Ulric. Once he was assured Helena was asleep and no longer listening or able to listen, he spoke “We’ve not been properly introduced.” Woe said. “You haven’t given your name, anymore than I have. But I will take the first leap of faith and tell you who I am. My name is Woe.”

“I know you are Lethroda. My bloodline has a connection to Sintra’s cult, and I could sense you before I ever saw you. It’s why I thought you must be Fleaface, before I laid eyes on you.” He did not revel in exposing Ulric and took no obvious pleasure in it, “What is your name?”

Woe sighed, whether he identified himself or not,, “So what has prompted one of Sintra’s marked to venture so far into her Immortal enemy’s territory, if not to do her business?”

word count: 609
Words Like Violence, Break the Silence


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Re: [Old Dynaash] The Hound of Sintra

18 Vhalar 723

Erebus seemed content not to pass and Ulric decided there was wisdom in that choice. They didn't need to start a fight and if they weren't getting past, then neither had the one they were pursuing. Erebus seemed to consider Sintra's daughter but Ulric said nothing about it. He didn't know of the mortalborn or her movements. He tried to avoid association with Sintra as much as he could. All immortals really. Erebus commended the wisp and Ulric's eyes narrowed slightly at the raised sword. The creature was fortunate not to have encountered Ulric alone. He might have been more open to the thought of feeding. However if the ghost was bound to Raskalarn, it might not have been a good decision to get involved in a conflict either way.

Before long they'd made their way out of the burial grounds and Erebus suggested that they make camp. Ulric was wary of staying with the stranger longer but Helena quickly accepted. She wasn't wrong to do so. They were safer traveling with more numbers. That was why they stuck around with Elia and Balon. Ulric was just a suspicious individual. He and Helena had been lost when Erebus found them though. It wouldn't hurt to have a little guidance to the nearest settlement after a little rest. They helped set up camp as best they could but Helena seemed more adept for it than Ulric did. It was one of those skills he used to have that had faded when he died. You didn't often have to make a camp when you were in the beneath. You camped out in people, not tents.

Ulric didn't plan on sleeping. He was going to restore himself other ways but he knew that Helena would need a few breaks. They'd been traveling for a while before meeting the stranger. When Erebus asked if she wanted to sleep first, Helena perked up suddenly. "Absolutely!" She seemed to catch herself and looked towards Ulric. "Do you mind?"

The living dead man shook his head and a smile crept of Helena's face. She thanked them both and began to settle in for some much needed and well earned rest. Ulric watched her for a time but ultimately his focus was drawn to the stranger they travelled with. If anyone was going to become a sudden threat, it was the stranger now that he only had to contend with one of them. So far there were more dead along the journey than living but if the one Erebus was hunting found them... unfortunate events would unfold.

Not long into the first watch, Erebus spoke of certain things Ulric would have preferred be left unspoken. He didn't pry about Helena or the rest of the band. He asked about the one thing Ulric had kept hidden from everyone.


The truth about Sintra lead to many other truths about himself. Truths he didn't want to reveal but... with Helena's gentle snoring there was some comfort. He knew she wouldn't hear. He also knew that Erebus knew what he was. His first thought was to possess the man and walk him a few dozen miles away from them. The second thought was to pull him apart with more tendrils than he could fight back against. The final thought was to confess. There was no point in lying. This man- Woe as he called himself now, had laid his truth bare and now Ulric would do the same.

"Lethroda." Ulric's thoughts seemed a thousand leagues away. "I hate that word."

"Helena spoke true, but she does not know it all. As she said, I am Ulric, but this is the second lifetime I've bore the name." He spoke softly, as if he was still worried Helena might overhear them. "I was murdered by my best friend." He said. "I refused judgement. I became... something sinister. Sintra offered me a path back to life and I took it- no matter the price. I needed to live again to get justi-." Ulric's voice seemed to break. He thought of the child he'd sacrificed. The child who had haunted his mind like a possessing force until finally Sintra destroyed all that was left of the boy. Corvus's son. It made him easier to sacrifice but... it was never easy enough. "Revenge. I wanted vengeance for what my friend took. There is no afterlife for the one I lost. Not an afterlife I can be part of."

"Sintra offered her mark for my service in the war against the Plague Queen. I did fight in the war. I did see Lisirra's end... horrible as it was." Ulric clarified, "But when she made her offer, I saw a means to power and a chance at life. I took it and it has stained me ever since." Ulric paused and looked to Woe. He wasn't able to read the son of his enemy's expression but he looked all the same. "When she was expelled from the city, I stood against her. I had stolen something from her in confusion and I thought she'd revoke the power she gave me. She tried but... I don't know why the mark remains. I try not to use it. Sintra tried to destroy me and... failed to kill me." He could never argue that Sintra had not destroyed him. Life was a gift, but it was laden with curses. He would never be who he was. He would never have what he had lost. He was Ulric in name alone. Ulric would never have done what the ghost did so that Sintra would restore him. "I have to think she left it to track me. So I've gone to places where- I hope, she can not follow."

"But I travel for them." Ulric gestured to the lean-to with the snoring Helena beneath it. "My foolhardy deal with Sintra left me with nothing. Helena and our friends are the first peace I've found since Etzos. I ask that you not sabotage that." Ulric's gaze seemed to linger on the sleeping Helena for a moment before he looked to Woe again. "If Sintra has designs for me, I do not know them. I am no cultist or madman. But what are you? What is your connection to her? What bloodline connects you to her?" Ulric might have seemed to grow defensive but it was fair. If this man's bloodline linked him to Sintra, Ulric may have been facing an enemy. It didn't seem that way though.

It seemed that they were two sides of the same nel. Woe was Sintra's child. Ulric's new life was birthed by Sintra. Neither seemed very fond of her. They could have been brothers in all but name and bond.

word count: 1160
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