The Sad Army

Woe's NPC Master List

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Misc. NPCs and Magic Mentors

Magic Mentors
Approved Here
Name: Brigantia
Race: Human/Ellune mix
Age: 14th Ashan 650
Title: Recluse of the Webspinners

Transmutation: 26
Empathy: 76
Attunement: 51
Textile Production: 51
Seduction: 26
Stealth: 20


Brigantia was always an unhappy child. Looked down upon by her pure-blooded siblings, and scorned for her human taint by her grand parents and extended family. From a young age, she grew to wish that she had no real relation to the people who raised her as their own, often entertaining such romantic ideas as joining a travelling carnival or mummer's group, or some other such thing.

So when Labrae appeared to her, it was hardly a frightening event. The Mother of Crows was perhaps the first adult who'd appeared to show kindness to Brigantia, and having heard her pleas from afar, offered to take her away from the family that never wanted her. Overwhelmed with a sense of belonging, Brigantia quickly stowed away what things she wanted to keep into a travel pack, and left with Mother.

Far from the bitter cold of her homelands, Brigantia took to the warm lands of Yaralon with enthusiasm. She learned the craft of weaving from her new siblings, who treated her far more friendly than her half-siblings and cousins had. When it came time for her to leave Labrae's nest, she did so reluctantly. She was nonetheless braced by the love the Mother had granted her, and took it with her outside of Yaralon, to experience the world beyond.

Her travels took her all along the Eastern regions of Idalos. Along the way, she used the wiles Labrae and the other webspinners had taught her to seduce a mage into teaching her the ways of magic. She forged a relationship with this man, and even married him for a time. Theirs was a tumultuous relationship, which didn't end until a freak accident with a magical missile from Brigantia's hand ended his life.

Brigantia never loved another after that incident, but took on trists here or there as needed to advance her interests and those of the Webspinners.

She fled justice as the jaws of consequence began to fall above her leaving to relocate in Westguard, Etzos. She relied heavily on her magical abilities to see her through the dangers of the wilderness. Eventually she did arrive at that final destination. Since then, she’s had only token interaction with other webspinners, yet awaits the Divine One’s call to action, as well as that of the Mother of Crows.

She lived for decades in Etzos, developing her magical capabilities, especially those relating to Transmutation.

Brigantia helps Sintra and Labrae whenever they need her. Often taking webspinners under her wing when they need a place apart from Labrae, for some 'emotional adjustments'. As a master mage, she commands a good amount of power and influence within the Webspinners, but has yet to teach even one student.

As one living independently of the Webspinners at the moment, she is not in regular contact with Labrae or her brood, plying her weaving crafts as a front for her activities as a mage and webspinner, and promoting her old family whenever it is required.

Appearance: She's grown old, but still rather tall as a half-breed ellune. She stands at 6'4" with snow-white skin, and black, salt-pepper hair. She wears the finest of garments, and always carries a cane around with her while out and about in Westguard in Etzos. She's also a habitual smoker, carrying the trappings of that hobby: A pipe, and tobacco in a pouch. The ease of her lifestyle betrays her affluence.

Reasons for taking on students: She would only grant an initiation to a fellow Webspinner, and never any other. As such, when Woe appears at her doorstep, they get to negotiating the prices of clothing. Eventually it becomes clear to one another that they are in the presence of another Webspinner, and forge an accord of sorts.

Woe wishes to learn magic from her when he realizes she is a mage, in order that he might serve the Divine One better.

Approved: viewtopic.php?f=369&t=20652
Name: Stoll Moritan
City Location: Ne'haer
DoB: 23rd of Vhalar 665
Race: Human
Organization: Stone Dungeon torturer.
Hone (Umbral): 76
Attunement: 40
Abrogation: 26
Torture 76
Unarmed Combat 26

Bio: Stoll is a professional, who worked on behalf of the authorities in the Stone Dungeons. Here, he was almost made a warden, but thrown out for visiting cruel and unusual punishment on the wrong inmate. The inmate was well connected, and when he died it went out to the underworld who was responsible for it. As Stoll was nobody important, it was a simple matter to discredit him.

Since then, he's been disgraced and cast out of society, reviled by those above and forced to live out his life in the Underground. The family of the inmate he killed wished for him to be imprisoned, but his might in magic prevented them from apprehending him. As such, the administrators of the Stone Dungeon decided that the Underground would be his prison.

There he stalks the Underground halls, looking for heretics to bend, break, trap, and destroy. His Spark of Abrogation has grown accustomed to his need to enact justice upon the deserving (In his opinion), while the Hone Spark delights in the art of torment, and seeks to unleash new and innovative ways to break his quarry.

Since his disgrace and removal from his post, he's mostly a thing of rumor, stalking the Underground for victims that he deems menaces to society. He has very little influence anymore, and has never really been much of one to fight for his place in society. He's content to do as he does in the Underground.

Woe at first encounters Stoll when he tries to visit the Shrine of Sintra in the Underground. He takes Woe (rightfully) for a heretic, and attempts to trap him. He succeeds, and in a series of threads keeps him prisoner in his hideout. There, he proceeds to torment Woe, and they undergo a battle of wills, one between the other. Woe trying to persuade him to join the Webspinners of Ne'haer, and Stoll stoicly refusing, and trying to reprogram Woe and 'rehabilitate' him.

Eventually, Woe makes a persuasive enough argument that Stoll relents, and the ex-slave's will wins out. Further, he agrees to become Woe's master in the magic arts, and the arts of torture.

Appearance: A pale man with white hair, his face is scrunched in, part of a mutation from Abrogative influences. The scars on his face are almost caving in upon themselves, creating ridges and bulges here or there. All over his body, runic tattoos glow dark, standing out upon the vision as one sees them.

Otherwise see pic^^^

Relationship: Stoll will come to see Woe as a protege of sorts. While he'll never be as dedicated to Sintra's cause as Woe, he does see the pragmatism in having such a patron, in ensuring the apprehension and punishment of heretics and criminals. He will aid Woe so long as Sintra's directives are good for Ne'haer.

Stoll's sparks, on the other hand, revel in the idea of imparting one or more of their child sparks to the Mortalborn. They actively encourage Stoll toward this end, and end up being the deciding factor in prompting him toward the Webspinner's side.

Miscellaneous Characters

Approval: viewtopic.php?f=369&t=20220

Name: Petrusa
Race: Eidisi
Date of Birth: Cylus 21st, 668

Rhetoric: 20
Endurance: 20
Seduction: 20
Dance: 20
Psychology: 20

Appearance: Standing at 6', with a lithe willowy build, Petrusa is a rare eidisi beauty, with symmetrical features, dark blue skin, and dark sea-foam green hair and eyes.

Personality: Coy and cool of temperament. She enjoys physical exercise and dance as her activities of choice. She's capable enough in Rhetoric to keep pace with others in subjects they are competent in, although she only feigns knowledge most of the time.

Relationship to PC: His favorite courtesan.

Profession: High End Videnese Courtesan. Her highly prized services are to hold debates ranging on a variety of different topics. Whether she has sex with a client is entirely happenstance, and somewhat rare, as her services are mainly educational and cultural.

Approval: viewtopic.php?f=369&p=137829#p137829

Name: Chef Jordan Lindsay
Race: Human
Date of Birth: Ymiden 42nd 672

Cooking: 30
Logistics: 30
Baking: 15
Leadership 15
Appraisal: 10

Appearance: 6'1" tall, with a lean but muscular build. He has blonde hair and blue eyes. He often wears the trappings of a dedicated chef.
Personality: Cantankerous and demanding, he requires excellence in all things. He frequently will bark outrage at those who fail to meet his standards, and his criticism is not limited to those below him.
Relationship to PC: One of (Or maybe the only) chefs that Woe has hired on to help devise a recipe for ship biscuit chowder.

Approval: viewtopic.php?f=369&p=137829#p137829

Name: Mustelo Catcher
Race: Human
Date of Birth: 669 Cylus 23rd

Hunting: 30
Butchering: 30
Trapmaking: 10
Woodworking: 10
Polearms: 10
Tanning: 10

Appearance: He stands at 5'4", with a stocky build, delineating his long lineage of miners that came before him. His graying, brown hair hangs from his scalp and beard in wiry strands. He often carries a series of cages and traps along with him as he goes about his work, catching rats and other critters for meat. He uses a staff as a walking stick and his weapon of choice when it comes to bagging his quarry.
Personality: Easy going and amiable, despite his ragged appearance, Mustelo is one of the up and coming rat catchers in the city, providing cheap meat to vendors around Ne'haer. Yurrova born, he comes from miner stock, which perhaps explains his short stature. He uses his low height as an asset as he navigates cramped tunnels in the underground and sewers, catching, cleaning, and dressing the corpses of rats.
Relationship to PC: One of the more prolific rat-catchers that Woe has hired on to keep the meat flowing for his food operation.

Approval: viewtopic.php?f=369&p=137829#p137829

Name: Gwarpy
Race: Biqaj
Date of Birth: 678 Saun 23rd

Unarmed Combat (Vy'Ufnaji): 30
Swimming: 30
Resistance: 20
Medicine: 10
Torture: 10

Appearance: He stands at 5'9", with a prodigiously fat build, owing that to his habit of imbibing legendary amounts of grog and eating fried foods. His skin is often greased with some form of ungeunt or another. He's entirely bald, with many decorative tattoos all over his head, body, and face. All along his skin are piercings, which catch with sharp edges on anyone who grazes his skin.
Personality: A bon vivant if ever there was one, he's nevertheless serious when it comes down to combat. He teaches Vy'Ufnaji in the Training Grounds of the Coliseum, yet has had not much luck in finding students lately, given the rise of popularity of Ki'enaq out of Etzos.
Relationship to PC: Woe meets him at the coliseum and convinces him to teach him the style of Vy'ufnaji.


Name: Augusta Dolizar
Race: Human
Date of Birth: 81st Ashan, 701
Languages Spoken: Fluent Vahanic, Basic Common.

Skill Table
Skill XP Level
Music Instrument: Mandolin 30 Competent
Etiquette 30 Competent
Logistics 30 Competent
Cooking 20 Novice
Caregiving 10 Novice

Appearance/Biometrics: Standing at 5'10", she's rather tall, with delicate features and well-attended makeup. She favors conservative dresses that cover as much skin as possible. Her shoulder-length hair is often tied into a bun and cinched with a pin or a silk flower of some kind. Otherwise, her build is on the lithe side, with minimal muscle definition. Her skin is rather pale from lack of exposure.

Personality: Obedient to a fault toward her father, she doesn't have a rebellious bone in her body. Her father teases her for her conformity at times, but they have a good relationship despite their political and cultural disagreements. She nevertheless will not brook indecency toward herself or anyone near to her, and will fiercely oppose any attempts to thwart the upholding of modesty and propriety. It is this reason that prompts her to take issue with her mother's way of life, as a glamorous stage actress and adherent to the Lair's degeneracy.

Backstory: Rumored to be the illegitimate daughter of Madame Olga Dolizar and the late Duke of the Lair, Augusta is nonetheless extremely loyal toward the father who raised her, Filipe Dolizar. She scorns her mother for her promiscuous and flamboyant reputation, and even courts the idea of joining the Theocratum to put the screws to her wayward mother. She's yet to consider taking any commitments in that direction, as her father wishes to marry her off to a secure and safe prospect.

In-Game History Thus Far: Sock Puppet Theater Invitation 18th Vhalar 720
The Crimson Court 35th of Zi'Da 720
Bloodless Abandon 35th of Zi'da 720

Relationship to PC: Filipe Dolizar is trying to get Woe to court Augusta, and Augusta is doing her best to facilitate her father's wishes. They will probably end up in a passionless courtship of convenience. They since broke off their engagement, and Woe is now employing her as a caregiver for his children.

Approval: viewtopic.php?f=369&t=24257
Levelup: viewtopic.php?f=529&t=27983 +10 to Logistics +10 to Caregiving

Last edited by Woe on Mon Sep 20, 2021 4:29 pm, edited 5 times in total. word count: 2299
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Graveyard (Not Returners)
Approval: viewtopic.php?f=369&t=19233&p=126913&hi ... om#p126913

Name: Werthom
Race: Human female
Date of Birth: Ymiden 23rd, 709
Date of Death: Ymiden 60 719

Stealth: 26
Resistance: 26
Persuasion: 20
Detection: 20
Blades (Stilleto): 8

Appearance: Blonde hair, gray eyes, and standing at 4’0” tall. Werthom is compact but strong for her age. Her voice is soft and quiet, and Woe often has to ask her to speak up when they’re talking.

Personality: Werthom is an optimist, despite her harsh upbringing. Diligent and ambitious, she sees her adoption and apprenticeship to Woe as a chance to better her lot, where previously she’d been an orphan.

Relationship to PC: Adopted daughter, apprentice, and occasional catspaw. She's dead dead, passed on. Poisoned by Vluharqih.

Approval: viewtopic.php?f=369&t=20346

Name: Sywena Praide
Race: Biqaj
Date of Birth: Vhalar 87th 691

Detection: 30
Stealth: 30
Cryptography: 20
Rhetoric: 10
Running: 10
Storytelling: 10

Approval of Skills:

viewtopic.php?f=369&t=20860 - Crytography +10

Appearance: Sywena has short ash-blonde hair, hanging down to the top of her neck, and prominent biqaj ear points poking through the locks. Her eyes are amber. She stands at around 5'6", narrow of frame and long of limb. She often favors practical clothing that allows for a good range of movement, but doesn't stand out too much. Her favorite color is maroon.

Personality: A mousey, shy woman that is observant and generally good-natured. Her contemplative nature is something that her fellow Whispers admire her for, and they have confidence in her discretion in all their matters. However, the other side of her discretion is that she will cope with holding in secrets by making up stories. Sometimes including inscrutable elements of the secrets she's privy to. These are often nigh indecipherable unless one already knows of them.

Relationship to PC: She's going to be his contact and witness within the Whispers, and his introduction to the group.
Anything else you would like us to know. I plan to use her in plots in Ne'haer.
Graveyard (Memory NPCs)
Approved Here: viewtopic.php?f=369&t=20587
Skill Scale Down: Rhetoric is now Socialization

Name: Lottie Bird ; Lavender Crebain. (Buhlihsanuh)
Race: Yludih
Date of Birth: 100th Vhalar 656
Date of Death: 5th Cylus 710

Blades 20
Stealth: 30
Storytelling: 30
Sociaillzation: 20


Lottie Bird: 4'11" human, short and plump, for one who has grown to a ripe old age. Her hair is stark white, with streaks of yellow in it. She has a bulbous aquiline nose. She often wears brown simple dresses, with splashes of color here or there. Wears a cap with a dyed crow's feather in it.

Lavender Crebain: 5'5" human, average musculature, and a youthful appearance. Her hair is ash blonde, her eyes are dark brown. She often wears athletic linens, an aketon and leggings that are brightly colored. She favors the color orange and yellow.

Personality: A mischievous old woman, or a mysterious younger one. She often plays Lottie as the estranged mother of her other form, Lavender. Lavender has nothing but trash to talk about her mother, and delights in playing games with people as the two forms play people off of each other. She's secretly a cultist who reveres certain Immortals that are taboo. Aelig, Sintra, and Syroa to name a few. Her devotion is mostly casual, though. She abides by the mystique of an old witch with a lot of stories to tell and her feisty daughter.

Relationship to PC: An acquiantance, possibly a friend and mentor.

Last edited by Woe on Sat Apr 30, 2022 2:18 am, edited 4 times in total. word count: 613
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Re: The Sad Army

Approval: viewtopic.php?f=369&t=19659

Name: Emma Heen
Race: Human/Biqaj mutt
Ghost Class: Echo
Date of Birth: Arc 695 1st of Ymiden
Dagger 26
Stealth 26
Deception 26
Seduction: 22
Possession: 26
Materialization: 34

Approval of Skills:

viewtopic.php?f=369&t=20860 - Materialization +10

Appearance: Amber, shoulder length hair. Brown eyes, freckles. She stands at 5'8", wearing mostly plain clothes. She hides a stiletto on her at all times. There's a tattoo of a butterfly on her left wrist.

Personality: Emma was a woman embittered by her treatment by her parents, who cast her out at the age of fifteen. She had to live on the streets until she was eighteen, which is when she met a guardsman who she began to shack up with. He made unwanted sexual advances on her, which prompted the volatile girl to murder him in his sleep. She's been wanted ever since, and was hunted by Woe only to be taken under his wing.

She later betrayed him by selling him to Naer slave traders, and then took up refuge with Erastus, his old master. When he found out, much later, he flew into a rage from all she’d put him through and used appropriate self-defense methods to murder her, then murdered Erastus.

Emma will have only recently reemerged from the beneath to haunt Woe. Mentally twisted as she was in life, she’s alternately obsessed and dismissive of Woe, both wants and hates him at the same time. He became her anchor, and she followed quietly until the time when she was substantial enough to materialize before him in Etzos.

Relationship to PC: Formerly a friend that betrayed and sold him into slavery. Woe’s first love and murder victim.

Death Remnant: When Emma is around, people tend to accidentally cut themselves on sharp objects, if there are any around. Whether shards of glass, pieces of jagged metal, or just knives. While mortals are being possessed by her, they gradually begin to take on her brown eye color.

Method of Death: Woe stabbed her through the heart in Low Town, after defeating Erastus.

Character has appeared in the following threads and stories:


Approval: viewtopic.php?f=369&t=20346
Original Dev Entry Article: viewtopic.php?f=472&t=830&p=32657#p32657
Name: Erastus
Race: Human
DOB: arc 657 19th of Cylus
DoD: arc 718 33rd of Ashan
Title: Weaver of the Webspinners
Blessings/Curses: Formerly Favored Lethroda (Stripped from him after he died)

30 Leatherworking
30 Socialization
20 Logistics
20 Whip
30 Possession
20 Siphoning
10 Materialization

Approval of Skills:

viewtopic.php?f=369&t=20860 - Siphoning +10
Skill Scaledown 2021: Tanning becomes Leatherworking, Leatherworking becomes Logistics, Persuasion becomes Socialization.

History: Former slavemaster of Woe. He runs a household out of Mid-Town, but conducts an extra-legal slave trade out of Low-Town, where it's bound to draw less notice. He has several contacts within the Justice system, who he pays and cajoles to overlook his trafficking of slaves. His front operation in Low-Town, where his unluckiest chattel is housed, is a simple company that trades material commodities, providing leatherwork to various enterprises and for those who need leather products. The side-effect of running a leather-working facility and tannery is that nobody important wants to visit in person unless they're happy with the scent of tanning animal skins.

Method of Death: Stabbed in the back by Emma Heen, then stabbed in the front by Woe until he died.

Death Remnant: Whenever Erastus possesses someone, they grow pale in the face as if suffering from a loss of blood. This is mostly a cosmetic change, but if a prolonged period of possession ensues, the possessed will begin to feel the sensation of a knife twisting in their back.

Relationship to Woe and appearances: He's appeared mostly in the background of Woe's stories on-site, but has made a direct appearance in his Lethroda Mark thread. He is Woe's mortal parent, although neither of them knows it.

Anchors: Woe is his first anchor. His second anchor is his house in Lowtown Andaris.

Anything else: He's become paternalistic in his ghostliness. His death has driven much of his former drive and ambition from him, for whatever reason. He's also descended from the House Morandi from Ne'haer. (That part will need input from Octopie)
word count: 755
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Re: The Sad Army

Name: Eponia Lonish
Race: Human
Birthday/Age: Ashan 34th 720
Languages Spoken: Common, Scalveen
Skill Table
Skill XP Level
Needlework 60 Expert
Endurance 40 Competent
Discipline 30 Competent
Cosmetology 30 Competent
Detection 30 Competent
Cooking 30 Competent
Logistics 30 Competent

Appearance/Biometrics: Pale complexion, dark brown, almost black hair, deep black eyes, aquiline nose, and tall, skinny build.

Brief Overview: Eponia is entirely conventional and dutiful to her friends and family to a fault. She enjoys needlework as a way to make money as well as a pass time. She makes funeral flowers woven from cloth for the most part in order to make ends meet for her and her grandmother, who she lives alone with. Eponia is always curious about her parents, particularly her mother, but her Grandmother Anna is very reticent about her dearly departed daughter. Nevertheless, she maintains her curious outlook toward the people and circumstances her birth arrived from.

In-Game History Thus Far: Once Lost ~ Eponia is ambushed by her friend on her birthtrial, who then take her out for drinks at O'Rourke's.

Relationship to PC: Daughter by Emelia Enners (in dreams)

 ! Message from: Woe
These NPCs are not real or useable in Idalos in anyway. They're only included for my reference for dream threads and entertainment.
word count: 220
Words Like Violence, Break the Silence


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Pending Characters
Kraig Cutler
Name: Kraig Cutler
Race: Human
Birthday/Age: 12th of Zi'da 667
Languages Spoken: Common (Fluent)

Skill Table
Skill XP Level
Combat: Blades 76 Master
Smithing 76 Master
Discipline 56 Expert
Torture 51 Expert
Dancing 51 Expert
Strength 51 Expert
Intimidation 30 Competent
Detection 26 Competent
Teaching 26 Competent

Appearance/Biometrics: Kraig was a man of many graces, and handsome. Kraig was tall, about 6'2", with bleach white hair and classically strong features. His eyes are black, and his complexion is tanned.

Brief Overview: A sanguine and exuberant man for an executioner, he approaches his trade with all the passion of a performer. He encourages his fellow jailers to treat their profession as less of a means to a meal ticket, and more an honorable and stately position. After all, theirs is the role of doling out justice on behalf of the people. Since his time out of Rynmere, he's traveled the world, going from place to place offering services as a bounty hunter and soldier of fortune. It's not a life he particularly enjoys compared to his prior career, but he approaches it with the same grandiose atitude.
In-Game History Thus Far
Relationship to PC: Former coworker. Former executioner and torturer for the Andaris Dungeons.

word count: 221
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