• Open • Beyond the Looking Glass

1st of Ymiden 724

The shallow bay Egilrun is situated upon is used, these trials, for crafts and crafting. From boatmakers to weaponsmiths, glassblowers to metalworkers, the sound of hammers and saws can be heard almost every break of the trial, with crews working in shifts to produce the beautiful craftsmanship which they might, one trial, become famous for.

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Beyond the Looking Glass

The Glass Harbour

The Glass Harbour's Founding

It was Ymiden's Dawn today, a celebration commemorated by standing by a body of water, a shoreline, or anywhere there was natural water flowing, and washed clean of the past arc. Of all the strange customs of Scalvoris, this one, which she'd only just learned of had to be one of the more resonant for her. Being the mortalborn with a domain of Redemption, ever since the Forging, it's one they'd meant to participate but business always got in the way. Now, however, divested of most of her responsibilities and businesses, Woe sought to partake of this quaint custom as his totemic blend of Anima Lefleur and their self totem, a woman with black hair of average height, wearing simple hide clothing. She was a priestess of Moseke in this guise and Ymiden was the consort of her patroness, as far as she had heard, so it seemed apropos while posing as one of Moseke's priestesses to give homage to the celebration.

However, not only was it Ymiden's Dawn, but also the ribbon-cutting ceremony of the Glass Harbour, a long-standing project that had been arcs in the making, finally culminating in a meeting between Woe and Chamadarst, where the details and assurances were hammered out. The place was magnificent, she had to say. The Glassmakers Guild Master was present for the ribbon cutting, as Woe would not be there as their self. Instead, they attended the ceremony, celebrating both its opening but more so participating in Ymiden's ritual.

Winfreda knelt by the shore, as the speeches were being made on behalf of the workers and people of Egilrun, who'd made the Glass Harbour possible. She took a cup of water in her hands, and splashed it over her. IT dribbled down the hide outfit she wore, which was a duplicity suit. It was a humble attire, befitting the spending of her wealth into the establishment of this place.

On this day all sorts of spiritual and religious people were there to make speeches on behalf of this or that Immortal, spirit, dragon, or ancestor. Whoever they revered in life, it didn't matter. As long as they believed in something. That was the purpose of the Glass Harbour, to look forward and not backward, to not favor one deity or spirit or ancestor over any other, but to respect everyone's right to worship as they wanted.

Winfreda let the waters wash over her face and hair, and then stood by to wait her turn to make a speech on behalf of Moseke, who was the Great Mother, the giver of life and thus perhaps uniquely important on this day.
word count: 458
Words Like Violence, Break the Silence


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Re: Beyond the Looking Glass

Rainbows for Scalvoris

The Shipwright at Egilrun had done Winston a great service once AND it had been the place he'd done his first business outside of Patsy's Farm, for Woe himself, and so, while he didn't visit as often as he'd liked, it always held a fond place for him.

When he heard there was a new dock opening and that it was said to be all about the equal right to worship as you saw fit, he decided there was simply no way Isonomia, and of course he, should miss it!

Sitting atop the crow's nest aboard of
, he looked out over the shore and docks, crowded with people from all over Scalvaris. It was a trial filled with joy and fun and, above all, acceptance. A thing sorely lacking in some in the seasons just past... but that was history now and the future awaited.

"Permission to leave Captain!" He yelled down from the top of the main mast.
looked up at the irritatingly bright and cheerful ferret and nodded. "Aye! Permission granted. Now get off my crow's nest!" He replied only partly in jest. The ferret knew absolutely nothing of sailing, but he was good for moral, having befriended a leviathan of all things, so she liked having around... Not that she wished to let the ferret know this.

"Ahoy there laaaaaand lovveeeers! He yelled to no one in particular as he and
Mrs Mistoffelees
launched themselves from their perch and into the air with a...


No one was likely to be paying him any attention, he was not even there to have it, he simply wanted to show his support and have the ships so loved by people seen at this new dock. It was a thing he would see succeed given it's purpose.

He flew through the other masts and above the celebrations as the speeches began. Mostly his excellent mount did the work, but after a few missed attempts, they landed on a roof a little way off from the main crowed. "Tanks Mitsy." He said cheerfully as he settled in to watch the show. He intended to have the ships put on a little show once it seemed appropriate, but they were not there to steal the show, no, only build some hype in the joy of the trial.

If he saw anyone he recognised, he'd wave enthusiastically,
wearing a bright rainbow colours suit for the occasion

With every announcement or call for applause, he yelled and whooped and generally speaking made a fuss.

When there came a chance for people to make speeches of their own, Winston could not resist and hopped up onto his mount. "Tally HO!" The mallard didn't move. This was not the first time... "Pllleeeeeaaase. Me wanna take a turn an de stage..." Deciding he needed some lessons, he dismounted and scurried over on foot, ducking and weaving between the feet as he went.

Waiting his turn before taking the stage, he listened as people spoke, sang and preached their flavour of belief to the crowd. Tugging on his suit to strengthen it and reaching into his pocket to take out a
connected to Floaty, he walked up to the stage, taking a
class 3 miragestone
in his other hand and projected himself above himself, so the tiny ferret could be seen and heard from afar.

He raised his hands in the air and bowed to the speaker before him, beginning with a show of gratitude for their words. "Ellooooo! Me name es Winstaaaan an' me com tuh represent Isonomiaaaaa!" . [say]"Dis dac an' everyone 'ere tuhtrial es de very essence af wat me believe. Peepal comin' tugedda an' accepting and suppartin' eachotha. Et warms me 'art tuh see dis emotshun an' dis many open 'arts.

Isonomia wud like tuh tank de peepal dat built de dac an' weclome et to scalvaris..."[/say] He pressed the button on the Holo-com giving the ship it's cue. [say]"...wid a bang!"[/say] The ship triggered their Holographic copies of themselves and [get-post=204708 excerpt=Item: Smoke Glitter Pellets]launched explosive pellets of rainbow dust into the air[/get-post], spreading bright painbow-colours glittery dust over the sky. Winston whooped and cheered, hoping the crowed would to as he made his exit and vanished again into the crowd.
Thanks goes to Pyrre Ej'qy for inspiring this template
word count: 746


When standing at his full height, Winston towers a full 1 foot and one blueberry tall. A fact he will happily demonstrate before flicking said blue orb into the air with his nose and then eating it with a snappy grin.

His eyes are dark and sharp, ringed by dark brown fur upon the bright white fur that sets off across the rest of his face.


Winston usually carries the following on his person:
  • Cassion's Locket hangs snugly around his neck.
  • Winston's Fairy Bell hangs from his tool-belt attached to his hip. It's 'ringer' is often bound by a small piece of cloth to prevent it giving away his position while in the wilderness.
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Re: Beyond the Looking Glass

placeholding (sorry)
word count: 2

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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Re: Beyond the Looking Glass

*scurries in; drops a Place Of Holding +1; scurries out*
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Re: Beyond the Looking Glass

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We return to where we started, and pass onwards into history.
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