• Solo • Red Is The Color Of...

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From Tried's Mouth to the mysterious Tower, the waters around Scalvoris and the island itself hold a vast array of secrets, just ripe for discovery. Here are landmarks, jungles, mountains, forests and islands of note.

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Red Is The Color Of...

Red is the color of...sand?


He gasped for air before launching into a coughing fit. A mix of sea water and inhaled sand were trying to kill him the second time since the first attempt was botched. But this lizard had no way of knowing that. For him, the next inhale was all that mattered and it was coming in painful, short drafts. Fighting to keep the air in his lungs without heaving up whatever was in his stomach, forced the Ithecal onto its forearms.

And his whole body screamed. The aftertaste in his mouth suddenly became a little bit sourer. But he was breathing. More or less. At last.

What the... he thought to himself. His head hang low and from that vantage point, he saw the sand underneath him, stained red.

"Scales," he cursed and tried to survey his immediate area as carefully as possible. Mostly for the sake of himself and the pain he was afraid of than of whoever or whatever might be nearby. The sight gave him a pause.

There was red everywhere. Underneath him, next to him, in the distance, above him, behind him... Movement by movement, he dragged himself to sitting.

Death crossed his mind. Surely that's what must have happened. But no. With his head off the ground and the pain actually helping clear his mind, he realized he was very much alive. Too alive given his surroundings.

"Pretty sure, I didn't do this," he mumbled to himself, referring to both the colour of the sand which was the rich colour of blood...and the hints of the shipwreck. And nowhere in sight was there anyone else with him.

So who the heck spoke earlier?

"Hello?" he called out cautious for the first time. And the sea answered with its monotonous lapping at his feet. Otherwise...nothing. He looked around once more at the chunks of wood washed along the shore with him. The crates that weren't heavy enough to sink. The woods behind him getting darker by the moment in the setting sun. He shivered and looked ahead.

What the heck happened? The sun kept setting offering no clues, no assistance.

Where am I?

Then it dawned on him like a new light from the disappearing sun. Who am I?
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Re: Red Is The Color Of...

He had no recollection of what preceded that very moment. No idea how he got to where he was aside from the clear signs that he was most likely on a ship and that ship was no longer. He must have hit his head pretty hard...along with the rest of the body because looking at himself, boy did he look like minced meat. Well...maybe not that bad. But could a ship give him multiple stab and slash wounds?

Another shiver ran down his spine. He had that forest behind him and he did not like that. He also needed supplies of sorts. Something to take care of himself.

"Not all that dumb, are we?" he mumbled to himself, struggling to his feet. He gritted his teeth, tried to keep the nausea at bay. But something told him that he was used to this. Or at least the body was because it powered through.

He spent the next chunk of time hobbling around the wreckage, looking as much for supplies as he was for any other survivors. He didn't find any, only corpses. So he helped himself to scraps of linen, wet and sandy salty bread, used waterskin, and some other bits and bobs that he could use to setup camp - canvas for low overhang stretched between two crates and a bedroll*.

With his humble supplies gathered, he set about making his vision a reality keeping an eye to his left across the sea and to his right across the sands. But things proved to be harder than he imagined. It wasn't the pain that was the issue anymore. Yes, he was slowly colouring the makeshift bandage crimson but that did not bother him. What bothered him was his gigantonormous tail.

"Why so goddamn big?" he growled when he was regathering his meagre supplies for the gazillionth time after sweeping them away with that useless appendage. Shame was...he couldn't remember whether he always had issues with it or whether this was just due to injuries.

"Done," he said, jaw set hard. "Now..."

Swoop. He froze. Hands clenching into fists, jaw so tight he wasn't going to be able to open it again. He could feel that irritated grumble deep inside his chest.

"That...damn...thing..." If it wasn't for the night descending too fast, he would have probably lost it. Alas he didn't want to expand his energy on battling his tail when he still had to shift some storage crates and prepare luxury lodgings. But even that was a challenge. Hobble and hop. Stutter and splutter. One of his bandages was nearly soaked and he barely managed to do anything.

"Done. Done. Done. I am so done." And this time, his tail satisfactorily slammed into the crate as he 'marched' past.

Throwing the canvas over a different crate and rolling out the wet bedroll, the Ithecal was in for another struggle. Getting tangled in the sheet, unable to painlessly fold his frame enough to fit under, he somehow ended up entangled within the fabric, fully covered only his snout poking out a little draping over his face just enough that one of his eyes could see across the water where the sun had drowned a while back.

"Dead log. Dead fricking log is what I better look like..."

And he stared ahead, settling. Each wound throbbing but some weren't as bed as they seemed. As far as he could tell, he had only one concerning injury. Well two.

One was along his forearm. It was deep and that prevented him from using his hand in any meaningful way. Something told him, a gut feeling if you will, that this was not an accidental kitchen cut.

The other injury was his head. There was still nothing in it. No memories. No clue about anything. Not even any substantial thoughts as his eyes began to close.

Not even a name...

And the sea offered a whispered answer which he did not hear for sleep came and claimed him.

*Bedroll and treated canvas walled tent are part of Augustus' Wilderness Starter Pack.
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Re: Red Is The Color Of...

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Notes/Warnings: Referencing some parts of the Wilderness starter pack as items Augustus has found, I hope that is ok.

Thread: Red Is The Color Of...
City/Area: Surrounding Waters & Landmarks

Renown: Probably none
Do you want this to be considered for Mark Progression? No
Collaboration: No
Local Language Thread? No
1. Field craft: Setting up camp
2. Field craft: Gathering relevant and useful materials
3. Field craft: How to protect from elements
4. Endurance: Withstand pain
5. Medicine: How to bandage a wound
 ! Message from: Pig Boy
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Pig Boy
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Re: Red Is The Color Of...




Heya, nice first entry. There was a lot going on here, for how short the story was, but you managed to pull me along for the ride pretty effectively.

The red sand, and thinking it was blood, or that he'd died was a nice touch. And I think the finding parts of his starter package around, strewn across the land was a good idea. There was nothing wrong with that at all.

I hope he doesn't get in trouble, as it appears he's near the Scaltoth... I suppose I'll find out soon enough!

Great writing!

P.S. Your thread is very short at around 1000 words. While we don't require people always get to the 1500 recommended words for each solo or thread, it's something to try and shoot for. Not a problem once in a while to have one that hits below that, however, especially when it's written so well.


  • XP: 10


  • Field Craft: x3
  • Endurance: x1
  • Medicine: x1
word count: 171

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