• Solo • Size Matters Not; Except in the Case of a Mouse the Size of a House

50th of Ashan 724

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From Tried's Mouth to the mysterious Tower, the waters around Scalvoris and the island itself hold a vast array of secrets, just ripe for discovery. Here are landmarks, jungles, mountains, forests and islands of note.

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Size Matters Not; Except in the Case of a Mouse the Size of a House


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Size matters right? Well when you try to ride your poney to find it the size of a mouse, YES! Minor fractures appear in random locations across Scalvaris as creature begin changing size, small becomes big and big becomes small. For whatever reason, nothing already 'big' become bigger, or small becomes smaller, but for a single trial there are reports of the shocking phenomenon for all walks of life.
The Mortalborn spent hours bent over his laboratory established next to his offices in the Merchant's Guild. He'd specifically requested such accommodations, given his association with the Order of Adunih, the guild was acquiescent to their Master of Coin. It was all for the good of the Guild, of course. He was designing a poison, from a few scattered ingredients. There was one, a paralytic, and another, a accelerating agent that caused organ and heart failure upon a swift course through the circulatory system of a creature. He was preparing these for the hunt, of course. One that he didn't expect to produce usable meat, but more trophies for the new members to bring back as a symbol of their triumph and teamwork.

Within a few breaks, he had a pair of toxins in vials that would fit the bill. He applied catalyzing reagents to link the poisons, so that one activated and bolstered the other when they came in contact. The deadly poison, that catalyzed from the paralytic, he tucked into slots that were wrought into his baldric. The paralytic, he took from the vial and drank to absorb it. That done, he supposed he was prepared at least in that aspect.

Woe had been makingpreparations to host a hunt into the edges of the Scaltoth, with some of the newer merchant guild members. They were largely new to business in general, start-ups as it were. Looking to invest in the now wide-open Almundian real estate scene, by snatching up land to establish businesses there. Although the city more than ever had its share of crime and disorder, Woe had assured them that the promise of financial gain was significant.

As he was preparing himself for the venture, Sage brought him Botany from the Bones where the Quacian Bloodhound had been staying. She had a concerned look on her face, which set Woe on guard immediately. "Botany?"

"Uhm, don't ask why, but he appears to have changed a little overnight?" Sage bit her lip. Then she stood aside to reveal a much smaller, terrier-sized Botany.

"Botany!" Woe knelt down, beckoning the hound to him. "Are you sure he didn't swap himself out for another dog?" He looked up at sage, and then back to the dog.

But he appeared to have all the features of his favorite hound. So it must be some strangeness caused by Fractures or else the strangeness of Scalvoris. Woe hoped it wasn't permanent.

Hmmmm Sod said, having spoken to Woe for the first time in a while. His nose is closer to the ground, might be helpful?

Woe considered that, and nodded. May be right, Sod. At any rate, appears little we can do.

Once Sage dismissed herself, he swiftly finished dressing himself, putting on a wrist-length and knee-length flaxen brown tunic. His breeches were of wool fabric with flaxen inner lining. They were loose-fitting and colored green, tucked into black leather shin-wraps. His feet were bare, save for some brown fur coverings that draped over the top of his feet, to purvey the illusion of soles. Around his shoulders, a mantled sash of gold for his position in the Order of the Adunih, wrapped over his torso, cinched in place by a pewter broach in the shape of a blood hound.

Idly, the mortalborn wondered about other animals as he walked down from his office, admiring the treasures the Merchant's Guild displayed in their corridors.. Might not this phenomenon have affected other creatures as well? Was it cause to call off the hunt? In the end he decided against cancelling the event. Besides, having smaller prey may improve the success chances of their hunt. So Woe presented himself to the hunting party that waited outside the Merchant Guild Hall. All newly minted business owners, having invested in Almund, and given advance access to the hall for that reason.

Some might've accused Woe of filling the ranks of the Merchant's Guild with people he'd hand picked. They wouldn't be far off the mark. He wanted more people beholden to him, in government, in business, and all around the island and the parts of the world that were connected to Scalvoris. More important now that the dregs of Etzos was spreading its vile tentacles across the ocean, all the way to Scalvoris.

Woe waved to the party, which included about a dozen of the new members. They were a varied bunch, some biqaj among them, mostly human, and one Qi'ora. Woe made it a point to keep the Qi'ora close at hand, as one of the favored people of Chamadarst, at least from what he gathered in his visit to Nashaki so long ago.

Botany followed at Woe's heels, which a few female members of the hunting party squealed in delight. Woe's eyes nearly threatened to roll back in his head, but he resisted the impulse.

"Now, we're ready?" He asked, and so they set off on the ferry that would take them to the Scaltoth's outskirts.

Last edited by Woe on Wed May 29, 2024 1:16 am, edited 3 times in total. word count: 926
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Re: Size Matters Not; Except in the Case of a Mouse the Size of a House


The ferry ride to the shores of the northern Scaltoth jungle was swift. It took no more than a day, in fact only a few hours from where they boarded to when they landed on the shore. Woe and several others lent a hand at the oars. This helped speed them along as they traveled down the riverways of Scalvoris' interior geography. They passed by Havardr, barely noticing the flattened village as they went along. And another half break saw them landing on the banks of the Northern Scaltoth, lush with greenery and darkness.

Sod hummed in Woe's ear, though he didn't manifest on his shoulder as he was wont to do usually. Somethings... odd. He said in his halting and ponderous way.

Woe frowned, and was momentarily distracted by his diri, so that he couldn't quite bring Botany to heel as the bloodhound began barking furiously, and darting off into the darkness of Scaltoh.

Woe cursed, and waved for the hunting partyt o follow along, "I need three of you to remain behind, and guard the boat. The tribals have been known to try and maroon explorers by destroying, stealing, or just shoving their boats off down current."

The three that were set to guard the boats gave each other uncertain glances. One of them, a human female with brown hair, spoke up, "Yes sir, uhm, what should we do if tribals arrive."

"Yell really loud," Woe shot back, annoyed, "And take the boats and go."

He wasn't entirely unserious in that suggestion, although he knew it wasn't the best example of leadership he could pull out. But these green companions made him feel impatient.

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Re: Size Matters Not; Except in the Case of a Mouse the Size of a House


Although Botany was fleet of foot even while his usual size, his smaller self proved no less difficult to track as he darted forth into the jungle, headlong toward what Woe could only assume was mortal danger. He kept his wits about him, checking in with
, who he'd left at the boats to keep an eye there, and communicate back if something went amiss. Meanwhile, Woe sent
overhead to keep an eye of the terrain just under the jungle's canopy. It was common sense that keeping more points of awareness open were vital to a successful hunt.

Meanwhile, he tracked the pawprints of Botany, toward their inexorable target. What could have given him such a rise? Was there some creature with odd blood flow, or...

And then he saw it, and Botany was beside it, laying prone and looking quite docile in the face of its would-be quarry. It was a mouse. But not just any mouse. It had on its hide several otehr mice that resembled it, that were each the size of cats. The big one, the one the smaller ones were attached to, was a great pilotmouse. Woe only knew of them through his companion, Sage, who had taken to learning the wildlife of Scalvoris in her spare time, when she wasn't helping to care for Woe's personal menagerie. They were vicious parasites, but this one appeared to have bucked the parasitic existence, and stood on its own feet as a behemoth among rodents.

Woe was all too aware that the pilotmice were aggressive little devils. But they had poor eye-sight, and mainly detected potential hosts by the vibration of movement above their burrows, or the scent of a larger animal.

The mortalborn didn't seek to test the other senses of the mice, but when one of his companions shrieked upon sighting the pilot mouse the size of a house, he was given to acknowledge that the pilot mice also had functional ear-drums. It turned on the screamer, and darted forth with uncanny speed, snatching him up and digging his teeth into the would-be merchant's torso, tossing him this way and that to break his neck.

Woe snapped into action, conjuring a barbed whip of shadow,
with poisons he'd prepared for the hunt, and
into his
. The whip moved with uncanny speed, as Woe sidestepped the great mouse's charge. He held his ground in front of Botany, who cowered on the ground.

When the mouse reared its snout in his direction, Woe sent another lashing cut across its jugular. The poison he'd selected was fast-acting, but would run its course through the system with great speed if he didn't dispatch the mouse first.

The man that had been mangled by the giant rodent lay on the ground, some distance. Interestingly, the rest of the hunting party had all but evaporated, possibly running in all directions or perhaps more appropriately back toward the boats. At least Woe could hope, as he rounded his whip through the air to slash the rodent again across the eyes.

It began charging, but the blood flowing through its limbs and internals began running its course, temporarily paralyzing the beast.

Woe took a vial of another poison he'd taken for this occasion, and sipped it, absorbing it and overwriting the paralytic he'd used on the mouse. This one, when coming into the blood stream of the paralytic, would cause the rodent to seize up, and stop its heart. Thus killing it and the rest of the pilot mice. Woe dispelled the shadow whip, and conjured a sharp shadowy sword, to imbue with the new toxin. This he thrust deep into its foreleg as he sidestepped it's clumsy charge.

The poison took hold swiftly as expected as it entered a swift flowing vein of the mouse, and stopped the over-grown parasite's heart. In the ensuing moments, more of the pilot mice that were attached to the enlarged one, began falling off dead. The de-oxegenated and poisoned blood killing them off.

Woe whistled, and Botany rose to his feet. He limped, but looked unharmed. "Playing dead, Botany?" He quirked a brow, and then smiled, "You are learning well from your master, I suppose?"
Last edited by Woe on Wed May 29, 2024 1:20 am, edited 2 times in total. word count: 724
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Re: Size Matters Not; Except in the Case of a Mouse the Size of a House


Yet, Botany didn't content himself to cozy up to his master, but rather dug his nose into the furs of the pilot mouse. Woe's impulse was to stop him, fearing he might sample the poisoned blood of the creature, but then he noticed a glint against the dog's snout. Was that... "A well?"

He took Botany by the scruff removing him, and the dog dutifully sat back, as his master began combing through the pilot mouse's thick hide. Sure snough, he saw a well he coudln't identify, multicolored and brilliant. He'd have to take it back to Euadne and see what she made of it. Perhaps he could fineagle a personal lesson in refining greater wells into the bargain.

But that wasn't the end of it. As Woe set about dressing the pilot mouse, drawing off a portion of its hide that would be enough to tan later, he uncovered more wells. One more similar to the one he'd already found in its fur, and then two more near the inner organs, that resembled the eyes of a beast. More fodder for discussion with Euadne. Perhaps he'd have a favor to call in with her, one worthy of the prospect of turning himself into a test subject, in her interest in figuring out how he was able to produce wells from his dreaming sleep.

At the end of the buchering of the mouse, most of which Woe left for the poison-resistant scavengers of the jungle, he came out of it with a good measure of pilot ivory from the bones of the pilot mouse. As well as a large furry hide from the pilot mouse.

The would-be merchants were mollified as Woe appeared to them at the banks they'd retreated to. They were all apologies and profuse with their simpering praise. Woe shook his head, as he loaded the catch into the ferry, and brought the so-called 'hunting party' back on a route to Almund.

word count: 338
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Re: Size Matters Not; Except in the Case of a Mouse the Size of a House

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Notes/Warnings: All abilities are linked in excerpts in the post itself I believe. I had Woe find 4 class 2 wells, in accordance with the guidelines of the Crafting Primer, which allows for 2-8 materials for competent gathering skill (in this case Hunting). So I that'd be enough for 4 class 2 wells I believe. Also, this is inspired by a date on the calendar, where large creatures are popping up all around the island due to minor fractures. So that's why wells are appearing on them. :)

Thread: Size Matters Not; Except in the Case of a Mouse the Size of a House
City/Area: Surrounding Waters & Landmarks

Renown: Almost certainly.
Do you want this to be considered for Mark Progression? (Y / N) Don't think so.
If any PC in this thread is in a faction, please list them: Soul-Forged
Faction Points: He's doing stuff in Scaltoth, so maybe please?
Collaboration: No
 ! Message from: Doran
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Re: Size Matters Not; Except in the Case of a Mouse the Size of a House


Ensorcelling: Proteanite: A well that forms around places where great transformations have taken place
Ensorcelling: Lycanite: A well that resembles a beast's eyes.
Hunting: Maintaining awareness of the terrain is vital to a successful hunt.
Hunting: Pilot Mice mainly sense through vibrations in the ground, or through scent.
Medicine: Using a catalyzing agent to link the function of one poison to exposure to another
Medicine: Poison: applying an insinuative poison to a swift-flowing vein for speedy effects.

2 x Raw proteanite wells (Class 2), 2 x Raw lycanite wells (Class 2)
1 measure of Pilot Ivory
a measure of raw hide fur from an enlarged pilot mouse

Language -
Losses: -
Wealth: -
Injuries: -
Renown: 10, for a hunting trip and killing a mouse the size of a house.
Skill Review: Appropriate to level.
Points: 10
- - -
Comments: Haha! This was a funny thread! I love that you decided to do this calendar event!

I really enjoyed the scene where Woe looked at the terrier-sized Botany. That was so funny! I also like that Woe – or Sod – almost immediately thinks about how Botany’s nose being closer to the ground might be useful.

It’s interesting that Woe still decided to go through with his hunting trip, but I suppose he really can’t do anything about Botany’s change right now, and those people might complain!

They also give me the impression of being a little clueless when it comes to dealing with the wilderness and the things/people in it …

The scene with the mouse the size of the house was another highlight of the thread. I laughed when Woe’s companions simply ran, and he was left to fight the gigantic mouse alone!

I wonder what he’ll do with all the valuable stuff he got from it, including the wells!

And I wonder if Botany will stay small now!

Enjoy your rewards!
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Re: Size Matters Not; Except in the Case of a Mouse the Size of a House

Thread: Size Matters Not; Except in the Case of a Mouse the Size of a House
City/Area: Surrounding Waters & Landmarks
Wealth Skill: Socialization
Total Capstone Bonus: 5

Are you claiming a Language Fluency Bonus - Yes Scalvoris with fluent scalveen

Are you claiming a Loyalty Bonus? - Yes, this is his sixth season in a row using Socialization as a wealth skill.

Ymiden 723
Saun 723
Vhalar 723
Zi'da 723
Cylus 724
and this thread for Ashan 724

If your Wealth Skill level has not been identified above - confirm it here, please - Tier 2

Additional Information -I forgot to claim Socialization skill in this thread, but I think he used it.

Additional Bonuses - 6 consecutive seasons (1 year) with the same Wealth Skill +5 Wealth Points
 ! Message from: Doran
word count: 155
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