Event A Foggy Farewell

33rd of Saun 724

A bright and joyful land on the surface, Rharne is a place that is full of mirth and mystery. With its capitol seated on the edge of Lake Lovalus, it serves as a busy trade city and tourist destination. Beyond the city lies the Stormlands, a sprawling golden countryside that is bursting with towns, farms and local wildlife.

Moderators: Pig Boy , Basilisk Snek

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Vivian Shiryu
Approved Character
Posts: 656
Joined: Wed Feb 24, 2016 8:14 pm
Race: Mortal Born
Renown: 763
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Wealth Tier: Tier 8




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Re: A Foggy Farewell

Name of PC joining: Vivian Shiryu
Guest List Position (Servant, Chef, VIP, etc.): Guest of Honor, All-Taverns finalist, VIP, she fills all three I think.
What is the most vital quality of your PC's preferred beverage (if any): That there's a good flavor and not just the burn of alcohol.
PC's Favorite Food: Lamb chops
What is the first thing your pc thinks when encountering a deep fog?: "If someone's seriously attacking a funeral, I am going to electrocute them insensate."
word count: 86
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