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Seira Shiryu
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Rion Meat

Rion Meat

Developed by Seira Shiryu
Type of Material: Meat
Short Description: Rion meat is a luxury item that has different qualities depending on whether the Rion it comes from is domesticated or wild.
Forum Location: Rharne
Toxicity/Hazard - none
Appearance: it looks like rabbit meat
Rarity: Common
RPG Properties
Property 1: Domesticated Rion meat is extremely tender, almost melting in your mouth. But it has a very mild (nearly nonexistent) flavor on its own. Instead it absorbs the flavors of the other ingredients cooked with it, making it ideal for use in soups and stews or with marinades.
Property 2: Wild Rion meat tends to be more gamey and less tender. But it is extremely flavorful so it can be a tricky ingredient to use without overwhelming the other ingredients in a dish.
Property 3: An expert cook is needed to master the use of the two types of meat separately. To use them together, a master cook is needed to bring the ingredients to their best use.
Property 4: Domesticated Rion meat is just as good when the animal dies of old age as it is if killed when the animal is younger. As a result breeders who keep the animals for their fur will sell the ones who have died of old age for their meat rather than breeders raising them for their meat since their shed fur is also extremely valuable.
Side Effects
Side Effect 1: none unless the meat is not fully cooked
How To Use: as food
Status: Legal
Price: This becomes available at Wealth Tier 6. If purchased outside of Tier, it costs 2 WP.
Fast Facts Skill Levels Required~ please fill this in using this page for reference.
Fast Facts
Knowing It
-- Rharne: Novice
-- Idalos: Competent
Wealth Tier
-- Rharne: 6
-- Idalos: 8
Sell/Buy It
-- Rharne: Novice
-- Rharne: Common
-- Idalos: Rare
Finding It
-- Rharne: Novice
-- Idalos: Expert
Collecting It
-- Rharne: NA
-- Idalos: NA
Using It
-- As food
Killing It
-- NA
Capturing It
-- NA
-- none
Tending It
-- NA
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