migrating things to the UCP???

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migrating things to the UCP???

I just learned that there's knowledge, xp, etcetra in the UCP and things have been recently automatically populating in there. How do I add things from my character sheet to it?
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Re: migrating things to the UCP???


First you might want to read these guides to familiarize yourself with the system:

Guide to the UCP CS
Advanced Guide to the UCP

Next, figure out the grand total of XP that you have including start up totals, once you've figured that out, submit a PSF ticket asking for that xp to be redeemed in the UCP. We'll figure out how much to add once you've done that, so don't worry about which xp awards are pre/post UCP review system.

Next, once you have the xp to spend in your UCP, you want to add whatever knowledge you have into your UCP. It should be detailed how to do this in the UCP guide. Just link to the threads where the knowledge were rewarded. This may take a while.

Also, you are not obliged to do the new UCP system but we do highly recommend it as it's very convenient and easier to track things accurately.

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