The Pirates Finale ......
Welcome to the Scalvoris seasonal event for Rebirth 724!
It's going to be done in a way that's heavily influenced by Pigs' awesome Fire event in Rharne - first things first, massive thanks to him!
Next, apologies for the delay. RL, you know?
Then, without further ado, lets get going!
- Holo cams sorted.
- All other things done.
- When he uses his ability - it seems to not work. Maybe that's part of the whole "magic isn't working, marks aren't working" thing.
- However, he sees and experiences in his minds' eye (as does Balthazar) the situation you describe in your post. You speak the words, etc. But it's like you're watching it through misted glass or something. Weird, huh?
- Once you see your shared vision (?) of this, a doorway to Level 7 becomes open to you. This seems to happen as a sort of strange coincidence, it doesn't just appear. Like (for example) you give up on that and turn to go back and notice a very small winding passageway, down which you find a tiny, really hard to get through opening. That kind of thing (you decide).
- You access Level 7. This provides you with a LOT of information. Namely:
- You find that it is completely empty of life - but there are lots of dead bodies. Those bodies are in one of two states. The majority of them are desiccated, all liquid has been removed. There are over 1,000 here. If you investigate, they include former prisoners (judging by their clothing) and those who disappeared after the Pirate Attacks. Then, there are about 20 of them who are just ... dead. Much like Rand is and others were found as. Just dead. Let me know if you do any further investigation but note that NO magic / marks / etc work here.
- You find what amounts to a drainglass creation facility. It's in a large cavern at the edge of Level 7. It's also got a small cove there and there is evidence of lots of movement there. Many boats have come in and out of here. There is a lot of drainglass here but, more importantly, there is enough information for you to understand how drainglass is made. It involves a mixture of ingredients which come from both Scalvoris and Viden. Without going into massive detail now - it must have involved Videnese ingredients.
- You find sufficient information to be able to investigate this further, should you choose. For now, though, I'm going to just keep it at "you've got enough info" so that we can keep this on track.
- This has been happening for years. Literally, years.
- However, what is also obvious is that whatever was being done here is being done no longer. It's been abandoned - recently. Investigation of this suggests that it's been permanently closed down - this isn't people leaving temporarily, it's done.
- Of the transformation of the drainglass, no immediate answer is given. Yet, there is a sense for Woe that his message has been heard - even accepted.
- Whatever Chammy thinks of Woe's apology goes unrecorded / unnoticed.
- Famula's tear is black. Like it has recently been used (you know it hasn't).
- His NPCs work well - assume success there.
- While in Scalvoris Town Hall, he walks into his office and finds himself in the Tea Party. Cassion is the first person he sees and he drops Woe a conspiratorial wink and bows with a flourish of his hat.
- See the list for Woe above.
- Balth's excellent Detection skills means that he can really be sure that the concealments etc were magical / alchemical / not mundane. There are lots of hidden compartments / items throughout Level 7 - from it's many former inhabitants. Exploring them will take time. Let me know what you do and I'll tell you what you find so you can include in your next post, ok?
- Balth sees the Tea Party either via a holocom or via what looks like it just happens. See Tea Party.
- The miners become unconscious by bear-thump to the nogging.
- Removing the marble (which most certainly is exactly what you encountered before) is a careful business but, once done, it's done. You now have that marble. You will find that it is one of the strange ingredients Woe and Balth find in Level 7
- When they wake up, the miners have almost no memory of what happened. This is a useful thing - because they have almost no memory of the last few months - like, since the middle of last Cycle, sorta time. One of them has no memory since the Pirate Attacks on Hopetoun.
- See Tea Party below......
- Eclipse Portals get shut. This slows down evacuation but I think that between everyone doing it, it should still work ok.
- Vega said no to the arial sweep but had already done one and has the report.
- "Drain Glass" from Viden is not Drainglass at all. A quick investigation fin[ds it to be a very poor copy that must have been fairly quickly made.
- All other drainglass found is drainglass.
- See Tea Party below.......
- Righteo. You are out of this thread. Lets talk for how you wanna play it - you can solo (with input) or be modded. Effectively, though, you'll miss the rest of this. However, the misty miasma awaits! Nir'wei does NOT see the tea party.
The Tea Party.
Winston had set everything up and he was meticulous in his preparation. He was also singed and, as he arrives he feels a warm and fuzzy fuzzyness. Saoire smiles down at him and heals him. He's still a little bit bald, though, she doesn't grow his hair.
The story that Winston tells is shown to them - and across Scalvoris - and it's real. It pours out before them as though Cassion himself was telling it. The Immortals and the Induks stand and listen. There was, largely, silence from most of the mortals present - Winston had specific questions, Kura had a point to raise and Darius gave information. Vega had an alternative to Winston's idea. They heard it all. They heard it and they listened and then, Saoire spoke.
Your heart is soft and pure and beautiful, Winston," she said softly. "I understand your desire. Is anyone else in disagreement?" She motioned to Vega as an example of who was in disagreement, and there came a voice.
Cassion spoke.
"Yes," he said. "I am in disagreement. Fei is dead and yes, we have to help Chrien. But what would opening the fracture do? It does not change that Scalvoris itself is a desecration of that grave in her eyes. It does not change the fact Fei is dead. What it does is open everyone up to danger - and I love me some danger, but it's important that you understand what purpose it would serve. " He gestured around. "There are two things here, and one is that Chrien's siblings have tried - of course they have tried - to talk her down. The other is that your story can be told another way. Why not build Scalvoris into a memorial to Fei? I just see this story as not changing in the way that you believe it will should we do what you suggest."
It was U'frek, then, who spoke. Even those who watched or saw via a holo-com could smell the seaweed as the Immortal of the Sea stepped forward. "In answer to your question, Mr Miller, I would tell you then. Chrien knows the way to Fei's fracture. We all do."
The Immortals nodded. Ziell turned to Winston and spoke, his voice was soft like snow, but bit through the room like ice. "When you have decided a path, I will help you with peace and non-violence, however you are scuppered by the currently volatile situation." It was then that Chamadarst spoke. Even Cassion looked surprised, none of the other Immortals seemed to know he was there. His face was - of course - a study in neutrality, but there was a sense that he was just a little bit amused at that.
"My Champion has requested that I change the vials to the glass created by the Cadouri named Winston." He spoke like he didn't know who Winston was - perhaps not willing to assume that it was the still-singed ferret. "And it will be done the moment this meeting ends, or at a time you all decide, if it is more convenient to your plans." He looked around then and his ice-cold eyes stared. "When there is no negotiation to be had, no commerce to be made or deal to be struck, then the sensible thing is to walk away. I advise that you turn your attention to stopping Chrien's violence, Ziell."
Ziell nodded. "You have the box," he said to Darius. "The box which renders you immune to Chrien's abilities. I can give you the ability to make it impact a group or a wide area, but it will be useful only once and it will destroy the box after. Use it to protect the island. She will throw herself against it until she tires. With the glass negated and the liquid neutralised, it would be effective, I believe"
For the first time, Xiur spoke. "I would be there at my sister's side, to give her hope in the event that her fury runs out. It will, eventually." His dark, star-filled eyes turned to Winston. "You, my small and furry friend, are in danger. They will try and take you. If they do, they will bring you to her. I could protect you, should you wish it, and you wish to speak with her. She may speak with you."
"If that happens," Chamadarst said, "I would wish for those who represent us gathered here to also be able to communicate."
Qylios smiled. "I could bond them together. Those ties will not be broken by the Storm. But know that Ziell's protection is not a guarantee, Winston. if you - or a group of you, which I think would be preferable, choose to go, then it is extreme danger for very little, as far as I see."
All of you ......
So - that's happening.
In your next post please stick to the Tea Party. You can OOC anything that is outside of the Tea Party, but the Tea Party stuff should be IC, posts.
You each get one chance.
Make your plea / case for what you want to happen of the options put forward and / or other things. That can be Winston's original idea, the "lets get you kidnapped" one, or the "use the box!" or all of the above, none of the above, or a combination.
Your job is to
a) Make your case - persuade the Imms and others, please.
b) When EVERYONE has posted I will give you a TWO DAY period to PM or DM me your vote.
c) Each Immortal and Induk also gets a vote.
... majority is the plan.
If you're IN the tea party, you get a vote.
You can post as other pcs (the ones who've missed), as Balth, as Nir. But only people IN the tea party get a vote. No late joiners.
As always, if I've forgotten something. Nudge me.
Please post by THIS TIME NEXT WEEK (It is the 1st May at 2:20pm when I write this). I will then close the thread and will THEN PM for votes.
Then I'll post. Thank you - apologies for delays. We're nearly done!