Buying a weapon

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Buying a weapon

I am planning on buying a scythe and I needed help figuring out what I can realistically buy.

1) Are we allowed to buy something that's masterwork?
2) can we get any metal that doesn't say it requires psf?
3) can we have the weapon color be whatever we like? I see some metals have a distinct color but could we have the blade painted?

As for the cost...
I think the cost would be...
10 for the masterwork + quality multiplied by 1.4 for sorelian steel to get 14 WP total. If that doesn't check out please let me know!!!
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Re: Buying a weapon


1. Yes, you are. If a masterwork weapon is above your wealth tier, you need to deduct WP from your ledger or wealth points via UCP.
2. Yes, but rare metals (tier 8 metals and above) need to be checked with a local moderator. Simply ask if you can acquire the weapon made of a certain metal should suffice. Most times they'll tell you it's okay or else what you need to do to acquire the special metal for the weapon.
3. I mean, maybe? That might be another question to ask a moderator. If the smith happens also to be an alchemist it might be a trivial matter to change its end color. But do ask the moderator if it's okay. Maybe i'm overthinking it though, because it says in the Weapons section of the shoppe you can customize to your hearts content.

And yes your math checks out. That said, sorellian steel is stated to be a less ideal candidate for a weapon. Depending on how it's used. Because it's got a quality that suffuses the impact of the weapon. However, perhaps sharpness isnt' so affected by that quality. Or you're using the sorellian steel to alloy with a more suitable weaponry metal. In either case do discuss it with your local mod when asking permission to use the special metal on the weapon.

You may be asked to dev an NPC whose skill is at an appropriate level to craft the weapon, if there isn't one already devved. In the case of Melrath, I think this guy would fit the bill here

Hope that helps.
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Re: Buying a weapon

ok!! will message my local mod
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