Hone and speed

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Hone and speed

Hone's speed rune allows us to move faster but not think faster. If we are not lucis and therefore don't have access to the rune that lets us process mentally at faster speeds... how fast can we reasonably be?

My goal is for my character to have a mix of strength and speed runes active at all times but I don't want to be unrealistic. Even moving at double speed sounds like it would be far too much for a normal brain to handle so that is why I'm asking for some guidance here.
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Re: Hone and speed

I think for an Umbral Hone Mage, speed rune should be manageable at any level. Remember, Umbral Mages also get runic resistance which allows them to adjust to any of the changes they wright on their runes.
They should be able to handle the changes of hone runes without injuring themselves or mishandling a situation. They may not be quite as good at handling the beneficial runes as a Lucis mage perhaps but in my opinion the difference ought to be a minor one, since Lucis mage is more about buffing others than their selves anyway.
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Re: Hone and speed

That's good to hear, thanks!
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