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Seira Shiryu
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Rion Fur

Rion Fur

Developed by: Seira Shiryu
Type of Material: Fur
Short Description: Rion fur is a luxury item that is extremely soft. It also has color changing properties.
Forum Location: Throughout Rharne
Toxicity/Hazard - NA
Appearance: Medium length shed fur that can be used in a variety of ways
Rarity: Common in Rharne, rare outside of Rharne
RPG Properties
Property 1: To use this material, shed fur must be collected for use since if it is taken from a dead animal (whether the Rion was killed for its fur or died of natural causes) the color changing properties are lost.
Property 2: While the fur is attached to the Rion, it changes color based on the animal's mood. Once shed, it continues to change color, but it is random. When used to make something that comes into contact with the skin of the wearer, the fur will change color in response to their mood if they do not have a strong will. But if they do have a strong will (expert discipline or higher) they can control the color changing aspect, to take any color they wish; once they have chosen the desired color, it will stay that color until they want to change it again, or it can change randomly if they wish.
Property 3: If the fur is not touching the skin of the wearer, it will change color randomly.
Property 4: It has alchemical uses.
Side Effects
Side Effect 1: no side effects
How To Use: The fur can be used to make various clothing, blankets, etc. or used decoratively in clothing, etc.
Status: Legal
Price: This becomes available at Wealth Tier 6. If purchased outside of Tier, it costs 2 WP for a small item (ex. gloves), 3 WP for a medium sized item (ex. a shirt/dress/etc.), or 4 WP for a large one (ex. a blanket, etc.)
Fast Facts Skill Levels Required~ please fill this in using this page for reference.
Fast Facts
Knowing It
-- Rharne: Novice
-- Idalos: Competent
Wealth Tier
-- Rharne: 6
-- Idalos: 8
Sell/Buy It
-- Rharne: Novice
-- Rharne: Common
-- Idalos: Rare
Finding It
-- Rharne: Novice
-- Idalos: Expert
Collecting It
-- Rharne: NA
-- Idalos: NA
Using It
-- To make clothing, blankets, etc.
-- To decorate clothing, blankets, etc.
Killing It
-- NA
Capturing It
-- NA
-- none
Tending It
-- NA
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