[Settlement] Havardr

Harvardr is made up almost entirely of yurts. While any single building may be disassembled and reassembled elsewhere, there are always enough left here that it has become it's own little village. What was once wholly a mobile camp of fisherman, sealers and whalers placed to take advantage of migrations is now just as likely to have full families, some who have been there for several generations.

Moderators: Pegasus Pug!!!, Avalon

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Wealth Tier: Tier 1

[Settlement] Havardr


Havardr's Heraldry
Approved: Here.
Player Name: Rorom Nji'Ihai
Founding Skill: Leadership (Expert)
Survival Skill: Hunting (GM)
Focus Skill: Seafaring (Expert)

Settlement Name:Havardr
Settlement Location: Havardr, Scalvoris
Theme of Settlement: A semi-nomadic village of yurt-dwelling fishers and whalers who seem to move with the tides, along a wide stretch of coastal territory along Scalvoris' western shores.


Wealth: 10 WP
- Tax: 0%

- Population: 40
- Military: 5

- Order - 53%
- Demographic: 55% Biqaj, 22% Human, 22% Sev'Ryn.

Current Focus Points: 0

  • Primary
    Non-Automatic Resources Automatic Resources
    • None
  • Secondary
    • None
  • Tertiary
    • None
  • Incoming Trade
    • None
  • Fish out of Water: Here: "With the use of Rorom's "Fish Out of Waters" capstone, the settlement may claim as a primary automatic resource, any singular, mundane aquatic species of animal in Idalos that is not already native to the area. Once a cycle, in a survival-based thread where Rorom uses the Hunting skill (survival skill of Havardr), where he guides any number of settler npcs in the hunting, he may change the aquatic species currently selected to another. The allowance of, magical species is not permitted and the allowance of rare species are still at the discretion of the moderator and reviewer of a given claim."

    Approved here
  • Kin of Water ~ Rorom's relationship with water, and adeptness at the technique of calling, grants him special insight into the movements of the tides and weather. The movements of the water will tend to warn him of dangerous weather patterns and watery threats as they come, giving the village (so long as Rorom is present) advanced warning and ability to move to safety as necessary.

    Systematically: This means that outside truly exceptional circumstances, the settlement never suffers losses of ships or life as a result of being caught off guard by natural watery hazards (storms, creatures, anything in or of the water).

    Note: Water does not know if a ship floating on the water is full of pirates or easter-eggs, but a fleet would not likely approach without Rorom getting a short 'heads-up', assuming he's awake and around the water.

    Approved here
  • Breachfang's Mantle ~ When Rorom transforms into Breachfang to benefit the settlers of Havardr, whether hunting or just protecting them from dangerous enemies, it will result in an additional 1% in order when his actions would result in a grant of order.

    Approved here

Settlement Locations

Settlement Resources

Ships for Havardr's Fishing and Whaling Fleet: 2 Cogs; 2 Keelboats; 1 Schooner; 4 Longboats

Settlement Trade-routes

Last edited by Havardr on Tue Jul 23, 2024 11:53 pm, edited 4 times in total. word count: 434
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Re: [Settlement] Havardr

Aurek: Village Steward
Approved: here

Name: Aurek
Race: Biqaj
DoB: 704, Zi'da
Title/Village Status: Village Steward and Camp Coordinator


Leadership: 56
Logistics: 51
Fieldcraft: 51
Combat: Polearms: 26
Strength: 26

Complexion: Swarthy
Hair: Black
Eyes: Variable, but black when neutral mood.
Height: 6'
Build: Wiry and athletic.

History: One of more than a dozen survivors of the attack by the pirates in the Rebirth Cycle 722. He's considered by many native Havardreens to have been responsible for those who did survive, by leading a few stragglers away while the other men fit for combat engaged the surprise attack by the pirates.

Still bearing some lingering survivor's guilt, he tries hard in the aftermath to keep the Havardreen's together. When Rorom returned to Havardr, he was one of the first to greet him, and accept him as a leader.

It's rumored that he's the illegitimate soon of Linca and a Almundian smuggler. Aurek is mum about the rumor and will frown at anyone who speaks on it. His parentage doesn't matter to him. He only wishes what's best for the village.

word count: 192
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