Event Unidentified Flying Objects

121st of Ashan 724

Seated on the shores of Lake Lovalus, Rharne serves as the home of the Lighting Knights, the Thunder Priestesses, and the Merchant's guild. This beautiful trade city is filled with a happy and contented people who rarely need an excuse to party.

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Unidentified Flying Objects

Do They Come in Peace?

One of the holy men of Kuvarakhk stood over the prow of their cult's Teulu Awyr, looking down through the haze of darkness to the ground below. They had felt him, the Dragon reborn's presence had touched this place, surely as it was a place where the Shadow of Courage would choose to tread. From what little their group was able to collect on the way there, through Volantan shores and up their territorial grounds, Rharne was a place that celebrated a peculiar kind of poison, one that didn't necessarily cause direct harm, but was consumed en masse to improve their moods. Such a thing that the Hyludin had in abundance, in the form of fermented wheat brews, of beer and ale and lager. But there was more mentioned, of other fruits and herbs, and artisanal blends of poisons. This intrigued the holy man, but he decided finding traces of the reborn dragon were more important than such frivolous diversions. Besides, they had to pass over the places where his presence had been felt, and so they descended to the Umbral Caverns, and the abandoned Prison of Rharne.

They came in groups of a few dozen, only a trace amount of security at their backs as determined by the Sovereign's representative, so that they do not threaten those living on the grounds with their descent. And it was dark anyway, past midnight of that day. They weren't likely to be spotted, but would announce themselves peacefully to any on the ground.

The approach of the ship did happen to be spotted by an air patrol of Rharne's Lightning Knights, and was so alarmed by the size of the Cargo Awyr and two air ships accompanying it, that they felt compelled to return to Rharne and warn of its approach. The word spread throughout the Knighthood, however as they were in their cups by then, the word travelled fast and they couldn't keep a lid on the information. Soon enough, that night, all of Rharne was alarmed and warned by street criers that an airbornre leviathan-like craft was approaching their city, three days to the southeast. It spread across the towns and settlements as well, as runners rushed to warn far flung outposts of the Lightning Knights.

So the word was spread, and people on the ground and in the air would have who knew how long before the strange air-born beings touched down to greet them, perhaps. Or perhaps it was going elsewhere. Either way, it was up to Rharneans how they reacted to it, if they did at all.
 ! Message from: Pig Boy
Hey folks, so if you choose to join this event to react to or act upon the arrival of the Hyludin, you'll have six hours every week to play with. You can post multiple times so as to interact with others if wanted, but that time that you use must be no longer than six hours per turn. I'll post again in a week, regardlless of anyone else's posting. This will go on until the event reaches its conclusion toward the end of May. Enjoy and thanks!

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Re: Unidentified Flying Objects


I need one of them!

Winston was in the the Research Facility in Faith's hospital working with the team she had put him in charge of. He was sharing his latest discoveries surrounding the
healing beam
he had made, in the hope they could put it to use with their own medics.

Compared to his own skill now, the team had become quite accustomed to the tiny ferret surprising them with his capabilities. In the short time
had known him, he had more than surpassed her ability in Wellcrafting and the opportunity to learn from him and his latest experiments had transformed from an experience of tutelage to one of discovery as she struggled on occasion to keep up with his unusual Tunuwan methods.

"Once yuh 'ave de refined Wells, den yuh most combine dem tuh create de beam..." he said as he offered some examples of the methods he used to do it. He had found that his methods and that of the team differed a little. The circle-magical approach he used took them some time to begin to understand, their own methods differing in application even if the results were the same. Fortunately,
Winston had a great many helpful little tricks
offered to him by Saiore in thanks for his help over the arcs and he put these to use to help move things along. One of the many things he'd gathered from Saiore's gifts is that the difference between his methods and theirs was a barrier he had to address... As such, he always avoided references to the specifics of his methods, trusting in the experience of his team to understand the materials, goals and outcomes, driving them by results and guidance, rather then specific examples.

Lyra and
were leading in the process at the moment, between them using the Cadouri's Ensorcelling and the Human's Smithing to craft a usable item from the
supply of Isonomia's Wells
. Between them, it was an achievement at the limits of the team's collective abilities, but with the ferret's presence, they were more than capable as they went through the process and explored the applications.

"So we are focusing the Ruby's power through the delivery of the beam..?" Enquired Lyra rhetorically as they studied
the prototype
and the raw wells they would be transforming for the process.

Winston gave her a bright smile in recognition as a voice started shouting from his pocket. It was

"Winston? Winston?! Are you there?" The man's voice sounded urgent and Winston had informed him that he would be in this meeting in advance so he didn't hesitate to apologize before he answered the Holo-com.

"Sarry, doh yuh mind?" He asked of the team as he rummaged around in his jacket for the device. The group, looking a little confused, shrugged for him to proceed.

With a nod of thanks he answered Isonomia's Administrator. "Alex? Everytin' Oh-kay?"

"I'm not sure, Winston,
but the Wisps are all talking about a ship
. A FLYING ship. Heading for Rharne."
The man's tone was escalating and the expression on his team's face was somewhere between 'oh crap' and 'how do I get one of THOSE'. "Oh-key-oh-key, Alex. Everytin' es... Did yuh say flying?"

"Yes, Winston, flying ships! We need to prepare. If they are..." Winston cut him off this time. There was no need for panic or wild speculation. He knew all to well that the next words out of his mouth was going to be 'pirates' and they didn't need that right now. "Alex, me es 'ere wid the lab right now. Get people ready yar end. Me will get ting's movin' 'ere."

The Devil on My Shoulder
Curiosity: FLYING SHIPS?! Mother fu...
Winston: 'ow does dem FLY?
Curiosity: I mean, yeah, sure, THAT, but we literally jsut got our own magical ships and now someone comes along with FLYING ones?! Just RUDE!
Winston: No mun, maby dem are friendly!
Curiosity: Hmmmm... Maby they will tell US how to make flying ships?
Winston: Now yuh tinkin'!
Curiosity: Yeah, lets lay out the red carpet. Make some new friends, perhaps just steal a little one?
Winston: A little one what?
Curiosity: Ship.
Winston: Noh, we will jost make share dem are friends den maby give them cake.
Curiosity: Well, make sure you take some to the shipwright.

There was a moment's silence from the other end of the Holo-com. "Ready for what?"

"A welcam party, af carse..."

The reply came back a little cautiously. "Winston, I think we might need to take this seriously."

Hopping down from he seat, he continued. "A welcam party es a VERY seriouse ting and dere's no reasan we cannot 'ave some bouncers at de party. Right? Don't worry, me will get en touch wid de Arda af Adunih also."

The administrator of Isonomia gave in. "Of course, yes. Hope for the best. Prepare for the worst." Alex was a festiniouse man and Winston's apparent flippent nature was still, perhaps might forever be, a thing that caused by pause...

With that, Winston set about getting ready anything he could. "Oh-key, me very sarry, bot et seems we 'ave sometin' comin'. Me es gonna start tuh get ready tuh meet some new peepal... Bot jost encase dem are not friendly, ef me send yuh everytin' me find out, cun yuh be ready tuh 'elp?"

Lyra spoke first. "We are not a disaster response team, Winston." He reminded him, with her usual, kurt tone that fell just a hair short of actually being rude.

"Af cars, me ondastand CAMpletely. Ef yuh nat able tuh 'elp, me cun jost send all de data an de flying sheps to someone else." He said with a playfully cheerful tone. It was not sarcastically delivered, more it was a teasing reminder that there were things to be discovered here.

It was
that cut in with a reply first. "Of course-of course! Whatever we can do to help. Just send any data you can. We'd be MORE then happy to come out if the ships become available for study." The administrator did nothing to hide his enthusiasm for exploration and dispite her own nature Lyra would give a great deal for the chance to be the first to see a FLYING vesstle, if in fact there was any truth to the rumor.

Leaving the lab, he set out to get as many of the Isonomia members as he could find raised to meet, greet or mitigate their pending guests. With the help of
logistics and Alex's leadership, he set about making sure that people knew of the approaching vessels and that if they arrived in piece, that there would be some form of welcome ready for them.

Shinwa, cun yuh please pen a message to de Arda af de Adunih using me echo scroll? Tell them what's going an and let dem know dem cun liase wid Alex via dere hala-cam?"[/say]

The butler nodded as they set off into the city of Rharne.

He also reached out to the Lightening Knights, to inform then of the civil support he was offering, should things go awry.

First 6 hours
Winston geting Isonomia and mobaliased and reaching out to the Order of the Adunih. He gave a Holo-com to G here. I know this thread is not quite complete, but he's given it, and the wells are crossed off the supply, so perhaps this is OK to asume? Happy if it is not, he will just rely on the echo scroll and other mundane methods. :-)
Using any of Faith's Wisps
that are free, through
information gathering, he tried to stay informed about the ship's approach, when and where they will reach Rharne, so he can try to be present.

His personal goal is to cast a warm welcome, but just in case they are in fact NOT peaceful, he will ask the Order of the Adunih to have healers awake and ready and the members of Isonomia that are present will be dispersed to try and offer aid... if the worst were to happen.

He will try to arrange some celebrations, what food he can on such short notice, alongside and despite the doubt of his fellow Rhanians. As is typical with Rharne, this would likely involve alcohol, though not from Winston himself.

He will also inform people in Scalve using his Holo-coms that connect to the Scalv Isonomia HQ, should they be seeing anything similar.

Finally, he reaches out to the Lightning Knights, should they have any interest in receiving his assistance, to inform them that Isonomia and the Order of the Adunih are ready to assist.

All template credit, love and admiration goes to Kisaik
word count: 1490


When standing at his full height, Winston towers a full 1 foot and one blueberry tall. A fact he will happily demonstrate before flicking said blue orb into the air with his nose and then eating it with a snappy grin.

His eyes are dark and sharp, ringed by dark brown fur upon the bright white fur that sets off across the rest of his face.


Winston usually carries the following on his person:
  • Cassion's Locket hangs snugly around his neck.
  • Winston's Fairy Bell hangs from his tool-belt attached to his hip. It's 'ringer' is often bound by a small piece of cloth to prevent it giving away his position while in the wilderness.
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Re: Unidentified Flying Objects

I am a damsel

locked in her tower,

but I am my own capture.

No one else has the

strength to lock me away.

You though have the key

to free me from myself


Genna was getting ready for the coming trial though at a much earlier hour then was usual. She had slipped into a pink dress that went all the way to her ankles, and was in the process of finishing braining her long hair into a single braid. Normally she chose something more complicated but she was aware that there were people waiting for her down below. So as she finished the braid she brought wound it into the tight bun that had produced Vega’s name for her, and which also told anyone who knew her well that she her proverbial armor was on.

She actually turned and left the room as she finished her bun and slipped on magical objecs, her ear pieces on her ears and other things in a bag she carried and with the steady bootstep that marked arrival she walked through the halls of her home towards the main room where people were gathered. Pablo was there dressed in his leather jacket that indicated he to was ready for something. He was at that moment waving off his brother who had come to give him the report since Pablo no longer stayed at the barracks at night.

Genna passed by her father who was also in the room though he was in a dressing gown and gave ever indication that he wasn’t going off to any kind of confrontation. “Hopefully this won’t be long father.” She said.

“Don’t worry I will get Lillabell off to school. I have things handled here.” He said giving her a kiss on the forehead. She smiled up at him, glad that he had moved here to Rharne with her. She then took Pablo’s arm and together the two of them hurried out of their home.

“The news is going to be all over Rharne before long.” Genna said as she looked at the form of Pablo’s brother down the road. “Your brother will make sure of that.”

“Most likely. I am surprised that they didn’t put a tighter lid on it.” He said as the two paused as Genna whistled. A moment later Genna’s mount Shal left his perch on the roof and came down to land before them. The two climbed on and Genna gave directions to the Orders headquarters. The two hung on tightly as the giant snake went not the air. It moved through the city with a grace that please Genna and acrobatics that excited Pablo. They ignored streets and weaved through across the skyline of Rharne taking the straightest route to the local orders headquarters.

“So a flying ship?”

“That’s what the report says.” Pablo said. Genna nodded and wondered who that could be.

Once Genna and Pablo arrived the young woman walked into the clinic and looked at the blue cloak who was handling the front desk. “I need all of the senior members in this clinic in my office as fast as they can get there. Also get Mikail I need to get a letter to Vivian.”
Next Six Hours
Get the Order of Adunih on alert in Rharne. This will entail getting things ready if there turns out to be a conflict they wouldn’t be caught unprepared. That said these preparation won’t be made hugely obvious. They will also prepare the hospital and send communications to other branches.

Genna will also reach out to the city officials (knight,priesthood, and ruling council) letting them know that the Order is ready to help weather peaceful or not contact. She also will let them know that she was available and willing help with those abilities she has. She will use her contact in the knights especially Vivian and government to keep updates.

Genna will also reach out to Winston and the Isonomia order letting them know what is occurring.
word count: 686
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Re: Unidentified Flying Objects

First 6 hours of dawn
As Netzach opened his door and walked the streets of the Earth quarter, the panicked news surging through the streets was easy to see.

At first, all he felt was a sense of unease, like the whole city was startled by something. Thoughts rushed in his mind, was there an impending war? A serial killer?

Netzach was wrought with curiousity, but he didn't exactly feel like stopping someone in the street and asking them.
He pushed the thought aside for the moment, to continue on his walk to the Dust Quarter, when his ears prickled at the sound of a town crier.

"Hear ye! Hear ye! Three days to the South-East! A leviathan-like ship soaring through the skies, approaching the city, spotted by the Lightning Knights! Hear ye! Hear ye!"

The sense of unease felt particularly strong near the town crier, as if he and his colleagues were the epicenter of the foul news spreading through Rharne like a disease.

Netzach noticed a sort of skittishness amongst the guards and knights he passed by, many of the rushing through the streets in small groups. Patrolling? Mobilizing to prepare to fight these airborne invaders?
How would the Lightning Knights even fight people flying in from above? The walls would definitely not stop them. Arrows? Bogs, how high can an archer shoot? There were probably a few within their ranks with flying mounts, like the passing Justiciars he had seen in his travels to the Umbral Caverns.
But enough to mobilize a fighting force? Against a giant flying ship?

He could feel the heart beating faster, fear creeping into its arteries. No wonder the city is uneasy. He wouldn't be surprised if citizens started trying to leave the city en masse. Or riot, depending on how much worse the public fear got.

The city would have to make a good show of being ready for these... whoever they were.

As for Netzach, well...

He shook his head free of distracting thoughts.
"Ill just head to work. And maybe plan a way out of here, just in case."

Netzach put a hand in his bag, a spare cloak and scarf hidden inside, to disguise himself should he require the use of Necromancy.
He was still green to the art, and wasn't particularly confident in it giving him much of a fighting chance. But if it came down to it, he'd have to use everything he had.
First 6 hours of dawn
While the Event does seem to imply they are there in peace, Netzach sees them the way most of the city probably does, a potential threat.
He'll try to uneasily go about his day for now, keeping his eyes and ears peeled for any rumours being passed around in the Copper Prince.

Basically, I'll be role-playing what most of the common citizens of Rharne would be going through at this point in time. With all the information, misinformation, rumours and fears that comes with that.

If any character wants to interact, Netzach would be heading off to work at the Copper Prince in the Dust Quarter from his home the Earth Quarter, so you can interact with him on the way there, or talk to him at the Copper prince.
Let's trade rumours! And maybe more importantly, misinformation!
Last edited by Netzach Embersoul on Fri Mar 22, 2024 12:55 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 561
Generally, Red is Netzach's speech, and This color is anyone else..


The following are a list of Appearance features. This tab is for shortening space, should the tabs get too big.


Witchmark: 'Puzzle eyes', a set of striations in the eyes that all Attuners are marked with.


Witchmark: "Dead eyed". Netzach has a corpselike vacant stare. His pupils never seem to dialate, he no longer blinks nor needs to, although he can for the purposes of certain expressions, and his eyes seem to not have saccades, the tiny movements that keep the eyes jittering here and there, never fixing at one spot.

In addition, he sleeps with his eyes open, although his eyes are completely 'dead', not registering the outside world.
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Re: Unidentified Flying Objects

121 Ashan 724
Revan was outside running a simple card scam in the Earth Quarter when he first heard the rumors. He liked to work out at night because more of Rharne had fallen into their drink by then. He could take risks with his sleight of hand that he otherwise wouldn't have. He could let them win one or two, just to draw in the larger bet that they wouldn't have been willing to make if they were a little bit more sober. Willow was with him. She was running the role of the shill. The shill was a plant or designated winner. She won a game or two and then when someone else wanted to make bets, she made herself scarce. By the time the rumors reached Revan, Willow had already gone home with her cut for that night.

Two men came stumbling out of the bar Revan had set up next to. They were talking so loudly that the Yludih didn't have to try hard to hear what they were saying. Flying ships were approaching Rharne. Massive flying ships. Revan knew better than to question them for more information. The idea when you were running a card scam was not to be recognized. Revan would never run scams wearing Grimwald's face. He was progressively becoming uncomfortable running them with his current face. Revan wrapped up to the disappointment of a few gamblers who were looking to make their nels back and he went into the bar to listen for anything else he could find out about the ships approaching.

Not long later he was on his way back home to mull over what he wanted to do about it. Willow was waiting for him outside with a somewhat concerned expression on her face. "Did you hear?"

"Let's talk inside." Revan said as he moved to unlock his door.

Eris (his dragonet) and Achlys (his dragonling) were quick to greet Revan at the door like young pups eager to see their owner home. Achlys did that often but it was interesting to Revan that the smaller Eris had done so as well. Maybe he needed to take them outside a little more often. It was difficult to do so during the trial because people would see but... it was night time now. Hm... If they went, they'd have to come back before dawn and that was difficult to ensure. Especially since Revan had no real idea how to ride Achlys. They could practice for a little bit though. It might help their bond a little. Eris lowered her small body onto Revan's head and her tail wrapped around it like a headband while Achlys moved back into the house and curled back up on the ground.

Neither seemed to pay Willow much attention but she couldn't stop staring at them. She still wasn't used to them and it didn't help that Revan had kept them hidden from her for a long time. It damaged the trust they shared a little. It also validated Revan's fears about how Willow would react if she ever found out what he really was. Things were getting better now but only because he had revealed certain truths. He did not tell her when, where, or how, but he had told her that he met a dragon. She didn't believe him at first but Eris and Achlys were fairly solid evidence to support his claims.

Revan noticed Namira (diri of shadows) out of the corner of his eye. She was sitting in the shadow of a chair that was being cast onto the wall by the moonlight slipping through the windows into the house. During most of the trial no one could see into the house because Achlys had a habit of burping a shroud of darkness in the mornings but by night it had dissipated enough for light to get through again. Namira seemed to slink down into the chair a little further when she noticed Willow walk into the house.

"Do you have a plan?" Willow asked Revan who limped over to a chair with his cane and sat down slowly. He began to untie his boots while Willow watched him. "Revan? Are you listening?"

"I am, I am." He said as Eris sprung off his head and fluttered away into the shadows. "Obviously, I want to find out if there is anything worth our time- but this feels like it will be a little too high security for us. If it got to us this quickly, it's getting to everyone- including the Shadow Quarter."

"Which means we should avoid it?" Willow asked. They'd never really let the Shadow Quarter stop them from planning things before but they were small-time. They thrived by avoiding attention from anyone.

"Maybe. Or maybe it means we wait for them to tell us to do something."

"We aren't a part of them." Willow protested, "We should make our own plan."

"We are criminals. We're a part of the Shadow Quarter when they decide we are- whether we want to be or not." Their friend had learned that lesson and his death ensured they'd remember it too. Willow's lips seemed to purse together as she withheld a comment she wanted to make. Instead she gestured towards Achlys.

"Why not take that thing and go see the ships yourself?" Willow suggested.

"I doubt I could ride Achlys well enough to reach them. Even then, even we aren't seen, what?" Revan didn't like the idea of going somewhere they had no information about.

"So, you're going to do nothing?"

"I'd have just sent you home if I wasn't going to do anything." Revan pointed out. "But we need to be careful. We need two plans. One for if they are friendly and one for if they aren't." Revan sat back in his chair slightly and kicked off his boots. He knew he'd have to put them back on shortly if he was going to go out again but the momentary freedom was pleasant. "The first and most important thing is information, hit the streets and collect the rumors you can. Get word out to Zoro and Duncan to do the same."


"He may be out of the life but I think this effects us all equally enough."

"Alright, and what're you gonna do?" Willow asked as she began moving back towards the door.

"The same as you. I'm going to see if I can make some friends to help us out- but I've been out working all night so, give me a little time to rest." Revan replied. Willow nodded and left. Revan went to his window and watched her go. Once she was far enough away he locked his door again and went into his bedroom. It had no windows and only one door so it was the perfect place to build a new face. That was what Revan sat down to do. He'd be done before Willow returned. The doors between him and the front of his house were guarded by Achlys and Namira. This was as safe a place as any to build a new body.
First 6 Hours
Revan is running a card scam at night when he hears about the flying ships approaching.
He and Willow meet in his house to discuss what they are going to do.
He sends Willow out to try and find out what she can about what Rharne/Anyone is doing in response to these ships.
Revan constructs a new human face to use in place of his own, should necessity call for it.

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Re: Unidentified Flying Objects

Tristan’s grandmother Ebony, the former Duchess of Venora, was already in her late seventies, but she didn’t suffer from dementia like so many other people her age. Her mind was still as sharp as it had been when she had begun her rule, more than fourty arcs earlier. For that reason, Tristan didn’t doubt her when she returned home rather late, after a dinner with friends and started talking about an unknown flying object that was approaching the city, three trials to the southeast.

Instead, he quickly asked a servant to take his young daughter who had woken up due to the commotion to her room and watch her so that she wouldn’t listen to a potentially scary story, and then he gestured for his grandmother and his parents follow him to the living room.

“I’d like you to tell us exactly what you saw and heard”, he asked his grandmother once they had all sat down and opened a bottle of brandy because they might need some alcohol after the news, even if the unknown flying object didn’t turn out to be part of yet another foreign invasion. “Did you see the object with your own eyes, or did you hear about it from someone else? Furthermore, do you know if it’s really just one?”

Ebony was calm as she thought about Tristan’s questions. She had experienced several tragedies throughout her long life. She had lived through the reigns of several kings, a civil war and a plague. She had been there when a dragon had taken over her homeland. She had been rescued by Vri himself and been transported to his realm. She had lost everything and was rebuilding her life from the ashes.

The news were concerning, but they were not a reason to freak out. This here was a matter that had to be investigated and a problem that had to be solved.

“I didn’t see the object myself”, she replied. “I heard it from the street criers. Lightning Knights saw a leviathan-like airborne craft. I think it was just one, but it’s possible that there are more where this one is coming from. The Lightning Knights may take further action soon”, she decided and cast a glance at her son Noah and her daughter in law.

They were quite tense.

“To be honest, I don’t understand why the Lightning Knights didn’t try to keep this a secret. If the object is three trials away, there is still time to formulate a response, decide how to deal with the citizens of Rharne and prevent possible civil unrest”, Ebony continued and furrowed her brow before she decided, in a cool tone of voice, “Maybe they were drunk.”

That was, as far as she was concerned, the only explanation for the Lightning Knight’s less than perfect reaction. They had never given her the impression of being incompetent, but like most citizens of Rharne, they probably liked alcohol a little too much.

“There might not be a reason to be worried”, Tristan’s mother said softly while his father poured himself a drink, a grim expression on his face. “Maybe the people on that flying ship are travelers. Maybe it’s some sort of scientific expedition. Maybe someone’s trying out their new invention”, she continued and cast a glance at her husband.

If that were the case, there wouldn’t be such a reaction”, Tristan disagreed, and his grandmother nodded. She thought the same. “There would be no street criers warning us. We don’t know if the strange flying ship – or the flying ships, I agree that there might be more – is hostile, but it’s definitely an unknown factor. I just hope that people have some common sense and don’t attack it before observing it and trying to make contact. An attack will cause even the most peaceful of people to turn hostile.”

“Wait a moment”,
he said when his grandmother wanted to say something, raised a hand and quickly pulled out a map of Rharne and the surrounding areas out of a shelf. He spread it across the table and studied it, furrowing his brow as he did so. “I don’t know how fast the flying ship moves. Let’s assume that its speed is between that of a normal ship and one of the Lightning Knight’s air patrols though. If it’s three trials away, it’s thus probably somewhere around here”, he murmured and pointed at a spot on the map.

Calculating the distance of an object according to its speed was pretty basic math and science, so he didn’t think his numbers were completely off; and in any case, he knew which settlements and landmarks the flying ship would have to pass on its way to Rharne now – if that was its destination. It occurred to him that he didn’t know where the flying ship was going.

He needed more information. Unlike most people, Tristan wasn’t content to leave things to the government. He wanted to know who or what they were dealing with and be proactive.

He thought about paying the Lightning Knights a visit, or maybe talking to Vivian personally, but they would probably be pretty busy right now and might not even let him in.

No, he decided, he would talk to someone else.

“Chester, my wonderful friend, greatest of all diris”, he said to his feline companion that had returned to him after such a long absence, in a serious tone of voice, for Chester really was the greatest diri in his opinion. “I need your help again. A strange flying ship is approaching Rharne. It’s currently three trials away from us. I need to know what exactly it is and who is on it. Do you think you can find out more? If it turns out safe to do so, do you think you can establish a link and help me understand the passengers' language so that I can talk to them?” he continued before something occurred to him. “Are the other spirits talking about it? Could you please try to find out what they are saying? What do they suspect?”

For all he knew, and were much better informed than his own kind.

“Just tell me what you want in return”, he continued, in order to make Chester more inclined to investigate, but also because he thought that his friend deserved a reward for all that he did. “A bit of exquisite cat food, ephemera or a female cat to keep you company.” Provided that spirits could have a sexual orientation, Chester was probably straight. He certainly hadn’t shown any interest in Mistral who was currently sleeping near the fireplace so far.

So, who knew, maybe he would find a female cat tempting!

“I was just asking Chester to help us”, he explained to his family. Ebony inclined her head in approval while his father quickly took a sip from his brandy and his mother started to look genuinely worried. It reminded her of what had happened in Rynmere a little too much. Tristan quickly leaned over to her and squeezed her hand encouragingly before he poured himself a bit of brandy as well.

“Whatever this is, we’ll get it under control”, he assured his family. “If Chester or I find out something useful, I will try to get a message to the Lightning Knights. Grandmother, how are your friends and the neighbours dealing with this?” he asked Ebony.

“They are worried, but that’s understandable”, she replied before she decided, “We should regularly look out of the windows to find out if anything unusual is going on in the street. Depending on how the situation will develop, it might be a good idea for our friends and neighbours and us to help each other”, she suggested, and Tristan nodded.

They would look out of the windows on a regular basis and work together with their friends and neighbours if the situation escalated – which he hoped it wouldn’t.
The First Six Hours
Tristan and his family discuss the situation and decide on a course of action.

Tristan checks a map to find out where the flying ships currently are and which places they will pass on their way to Rharne, provided that their destination is indeed Rharne.

Tristan asks his Diri of Communication if it can help him contact the flying ships, provided that it’s safe to do so.

If he manages to contact them, he will be friendly, polite and diplomatic (GM Politics).

Tristan also asks Chester to find out if the other spirits are talking about them.

He decides to contact the Lightning Knights if he finds out anything.

The family decide to regularly look out of the windows to see what things are like outside and get in contact with their friends and neighbours if things start to escalate. They want everybody in the neighborhood to work together.
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Re: Unidentified Flying Objects

Vivian was sleeping following the All-Taverns tournament the previous day when there was a sharp pounding on her front door. She groaned and tried to ignore it and go back to sleep, but it kept persisting despite her best efforts to will whoever was trying to wake her up a swift and sudden need to be literally anywhere else in the city. After enough persistance, she growled and stood up, drawing her sword in case this turned out to be someone supremely stupid who thought they could successfully try and assassinate by waking her up right after a tournament. When she jerked open her door, though, all she found was a very nervous looking Corporal who didn't look particularly happy about having to wake her up.

"Sorry for waking you, Inspector Shiryu, but an air patrol spotted several flying ships on their way to Rharne. The senior commanders are all to report to the Keep. Commander Urien is in discussions with the Council." he said, saluting her. Vivian returned the salute, admittedly more sloppily than was usual for her. "Flying ships? Was this confirmed before the patrol in question found their way to a tavern?" she asked, her voice tired. The Corporal nodded and Vivian sighed. "All right, I'll be at the keep shortly. Carry on with your other duties, Corporal. Dismissed." she said, her voice firming up as the need to attend to her duty starting to wake her. The Corporal nodded and left and Vivian went back into her house to get her uniform on before she headed to the Keep. Flying ship were a new thing, and potentially a threat, though just as likely not with what little information they had. The fact that the patrol had returned was a good sign, but she'd know more when she read the report.

When she got to the keep, she was directed to the room where the rest of the senior command was meeting. Vivian was, she was pretty sure, the youngest person in the room, but no one there so much as blinked at her presence. In fact, they seemed to welcome her, though whether that was due to her proven abilities as a commander, her status as a Champion of Ilaren, her experience as a veteran, or because of the rumors of her potentially being promoted to the head of the knights as a whole was something she was less sure of. "Apologies for the delay. I was tired after the All-Taverns and had a hard time waking up." she said, getting a series of amused nods from the other commanders. "What's the full situation?" she asked as she poured a cup of coffee.

It was a Justiciar Sentinel that responded. "An air patrol spotted a trio of flying vessels making their way, we believe, towards Rharne. They made it back safely to give their report, though the report itself has leaked to the citizenry, probably thanks to several knights being pretty deep in their cups by now." he said, his tone showing exasperation at the leak. "As for the vessels, they aren't any known make or flying any known flags. That said, they don't appear to be making any aggressive moves either. They don't even seem to have tried to intercept the patrol. They're just flying along, no more than three days from the city." he said, his tone calm. Vivian nodded at the report. "How are things in the city?" she asked.

It was a Guardian Commander that answered her that time. "Too soon to be determined, but since we've sent messengers to alert other outposts and such, we can assume the news will spread to towns, farms, and settlements outside the city itself." he said, his tone calm. Vivian nodded again. "What are our actions so far?" Vivian asked, looking over a map of Rharne and it's surroundings. "Aside from waking all the senior commanders to bring them up to date and sending messengers to alert our outposts, we've sent out more patrols, with orders to try and keep these ships out of the Mire where the jacadons are nesting, an emergency inspection of the cities defenses have been ordered, both mundane and anti-siege, we're working on coordinating with the Priests and the Adunih, we've fully mobilized the current shift of knights, and we're drafting an official statement, to be issued as soon as it's cleared by Commander Urien." the same Guardian Commander said.

Vivian nodded and looked up at the ceiling for a moment as she thought it all over, then addressed the group. "Excellent. Especially only mobilizing the current shift of knights." she said, nodding. The Sentinel raised an eyebrow in amusement. "You have something to add though, don't you, Shiryu?" he said, his amusement clear. "Small things, but yes. We should also coordinate with Isonomia, they resources that might be useful as well. We'll also want a linguist on hand in case they do try to communicate and the Priests haven't thought of it. We can't guarantee they speak common. Also, in case this is a hostile operation, check our stores of food and such, to make sure they haven't been sabotaged." she said, getting an eyebrow raise from the Commander.

"Besieging a city by air? With three ships? No offense, Shiryu, but that's impossible." he said, his tone questioning, but not hostile. Vivian nodded at the point. "So far as I know, it is. But once, I would have said the same about talking frogs, or Nickels busting up through the ground beneath Storm's Edge, or Dragons being real, or plants mind controlling large sea creatures, or The Eternal Empire making diplomatic overtures. Something being impossible doesn't mean it can't happen anymore." she said, her tone serious. The rest of the room mulled that over for a minute, then there was a collective sound of people agreeing with the point, since all those things should have been impossible, and yet they had all happened.

"As for the public statement, we should stress that they have made no hostile actions at this time. While our job is to defend Rharne and its people, and we are prepared to carry out our duties, there is currently nothing to indicate any aggression from these strangers. If necessary, remind people that this could well be a trade mission, as Rharne is a trade city." she said, her tone thoughtful. Another series of agreements, though in this case Vivian guessed that such a thing had been discussed and she had more given it a final push as opposed to saying something they hadn't considered. "Lastly, circling back to only mobilizing the current shift of knights, that's good. We'll need our knights to be rested in case this does turn hostile, but the same applies to us as well. We won't do anyone any good if we all wear ourselves out right at the start. Who's on duty here in the Keep? " she asked. A senior knight from each division raised a hand and Vivian nodded. "When we're done here, and we should keep this short, the rest of us should return to our beds and try to get some sleep. Everyone in this room knows how to lead our knights, and we need to be at our best. That said, I do advise that even those of us with houses in the city sleep here in the keep." she said, getting another series of agreements from the room, this time in deference to her record as a leader during unusual times.

The meeting wrapped shorty after that, and the senior knights that were on duty at the Keep returned to their duties while the rest, Vivian included, went to the rooms assigned to them at the Keep and returned to their sleep, though it had been decided that if the situation changed drastically, they would all be woken again.
Off Topic
Current Six Hours

The Knights set up communication with the Priests, the Adunih, and Isonomia.

The current shift of Knights is mobilized and additional patrols are sent out.

City defenses and supplies are checked, just in case.

A public statement that will hopefully calm any early unease is drafted, to be issued as soon as approved.

A linguist is kept on hand in case the Priests don't think of it.

Any senior commanders not on duty at the moment return to bed until their shift, Vivian included.
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Re: Unidentified Flying Objects

Do They Come in Peace?

  • Winston prepares his celebrations fairly successfully with help from his butler (who has logistics skill). Now the question remains, what kind of celebration does he want to organize? A stationary feast (if so where?), a parade (from where to where), or just a party complete with fireworks and spectacle (if so where will he set the fireworks or spectacles to be staged)? Bear in mind, Shinwa will need to be directly involved in this, as he's the one with skill at planning events (logistics expert)
  • Assume communications are established between Isonomia/Winston and the Lightning Knights and Order of the Aduniih.
  • The Wisps are sent out to investigate the flying ships. They will take some time in getting there.
  • Feel free to assume your Holo-com is gifted to Gennadiya (please confirm with her first that she will accept it)
  • The Order is effectively mobilized, and ready to help. People in the city are cheered to see the colorful cloaks that end up checking up on people.
  • Assume communications are established without a hitch, any PC-to-PC communications are within their players' purview.
NNetzach Embersoul
  • The hangover victims that went blind early in Cylus upon staring into a candle's flame, some of which are attending the Copper Prince at that hour, are complaining of terrible headaches.
  • Netzach gets an earful as the impending approach of the air-ships seems to fascinate and frighten in equal measure. The patrons of the Copper Prince are a particularly surly and low-brow crowd, and come up with some of the more salacious and unlikely conspiracy theories. I will include the rumors that he hears in each bullet.
  • The Airships are an illusion, created by the Shadow Quarter to empty Rharne of its defensive forces, so that they'll be weak at home while checking the approaching force.
  • The Air-ships are creations of Teq, Aeva's champion. He's finally decided to propose to Ilaren, how romantic!
  • The Air-Ships are not machines or ships at all, but strangely shaped dragons. Why are they headed for Rharne? Why not?
Revan Blackhand
  • Note: Revan has novice leadership and novice intelligence. That said, this will inform the quality and accuracy of the intelligence he gathers.
  • Willow and the rest of Revan's contacts, such as they are, don't find much information about how the various factions and groups are reacting to the event. Apart from simillar rumors that Netzach uncovers (they have neither intelligence skill nor investigation at anything higher than novice)
  • Willow does do a lot of footwork around the Earth Quarter, and notices something odd but not seemingly related to whatever is going on. When she looks up at lampposts, she notices that at certain lamp posts (she swears she noticed them being oil lanterns before), she sees candles within the panes. When she looks into the flames of the candles, she could swear she feels the strangest sense of nostalgia. She also feels like the candle has something in its flame that she really wants for herself, as absurd as it sounds. This affects her strongly enough that she remembers it, and recalls it to Revan upon her return.
  • You construct your new human illusion within the first six hours, easily.
Tristan Venora
  • Tristan tries to calculate the path of the ships, but without certain data (velocity of the ships, position on the map, and ETA, he's stumped) Tristan has novice Navigation and Cartography, which would've helped greatly in this regard, in lieu of that data.
  • Chester cheerfully informs Tristan that he will try his best to get in touch with the air ships. However, he requires an entire harem of feline spirits to attend his needs. In the meantime, he says he will start floating southeast, and hopefully he'll happen upon the sight of the ships. If that is Tristan's wish.
  • It will take some time for Chester to make contact, assuming he gets them within line of sight, or meets one of the passengers of the ships.
  • Chester does inform Tristan that there appears to be a bit of chatter in the Beneath. Both uneasy, and at turns optimistic. Apparently he's not the first to have consulted the spirits, and there are troubling rumors of smaller spirits going missing or scooped up into Idalos from the Beneath.
  • Nothing can be seen outside the window, at this time. The Air ships appear to still be a ways off.
  • The information Tristan gathers is shared in the next six hours with the Lightning Knights.
Vivian Shiryu
  • Full communication is established between the Priests, Adunih, Isonomia, and Lightning Knights.
  • Higher concentrations of air and ground patrols are sent out to the territories.
  • When the city defenses are checked, a mage enlisted into the Lightning Knights (Transmutation Magic) discovers that the armory, particularly around the ammunition for siege equipment, is charged with several immense charges of ether. They appear to be either ensorcelled or altered in some way, through a school of magic that the mage doesn't quite recognize.
  • Public statement is drafted, for Vivian's perusal in the next six hours.
  • The senior commanders are allowed to sleep through into the morning.
  • The linguist on hand is fluent in several foreign dialects, including Draketh, Ancient Language, Vahanic, and Xanthean.
For the next six hours, the patrols observe the flying ships making a ponderous pace over the country side. Several winged beings, according to these scouts, are said to be descending to the ground at several key points. Including the Umbral Caverns and the now defunct Rharne Prison. They don't appear to be heavilly armed, but it's hard to tell without engaging them directly.

The rest of the city is abuzz with the news, by the time dawn comes around. Things are half panicked, half fascinated by the rumors of these new arrivals.

Not much else besides that happens through this period, except that things are calm enough for people to take a meal and some rest if they need it.
 ! Message from: Pig Boy
Please claim 3-5 knowledge for each post you do, via the knowledge coding system. Hey folks, so if you choose to join this event to react to or act upon the arrival of the Hyludin, you'll have six hours every week to play with. You can post multiple times so as to interact with others if wanted, but that time that you use must be no longer than six hours per turn. I'll post again in a week, regardlless of anyone else's posting. This will go on until the event reaches its conclusion toward the end of May. Enjoy and thanks!
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Re: Unidentified Flying Objects


Preparatory naps

The butler walked into the forge and over to the small sleeping bunk Winston had set-up for working naps... Which these trials were the only kind of naps he seemed to take. The forge was silent and the desks covered in a plethora of half-built things and sheets of paper. There would seem to most to be no difference between a schematic for a shield and a pavlova in the way his recipes were presented across the services of his workstations.

"Sir, we have news from the Lightning Knights." Announced
, politely rousing his ward from his slumber. "And Miss Shiryu has sent word that she would like a skilled linguist."

The ferret yawned like a hungry alligator and stretched, his fur standing on end for a moment as he arched his back. He'd decided to get a couple breaks rest after things were moving and woke now with a hole in his tummy that needed to be filled. He wiped the sleep from his eyes and smacked his mouth to clear it of that 'just woke up' flavour. "Oh-key. Dat's gud." He replied vaguely as he looked around for a snack as he continued. "Wat did de Light-knights want?"

The butler handed the ferret a meat-filled pastry from the kitchen with a little napkin and some dipping sauce. "They have sent some advisories regarding where we should avoid. There is currently no information on where the ships will choose to touch down yet, Sir."

The smell of the pastry parcel tickled his nose and caused his mouth to water as he picked it up and took a generous nibble. "MMmmmmm... Dat's guuud, tanks, Shin."


"Linguist?" He repeated, to himself, as his wits began to return in full force. "
, yuh cun do dat right?"

His possessing entity, known as Felicity, took a moment from her enjoyment of the spiced meat he swallowed, to reply. "The chance to speak to some flying-boat-people?! Yes. Yes I can."

"Great!" He said aloud, so that Shinwa could benefit. "Shin, please let Vivian know dat we cun 'elp wid de translashun, ef dem need et!" He giggled. How fortuatus for him to be involved in such a way. He'd get the chance to meet the new people face-to-face! His excitement began to bubble as his feet began to twitch.

"Very good, Sir."

"Soh, where are we? Like, wid our stoff?"

The butler went about reporting on the current state of play, informing him of what they had managed to achieve so far. Winston considered the information as he looked at several sheets of paper with a pensive expression. He knew these moments were important, but they were so dull. "Soh, we need tuh make share we cun move de welcome tuh where-eva de ships come an' people are? 'ave yuh gat some people fram de Dust Quata?"

"Yes, Sir, they will be available to attend when the time comes."

With feeling finally reaching every part of his body as he made about finishing his snack, he moved towards the forge. "Right... Soh, et's time tuh make some celebrashuns." He said with a grin and putting on his alchemical apron. "
'ave all de supplies arrived?
He asked his obliging companion as he looked around the forge, which burst into life as
sense the need.

The butler nodded. "Sir."

How exactly the Wisp managed to make a single word mean so many different things might remain a mystery forever, but it was nonetheless clear that this was a 'yes' and he was good to go. "Great! Let's make some joy... Perhaps a little time."

"Sir." Came the reply, in agreement.

With that, Winston spent some time making some
explosive glitter-smoke bombs
. Using the resources he could access from within and without, he put together enough smoke pellets to cause some bring celebrations. Adding just one extra touch to the mix. In addition to impact explosive, when dipped into some flour first, the explosions would then occur a few seconds later whether they were struck or not.

As always, the 'explosions' would be harmless, but created a great puff for rainbow-coloured glitter and smoke. He made them a little larger than before, so they could be more easily handled by bigguns and more effective over larger areas.

"Shall I confirm with the Lightning Knights that the smoke will be ready, Sir?"

Winston strapped on his
. "Hmmmm... Yus, me tink et's prabably best we co-ordinate with Vivian as well. Dey will best be doing stoff wen dem goh aff, ef needed."

He entirely intended to give out the explosive balls to people from Isonomia that he could trust. They would then either be thrown in celebration, to make a fun display and a warm welcome. Or they could be thrown to provide cover and distraction, should this not be a friendly visit. He didn't like, or make weapons, but protection? Yes, protection he loved to make and this was even a form of protection that you can celebrate with! There was no better kind, of that he was sure as he began to
configure his forge
Six hour #2 summary
Winston did (or began) the following:
  • Had a nap.
  • Checked on progress of the celebration planning with Shinwa. Isonomia is Tier 10, so I would expect it's probably OK to assume it can afford to 'put on a celebration' within Wealth Tier?
  • Sent word to Vivian that he can offer translation services when the time comes.
  • Sent word to Vivian and the Lightening Knights that he was planning to make rainbow coloured smoke bombs to 'celebrate' with, but if they wished (to be clear, he's going to do this whether they coordinate his efforts or not :-p) they can place his people with some strategic intent to provide smoke shields should the worst occur to help buy some time.
  • Began producing the
    glitter-smoke bombs
    for the 'crowed' to throw.

Contributing Skills:
  • Winston:
    • Alchemy (GM)
    • Tactics (Competent)
    • Logistics (Competent)
  • Shinwa
    • Etiquette (Expert)
    • Logistics (Expert)
    • Intelligence (Expert) - For managing
      the Wisp's
      information gathering on the ships

All template credit, love and admiration goes to Kisaik
word count: 1044


When standing at his full height, Winston towers a full 1 foot and one blueberry tall. A fact he will happily demonstrate before flicking said blue orb into the air with his nose and then eating it with a snappy grin.

His eyes are dark and sharp, ringed by dark brown fur upon the bright white fur that sets off across the rest of his face.


Winston usually carries the following on his person:
  • Cassion's Locket hangs snugly around his neck.
  • Winston's Fairy Bell hangs from his tool-belt attached to his hip. It's 'ringer' is often bound by a small piece of cloth to prevent it giving away his position while in the wilderness.
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Re: Unidentified Flying Objects

I am a damsel

locked in her tower,

but I am my own capture.

No one else has the

strength to lock me away.

You though have the key

to free me from myself


Genna nodded as the various officials in Rharne connected to the Order finished there report to her. They were prepared if anything violent happened to help take care of the situation. They were also prepared if anything started happening in the city. Genna looked at Shanea from the Dust Quarter clinic. “I am afraid that the dust quarter will be our most likely spot for possible self imposed fighting.” Genna nodded her head at the woman’s comment.

“I think it will also be an area where there might be more people in fear as they will most likely be last to hear from the Knights.” Genna said. Shanea wasn’t wrong but Genna was aware that there were reasons for that and distance from power was a factor. So they didn’t know. In any area there were people who like to panic and spread there fears as facts. In the dust quarter it could get worse as it was harder to hear from someone official and there were always people who didn’t trust authority.

“Well let’s get talkative.” Genna said. “Obviously we shouldn’t lie to people, nor will we share any information we aren’t supposed to but lets share. We can though be a positive voice, the information we have isn’t much but the information does suggest they aren’t a destructive streak. Lets encourage the people, and also encourage there faith in the knights. They have guarded this city, and they fought of the nickels. They have winged mounts so as well. Let us have faith in the Knights and lets talk the faith up. Besides for all we know it might be someone wanting to trade with us,” She smiled. “It does seem new inventions every other trial” There was some laughter. “But also please share information with me if you see and area where trouble is starting to spice up.” In short order the meeting was wrapped up and Genna was left to herself.

She pulled out a parchment and wrote message to Vivian
Hello Vivian

I am sure by now that you have heard the report. As we have received very brief communications ourselves from the Knights. I wish to report to you that the Order has checked and is putting itself in readiness should our help be needed. I have asked my people to also try to put a positive spine to counteract the negative rumors that are bound to start in certain quarters. If I hear of any unrest in the city I will send Nayeli with what information I can.

Please be aware that if you need our help we will help as best we can. I offer my services if they can be used.

Thank you
Once finished she folded up the letter. Sealing it she gave it to Mickael who made sure it was sent to the needed destination.

That done Genna pulled out a handheld device and pushed the button marked W. She waited to see if Winston would appear in the image. Assuming he did Genna would speak.

“Morning Winston. I hope you slept well because things are about to get busy. Though if this ship is one of your inventions, then you owe me a nap.” She said with a small hint of humor in her smile.

Next Six Hours
Have the healers in the order talk up the knights and the situation to counter negative rumors. this is in their daily routines
Keep an eye out if areas start panicking.
Finish making sure things are ready.
Sends a note to Vivian
Calls Winston on the Holo.
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