[Egilrun - Sea Spray Ships] Time to float a boat!

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The shallow bay Egilrun is situated upon is used, these trials, for crafts and crafting. From boatmakers to weaponsmiths, glassblowers to metalworkers, the sound of hammers and saws can be heard almost every break of the trial, with crews working in shifts to produce the beautiful craftsmanship which they might, one trial, become famous for.

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[Egilrun - Sea Spray Ships] Time to float a boat!

Ship Details
The ships have now been paid for out of Isonomias wealth ledger as seen here. In accordance with the costs calculated below:
  • 40 WP for a pair of Tier 8 Brigs.
  • -20 WP because of the 50% discount Winston negotiated.
  • +20 WP because he then arranged for 4 ships to be made instead of only 2.
i.e. he paid 40 WP for the four ships built int he time it would have taken to normally build two (see tracker for more details).

All the details for these ships, the PSF and every thread that has contributed towards their construction can be found in this tracker.

This thread is based in Sea Spray Ships and is the culmination of the contruction of these ships and the final launch and crewing, thanks to Woe's efforts.
Theme Song
The air was cold and the anticipation high as Winston followed Streth up the gangplank. Winston has spent a lot of time with the men and women of the shipwright. He had even spent a fair amount of time with the sailors that might crew it and in that time he'd collected many a story and even more shanties that told said stories. Not in a single one was there a superstition foreboding portents of doom off the back of the presence of a ferret aboard a ship... By the end of his tour of the new ships, that might have changed... If not then, almost certainly after it had been named would such stories warn all, far and wide of the dangers of letting a ferret take charge of your vessel.

The broad man stepped aboard deck as the finishing touches were being made in the form of ropes and basic supplies. People were running all over the ship like ants on a sugar cube. "Well here you go. The skeleton crews are here and the..."

The ferret followed behind him shouting random nautical commands at people as he passed. "Hoist up the thing!" ... "Don't..." Streth shook his head at the passing sailor.

"Batten down the whatsit!" ... "No." They reached the deck.

"Turn hard to port!" ... "Just ignore him!" They wandered through towards the main mast.

"Swab the DECKS!" ... "Don't. Don't... Just DON'T do that." There was sniggering now from a few of the crew as the two made their way through.

"What's that thing over there, spinning? Somebody should stop it!"

"No! Stop! Winston, focus!"

The fluffy, giggling ball of excitement turned on the master ship maker, his eyes wide and a little wild. "Bot et's SOH excitiiiiiin'." He squealed.

The man lowered his head and pinched the bridge of his nose, rubbing it in circular movements. The pace at which these ships had been put together and the work that had been involved in keeping this creature in check during that time had been immense and if he had not seen first hand just what it was capable of, he'd have tuned the little thing into a tea cozy a season ago. "OK, but we need to do a quick tour and get the ships out to sea. Before then, you have to name them though. Remember?"

Winston nodded enthusiastically as he ran up the side of the main mast and leaped to hang from a rope. "Me know!" He squealed. "Dis one es called Floaty an' dat one es called Boaty." He looked out over the near distance where the other ship was found.

"Fl... Are you seariouse..?"
word count: 588


When standing at his full height, Winston towers a full 1 foot and one blueberry tall. A fact he will happily demonstrate before flicking said blue orb into the air with his nose and then eating it with a snappy grin.

His eyes are dark and sharp, ringed by dark brown fur upon the bright white fur that sets off across the rest of his face.


Winston usually carries the following on his person:
  • Cassion's Locket hangs snugly around his neck.
  • Winston's Fairy Bell hangs from his tool-belt attached to his hip. It's 'ringer' is often bound by a small piece of cloth to prevent it giving away his position while in the wilderness.
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Re: [Egilrun - Sea Spray Ships] Time to float a boat!

Dark Wings, Darker Visions

Woe had touched briefly with Winston on what was to be done on the launch trial. Against Streth's better judgment, and with Woe's lingering influence, was convinced to launch the ships at night. The gold nels that changed hands certainly didn't hurt, although the bribe was conveniently forgotten, but the gold still weighed in his belt. Streth remembered that he had agreed to a nighttime launch, but couldn't for the life of him remember how or why, or at who's behest.

Just that the order was signed by Streth, and so it would be done.

Winston had been informed that a terror would descend on the boats, but to not be afraid as no harm would come to anyone. Woe for his part would be in disguise, near the rest of the deck hands, preparing for the disembarking event, and close at hand in case Winston needed calming down. The crews of a dozen each, two on deck who Woe trusted to keep a cool head in the midst of the cloaking, and illusions. The rest below decks, so they'd have as few potential leaks as possible. If Woe needed to, he could go to each individual and erase their memory after the fact. having only four for whom that was necessary made it more tenable.

So he boarded Floaty, specifically going to the one Winston took as his own flagship.

There, he waited, cloaked in shadow so that none would recognize or bother with him. He was in illusionary disguise as well, to top it off, light hair, and shabby clothing.

Then, from far above, the starry skies revealed a glowing red terror, a wraithlike being surrounded by shsadowy mists that presented all manner of frightening beastly visages.

The shadow descended upon the shipyard, and with that, Woe let his fear breath pour out to the men watching the ships as they disembarked. They all ran away upon the exposure to the draconic terror he unleashed on them. As he did, he knelt beside Winston, calming him with a touch of courage if needed.[/knolwedge]

The two men at the helm each, knew the score, and sailed their ships out to sea, activating the cloaking devices.

Meanwhile, Soz, who was flying in the midst of a breath of darkness, spread darkness all around to make the next illusion manifest, of the beastly amalgam wrecking Floaty and Boaty, sending them to Chrien's locker at the bottom of the lagoon.

Meanwhile, the cloaked ships, mimicking the surrounding seas and coastline, managed to go by undetected, farther out to sea.

Streth clutched his hair, at the sudden unleashing of chaos on their shipyard. "What is THAT!"

Last edited by Woe on Fri Feb 02, 2024 10:10 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 455
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Re: [Egilrun - Sea Spray Ships] Time to float a boat!


The ferret nodded gleefully. "Please, my name is associated with these..." Pleaded Streth, as the idea of having to boast about these boats, these true masterpieces and then tell them they were called 'Floaty Boaty'.

Winston smiled, taking a
bight of his spirit-infused dried sweet potato
. He liked Streth. For some reason, the gruff man seemed to be immune to his charm. It always took so much more effort to get him on board with a plan. It was fun. "Awwww, cummon Streth. Dems gud names."

He shook his head. "Well, I think that concludes our business. Yes?" He said with the air of a man that wanted 'out' as soon as possible.

There was a call for the gangplank to be raised and as Streth stepped off the ship and back onto the rising plank he called out. "If ever you need another ship. You know where I..."

It was then that the screams started.

So here it came, Woe was around somewhere and it didn't surprise him in the slightest that he didn't know where. Winston reached into his pocket and took a bight of a sweetened, dried potato with a smile. He was expecting this and made himself a little pick-me-up just in case.
As the essence of bravery and laughter took the edge off
as he swallowed and embraced the feeling.

He dropped to the ground as a man approached from nowhere. Winston new it was not real and that everyone was safe really, but even so, he had to remind himself of this repeatedly. He'd seen powerful people do brave things before, but never powerful people do dark and malevolent ones.

He looked up at his friend and smiled, offering him a fresh stick of dried sweet potato. "Yuh doo gud work." Whether he took it or not, he waited patiently and kept out of the way while the ships were floated out to the open sea where they could maneuver more freely as the cloak hid them.

The docks were in chaos. People were running and shouting and as the illusionary ships sunk into the sea, the poor shipwright thrust his hand out at the waters and cursed whatever devil had just taken a season's worth of work into the briny deep. "By the Immortals! Why? Why! RIGHT on my dock?" As the event began to pass he cursed the sky in general. "Could you not have waited until they wee at LEAST in battle?! How the hell am I going to explain THIS! Someone's going to get it for this. RIGHT on my damn doorstep. Barely even a wet keel..." Grumbled the man as he made his way off to try and collect himself and some of his crew to begin cleaning up this mess.

Meanwhile, the ships sailed out under the cover of dark, using their propulsion to smooth the waters and ensure they moved swiftly regardless of the wind, until they were clear of the docks and there was a moment to collect themselves.
word count: 511


When standing at his full height, Winston towers a full 1 foot and one blueberry tall. A fact he will happily demonstrate before flicking said blue orb into the air with his nose and then eating it with a snappy grin.

His eyes are dark and sharp, ringed by dark brown fur upon the bright white fur that sets off across the rest of his face.


Winston usually carries the following on his person:
  • Cassion's Locket hangs snugly around his neck.
  • Winston's Fairy Bell hangs from his tool-belt attached to his hip. It's 'ringer' is often bound by a small piece of cloth to prevent it giving away his position while in the wilderness.
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Re: [Egilrun - Sea Spray Ships] Time to float a boat!


Woe shook his head at the proffered food, although he was curious and knew Winston to be a cook of excellent and tasty food. Still, he didn't want it to interfere with his concentration as he'd only used this power once or twice, and never on this scale. Eventually the ships were far enough removed from the coastline, north past the cliffs of the Scalvoris Mountains, when he decided to dispel the illusion of the shadow beasts and the sunken ships. Soz disappeared into the night sky, Woe affording her some cover as she fled the scene.

Streth growled angrilly, but when he looked over his shoulder another tie, the frightful visions were all gone, and people were pulling themselves out of the chilly water. There would be hell to pay, and possibly injuries out of this. He was only glad the Ferret and Isonomia had paid in advance, or he'd have his hands full explaining the death of a Scalvoris VIP.

As they sailed out into the twilit waters, Woe looked up at the stars, and felt Egil's talons close around his shoulders, as the diri of shadows took its perch there. Woe looked across the way, aided by the bird's ability to see through illusions, to see where the other ship was. He let the shadow cloak fall from his shoulders, revealing himself as he truly was. Dark of hair and pale of complexion, albeit still in the shabby clothes he'd decided to wear.

The two crew men at the helm came to Woe when he revealed himself, and nodded, "Well that's done. How did you know that thing would attack the docks?"

Woe held them both in his gaze for a moment, and asked, "What thing?" And just as simply, the memory of the catastrophe and the fake sinking of the ships was swept from their minds.

"Get the rest of the men up to the main deck, and prepare to sail for Scalvoristown." Woe looked to Winston, to be sure that this was indeed where he wished to make berth.

Once they were down below decks to rouse the rest of the crew, and sail out into deeper waters, Woe turned to Winston to speak, "I'm going to the other ship, and will remove any memory of that incident from the two helmsmen. I hope I can count on you avoiding swapping stories of what happened at the docks.... I'm sorry, I assumed you'd be in disguise. I suppose you'll have some explaining to do if someone catches you alive and well... Well, consider what we'll do about that when the time comes for worry."

So saying, Woe flew off to Boaty, to similarly alter the memories of the other men, sweeping the traumatic sinking of the ships from their minds.

When all was said and done, they decloaked, and made anchor, until morning came. When morning did come, Woe would fly back over toward Floaty, and have a sit down with Winston and some others of the crew. There, they had morning tea and cooking from WInston, as they planned their next heading.
Last edited by Woe on Fri Feb 02, 2024 10:08 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 530
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Re: [Egilrun - Sea Spray Ships] Time to float a boat!


Winston gave Woe's spirit companion a little wave hello as he sat upon his companion's shoulder.

Winston was completely unawares of the wiping of minds for now and just watched quietly as Woe conversed with the two confused looking men.

"Oh. Um, noh." He replied when asked for a destination. "Faldrass. Saoire's Dream. Well aff shar. Lady Saoire will want dem first." He said with a smile. Until she had offered them up and the defenders of Scalvaris had taken advantage of their surprise appearance, they would for now remain a secret.

When Woe asked about a disguise, the nieve ferret looked a little bashful. "Riiiiiiiight. Dat mgiht 'ave been a gud idea... Me needed tuh see dem aff... OH!" He pulled his pack off his back. "Don't worry, me will jost turn op latta. Washed up somewhere, make me terrified excuses an' leave. Me will meet yuh dere, me cannot let peepal tink me es ded." He said as he started putting on his
swim armour
from his
. "Me won't speak af et. Me don't need tuh speak tuh dem again ontil et does nat matta again."

As his shadowy companion left for the other ship, Winston finished equipping himself with his suit just in case it was needed and then set about checking the condition of the equipement. Testing it. Tweaking it. Taking advantage of this maiden voyage to ensure everything was in good working order... 'ship shape' one might say.

The next morning, the crew was treated to a slap-up meal. Bringing Chest up from the lower decks, Winston fed both crews, delivering the food to the other ship himself from his pack, to ensure no one missed out.

"Soh..." Winston was not actually clear if Woe was going by an alter ego or not, so avoided saying his name. "Now we need to plan our next steps. Me es lookin' tuh bring a few peepal from Saoire's Dream on bard. Yuh gat any cantacts en dere? Saoire es expectin' de ships tuh be available when de time comes soh she cun do 'er ting, but ontil den, we jost need tuh keep a low profile." He looked at Woe, the expert in such matters. "Right?"
word count: 378


When standing at his full height, Winston towers a full 1 foot and one blueberry tall. A fact he will happily demonstrate before flicking said blue orb into the air with his nose and then eating it with a snappy grin.

His eyes are dark and sharp, ringed by dark brown fur upon the bright white fur that sets off across the rest of his face.


Winston usually carries the following on his person:
  • Cassion's Locket hangs snugly around his neck.
  • Winston's Fairy Bell hangs from his tool-belt attached to his hip. It's 'ringer' is often bound by a small piece of cloth to prevent it giving away his position while in the wilderness.
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Re: [Egilrun - Sea Spray Ships] Time to float a boat!


A Wild Dragonling Approaches!

Woe could feel Soz getting closer to their position as the ferret spoke on his perceived blunders. In truth, if Woe had counted on him to disguise himself he would've told him flat out from the onset. It wasn't an inconvenience for Woe himself, afterall if the ferret's story began forming holes of its own accord. He didn't know exactly what was planned other than providing a pair of very capable ships to Isonomia and Faldrass, as a defense against potential incursions. Doubtless there would be others willing to plug those gaps in his tactics. He didn't think everyone involved in the protection and transplant of the Heart needed to be perfect, far from it. But they did need a modicum of canniness, luck, and above all courage.

"I don't have any contacts in Saoire's Dream, or her school. I've never visited." Woe said, with a wry look. "I may have been there once, in Saoire's Realm that is. But I was not at my best then, and didn't make many friends. I'll leave it at that."

When the ferret asked what they'd do now, Woe shrugged. "You'll leave my men at the nearest port, and I'll come by with the Scorpion's Smile, which isn't harbored far away from there." Woe thought about it, "I'm guessing you had some crew mates you had in mind to man the ship in Saoire's Dream? The men I chose are chosen for their discretion.
They will do well on the Scorpion's Smile.

"So, you'll leave them at safe harbor, not far from the school." This said, Soz let her soft cry echo over the clouds, as she descended upon Floaty, perching herself against the bannister, and slightly upsetting the balance of it on the water. Woe approached her, and stroked her beak. "I'll be around soon to pick up the rest of the men in Faldrass. Don't try to look for me when they depart. I won't be there."

This said, he mounted up on Soz, and flew off, as the two boats sailed along their path to Faldrass, while Woe flew toward Almund.

Last edited by Woe on Wed Feb 14, 2024 9:16 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 378
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Re: [Egilrun - Sea Spray Ships] Time to float a boat!


As Woe admitted that his impression on Saoire ('if' she knew of him at all) might not have been good, rather than being shocked, suprised or concerned, he simply chuckled. "De Dreamin' es nat a great place tuh judge peepal by dem's first impreshuns. Don't worry." Not that he thought his shadowy companion was worried about such things. "Ef we were always judged by de tings we fail tuh 'ide en Dream dat en Idalos we shield behind our masks... Et wud be an unforgivin' world." It was a philosophical observation not requiring retort as the ferret smiled happilly.

As the master in double entendre spoke, Winston was about to tumble right into the suggestion that it would be very helpful to have his men around, until he got that odd sensation that often happened around Woe, that this was not the most ideal plan. That he didn't have contacts in Saoire's Dream was not a big problem, because Winston himself did... very good contacts in fact... but it all came down to whether he could access them without giving the game away... This part of the process was definitely not his expertise. "Oh-kay. Right you ar. Yus. Ummmm..."

As he continued to fumble over his own words a voice spoke out, sensing his complete lack of decision on the matter, which was about as inconspicuous as a fox in a henhouse.

"We can find a crew at Saoire's Dream, I'm sure." Said the girl, with a voice of a child but the confidence of someone much older.
walked over from Chest where she had been, or at the very least,
where she was letting the crew believe she had been before

On seeing her, the ferret suddenly regained his momentum as he remembered her skill-set. "Oh! Yes! Af cars! All sarted." He said is a very unconvincing attempt at hiding that he'd forgotten something.

Winston nodded as Woe departed. It was with a little admiration that he looked upon the man setting off into the distance. He was obsequious in his observation of the ways of his craft and Winston had no doubt that if towards Almund he flew, it was to just about anywhere else he'd be going... Or was it a double-bluff? Whatever the case, like a dark angel of fortune he descended upon winston's need, delivered him to his destination and left to continue on whatever new threads he had to manage in the tapestry that was his agenda...

Which is to say... Winston liked him and didn't stop waving until he was a spec on the horizon.

"You know you don't have to wave forever." Asked Felicity rhetorically.

"Yup." There was a little more waving and an awkward pause as, for whatever reason, the ferret decided to double-down on the waving for comedy's sake.

"You are embarrassing yourself. Stated the girl firmly.

"Embarrassed? I'm nat embarrassed. Are yuh embarrassed?" She turned, said nothing and headed back to Chest to prepare for their work in Saoire's Dream.
word count: 520


When standing at his full height, Winston towers a full 1 foot and one blueberry tall. A fact he will happily demonstrate before flicking said blue orb into the air with his nose and then eating it with a snappy grin.

His eyes are dark and sharp, ringed by dark brown fur upon the bright white fur that sets off across the rest of his face.


Winston usually carries the following on his person:
  • Cassion's Locket hangs snugly around his neck.
  • Winston's Fairy Bell hangs from his tool-belt attached to his hip. It's 'ringer' is often bound by a small piece of cloth to prevent it giving away his position while in the wilderness.
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Re: [Egilrun - Sea Spray Ships] Time to float a boat!

Thread: [Egilrun - Sea Spray Ships] Time to float a boat!
City/Area: Egilrun
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Y - no further action needed
 ! Message from: Winston

Wealth Points Awarded: 64
word count: 115
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Re: [Egilrun - Sea Spray Ships] Time to float a boat!

Rewards Requested

Notes/Warnings: Naw

Thread: [Egilrun - Sea Spray Ships] Time to float a boat!
City/Area: Egilrun

Renown: Don't think so, they were very discrete about their chaos. Maybe some for Winston, who was there as himself.
Collaboration: Yes
 ! Message from: Fate
word count: 228
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Re: [Egilrun - Sea Spray Ships] Time to float a boat!

Your Review


Hello Winston. As always Winston had me smiling, and honestly giggling through this thread. Winston is a very active pc and is very much a surprise at ever turn. Though I will say my sympathies do lay with the builder once he discovered the names. Enjoy your ships. Thank you for the Read. Fate
  • Renown: 5
  • XP: 15
  • Knowledges:
    • Storytelling: Stories of the Sea
    • Singing: Shanties from shipwrights
    • Deception: Executing big deceptions with a master in the trade
    • Discipline: Suppressing fear you know is not real
    • Leadership: Standing your ground even against someone infinitely more experienced than you are when there is a plan to follow
    • Deception: Use disguises to hide your identity
    • Deception: Executing a master-plan in deception with a Master of the trade
  • Loot:
    • 2 x Masterwork Magical Brigs and 2 x Masterwork non-magical Brigs
  • Losses:
    • -40 WP crossed off of the Isonomia's Wealth Ledger


Hello Woe. I enjoyed Woe’s efforts to be less observant while working with Winston. He understands who is working with and adjust accordingly. His efforts to hide the ships are very impressive and once again enjoyed reading Woe work. Thank you for the Read. Fate.
  • XP: 15
  • Knowledges:
    • Deception: Disguising/hiding oneself in plain sight.
    • Deception: Projecting an illusion that is radically different in form from the base reality
    • Seafaring: Marking the distance one ship is to another
    • Seafaring: Marking a heading for the ship to take
    • Flying: Flying between two moving vessels
    • Flying: Flying back and forth
    • Socialization T2: Stealth Entendre: Good for talking about people without them understanding, while they're right there

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this review - drop me a PM.
word count: 284

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