Winston's Mailbox

Need to send a letter to a friend? Family member? Lover? Here you can post in character letters to other PCs that are not in your area. Take a look inside for more information and to see how long travel time is for letters.

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Winston's Mailbox

This is Winston's mailbox!

Note: It has a space to receive cakes.
Last edited by Winston on Wed Nov 09, 2022 8:06 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 13


When standing at his full height, Winston towers a full 1 foot and one blueberry tall. A fact he will happily demonstrate before flicking said blue orb into the air with his nose and then eating it with a snappy grin.

His eyes are dark and sharp, ringed by dark brown fur upon the bright white fur that sets off across the rest of his face.


Winston usually carries the following on his person:
  • Cassion's Locket hangs snugly around his neck.
  • Winston's Fairy Bell hangs from his tool-belt attached to his hip. It's 'ringer' is often bound by a small piece of cloth to prevent it giving away his position while in the wilderness.
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Re: Winston's Mailbox

Arrives: Vhalar 90th (via Eclipse portal).

Dear Winston,

Firstly, thank you so much for your kind letter.

While I was the Council Member for Welfare and spearheaded the abolishment of slavery on Scalvoris, it was a group effort which involved many, many people. However, on behalf of all those involved, I thank you so much for your kind words.

Most of all, thank you for the cake recipe! I am a very keen cook (I used to own Cally's restaurant in Scalvoris. Do you know it? If not, I'd recommend it - all profits it makes go to charity - Luna's Dream Orphanage, the Order of the Adunih and Isonomia). I will try this recipe out and I am sure that my children and I will love it! The idea of the ovens sounds amazing and I would love to hear about it. Thank you so much for thinking of me.

I very much look forward to sharing some cake with you - if you bring the cake, I'll bring some non-melting ice cream which keeps its form and consistency, even in hot things. Ice cream in coffee is quite amazing - but maybe we can have ice cream on hot cake? I am in Faldrass on the 100th Vhalar and will be there for 10 trials, then on Scalvoris for the final 13 trials of the season. Perhaps we could meet up in that time? If so- feel free to pop by Saoire's School and ask for me - any trial between 100th - 110th. I'll look forward to seeing you there!

With best regards,

Faith Augustin
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Re: Winston's Mailbox

Arrives: 3rd of Zi'da 722 in his mailbox in Sweetsong. Thread is here

Dear Winston,

I've had the most marvelous idea. Winter is coming, and indeed already here if my sense of these things doesn't fail. It will be important to get the food situation settled, and to keep our food security high in the village, I propose we devise a recipe for biscuits, pastries, and sauces that can keep over a long time. As well, I think adding effects to the food through alchemy would do well. I can perhaps show you a few things about alchemy while we're at it?

The effects I had thought to add, were important to me personally. Tunawa normally go dormant during cold seasons if they don't find a way to keep warm. I'm safe and settled for my part, with a cloak gifted by Vindecaldra, the Dragon I told you about. But my tribes people will go to sleep soon, and I'd like for them to participate in all the festivities to come, that winter has to offer. So I thought we could devise a way to keep them warm of a night, using your cooking and my alchemy to create a warming scone and sauce, that wards off the chilling effects of the cold.

What do you think? If this idea agrees with you, please visit the tree, Sweetstone. You can't mimss it, it's the glittering gemmite tree off to the east of Fool's Errand, not far on the outskirts of Sweetsong itself. I look forward to showing you around the tree, and discussing this further.

Your Friend,
Mädärä Kisaik Ciuruọrun sọ Kufuata Karo Kashe Däuä, Tìfmi Härumtä sọ anou Faewun Samuwar, ọbavi sọ tẹlẹ, igbaradi sọ anou tabi ọludïbọ, Saoire's chieja kẹmïkälï kukïrï, Kuzïngätïä Kore, Akoko Nọọsi, qy’akot o'Creede, Yeztlik'o' Nïtọsï Ẹrẹkẹ.
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Re: Winston's Mailbox

Arrives at Saoire's Dream 28th Cylus along with a rather large package (bigger than him). In that are

1. A large (would hold soup servings for 30 people) cauldron / cooking pot.
2. An Echo Box (see point bank) filled with food.
3. Recipies
4. Letters of introduction
5. A letter to take to the Bank.
6. 3 x Echo Scrolls.

Dear Winston,

First, thank you for your letter and for all you are doing for Scalvoris. I am of course very happy to help and so I offer you the following.

1. A Cooking Pot
This is a magic cooking pot which I am happy to loan to you until this crisis is passed. Throughout a single trial, it will replenish itself twenty times. You must make a full pot, then activate it and it will keep replenishing. Normally, it would feed 30 mortals of human size, so throughout a day it will feed 600.

2. A Recipe for Soup
Forgive me if this seems patronising but I would be remiss not to include this. It has been honed to provide the most nutrition possible with the ingredients available.

3. A Box
This Echo Box is filled with food for you - these are the ingredients for the soup recipe, and should be enough for three or four trials. I will refill it every trial, so that will keep you going in soup.

4. Letters of Introduction
These are letters to specific people on Scalvoris that I know - people like Kura, the Alberach, the people at Cally's, etc. While I have no doubt that they would help you anyhow, these are personal introductions and assurances of support. They probably won't do more than you already can, but just in case anyone is reticent. There's also a generic one.

5. Letter for Bank
There's a letter for the Bank. This will allow you to withdraw a significant amount of money50WP in order to help with your relief efforts. If you need more, don't hesitate to ask and know that the reception at the school is able to facilitate that, also, as they bank every day.

6. Three Echo Scrolls
The one with white ribbon is to me. The one with green ribbon is to the head of the Order of the Adunih in Scalvoris Town (she can communicate with all other Order Outposts) and the one with blue ribbon is to the Isonomia HQ in Scalvoris. They will help you and are there to help people.

Winston, if you are happy to do so, then there is a lot of work to be done in terms of overseeing and organising. Would you liaise with the Order and Isonomia and get the support needed to Faldrass? I will be arriving later to-trial, once I have sorted things here, and I will be based in Scalvoris Town. Please, stay in touch.

With best regards,

Faith Augustin

50 WP deducted from my WP ledger.
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Re: Winston's Mailbox

Two letters arrive at the very end of Ashan:
Dear Winston,

Thank you very much for making a gift for Ayla’s seventh birth trial! I’m quite impressed with your alchemical chimes! I wonder if you could apply the same principles to improve musical instruments such as a piano, a flute or a violin in order to make them sound more beautiful and add extra qualities to them! The last chime was especially delightful, by the way!

I gave your gift to Ayla during her birth trial party, and she was quite fascinated and played with them for a while. She was a bit hesitant at first, but she did end up licking the chime that tasted of cake. I wish you could have seen the look on her face! She even cleaned it afterwards!

I also love the alchemical chew! Potion vials can break (Although I plan on inventing unbreakable alchemical glass sometime!). Have you ever thought of turning healing potions into chews? You could probably make a fortune and become the richest man in Idalos!

I’d love to visit Scalvoris with my family next cycle and visit you. Which date(s) would be most convenient? I don’t want to show up on your doorstep when you are busy! We should collaborate sometime, by the way! I’d also love to show you some of my own inventions!

Ayla hasn’t mastered the art of writing letters yet, but I did include a short thank you note from her!


Tristan Venora

Dear Winston,

Thank you for the chimes!

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Re: Winston's Mailbox

104th of Ashan 723

Dear Mr. Miller,

I've read your flyer about the need for a mage that can heal. While I have my doubts that you'll attract much of the kind of attention you're after, at least from any sane or reasonable mage, I do know of one such person who might be persuaded to participate in such a grisly ritual. My husband, Rakvald has been AWOL from Scalvoris for cycles on end. While his business sustains our family's lifestyle well enough, and he directs the funds from the Feats of Strength to my account on behalf of our daughter, we'd much prefer to have him at home.

We've heard a thing or two about you, and think you may be just the person to persuade him to return to Scalvoris. Just if you do, please inform me of his arrival.

Rakvald is an Archmage Grafter of incredibly skill, which is to say that he has access to the most potent healing magics in existence, to my knowledge. His skill is such, I understand, that he can regrow entire limbs without a solitary a worry. I assume he's capable of much more than that, but I am blissfully ignorant about any other details of his bloody and grisly magic.

Perhaps if you send him a letter, he may be persuaded to come to Scalvoris. He does enjoy talking shop about magic. Frankly I find it insufferable, but someone like you might enjoy his antics.

Ildred Gallows
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Re: Winston's Mailbox

Date Sent: Ashan 121st 723

Dear Mister Winston Miller,

First, my name is Rakvald. Rakvald Devukrantz if you want to be formal. While I acknowledge that Ildred and I are 'wed', we do not share the same name. It's a common mistake. Now to the heart of the matter:

When I received your invitation, I was very happy to hear of someone who has such a passionate curiosity for the arcane. However, I am confused. When you say 'exchange magic' do you mean through initiation? At first I thought it quaint that you would offer material wealth for induction into a long arcane lineage, such as Graft, or think of it as some form of 'donation'. I thought for certain I misunderstood, so would you tell me in simple terms what you mean?

Your work in the alchemical field sounds promising. I've not delved into the practice myself, but would like to hear more of what you have to share in this regard.

The treats you sent were delightful, and my daughter Svartholda found the side-effects quite amusing, from what I heard. Thank you.

All this said, we can talk about these things in person if you like, come the next cycle. You can explain your interest in a 'magical exchange' to me then. I am and will be in Scalvoris early in Ymiden, if you could all on me at the Feats of Strength gymnasium. That is my business in Scalvoristown, and probably the best place to find me there.

My Best,

Rakvald Devukrantz

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Re: Winston's Mailbox

A peculiar correspondence came in the form of a word-of-mouth invitation to Winston Miller, in his office in Isonomia headquarters in Rharne.

A woman had been coming into the office in the evening, up until the very end of Zi'da, asking for Winston Miller, and asking if she could interview him on his experience in the Burning of Rharne, and the aftermath.

Whoever took the message from her, told Winston also that he'd be welcome to bring a long any friends who were similarly involved in that affair, or else anyone who had interesting stories to relate to a budding chronicler.

That was all the detail they gave Winston. For whatever reason, the one who took the messages couldn't quite remember who left the message.

A final invitation was left on the beginning of the Zi'da season, the 1st, where the woman appeared in person again, for a final time.
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Re: Winston's Mailbox

15th Cylus, 724.
15th Cylus, 724.
From the desk of the Acting Militant of Scalvoris: Vega Creede.

To: Winston Millar.

Dear Winston,

Kura has asked me to be the Militant on a temporary basis. I am hoping that I can do a good job and am writing to ask your help.

1. I intend to ensure that communication is absolutely the best it can be between groups and to me. Are you able to provide - on a loan - any of the communication devices you created?
2. I am increasing Scalvoris' naval fleet. I am asking business owners and private owners to temporarily donate boats. Again, if you can help that would be excellent.
3. If I can be of any assistance or you feel there are any military matters which should be given attention, please don't hesitate.

I would like to arrange a meeting with you to discuss security in your upcoming event. Please let me know when we can meet.


Vega Creede.

Please reply to this office

Dear Wiinstan

I got made militant! Thare goes the island. Let me know if theres anyething what you need.

word count: 190

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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Re: Winston's Mailbox

Date of Arrival: 1st of Ymiden 724

An unmarked package arrives to Chest's mailbox on this date. It contains the deed for Onyx Hall as well as all the employment contracts for its employees. It also includes the holo-com and echo box and scroll that pairs to an echo box and scroll Winston owns.

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